Chapter Thirteen - Found

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   When Ben finally lulled Rey to sleep, which didn't take very long, he laid her down gently and placed his old sweater under her head. She sighed softly and curled into a ball as a small smile spread across her lips. Ben reached out and brushed the back of his hand across her cheek. Her skin was so soft and warm. Ben sighed. All these weeks of desire, longing for physical contact had made him grow restless. Now, finally, he was able to touch her and hold her and kiss her. Ben intended to give her all the affection she desired and even more so. He had been so stupid and stubborn these past few months. Ben scoffed. More like years. He wished so desperately that he could turn back the clock and change every wrong decision. Ben shook his head and sighed. Now wasn't the time to regret past mistakes.

   Once he was sure she was settled, Ben began to search for a way out. The moons had passed over the island and the cave had become very dark. The pitch black made it hard for Ben to see, but it seemed the only exit was the hole at the top of the cave. Ben groaned. How was he going to get Rey out of there safely? The question crossed his mind as to how she exited the cave last time. Ben turned back to Rey as the answer came to him. They were going to have to rely on the Force. But did they have enough strength to get out of the cave solely using the Force? It was going to take a lot of energy. Ben looked down at Rey. He supposed it was a good thing she was resting then. Hopefully she regained some energy. Ben knew that he should probably get some rest too, or he would never get out of the cave.

So, Ben laid down beside her and pulled her into his arms. He smiled as he looked down at her peaceful face. Instead of the twisted, pained expression that she used to don when she slept, Rey's expression now portrayed a calm stillness. Ben had a feeling this was the most tranquil sleep she'd had in a long while. Ben shifted so that Rey laid on his chest now, not wanting her on the cold, stone ground. He then wrapped his old sweater around her shoulders. Ben sighed as she snuggled closer against him. He hadn't realized how much he had longed for physical contact. She shivered slightly and Ben wrapped his arms around her completely. Nothing gave him more comfort than having her so close. He wanted nothing more than to hold her forever and protect her from any harm that may come.

   It gave Ben comfort to know that he could care for her properly now. Especially with her pregnancy. Ben smiled and let out a soft sigh. It was hard to wrap his mind around the fact that Rey was going to have a baby. His baby. Their child. It was hard to believe that he was going to be a father. Ben shuddered slightly as panic set in. Was he capable of being a father? Ben hardly knew how to be the man Rey needed him to be, let alone the father their child needed him to be. Ben sighed. He didn't want to fail his child like he felt his father had failed him. Ben closed his eyes and bit back his shame. Han had never failed Ben. Ben only thought his father had failed him. But that only meant that even if Ben tried his hardest, the baby could grow up to hate him as he hated his father.

   Exhaustion began to take effect and Ben's eyelids became heavy. He yawned as he shifted to find a more comfortable position and stifled a groan. He laid a hand on Rey's stomach and sighed. The sensation of her life Force, mixed with the baby's steady hum comforted him. Ben decided then and there that he would give this baby as much love and affection as it deserved and more so. He never wanted his child to doubt his love for them or his love for their mother. Ben and Rey were going to train this baby in the ways of the Force and teach their children that though it wasn't a sin to be tempted by the dark side, you must always fight for what is right and never give up hope for what you believe in. He was going to give this baby the perfect life. The life he had always wanted. With loving parents and a safe place to call home.

Ben already knew where they were going to live. Of course, he would make sure Rey liked the planet before claiming it as their home but he had thought it through thoroughly and tried to come to the best decision for both of them. Naboo. Ben figured that Naboo would be the best planet for them to live. It was the homeland of his grandmother and a beautiful and peaceful planet. Ben had considered a few other planets. Tatooine, Coruscant, even Ahch-To. But Ben knew that Tatooine would remind Rey too much of Jakku. Coruscant was too populated, a big city wouldn't be the place to train their children as Jedi's. And Ahch-To wasn't populated enough. Their children would grow up with no physical contact with the outside world. Ben yawned as his eyes drifted shut. He'd planned it all out. Naboo would be the perfect home for his family.

