Chapter Sixteen - Amends

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With a grin, Poe walked over to congratulate Rey. She smiled so brightly that he could practically see the joy emanating from her expression. Ben Solo made her truly happy, and for that, Poe was glad. Solo didn't seem half bad now that he was not Kylo Ren. He was welcoming and friendly, and seemed kind enough to those who greeted him. He truly had changed, Poe could see that much. There was no trace of the former menace known as Kylo Ren. There was nothing to fear anymore. The Supreme Leader was dead, figuratively and mentally. Poe smiled to himself. Perhaps things had worked out for the better. Their happy ending was falling into place.

Rey was happy and healthy. She was to be married and would soon have a baby. The child would grow up with a father and a mother. Poe smiled gently. That was how it should be. A child should live to know the love of a mother and a father. Poe could see that Ben already loved Rey and the baby with all of his being. He could tell when someone was in love, and that was the only thing that Ben Solo portrayed. Complete and utter love for Rey and the baby. Solo would make a good father and husband. He would be able to love and protect his family, and Poe intended to keep constant contact with the Solo family, Rey especially, to offer any help or support needed.

When Finn released Rey, Poe came up and gave her a hug. "I'm so happy for you, Rey." Rey squeezed him. "Thank you." She pulled away and met Poe's eye. "I know that it can't be easy for you to accept him, but I thank you for being so understanding." Rey sighed. "Ben has done many terrible things under the alias of Kylo Ren." She looked back at Ben who was now conversing with Finn. "But you must realize, he is not who he was then. Ben is a new person and has changed. Much for the better." Poe smiled gently. "I can see that, Rey. You don't have to explain it to me. Ben Solo has returned to the light and it was because of his love for you. Anybody can see that. I can see how very much in love you two are. And so..."

Poe swallowed back his doubts. "As my gift to you in honor of your wedding, I give Ben Solo full pardon..." Rey's smile grew and Poe continued. "As well as, he shall enter in the ranks of the Resistance as a hero." Rey's hand flew to her mouth and her eyes widened. "You really mean it?" She asked excitedly but cautiously. She was hesitant as if for fear it might be some sort of trick. Poe laughed and nodded. Rey threw her arms around Poe's neck and squealed. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Poe pulled her into a great bear hug and lifted her off the ground, spinning her slightly. "Shall we tell your fiancé?" Poe asked her as he set her on her feet.

"I have already heard, Dameron." Poe turned to see Solo standing behind them. He looked over at Rey then nodded. "And I offer my thanks." Ben smiled. "General." He said, dipping his head in a bow. Poe waved a dismissive hand. "Honestly I think Rey would have killed me personally if I had you locked up and quite frankly, I don't think we could manage." Ben tilted his head. "I do wonder if I should take that as a compliment." Poe chuckled and Ben sighed. "I know that I have committed many inexcusable crimes. I can not justify my acts but I do ask forgiveness." Poe shrugged. "You've been pardoned Solo. It is all over-with." Ben shook his head. "I may have been pardoned, but I am asking your forgiveness personally."

This took Poe by surprise. Had Ben Solo actually come to Poe, his former enemy, and asked forgiveness? For what? For torturing him? For being the cause of so much death among Poe's his friends? Or was it merely for the relief of conviction? Ben sighed and met Poe's gaze. "I did many horrible things. To you and many of those you love. I do offer my sincerest apology." Poe narrowed his eyes, scanning Ben's expression skeptically. "Are you truly sorry?" Ben nodded. "Then stop reading my mind." Ben hesitated but stepped back, closing himself off. The embarrassment in his expression upon being caught, took Poe by surprise but he relished that one victorious moment then walked over and held out his hand.

Solo hesitantly took Poe's hand and he shook it. "All is forgiven." Poe said truthfully. "I commend you and offer you full ranks as a member of the Resistance." Ben smiled. "I appreciate that General, but I've got a family to look after and I think it's time that Rey and I settle down and find a little peace in this world. I no longer wish to fight." Poe smiled. "You'll have your rank nonetheless. The war is over Solo. There will not be any need to fight now." Ben nodded but there was something in his eyes that told Poe he still have some thrill for the battle. "If ever you shall need the assistance of the Jedi, we will only be a call away." Poe nodded and smiled.

"You know what this means right?" Ben asked and Poe shook his head. Ben smirked. "Well it means that you're no longer the best pilot in the Resistance." Poe raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms. "I don't think so pal." Ben laughed. "I piloted under my father for many years before I began my Jedi training. I am descended from three of the best pilots in the galaxy. Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, and Han Solo. Flying is in my blood, Dameron." Poe stroked the stubble on his chin. "I never knew old Luke and Han were pilots. And I've never heard of this Anakin Skywalker." Poe said, tormenting Solo. Ben growled. "Well that doesn't change one fact." Poe raised an eyebrow. "And what might that be?" Ben smiled. "Now I'm the best pilot in the resistance." Poe opened his mouth to argue but a voice called out from behind.

