Chapter Fifteen - Friendship

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It had only been a few days since Rey had left that Finn received a message from the Falcon. Finn found it a bit odd that the message had been sent through morse code instead of an audio admission or a hologram but decided not to think too much on the matter. Rey had told them before she left that the mission she had set out for was of extreme importance. So whatever was in this message, it must have been important information and she probably wanted to keep it as secretive as possible. Because it had been sent through morse code, Finn had enlisted Beaumont to help him decode it. Rey had trusted Beaumont with the old Jedi texts, and when Finn informed Poe of the message he agreed that Beaumont could be trusted.

   As soon as he had the message decrypted, Beaumont read it off to them. "To Finn and Poe, it is at my most formal request that you join me and my companion, Ben Solo," Finn's eyes widened and Poe nodded for Beaumont to continue, looking concerned. "... on the planet known as Naboo. I have included the coordinates in this message and would truly appreciate it if you would meet me at Varykino in the Lake Country of Naboo. I would also request that you bring Rose and Zorii, along with Lando Calrissian and Maz Kanata. I have something I wish to discuss with you all but I would rather reveal it to you when you arrive. I hope to see you soon. Yours Truly, Rey."

Beaumont finished reading the letter and Finn and Poe stood in shock. Finn was amazed. He thought Solo had died during the last battle on Exegol. Rey had told them that she was going back to Ahch-To. She said it was "calling to her". So then how, did she end up on a random planet by the name of Naboo with Ben Solo? How was Solo even alive? Had Rey found a way to bring him back to life? The thought made Finn shudder. He knew that nothing was impossible through the Force but he didn't think it could overcome death. But then again, if Solo has brought Rey back, then whose to say that she couldn't do the same for him? Finn turned to Poe. "Well? What do you have to say about all this?"

   Poe's hand remained faithfully at the stubble along his jaw as he contemplated what to do. Finally, he cleared his throat sharply and spoke. "Well... Rey is a very smart girl. I assume she knows what she is doing. I think that we should do as she has asked. I know that Ben Solo being formerly Kylo Ren puts a strain on seeing him face to face. Especially with his crimes, but I think we should give him a chance for Rey's sake. Her's and the baby's. You are closer to her than anyone else, and I consider her very dear to me... she is like a sister to me. We have never been able to do much for her, but now we can give her at least this. Besides, Rey is the Resistance's greatest ally. She has never asked for much from the Resistance in return for her service. We owe her at least this much."

   Finn nodded, the whole ordeal still leaving an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew Poe was right. Rey was smart, and she had to know what she was doing or else she wouldn't have invited them to come. Finn sighed. He was still reluctant to face Ben Solo. Finn wanted nothing to do with the former Knight of Ren, but if it would make Rey happy then he supposed he owed her that much. She'd risked her life more than once on his behalf. "Shall I tell the girls?" Finn asked and Poe nodded. "I'll take care of transportation and decide who will assume command while we are gone." Finn nodded and set out to find everyone who would be joining them.

    Rose was the first person he came across. She smiled up at him as he approached. "Hi Finn." Then she seemed to notice his sullen expression and became serious. "What's wrong?" Finn shook his head. "It's nothing." Rose lifted a hand to Finn's cheek and frowned. "It's not nothing. What's concerning you?" Finn sighed. "Rey has invited us to join her on the planet she has chosen to live on." Rose's expression became confused. "Well that's a good thing is it not? You and Rey are close friends." Finn nodded. "Yes. It'll be nice to see her. That's not what's bothering me." Rose tilted her head. "Then what is?"

   With a sigh, Finn gave in. "Solo is with her." Rose's eyes widened but she did not seem as shocked as he had thought she would be. She blinked and hesitated momentarily but tilted her head. "Finn. I know that you don't like him, and you have the perfect reason and right not to, but you should be happy for her. Rey loves him, and if he has truly changed as she had said he has, then I don't see why we cannot forgive him. If what Rey says is true, then sacrificed his life, fighting for the Resistance. Isn't that a worthy enough reason to forgive him?" Rose sighed and looked down, her gaze meeting the ground.

   "We all have twisted pasts. His is just a little worse than ours. But at the same time, you have to remember that it was not entirely his fault." Finn's eyes widened. "Are you defending him?" Rose sighed and looked at him in disappointment. "I know he has done wrong, we have all sinned, but from what Rey says, he was manipulated into doing so. You were once in the service of the First Order. You should know better than any other that sometimes the fate chosen for us is not the easiest to follow. His fate had been chosen for him but in the end he turned away from that fate. Just as you did. He was only a little bit later to the act." Rose met Finn's eye and she smiled sadly.