   When Ben stirred, Rey was already awake. He let out a moan and began to stretch. "How long did I sleep?" Ben asked as he sat up. Rey smiled. "A couple of hours." Ben scrubbed a hand across his face. "How long did you sleep?" Rey laughed and rolled her eyes. "Almost as long as you did." She leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek. "No need to worry. I got plenty of sleep." Ben nodded, still uncertain. "I'm glad, love." Rey smiled and giggled slightly. "What?" He asked, amused. "It's nothing. I just like it when you call me that." Ben raised an eyebrow and grinned teasingly. "Is there anything else you'd like me to call you, sweetheart?" Rey shook her head. "That's up to you. But I can kind of tell your mood depending on what you call me." A crease formed between Ben's eyebrows. "How so?"

  In thought, Rey scrunched up her nose. "Well you call me sweetheart when you're being cocky. You call me love when you're feeling romantic or appreciative. You call me my dear when you are extremely and unexplainably happy. And you only call me by name if you're thoughtful." Ben smiled and snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. "Is that so, my dear?" Rey smiled as he rubbed his nose against hers. She placed her hands on his cheeks and pressed her forehead against his. "I love you," she whispered. "And I love you." Ben replied. Rey leaned forward and they shared a brief but sweet kiss. Ben pulled away and Rey raised her eyebrows. "What's wrong?" Ben smiled. "There will be plenty of time for that later, but for now we should get out of here."

   Rey released Ben's face and nodded. "You're right." She looked up with a sigh. "We're going to have to get out through there." She said, pointing to the big hole at the top of the cave. Ben nodded and sighed. "I was afraid you'd say that," he said and Rey shrugged. "We can just use the Force." Ben laughed and shook his head. "I don't think there's any other way. I had hoped there would be a way to climb out but there doesn't appear to be anywhere to climb." Ben shuddered. He wasn't altogether fond of climbing anyway. Not since he had to climb out of that pit with a broken leg on Exegol. It might make them rely less on the Force but in this instance, Ben didn't think relying on the Force would be a bad thing. They weren't exactly using it for their own benefit. They just needed a little boost.

After Rey gathered her things in her satchel, she slung it over her shoulder and fastened her cloak. Ben smiled and reached out to take her hand. "Ready, love?" He asked and Rey nodded with a smile. "Ready as I'll ever be." Ben closed his eyes and Rey did the same. Ben concentrated on focusing for both of them so that Rey did not exhaust herself, even though he knew she was more than capable of this small task. Ben could feel the connection between him and Rey as their minds bridged and they slowly began to levitate. Their feet left the ground and Ben held on to Rey, concentrating on reaching the top of the hole. He wouldn't have had to focus so hard had he not felt so drained of energy. Through closed eyes, Ben began to see the sunlight and felt his feet touch the ground.

Once their feet were planted firmly on the ground Ben opened his eyes and pulled Rey into his arms. "That wasn't so bad, now was it?" Rey shook her head and smiled then hugged him back. The hug lasted for several minutes before Ben sighed. "We better get back to your ship." He said, wanting to get off this planet. "What ship did you bring anyway?" He asked, slightly concerned. They couldn't both fit in the cockpit of an X-Wing. Rey's eyes widened and she gasped. "The Falcon. Chewbacca! I completely forgot! He must be worried sick and..." Rey gasped and raised a hand to her mouth. "He doesn't know your alive! Oh Ben. He's going to be so thrilled to see you!" She squealed with delight as she began to make her way around the cliffs and towards the village.

   Ben followed Rey and forced a smile, even though he begged to differ. Chewie didn't want anything to do with Ben. Ben was the reason Chewbacca's best friend was gone, not to mention the fact that Han was Ben's own father. Ben had to admit that he had missed the Wookie. He remembered when Chewie had cared for him as a small boy. Ben and Chewbacca has been quite close. It had killed the Wookie when he found out what Ben had done that day in Luke's Jedi temple. And even though it hurt like hell, Ben knew that Chewbacca hadn't aimed to kill that day on Starkiller Base. If he had, then Ben would have already been dead. But he still doubted that the Wookie wanted to see him.