"Let's not argue boys." Poe and Ben turned to see Rey. She smiled tauntingly. "We all know that I'm the best pilot in the Resistance." She said with a wink. "Is that so?" Poe asked and Rey crossed her arms. "You better believe it." Ben looked at Poe and raised an eyebrow. "She's so sure." Ben said with a slight shake of his head. Poe nodded. "Would you like to put that to a bet, little lady?" Reys eyes narrowed. "Any day." Finn, who stood beside Rey, burst out laughing. "Be careful guys. You didn't see her fly that day we met on Jakku. She's a pretty good pilot." Rey crossed her arms. "The best," she said, determinate.

   Ben walked over to her side and put arm around her shoulders. "Alright love. We believe you. Lets not get too riled up over it. No need to go exciting the baby." Rey growled. "The baby is fine! I can still fly." Ben shook his head. "Not in a race. Not on my watch. It's too dangerous." Rey growled, causing Poe to chuckle. "Don't worry sweetheart. We'll have a race as soon as you've had that baby." Poe said and Rey grumbled. "Thats months away!" Ben frowned. "Well you're just going to have to wait." Rey crossed arms and pouted. Rey kept her angry gaze on Ben and Poe laughed. "You've got a feisty one here." Ben nodded. "Don't I know it."

Rey looked up at Ben and her eyes narrowed into thin slits. "What do you mean by that?" She asked defensively. Ben crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "I can recall a few times you almost killed me in your fiery attitude and uncontrolled rage." Rey's jaw dropped. "You're one to talk about uncontrolled rage!" Ben rolled his eyes and growled. "But I never tried to kill you. You attempted to do so not once but twice and almost succeeded the second time." Rey gasped. "That is unfair! I healed you the second time!" Poe laughed at their antics and shook his head in disappointment. "You two aren't even married yet and already you're arguing like an old married couple." Rey rolled her eyes and Ben howled with laughter.

   Poe looked up at Rey, who was still furious with both of them and smiled. "I almost forgot. I've got something for you sweetheart." That seemed to perk Rey up a bit. She turned her head and tilted it a fraction. "What is it?" She asked. Poe smiled and walked over to his X-Wing. Then, pulling out an X-Wing helmet, he walked back to Fey and presented it to her. She looked at the helmet skeptically. "Poe? Is that your helmet?" Poe grinned. "No. It's yours." A crease formed in Rey's brow as she took the helmet from his hands. "I don't understand." Poe chuckled and took the helmet from her hands then put it on her head. "This is your helmet. The one from Jakku that you've always told me about. I had someone fetch it for me then had it polished up." Rey's eyes widened. "Really?" Poe nodded and she grinned. "Thank you so much!"

Chuckling, Poe over looked at Ben. "So, how did you come by this beauty?" He said motioning to the chateau. He was seriously curious as to how Ben and Rey could afford a place like this. It had to be expensive. It looked as if it were owned by royalty... Then it clicked. Ben Solo was Leia's son. Leia was once a princess. This villa must have been owned by their family. Ben smiled. "It belonged to my grandmothers family." Poe nodded with a smile. He'd hit it right on the nail. "It looks like the perfect place to raise a family." He said and Ben smiled. "That was the idea." Poe looked around at the group. "So is this where we will be staying?" Poe asked and Ben dipped his head in a gentle nod. "But of course. Shall I show you to your rooms?"

With a slight nod, Poe began to follow Ben but Rey grabbed his arm. "Wait. Poe... there was something we wanted to ask you." A line formed in Poe's brow. "Ask away." Rey looked over to Ben and he nodded, smiling gently. "Ben and I were wondering if you would marry us. You could legally perform the ceremony as General of the Resistance. If you don't want to, there is a minister in Varykino, but we truly wanted you to do it." Poe stared at Rey, aghast. It was true that he could legally wed them, but why did they want him to do it? "I'd be happy to. But why me?" Rey smiled. "Because, you are the one who led us to victory, who better to lead us into marriage?" Poe laughed and smiled. "Then yes, of course I will."

