Chapter Seventeen - Unity

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Ben stood in his room, staring at his reflection in the mirror. His black robes complimented the color of his hair nicely. He'd always looked good in black, or so his mother had told him when he was young. She had so enjoyed dressing him up in suits and fancy attire. This was the first time he'd worn anything so fancy and anything aside from his First Order uniform since he left Luke's Jedi Academy. The fact that it was black too bothered him slightly, but it was still traditional to wear a black suit for a wedding. Especially if you were the groom.

Every now and then a thought would enter his mind, questioning Rey's commitment to him but he was quick to shake it. He was through living in fear and through living with so much doubt. That was how he got into this mess. Never again would he doubt his family's love for him. And Rey was his family. Rey and the child she carried. He wondered how long it would be before she started showing. He also wondered if the others knew about her pregnancy. It was unlikely that she would have told them so soon. She probably feared that they would be angered by the fact that she carried his child. Whether or not she did so willingly. He also doubted they would believe the truth. They would question what happened between him and Rey, and Ben feared the answer they would choose to believe.

   There was also the fact that although Ben and Rey had known each other for a little over a year, it was concerning that they had barely gotten to know one another. The man that Rey had gotten to know and see in the past, wasn't the man he was today. Any of their previous encounters had always been brief and... well... argumentative. They hadn't truly gotten to know one another during their interactions. Well... he had gotten to know Rey. But did she truly know him? All he had ever shown her during that time was his unfulfillable need for power. A downfall of joining the dark side. Still, that was no excuse and yet, Rey always found a way to see through to him. To who he really was. So maybe she did know him. They had become very familiar with one another through their dyad after all. But was that truly enough to be married so quickly? There was a slight part of Ben that felt he had rushed into the decision of getting married.

   Ben tried to shake the doubt once again. He knew for a fact that he loved Rey. There was also the fact that she was the mother of the child they'd convinced. Albeit, not a natural conception, but she still carried their child. His child. Getting married would be the best thing for the baby. There was no doubt about that. He wanted his son or daughter to grow up with a stable family. With parents who loved each other and stayed by one another's side. But Ben also didn't want Rey to ever feel that he chose to marry her out of obligation. Ben meant what he said when he told her he had loved her from the moment he saw her. He remembered the excitement and also fear in her eyes as he approached her. She was so desperate for something new. For adventure.

   But from the moment Ben reached into her mind he could sense a great sadness. A sense of abandonment and loneliness. All the same emotions and feelings he had felt over the past years before their first encounter. He had allowed himself to be consumed by the dark side, but that didn't make the yearning for a family go away. It didn't tame the need for affection or comfort. Or love... Ben had never found much solace in his parents or uncles presence. Perhaps it was because of his own stubbornness. Or perhaps it was because his father was always away. But most likely it was because they never much acted like a family. He knew his parents lived one another, but they always spent their time arguing. But with Rey, it was different. Perhaps it was just the connection of their dyad... but Ben could feel that there was more to it than that. There was something missing in both of their lives before all this. They needed each other.

   It was difficult not knowing how much of his thoughts Rey could hear and process. He could feel her emotions and sense her thoughts, but it was hit or miss. There was no specific time or place that he could hear her. So it must be the same for her. The last thing he needed was for her to tap into his thoughts during a time like this. Ben knew it was probably just pre-wedding anxiety. He only hoped that with time, he and Rey would come to know one another much better. Beyond the means of their past trauma and affection. He wanted to truly know Rey. But he didn't want to risk waiting and losing her forever. They'd been through too much to postpone the thing they most desired. To be together. At last. Ben just hoped that Rey wouldn't come to regret marrying him so quickly.

   Ben took a deep breath, trying to relieve himself of his current thought process. He had faith in their love. Rey had tried so hard for Ben, so many times. She searched for him, fought for him, even almost died for him. She never gave up on him. Marriage would be the least of their worries. Ben loved Rey... and Rey loved Ben. Nothing could break them or destroy their love. Not power. Not people. Not even death. Ben sighed. They had both been through so much together... Sacrificed so much for one another... Witnessed endless tragedy's together... and soon... they would bring a child into this world together. Ben wanted to be sure that the world would be a better place for their little one. If that meant starting with him then so be it. For the baby, and for Rey.

