Chapter Fourteen - Treasure

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After exiting the Falcon, Rey froze, staring awestruck at the beautiful view before her. The mountains stood tall, surrounding the entire valley, making Rey feel protected in some strange way. The smaller hills throughout the valley were covered in lush trees, full of green leaves, and the beautiful, shimmering lake, stretched as far as the eye could see, reflected the bright Caribbean blue sky. Along the lakeside was a peaceful shore with pale, powderfine sand, unlike the sand Rey had been accustomed to on Jakku. Waves crashed gently against the shore, creating a serene and gentle sound.

In the middle of the valley stood a gorgeous chateau, the size of a palace, that sat at the lake's edge. Rey marveled at the beauty and tranquility of the peaceful villa. It was surrounded by glittering waterfalls and tall, rounded, shaped trees that were greener than anything she'd ever seen. Ben came up behind Rey and wrapped his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder. "Is it everything you dreamed of, love?" Rey turned her head a fraction and raised a hand to cup Ben's cheek. "And more." She said, placing a kiss upon his lips. She couldn't get enough of those lips and his kisses. Rey smiled to herself. He was so wonderfully welcoming how could she resist?

Ben lifted a hand to her chin and broke the kiss then turned her head a fraction so that she was facing the chateau. "That, my love, is Varykino. A palace owned by the Naberrie family. They used it as a summer home and now, it will be our new home." Rey stared in awe. "It was owned by my grandmother's family. This was one of her favorite places to be." Ben said. Rey smiled and looked up at him. "How do you know that?" Ben smiled and winked. "Because she told me so." Rey's eyes widened and she gasped slightly. Ben grinned. "Yes Rey. I saw them all. Luke, Leia, Han, and I even met my grandparents." Rey's eyes lit up. "I'm so happy for you, Ben."

Rey turned and wrapped her arms around Ben's neck. "I'm glad you got to see your family again. Especially your parents." Ben grinned. "Han misses you. He thought of you like his own daughter, you know?" Rey smiled and blushed. "He did?" She asked sheepishly. Ben smiled. "Why else do you think he came to Star Killer Bass to save you?" Rey shrugged. "It was the right thing to do. Besides, it was a chance to save his son." She smiled. "And he succeeded. I think that was the beginning of your redemption." Ben smiled sadly. "I suppose that is true, but you know my entire family loved you. I love you." Ben leaned down and kissed her nose then pulled her into his arms. "So you like the chateau?" Rey smiled, her eyes sparkling. "It's beautiful." Ben nodded. "I'm glad you like it, love."

After a few minutes of standing there and enjoying the view, Rey grabbed Ben's hand and grinned. "What're we waiting for? Come on." She said and began to pull him along, walking towards the palace. "Where are we going?" He asked. "To explore!" Rey replied, bubbling with laughter. She broke out in a run and Ben helplessly followed. Rey danced along excitedly as she began to explore the beauties of Naboo. Ben followed close behind, watching her expression with amusement. He loved the way her eyes lit up while she walked through the forest. She was like a child the way she'd run her hands through the leaves or pick flowers to smell and place them in her hair. She was so easily awestruck.

The excitement and wonder in her eyes told Ben that he had chosen correctly. She loved the planet wholeheartedly. The beauty and serenity of Naboo was incomparable. Rey wanted to see everything the planet had to offer. She couldn't believe that this was going to be her home. This wonderful, beautiful planet was where she was going to raise her children. She would get to spend the rest of her life in this heavenly paradise. Rey looked over at Ben and smiled wholeheartedly. He was the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with. She could hardly contain her joy. Rey pulled Ben along with her, through the forest of trees, beside the falling waterfalls, and finally to the seaside.

   When they reached the beach, Rey stared out at the emerald waters. The waves glistened so beautifully in the sun's light as they rippled and made their way to shore. They washed over the sand invitingly and Rey felt the overwhelming need to bury her toes in the wet sand. Rey began to take off her shoes so that she could walk along the sand barefoot. She turned to Ben, waiting for him to do the same and he shook his head. Rey tilted her head and pouted. "Please?" She asked in a sugary sweet tone. Ben rolled his eyes but smiled and took off his shoes to join her. He took her outstretched hand and Rey laced her fingers through his. She was glad that she could finally take his hand and he could take hers.