   Once Ben and Rey reached the village, Rey walked over to a hut that had a damaged, bent-in door and knocked sharply. The door creaked open revealing the large "walking carpet", or so that was what Ben's mother called the Wookie. Chewbacca let out a loud roar and Rey sighed. "I know Chewie. I'm sorry. I hadn't meant to be out all night." Chewie, who obviously hadn't noticed Ben yet, let out another aggravated roar. Ben understood ever word of the Wookie language, and Chewbacca was quite perturbed. But Ben could hear the worry in the Wookie's tone. Rey groaned. "I really am sorry Chewie but I have a good reason." She said and Chewbacca crossed his arms. Rey took a few steps back and grabbed Ben's hand then pulled him in front of the Wookie.

   Hesitantly, Ben raised a hand and waved awkwardly. Chewbacca let out a loud roar, scaring the Porgs all around the island, and pulled Ben into his furry embrace. Ben hesitated but then hugged the Wookie back. Chewbacca let out small whimpering roars. Ben sighed. "I missed you too, buddy." He said and Chewbacca squeezed him. Ben grunted and Chewie loosened his grip. "I'm sorry about what happened back on Pasaana," Ben said, guilt clutching at his consciousness. "I never actually wanted Rey to hurt you..." Chewie rumbled, cutting him off and assured Ben it was alright. He then pulled Rey into the hug and the three of them stood in awkward silence for several minutes.

   After the silence carried on for a few seconds more, Rey finally suggested they find something to eat. Ben smiled and nodded him agreement. He hadn't had anything to eat in a long, long while. Chewie offered the portions he had stocked on the Falcon. Ben would have objected, wanting Rey to have a better meal for her own health and the baby's, but the only other thing to eat on the island were the Porgs and he didn't have the heart. So, the three of them made their way back to the Millennium Falcon, where Chewie headed to his room to pull out the portions he had brought. Rey and Ben made their way to the cockpit, where Rey sat down at the co-pilot's seat. She smiled and  offered Ben the pilots seat where his father used to sit.

   Ben hesitated. The sight of the Millennium Falcon itself brought back so many memories. But being in the cockpit where he had spent many childhood years was a completely different experience. Rey noticed Ben's uneasiness and was at his side in a second. "What's wrong?" She could sense his trouble through their bond. "Oh it's nothing," Ben lied. Rey raised an eyebrow and he chuckled. "Can't get anything past you, huh?" Ben hung his head. "It's just that being here brings back so many memories." Rey frowned. "Painful memories?" Ben shook his head. "Quite the contrary. I used to sit in my father's lap as he would pilot the ship and dream of being a pilot myself."

   Rey tilted her head. "You wanted to be a pilot?" Ben nodded. "More than anything. I was a pretty damn good one too. Still am. I never wanted to be a Jedi like Uncle Luke. But mother thought it was for the best." Rey sighed. "I'm sorry. I never knew that was your dream. They shouldn't have forced you to take Jedi training if it wasn't what you wanted." Ben nodded and smiled softly. "It was for the best. Mother had my best interests at heart. Dad was the one who actually wanted to let me follow out that dream." Ben scoffed slightly. "He wanted me to be like him." Rey smiled. "You are in many ways." Ben smiled gently. Rey elbowed his ribs teasingly. "You know, I'm a pretty good pilot too." She claimed and Ben raised his eyebrows. "Oh yeah?" Rey scrunched up her nose challengingly. "Yeah."

   A few minutes later, Chewie returned with two portions worth for each of them. Rey smiled appreciatively and thanked Chewbacca and Ben did the same. They ate in silence and finished their meals fairly quickly. Once they were finished, Rey disposed of their trash and turned to Ben and Chewbacca. "So where to next?" Chewie didn't have any input but Ben smiled. "I know of a place." Rey raised her eyebrows. "What's it called?" Ben shook his head. "It's a surprise." Rey crossed her arms, looking distraught and Ben laughed. "Don't worry sweetheart. I'm sure you'll like it. And if you don't, we don't have to stay." Rey growled in frustration but Ben reached out and twirled his finger around a lock of her hair. She sighed and soon gave in. Ben smiled and gave Chewie the coordinates.