   "He deserves a second chance." Rose said, meaningfully. Finn sighed. "I suppose your right." Rose raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "You suppose?" Finn raised his hands in surrender. "Okay. Okay. You're right." Rose smiled and scrunched up her nose then kissed him. "That's right." Finn sighed. "You are right. He deserves a second chance. And I'm willing to give him that. He did save Rey's life after all." Rose nodded. "That's more like it." She grinned and Finn grunted. "But I can't say that he and I are going to get along too well." Rose rolled her eyes.

  "When we go, I want you to be on your best behavior. Please, try not to start any arguments with Ben Solo and try not to insult or offend Rey in any way." Finn rolled his eyes and Rose pointed a finger at him. "That means no backhanded comments to Ben." Finn sighed. "Fine. Fine." Rose smiled. "Good." She tilted her head. "Now, when do we depart?" Finn smiled. "We've got to tell the others first." Finn took Rose's hand and they walked off to tell the others about their journey.

The next person they found was Zorii, who agreed immediately to the trip. Finn was glad that she and Poe would be together. Maz not only agreed but insisted that thy leave as soon as possible, stating that she missed her boyfriend. Beaumont asked if he and Lieutenant Connix, who had recently begun courting, could join the group. Poe agreed, knowing that Beaumont and Rey were good friends. Finn suspected it also had to do with the fact that Connix was one of Poe's most trusted officers. And lastly, Lando reluctantly agreed, not wanting to leave Jannah behind. He had taken to her as a father figure of sorts, but she had assured him that she would be alright back at the base.

Once everyone had been informed of the trip, Poe told Finn that he had chosen Commander D'Acy to command charge of the Resistance as temporary acting general. Finn agreed, knowing that Poe trusted her and she was a capable choice. D'Acy would lead the Resistance faithfully and not make any decisions without informing or checking with Poe and Finn. But there shouldn't be a need for any major decisions in regards to the Resistance's wellbeing. As for Finn, he was glad they were taking this trip. He knew Poe needed a break from duty. All of the responsibility had been taking a toll on him. Hopefully this trip would be a good stress reliever for all of them.

Once they were certain everything was under control, Finn and Poe joined the group and they began to takeoff. As soon as the group was ready, they began to board the ships Poe had readied for them to take. There were a few X-Wings and Lando's ship. Lando was going to take Maz, Rose, and Beaumont with him in his ship, while Finn, Poe, Zorii, and Lieutenant Connix would all take X-Wings. Finn tried to shake off the nervousness that settled in the pit of his stomach. The concept of flying was still fairly new to him, but Poe assured him that this would be an easy flight and that they were going to stick close together.

So, Finn settled into his X-Wing and entered the coordinates then prepared for take-off. Members of the Resistance stood on along the runway, waving and wishing them a safe journey. Though they were not informed of where their generals were going, the Resistance's civilians wished them the best of luck. Finn smiled and waved to many of his friends. There were so many good people in the Resistance and he considered them all family. Finn looked over to Poe who nodded in assurance. Finn nodded back and looked straight ahead. He smiled nervously as the engine tumbled to life beneath him and he began lift off.

The transition from the ground to the air was fairly smooth. Finn let out a sigh of relief and prepared the ship for light-speed. As soon as they were out of Ajan Kloss' atmosphere, they began to jump at light-speed, one at a time. Poe took the lead with Zorii and Connix following. Finn closed his eyes and took off at light-speed, tagging closely behind them. The stars became a blur and Finn prayed that nothing would go wrong. He'd seen Poe and Rey do this hundreds of times on the Falcon. Surely this couldn't be any different. Lando's ship followed them at the tail end.

When they reached Naboo, Finn examined the planet. He wondered why Rey and Ben would choose to live on this planet. What significance did this planet hold? It seemed to be a very populated planet covered with large buildings and cities. From what Poe had said, it was also a very political planet. Why would Ben and Rey want to raise their child here? Finn sighed. He assumed it was Solo's idea. But why would he want such a populated area where he would likely be recognized as Kylo Ren? Finn frowned, wondering if they'd even be able to find Rey when Poe circled around and began to orbit around the planet X-Wing. Finn carefully followed Poe and the others to the opposite side of the planet.

Once they entered the planet's atmosphere, Finn realized why Solo and Rey had chosen this planet. It was beautiful. Finn marveled at the serenity of the valley, just upon entry. This must be the Lake Country. Lando had told him of the Lake Country. Finn hadn't believed it. It truly was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. But he hadn't been paying attention and the light glistened off the water, blinding him. Finn almost loft control of the steering and plummeted towards the water before regaining control. Finn shook his head nervously. He had to watch where he was going.