Just then, the door opened and in walked the two generals. Their faces remained very serious, and, on what should have been a very joyous occasion, they're expressions remained grim. Ben stifled a groan and sighed. He approached Finn and Poe, then nodded and bowed accordingly. "Generals." He greeted them as politely as he could manage. Poe grunted. "Solo." Finn cleared his throat and stepped forward. "Before we can condone this marriage, we need you to make your intentions clear. I'm sure you understand why we would question your motives after... well, your past history." Ben listened, standing a little straighter. "But we care for Rey and are asking as her friends. Not her commanding officers." Ben nodded. He had expected this and prepared for it.

So, keeping his expression serious and severe, he determinedly replied. "I intend to love, protect, and provide for Rey and the child she bears. Our child." He emphasized 'our'. "I will be the husband she deserves, even though I have not been the man she has deserved thus far." Ben sighed. "I know that you have no reason to trust me, and in fact you have every reason to see me as a monster. But I have changed. I wish I had seen the truth sooner but I was ignorant and stubborn. I was wrong and I'm not afraid to admit it. But I can assure you, when I died, Kylo Ren died with me. I came back a new man, a man I have not been in a very long time... I am Ben Solo." Finn seemed to be listening intently but Poe was still skeptical. "How do we know that all of this isn't a lie?" Ben shrugged. "You'll just have be believe me. But mostly, you should believe in Rey. She hasn't steered you wrong before. Trust her."

That was all it took for Finn sigh and reach out. Ben took his hand and Finn shook it. "I might not like you still, but if Rey is happy then that's what matters most." Poe rubbed the stubble along his chin, still skeptical, but also shook Ben's hand. "Before all of this, you may have been a good man. We might have even gotten along. I hope you are able to find your way back. But I'm telling you this now. You take care of Rey. Don't you hurt her, or you'll have us, and the rest of the Resistance to deal with." Ben nodded, smirking slightly. Finn bumped Poe's shoulder with his elbow. "Who're you kidding pal? If he messes this up, Rey would obliterate him before we could lay a finger on him."

All three of them began laughing, knowing that Finn was indeed right. When the laughter had died down, Poe placed a hand on Ben's shoulder. "We give you our blessing for this marriage. We've already given it to Rey, but now that we have spoken to you and know your intentions, we now offer it to you personally. I realize that the war is over and it is time to move on. If we don't let the past die, then we can never truly look forward to the future. And as far as I can see, the future, is a bright one. So let us keep the peace and live to the fullest extent. At last." Poe said, grinning upon that last part. Ben couldn't agree more. 'At last', suited the end of the war perfectly.

   Finn nodded in agreement then turned to Poe. "Come on, General. The ceremony will begin shortly and I do believe that you are the one conducting it. So you need to get ready." Poe looked at his watch then sighed and nodded. "Very well. I hope all goes well today," he said looking at Ben. Ben nodded and Poe saluted him before he and Finn left the room, allowing Ben to finish getting ready. That went better than he had expected. Finn and Poe weren't as bad as he thought. There would always be old rivalry, but at least they were all willing to try to get along. If not for the sake of the Resistance then for Rey's sake.

   Time was passing quickly now. It was only an hour before the wedding when Ben arrived at the temple. Chewy greeted him, along with Poe and Finn. They were all dressed and ready. There were also several other women, finishing the decorations while the men moved benches and chairs for the guests. There wouldn't be many people, but Rey has selected a few members of the Resistance whom she had become close to. Ben searched the crowd for any familiar faces when something tugged on his robe and forced him to bend over. It was then that he felt a hand on his ear and he flinched. "Hi Maz."

Maz squinted, examining Ben. "Hm... These robes are practically ancient but they'll do. You cleaned up nicely Ben Solo. I knew you would when I foretold your return to the light. The girl had no idea what I meant back then. Such a long time ago." Ben's brow furrowed and he frowned. "You told Rey I would return to the light?" Maz nodded. "Long before you two even met." Ben groaned and rolled his eyes. "That's why she was so insistent and wouldn't relent." Maz yanked his ear and Ben flinched again. "That girl wouldn't relent because she knew there was good in you. And she was right! So you better behave yourself young Skywalker. I am never wrong. You don't want to be the one to prove me wrong. Do you?"