   Rey and Ben walked, hand in hand along the shore. The soft, squishy texture of the wet sand between her toes was unbelievably satisfying. She'd never imagined sand could be enjoyable. Rey smiled as she walked along the seaside. The waves washed over their feet gently, washing the sand away then bringing it right back. It was so very beautiful and enjoyable, not to mention peaceful. But as they stepped a little deeper into the water, Rey decided to break the silence and splashed Ben. Ben raised an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure you wanna do that?" He asked and Rey splashed him once again in response. Ben let out a low laugh. "You asked for it."

   Ben pounced forward and scooped Rey up in his firm grip. Rey's eyes widened and she growled. "Benjamin Solo you put me down this instant!" Rey kicked and pushed against his chest with her palms but Ben held her firmly. He shook his head. "I don't think so sweetheart. It's payback time." He said as he began to walk towards the water. Rey gasped. "No! Ben don't!" She squealed, laughing melodiously. Ben smirked and ran deeper into the water. He stopped when the water came to his waist and raised his eyebrows. "Ready?" He asked and Rey's eyes widened. "Don't you dare." She said in a firm yet provoking voice. "Hold your breath!" She heard Ben shout before he tossed her into the air and she came splashing into the water.

   When she emerged, Rey gasped for breath and growled. Ben was doubled over, howling with laughter. With a grin, Rey swam over to him and jumped into his chest. Ben's arms wrapped instinctively around her back before he lost his footing and they both went tumbling into the water. They both surfaced, giggling and splashing each other. Rey swam deeper to avoid getting splashed in the face and Ben dove under the water. Rey spun in circles, when he suddenly emerged beneath her. He grabbed hold of her legs and when he stood, Rey was perched on his shoulders. "Don't drop me!" She squealed as he began to walk around.

Ben looked up and grinned. "I wouldn't dream of it sweetheart." Ben began to walk towards shore when he pretended to lose his footing and fell backwards. Just before Rey hit the water, Ben swiveled around and caught her. "See. You're safe with me." He said with a wink. Rey smirked. "Technically you did drop me." Ben scrunched up his nose mockingly. "Well I caught you, didn't I?" Rey laid a hand on his cheek. "That you did." She pulled herself up as if she were going to kiss him then brought a handful of water up to his face. Rey laughed and Ben released her. Rey gasped just before she fell into the water.

After Rey broke the surface, she scowled teasingly. "I thought you said you wouldn't drop me?" She said innocently. Ben's scowl matched her own. "That was before I got a mouthful of water..." He rubbed his eyes. "...and an eyeful. You're lucky that's not salt water, woman." Rey giggle. She stood and walked over to him then pulled his hands away from his face. "Oh you're such a baby." Rey said as she lifted her fingers and opened his eye. "Your eye is perfectly fine." She said, patting his cheek gently and Ben rolled his eyes. He looked at Rey's drenched hair and clothes then his own. "We should probably get changed into some dry clothes."

   Reaching out, Rey ran her hand through his thick, sopping hair. She sighed with slight pleasure and smiled. She loved his hair. The desire to to touch it and run her fingers through it had become unbearable. Like an unscratchable itch. Rey grinned. "You're the one who decided to take the plunge." She teased and Ben rolled his eyes. "Only because I was provoked." Rey's eyes narrowed and she ran her hand tauntingly along his arm. "You find me provoking?" Ben laced an arm around her back and pulled her close to his chest then let out a deep purring sound. "Very." He growled in a low voice.

Biting her lip, Rey batted her lashes and tried to look desirable. She gently snaked her arms around his neck and lifted one leg over his hip. Ben took the hint, slipping his hands beneath her thighs and pulled her up so that she could straddle him. Rey locked her legs around his torso, clinging to him and smiled. Ben kept his hands on her legs, holding her close to him, but didn't hesitate a second longer to bring his lips firmly down on hers. This kiss was a bit more forceful than any of the others they had shared, but Rey kissed him back with just as much passion. She'd longed for him to kiss her like this for a long time.

   Ben's hands traced a path up her legs and along the small of her back. Everywhere his fingers touched brought tingles to her spine. Rey sighed into the kiss and Ben took that as an opportunity to let his tongue enter her mouth. Rey felt his tongue against hers and recoiled slightly, causing Ben to break the kiss. Rey panicked. "No," she whispered. "Don't stop." She'd been enjoying it too much to stop now. Rey shoved her lips against his again and Ben hesitantly kissed her back. The kiss soon became heated again and Rey leaned in further. She weaved her fingers through Ben's thick locks. Ben's hands soon found her hair and tangled themselves in it.