Smiling, Rey threw her arms around Poe's neck and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you!" She squealed and Poe chuckled. "You're welcome, sweetheart." Ben stood to the side, watching the touching scene between a sister and a brother. After a few seconds he raised an eyebrow. "Shall we show them to their rooms now, my love?" He asked Rey and she blushed then nodded. Poe smiled. "I'll catch up with you. There's something I have to do first." Rey smiled and nodded then followed Ben towards the villa. But before Ben entered the building, he turned to face Poe. "And Dameron?" He said and Poe looked up to face Ben. "My mother sends her regards." He said, taking Poe by surprise. Poe stared at him, aghast and Ben smiled with a small chuckle before turning and entering the villa.

   Poe stared at Solo's retreating figure, trying to register what he had just said. His mother sent her regards? How was that possible? Leia was dead. Poe's eyes widened and a startling thought came to mind. Had Leia returned from the afterlife as well? Just as her son and Rey had? If that was true then where could she be... Then it hit him. Ben Solo had died. He must have seen his mother in the afterlife. It shook Poe to the bone to know that Ben had seen Leia. But t also saddened him to know that she was not returning. Poe sighed. Did she truly tell Ben to send her regards? Or had Solo just made that up? Did Leia truly care about Poe enough to think of him after her death? Surely he wasn't that important to her.

   Shaking his head to get out of his own thoughts, Poe took a step towards the group and caught Zorii by the arm before she could follow the others. "May I speak with you?" He asked and she nodded hesitantly before following him out to the balcony. Poe swallowed, his throat constricting as the nervousness finally set in. Poe led her out, counting the seconds to distract his overactive mind. He'd been preparing himself for this moment for days. If he waited any longer then he didn't think he'd be able to carry it through. He'd contemplated too long, it was past time. Poe reached up and pulled the chain from around his neck without Zorii noticing, then took a deep breath and stopped walking.

   Poe turned to face Zorii and she met his gaze. Her expression became soft as she saw the unsettling look in his eye. Zorii laid a hand on Poe's arm and scanned his expression. "I'm sorry. I know you've missed Leia. She was your mentor, in a way, wasn't she? I'm sure Solo meant well. He probably didn't know how much his words would affect you.." Poe turned to Zorii and smiled. "I know he meant well. There's nothing to apologize for. Hearing him say that meant the world to me." Poe hesitated then sighed. "I didn't think Leia thought much of me. She and my mother had been close friends. Leia always treated me kindly, and was a good friend to my mother."

"After my mother died, she took me in and treated me like a son. I thought of her as a mother after my own mother died. But I never knew if she had done it out of obligation or devotion to my mother or because she felt sorry for me. I never knew she thought so highly of me..." Poe sighed. "Until I discovered she made me General after her death. When she chose to make me commanding general I was confused, but now, after what Ben has told me... I understand." Zorii tilted her head. "What understanding have you found?" She asked and Poe smiled. "That Leia actually did care for me."

   With a sigh, Zorii placed her hand on Poe's arm. "Why wouldn't she? Just because you think so little of yourself doesn't mean everybody else does. Of course Leia cared for you." Poe smirked slightly. "You never even met her." Zorii scoffed and rolled her eyes. "It's hard not to care about you." Poe raised an eyebrow. "What are you saying, Bliss?" Zorii grunted and punched him slightly. "I think you know exactly what I'm saying." Poe scoffed and smiled. "You're so patronizing." He said and she smile spitefully. "What did you want to speak to me about, Poe?" Zorii asked, tilting her head in question. Poe took a deep breath. This was it. It was time.

Slowly, Poe bent down, bracing his elbow on his knee. Zorii's eyes widened. "What are you doing, Dameron?" She asked, her voice timid. Poe raised an eyebrow. "I think you know exactly what I'm doing." Zorii shook her head. "Don't...." Poe shook his head in retaliation. "I have to do this. I have to tell you how I feel." He pulled out the ring, and unthreaded it from the chain. Poe fingered the cool metal, and slowly held the ring up so that Zorii could see. She gasped and raised a hand to her mouth. Poe swallowed then continued. "Zorii Bliss. Will you be my wife?" Zorii didn't reply. She just stared at him with an unreadable expression.

   Poe began to panic but then he realized that he needed to say more. "I'm sorry I left. It wasn't because I didn't love you, but I couldn't live with myself. I needed to fight back against the First Order who enslaved us and stole our freedom." Poe reached it and took Zorii's hand. "Leia gave me that opportunity and I took it. I never meant to hurt you. And... I didn't think you felt the same way. I was foolish." Poe took a deep breath. "But even if you don't feel the same way, I need to tell you how I feel." Pow met her eyes and held her gaze. "I love you Zorii Bliss, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I never want to be separated from you again. Please... tell me that I won't have to be and that you'll be my wife."