Quite possibly scared for his life, Ben shook his head. "No Maz. Don't worry. I'm back now. For good." Maz nodded and released his ear. "Good. Keep it that way." She said before walking off to join Chewy. Ben rubbed his ear, praying he never got on her bad side when he heard laughter from behind. He turned to see a girl approaching him. She had short hair and bangs that framed her face with olive skin and almond shaped eyes. She smiled and held out her hand. Ben shook it hesitantly. "I'm Rose Tico." A man then came up behind her and she introduced him. "And this is Beaumont. We are Rey's friends." Ben nodded, unsure of what to say. "Nice to meet you."

The girl, Rose, studied him for a moment then nodded. "I can see why Rey is attracted to you." Ben's eyes widened and Beaumont looked away awkwardly. Rose tilted her head. "Don't worry. I'm taken. I'm Finn's girlfriend. I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. There are many girls in the Resistance jealous of our Rey, you know. You are quite the catch. Others aren't all too fond of you. But don't worry. Everything will clear itself up with time." She grinned. "So, welcome to the Resistance." Ben smiled, unsure of what else to say. "I have to go now, Rey wanted my help getting ready." Rose said and trotted off. Ben looked at Beaumont. "Quite straightforward, isn't she?" He asked and the man shrugged. Ben could tell he was uncomfortable. "I'll go now. Nice meeting you." Ben said, hoping to avoid any conflict.

   Ben walked awkwardly to a corner and stood there, unsure of what to do or where to stand. A few minutes later Finn approached him. The general clamped a hand down on Ben's shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "You look a little confused for this being your own wedding, don't ya think? Geeking a little out of place?" Ben frowned. "Well, I've never exactly been a part of one of these things. I haven't attended a formal gathering of this sort since my mother sent me away to Luke's academy. I've only been present at... well... meetings and such." Finn seemed to realize what he meant and nodded. "Well, you might not want to, but you could stick with me until the ceremony. I'm kinda going to be the best man since there's no one else to fill the position."

With a nod, Ben followed Finn over to where the alter was being decorated. It wouldn't be long now, before Rey was walking down the isle, wearing a gown of all white. Ben had asked her to wear his grandmothers wedding dress, as it was still on the island, and he knew it would look beautiful on her. Of course it was her choice, but with such a short timespan, it would be difficult to find a dress or have one custom made. Ben wished that Rey had more time to hand pick everything for their wedding. The decorations, her dress, the location. Down to the last detail. But with the growth of the baby professing as it was, Rey wanted to be married before the birth... and before she was showing too much. The last thing they needed was the whole Resistance thinking that their greatest war hero had a scandalous affair with their greatest enemy before he had turned to the light. Thankfully Rey had seemed delighted to wear his grandmothers dress. Hopefully it fit her well with the baby bump starting to show through.

Ben smiled to himself. He was truly grateful he had gotten to meet his grandmother. He hadn't thought much of her during his youth. He had been told plenty about his grandfather, but since his grandmother had died during his mother and uncles birth, she wasn't spoken of very often. Ben felt a great deal of guilt and was somewhat ashamed that he had never asked more about his grandmother. Ben remembered his mother once telling him when he was little what she remembered about her mother. Little things like the sound of her voice, the way her hair framed her face, and the pain in her eyes. It was a miracle his mother remembered that much so shortly after birth. But it was still no excuse. At the very least he could have researched her. The history books were full of information about her. She was, after all, a very prominent political figure from a very young age. But despite knowing of her, Ben never sought to know more.

However, during his time in the World Between Worlds, he had come to learn about the impact his grandmother had had in his grandfathers life. She was the reason that he turned to the dark side, just as Rey was the reason Ben had turned to the light. Anakin had loved Padmè so much, that he had turned to the dark side in an effort to protect her. He thought that with power, he would be able to save her from the fate of dying during childbirth. What Anakin had failed to realize was that his desire for power was what caused his beloved wife's death. That was what Ben had failed to realize as well. His thirst for power was simply selfishness and greed. Ben now knew that his grandmother was wise and kind and a beloved ruler.... and, she was the reason his grandfather became the man he was. Now, Ben could say that he was proud to be the grandson of Padmè Amidala.