   Rey groaned as Ben's tongue gently traced a path along her lips, begging for entrance. She obliged and opened her mouth, slipping her tongue into his mouth in retaliation. Their tongues circled each other in rhythm, searching every inch of the other's mouth. It was the most wonderful sensation. Rey moaned as Ben wrapped his tongue around hers. She tilted her head back and buried her hands in his hair. She liked the way his tongue danced with hers. She was soon realizing that kissing Ben could be more wonderful than she'd ever imagined. Rey sighed and trembled slightly, causing Ben to pull away.

   It took a few seconds for both of them to catch their breath and when they did, Ben smiled down at Rey and gently maneuvered her so that he carried her in his arms, bridal style. Rey tilted her head. "Why did you stop?" Ben gave her a half smile. "Now is not the time nor the place, my love. There will be time for that another day, but it is not this day." Rey frowned, slightly disappointed but also slightly worried. "Don't you want me?" She asked and horror came over Ben's face. "Of course I want you. I want you with every fiber of my being Rey. But I want to do this right." Rey's eyebrows snapped together and she wondered as to what that could mean.

When they reached the shore, Ben didn't set her down. He carried her all the way to the villa. Surprise and even slight fear clasped at Rey's heart as she wondered where he might be taking her. Ben carried Rey into the chateau and walked along the corridor, stopping at the first door he came across. "This was my grandmother's room." He said as he gently set her on her two feet. "There should be some of her old gowns in the closet that you can wear. Rey tilted her head in question and Ben gave her a sheepish smile. "Please. Trust me?" Rey sighed and wrapped her arms around his chest. "I trust you." Ben smiled and nodded. "Good. Then for now I want you to go get dressed then meet me out on the balcony."

Without another word, Ben placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand and strode off down the hall. Rey stared at his retreating figure in shock. She didn't quite understand what had just happened, but she could tell he was keeping something from her. Ben had closed his mind off to her. She couldn't hear his thoughts or feel his emotions. Rey sighed. It concerned her that she couldn't read him. She had no idea what was running through his head. Rey closed her eyes as fear played with her emotions. He'd closed himself off right after they'd... well after they'd kissed. Rey blushed slightly. It had been a bit more than a kiss. But Ben was resisting her advances and she didn't understand why.

   Rey sighed and turned to open the door to Padmè's bedroom. When she did, she was greeted by the most beautiful sight. The room was stunning. It had the most beautiful decor and a gorgeous lake view. On the far side of the room there was a large bay window that stretched the length of the whole wall. There was a small sitting area with a couch and a few smaller chairs. And against the far was was a large, round bed. The color scheme of the room seemed to be tan with accents of grey and white, to which Rey liked fairly well. The walls were all painted tan, and the curtains and couch were also tan. Then the bedspread and chairs were white, as well as a vanity that sat in the far end of the room. Lastly, the closer and dresser were painted grey along with a large, grey rug that sat in the middle of the room underneath all the furniture.

   It was a quant little room and Rey found it quite suitable. Careful not to drip on the rug, Rey made her way over to the closet. When the opened the wardrobe, she found various outfits to choose from. Several of them were maternity clothes, she noticed. Rey hoped that she would not be needing any of those for at least a while longer. But they would come in handy when she stared to show. Rey sifted through the gowns and found a sleek sexy looking black number. She contemplated it for a moment but decided against it and continued looking. It came down to two outfits. A comfortable looking white two piece with bell bottom sleeves and pants, or a beautiful ombré dress that faded from yellow to pink to purple.

   Finally, Rey decided on the dress, thinking it would be most pleasing to Ben. She quickly changed and dried her hair with a towel, then brushed through it and set to work on fixing it. Rey sat down at the vanity and blinked. She hadn't realized how long her hair had gotten. It was a few inches past her shoulders now. Rey smiled to herself. She quickly arranged her hair into a half up/half down hairdo with an assortment of small braids decorating the bun. She didn't bother much with her makeup, though she had plenty to use. Rey never had been very knowledgeable or skilled at fixing her appearance.

   With one last glance in the mirror, Rey took a deep breath and turned to leave the room. She hoped that her appearance would be pleasing to Ben for whatever he had planned. She had no clue as to what he had in store, but he had asked her to wear one of his grandmother's gowns. Rey thought perhaps it was a romantic dinner or such. It made her nervous to think he was planning something romantic just for the two of them. He'd never seen her in a dress, let alone so dressed up, wearing makeup with her hair fixed. She was going to have to get used to wearing such fancy clothes... as well as heels. Rey was going to have to be careful not to twist her ankle. But if it would please Ben, she would do anything. So Rey said a silent prayer and made her way through the corridors, towards the balcony.