   Zorii stared at Poe a long while before taking a step back and drawing her hand out of his. "Poe... You know that I care for you, I always have and I always will, but marriage...? I don't know if I'm ready for that." Poe's heart dropped. It felt as if she'd slapped him across the face. "Zorii, I don't understand. If you love me then why do you deny it? We're not getting any younger." Zorii sighed. "That's exactly why I want to wait. Why do you think I've never settled down?" Zorii reached down and cupped Poe's chin in her palm. "It's not because I've never met the right man, I met him a long time ago, but marriage ties you down. I need to be free. I need to be free to live my life before it's too late."

"What about a family?" Poe asked, desperately. Poe reached up and took Zorii's hands in his. "Isn't marrying the one you love and having a family with them considered the greatest gift life has to give? If you wait too long then you won't have that chance Zorii." Poe bit his tongue until he was sure it was bleeding but he had to say what needed to be said. "I love you Zorii but I can't say that I will be waiting for you when you are through with your wild adventures. I want a family Zorii. I want to grow old with the one I love. I want watch my children grow up and have children of their own. I want grandchildren. Zorii why don't you want those things? Why don't you want them with me?"

   Tears stung in his eyes and Poe watched as Zorii slid to the ground. She let out a small sob. "I do love you, Poe." Poe pulled Zorii into his arms and sighed. "I know. Just not enough." Zorii looked up and met Poe's gaze. "No. Poe I love you more than you know." Poe bit back the pain and swallowed. "Then why won't you marry me?" Tears streamed down Zorii's face as she closed her eyes. "You know me, Poe. I've always been scared of commitment." Poe let Zorii lean against this chest as her tears soaked his shirt. "But you don't have to be." Poe whispered and she trembled. "I'm not good enough for you."

This time, Poe was not as gentle as he grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her away from his chest to face her. "Zorii Bliss don't you ever, ever say that again." Poe said in a harsh tone. Zorii looked shocked but after a moment, she pushed his hands away. "Don't you understand? You're a General, I'm a spice runner. We don't belong together." Poe grunted, keeping his expression stern. She was making excuses. Zorii knew none of that mattered. "Do you not remember where I came from?" Poe asked. "I used to be a spice runner just the same as you." He said and Zorii shook her head. "That doesn't matter. Even then I didn't deserve you." Poe growled. "What are you talking about Bliss?"

"You don't get it! I can't be with you! We can never be together!" Zorii screamed and Poe grabbed her shoulders. "No! I don't get it! I don't get why you are pushing me away!" Zorii didn't answer. She lifted her hands to her ears and sobbed. "Just leave me alone." She whispered. Poe pulled out his mother's ring and held it in front of Zorii's face. "Do you see this? This belonged to my mother. I have carried this since the day she died, waiting..." Poe choked slightly but continued. "...for the right woman to give it to. You are that woman. I love you Zorii and I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

   Zorii looked up, her tear stained face meeting his. "I love you too." Poe sighed. "Then why won't you marry me?" She hesitated, then wiped her cheeks with the back of her hands. "Because I'm scared. I'm scared of commitment. I always have been. Ever since my parents left each other." Poe felt his heart stop and he reached out and pulled her into his arms. "I'm so sorry, Zorii." He shifted to that he could meet her eye. "But you don't have to be afraid. I will never leave you. We're in this together. You don't have to be alone anymore." He whispered. Zorii's eyes narrowed. "What if I want to be alone?" Poe shook his head. "You don't." Zorii sighed and buried her face in his chest.

   Poe took her hand and laced his fingers through hers. "You don't have to be afraid, because I'll be by your side. Always. Please Zorii. Say you'll marry me." Zorii shuddered and looked up. She met his gaze and nodded. "I will." Poe grinned and let out a small laugh. He pulled her hand up and put his mother's ring on Zorii's ring finger. She smiled and looked up as Poe brought his lips down on her knuckles. Her hand shook slightly and Poe smiled softly. "There's no need to worry about the future. I will always be there for you. We'll get through anything life has to offer, because we'll be together." Poe couldn't wait a moment longer and brought his lips down on hers in the sweetest kiss he'd ever experienced.

Author's Note:
Hello!! I hope you all enjoyed his chapter! I found it so much fun to write. I love Poe and I enjoyed working with Zorii. Remember that the faceclaim for Zorii is the actress who plays her, Keri Russell. She is such a beautiful and amazing actress. I used to love her in the Hallmark movie, Magic of Ordinary Days and that is how I see her. This chapter was really emotional and hard to figure out but once I did it kinda flowed so I hope you all liked the way it turned out! Please be sure to give this chapter a vote and comment!!

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