   Everyone was bustling to finish up the last touches on the decorations by now. Ben had to admit, for the short amount of time they had, everyone had really come together to make this day special. The chairs were draped in white fabric and flowers hung from above. Almost everything was completely white except for the slight antique discoloration to the edges of the fabric. It looked very much like Rey's old clothes. Sand stained. But for some reason, it added a rustic look. The flowers were a combination of white and very pale pink roses. There's was no red in sight. Ben assumed for a reason. No reminders of his past life or the empire. But Ben was perfectly fine with that. It wouldn't be long now. The wedding would be starting very shortly and Ben couldn't wait to see Rey walk down the isle.

It wasn't long after that everyone began to assume their positions. The guests took their seats, Finn came to stand next to Ben, and Poe presumed his place in the center of the alter. Ben stood still, almost frozen. He wasn't sure if he was standing in the right place but nobody corrected him so he assumed he was. Finn was to the left of him and Poe was to the right. Rey could come and stand on the other side of Poe. Seemed about right. Thought after thought ran through Bens mind all at once when suddenly there was silence. Peace took him over the moment he sensed her. He couldn't see her, but she had an overwhelming combination of emotions that caused her presence to be strong. Both calm and excited. It relieved Ben to know that she didn't have any feelings or regret or hesitation. He could feel it. She was ready.... and so was he.

   Suddenly, music began playing and the guests all turned. Ben took a moment to fix his posture and stand up straight with his shoulders back like his mother had taught him when he was young. As the two girls Rey had chosen for her bridesmaids walked down the isle first, Ben steeled himself to see her. Rose came first, then a brunette girl, both wearing light pink, then Chewy stepped out, bearing Rey on his arm. Ben inhaled deeply and held his breath. She looked so beautiful. His grandmothers dress fit her splendidly and the color matched with the beaded made her look like royalty. Just like his grandmother was. Her veil covered her hair but not her face, making it so that Ben could see her ecstatic expression. She looked so happy. It filled Ben's heart with joy to know he was the reason for her happiness.

As Rey walked down the isle, Ben made sure to let her see his grin. Their eyes met, making them both smile even wider. When she reached the alter, she kissed Chewy on the cheek and he handed her off to Ben. Rey reached out and took Ben's hand and gave him a wide, toothy, white grin. Ben gave her hand a gentle squeeze as they both turned to face Poe. "Friends and family, we are gathered here today to join Ben Solo and Rey..." Poe hesitated, unsure. "... our beloved war heroine, in holy matrimony..." The ceremony continued with no objections and finally Poe came to the part where Rey and Ben would say their vows. "Do you, Ben, take Rey to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?"

Ben smiled, giving Rey's hand a gentle squeeze. "I do," he said, proudly. This was the one thing he had only ever been certain of in his entire life. The one thing that had felt one hundred percent right. The first thing, that Ben would do on his journey to becoming a better man. A better man for his wife. Ben's heart leapt at the thought. Rey Solo, his beautiful, amazing, wonderful wife. As of this moment, they were becoming one. Ben smiled to himself. They were already one. The dyad they shared was more powerful than mere words. Yet, saying their vows, pledging themselves to one another... somehow felt more powerful. Words were a powerful thing, and they would make this union official.

   With a nod, Poe turned to Rey. "And do you, Rey, take Ben to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?" Ben looked at his beloved Rey, awaiting her answer, although he already knew what it would be. Rey's nose scrunched up as she grinned and nodded her head excitedly. "Yes. Yes, I do!" She exclaimed excitedly, bouncing up and down with anticipation. When Poe finally pronounced them husband and wife, Rey jumped into Ben's arms, cupped his face with both hands, and pulled him as close as she could in their best kiss yet. It was electrifying but calming, like the midst of a storm and yet the calm after all at once. Peaceful and exhilarating. But most of all... it felt like home.

Author's Note: Hello everyone! I am so so sorry about the postponed update. Life has been a rollercoaster of emotions, trails, and tribulations the past few years. To those of you who still have this in your library or reading list and read this update then thank you for being so loyal. I know it's not easy waiting around. Especially for over two years.  Again, I truly am sorry. I haven't been able to even think about writing with everything going on in my life but I am hopeful that I will be able to continue this small writing streak and finish at least this story up. I can't make any promises cause I do not wish to get any hopes up but I will try to finish it before anything else gets too crazy in life. Thank you again for reading!! I hope you enjoyed!

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