   When she reached the balcony Ben was waiting with his back turned to her, leaning against the railing. Rey stood as straight as she could manage, trying to keep proper posture and quickly swept her hair over her shoulder then cleared her throat softly. Ben turned around and his eyes widened. He stood, as if frozen in place. Rey shifted slightly and shrugged. "Well...? Say something." She pleaded and Ben shook his head. "You look beautiful." He said, his voice gentle. Rey smiled sheepishly and bit her lip. Ben stepped forward and grabbed her hand then pulled her towards him. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

   Ben took both of Rey's hands in his and she smiled. He took a deep breath. "This is something I've been wanting to do since the moment you brought me back from the World Between Worlds. But I wanted everything to be perfect and now, everything has finally fallen into place." Rey met Ben's gaze. He took a deep breath and smiled. "My dear, sweet, beautiful Rey. I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you. When I saw your mind and how lonely you were, I felt the need to comfort you. I wanted to comfort you. Then when you escaped and almost killed me that day on Star Killer base I knew that I wanted you. I wanted to be by your side."

"When the Force connected us I was confused but also captivated. I felt no anger towards you for slicing my face open upon our last meeting." Rey blushed, slightly embarrassed but Ben only laughed. "You were so easily angered and had such a fiery attitude towards me." Ben smiled softly. "You wanted nothing to do with me. But when we needed each other most, you were there for me and I tried my best to be there for you. The day when you reached out to me I could feel your sorrow and I wanted nothing more than to comfort you. It broke my heart when you rejected me and turned down my offer to rule the galaxy, but I was too stupid to realize that it was I who should have been taking your hand. I was stubborn and selfish and too blind to see the truth."

   "But after the emperor told me to kill you I knew that I could never go through with it. Watching Snoke hurt you and break you had been torture. I never wanted to see you in such pain again. I promised myself I would find a way to convince you to join me so that I could protect you. So I followed you. I followed you throughout the entire galaxy. I hadn't realized it at the time, but I was hurting you. I'm so sorry I ever hurt you, Rey." Rey saw tears enter Ben's eyes and she reached up to wipe them away. "You did the right thing in the end. That's all that matters now." Ben smiled sadly. "I just wish it hadn't taken me so long to see the light." Ben sighed and reached into his pocket then pulled something out and clutched it in his closed fist. "But all of this leads up to the question I wanted to ask you today..."

   Rey lifted a hand to her mouth and gasped as Ben got down on one knee. "Would you, Rey Palpatine..." Rey winced slightly at the name, but she found understanding in why he said it. She had accepted her lineage and would no longer be ashamed of it. Ben continued. " me the honor of being my wife?" Ben held open his palm and presented a small carving of wood. Rey recognized it as a japor snippet. It was carved and hung on a gold threaded chain. She felt tears well up her her eyes and she still held her hand against her gaping mouth. Rey had never wanted anything more than she wanted this. Never had she imagined that she could be this happy. Ben had made her the happiest woman alive and she was going to be his wife.

After a few seconds, she got over the shock and blinked. She gasped as she realized she was keeping Ben waiting and threw her arms around his neck. "Yes!" Ben smiled and stood, picking Rey up with him then twirled with her. Rey laughed and grinned. Ben sat her on her feet then put the amulet's chain around her neck. "My grandfather carved this for my grandmother. It was a symbol of their love. She gave it to me before I left the World Between Worlds." Rey looked down at the small japor snippet and smiled. "I have something for you too." She said as she reached into the pocket of her dress and pulled out Han's gold plated dice. She took Ben's hand in hers and laid the dice in his palm. Ben smiled and put the chain over his head. "These will be a symbol of our love." He said as he leaned down and placed his lips against hers.

   The kiss lasted in beautiful harmony as Rey took in all of Ben. She loved him with her all and soon they would become one, in mind and soul. Even though they technically already were. Their dyad connected them physically and mentally. A unity would just bind them legally. Rey smiled into the kiss, and Ben reciprocated. The kiss was only broken when the sound of jet engines erupted across the valley. Rey gasped and looked to the sky to see several X-Wings entering Naboo's atmosphere. She turned to Ben who was still smiling. "I may have one more surprise up my sleeve." He said coyly and Rey wrapped her arms around his neck, placing another kiss on his lips. "I love you."

Author's Note:
Hello!! I hope you all liked this chapter! I have been planning the proposal for a while now and loved the idea of the Japor Snipet and Han's Dice having a great deal of sentimental significance. I tried to make this chapter with some fluff, I hope I succeeded and you all enjoyed reading! Please be sure to give this chapter a vote and let me know what you think in the comments!

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