From a distance, Finn could see Rey, standing on a balcony to the lake retreat. She had her arms around Solo, and they shared a brief kiss, much to Finn's disgust. But she soon turned and hurried to the edge of the balcony, waving enthusiastically towards them. Finn could see the excitement and delight in her expression as he came in for a landing. Her radiant smile and the joy in her eyes made her whole face glow. He'd never seen her so happy. There had been moments of joy they had shared in the past, but this was different. Rey was positively beaming. This was the joy of complete content and love. Only someone in love could truly be this happy. Finn smiled, he should know.

As soon as they landed, Rey ran out to greet them. She ran to Finn first, and he embraced her with open arms as soon as he jumped down from his X-Wing. He smiled as she pulled away to face him. "You look great, Finn!" She said and he laughed. "And you..." Finn looked Rey up and down. "You look absolutely stunning!" He said, impressed by seeing her wear a dress instead of her old attire. Rey grinned and a voice called from behind. "Don't get any ideas, General." Finn turned to see Ben Solo approaching. Finn grimaced slightly, but noticed the slight tone of respect in the title Solo used. He half expected to be called a  traitor. Though Finn assumed that that name didn't mean much anymore considering Solo himself betrayed the First Order.

"You may have the title of boyfriend Solo but I will always have the title of best friend." Ben gave the slight inclination of a nod. "Touché." Rey laughed at Finn and Ben's antics as she turned to Finn again. "I'm so glad to see you!" She said as she pulled him into another hug. "I'm glad that you asked me to come." Rey laughed sweetly. "Technically I didn't." Finn's brow creased. "I don't understand. What do you mean?" Rey smiled and shrugged. "I didn't even know you were coming. Ben was the one who invited you all here." She said, looking back at Ben. Finn frowned as Solo smiled nervously.

Finn looked over at Solo in doubt. He sent that message under a false name? Rey's name? "Why would he do that?" Poe asked in a slight tone of authority as he approached, voicing Finn's very thoughts. Rey smiled and walked over to Poe and hugged him. "Hi Poe." She said laughingly. "Hey kid." He said teasingly, earning a dirty look from Rey. "Awe don't be upset. You know I've missed having you around, short-stuff." He said with a pat on her head. Rey growled slightly and rolled her eyes, but a smile crept to her lips. "Yeah yeah, I've missed you too captain." She said then placed a kiss on his cheek. Poe cracked a smile. "That's general to you, sweetheart." Rey smiled tauntingly. "You'll always be a captain in my eyes." Poe snorted. "You infuriating woman." Rey smirked. "And you're a difficult man."

"Well now..." All heads turned to Lando. "This is very sweet and all. But would anyone mind informing me of why we were called here?" Ben laughed nervously. "Hi uncle Lando." He said sheepishly with a slight wave. Lando nodded. "Boy. You've caused a lot of trouble, I hear." Ben recoiled, a sight that gave Finn great pleasure. Lando kept his stern gaze on Ben before breaking a smile and laughing. "I've missed you kid." Ben smiled and gave Lando a hug. Lando accepted it graciously and chuckled. "Now can we please find out what we are here for?" Ben laughed. "I suppose so."

Solo waited for Chewie to join them, for whom Maz had a very pleasant greeting, then he turned to face the group. He reached out an open hand, to which Rey accepted it and joined him at his side. "Today... I have asked Rey to be my wife." There were a few gasps even though it had been expected that they would wed. "And she has accepted!" There was a group of cheers. Even Poe was smiling and clapping for the couple. "It's about time." Lando said in a joyous tone. Ben smiled. "I have invited you all here because I wanted those of you who are considered close friends and even family to Rey to be able to attend the wedding."

Finn eyed Solo skeptically but finally gave in and walked over to them. He pulled Rey into his arms for a short hug and congratulated her. "I'm so happy for you, Rey." She smiled. "Thank you, Finn." Finn smiled and nodded then turned and reached out a hand to Ben. Ben hesitantly took Finn's hand and shook it with careful enthusiasm. Finn laughed slightly at Solo's nervousness. "Congratulations. I hope you two will be happy together." Ben smiled gently. "I know we will be." Finn nodded and the rest of the group came over to offer their congratulations.

Author's Note:
Hello!! I am sorry this chapter took so long and I am afraid it is not my best work but I hope you all found some enjoyment in it at least. Finn is still a bit of a mystery to me, so I find it hard to write his chapters. I don't connect with him the way that I can connect with the other characters while writing. But I will try to go through and edit in the morning. For now I just wanted to get you all an update and done content to read. Please be sure you give this chapter a vote!! And also be sure to comment and let me know what you thought! Constructive criticisms always welcome.

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