   After a little while, Ben told Rey she should get some sleep. She refused unless he agreed to join her and Ben reluctantly nodded. Chewbacca agreed to keep watch and pilot while Ben and Rey made their way to the crews quarters. They agreed that would be better than Rey's bedroom for the time being.
They were almost tot he bunks when they heard a chain of beeps. Rey smiled slowly and raised a finger to her lips, motioning for Ben to be quiet. She slowly rounded the corner and pounced, scaring a pair of small droids. "Well if it isn't a couple of stowaways." Rey said with a small laugh. "What are you doing here BB-8? I thought I told you to stay with Poe and Finn." The small round droid beeped in response then turned to Ben. Rey smiled. "Yes. This is Ben Solo." She turned to Ben. "Ben, this is BB-8 and D-O."

   The small BB unit backed away and beeped aggressively at Ben, but the little droid just looked up at him curiously. Ben tilted his head and crouched down, resting his arms on his knees. "Hello there little guy." Ben reached out to the small droid but D-O backed away. "No," it muttered. The droid looked Ben up and down, studying him. After a minute, it seemed to change its mind. The little droid slowly came forward and placed the muzzle of its nose into Ben's palm. Ben smiled and rubbed the small droid's nose. "Poor little guy. You've had a rough past too, haven't you?" He asked as Rey watched silently, touched by the scene. "Abused." D-O spoke in basic and trembled. Ben sighed and took the little droid into his arms. "It's alright. You're safe now."

Ben stood with D-O in his arms and smiled at Rey. She smiled back. "He warmed up to you quickly. He's never done that with anyone before. Except for..." Ben cut her off. "You?" Rey nodded. "Yeah. How did you know?" Ben chuckled. He walked over and pulled Rey close to him with his free arm. "We are one, remember? A dyad. This little guy could sense our connection." Rey smiled. "So did he warm up to me because of you? Or you because of me?" Ben laughed. "Let's just say he warmed up to both of us." Rey smiled. "That works." BB-8 looked back and forth between Rey and Ben then let out a string of annoyed beeps. Ben smiled. "You want your playmate back?" He asked the BB droid. BB-8 beeped and Ben nodded. "Alright." He set D-O down and pat the droid on the nose once more before it spun off with BB-8 in the other direction.

Rey giggled. "I think BB-8 is going to need some more convincing before warming up to you." Ben raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?" Rey nodded, fighting a yawn and Ben smiled. "Well, I think it's time you get some rest sweetheart." He reached out and scooped her up in his arms. Rey began to protest, but Ben held her tightly and she soon nuzzled against his chest. Ben smiled. He carried her over to one of the bunks and laid her down then began to slip his arms or from under her. But Rey snaked her arms around his neck. "Stay," she whispered. Ben smiled softly but complied and slipped into the bed next to her. It was an awfully small bed but Ben didn't care. He pulled Rey into his arms and laid his head on the pillow. With one last deep breath, Ben let his breathing match Rey's and soon they both drifted off.

   When they woke, Rey perched herself on Ben's chest and smiled. "Good morning darling. Did you sleep well?" Ben took her face in his hands and placed a feather soft kiss on her lips. "Of course. I'll always sleep well with you by my side." Rey let out a soft sigh and buried herself into his chest. "And I will always be by your side." Ben wrapped an arm around Rey and she sighed. "Darling?" Ben looked down at her. "Yes?" Rey batted her eyelashes. "Where are we going?" Ben chuckled. "Is that your strategy?" Rey made an innocent face. "What strategy?" Ben narrowed his eyes. "To sweet talk me into revealing the name of the planet?" Rey pinched her lips and scrunched up her nose. "Is it working?" Ben chuckled and shook his head. "You'll find out soon enough."

Not a minutes later, Chewbacca called out that they had reached their destination. Ben grinned and chuckled. "Sooner than you thought." Rey jumped up, full of excitement. "We're here!" She squealed. Ben chuckled. "You don't even know where here is." Rey shrugged. "Exactly. That's why I'm so excited. I want to see where you've taken me." Ben smiled and sat up from the bunk. "Alright love. Come on." He stood and took Rey's hand then led her to the cockpit. Chewie was waiting for them excitedly. He seemed to like the planet Ben had chosen. With a deep breath, Ben turned to Rey. "Well my Rey of sunshine. Welcome to Naboo."

Slowly, Rey approached the window. When she looked out and saw the view, she gasped and covered her mouth. Outside, was a beautiful lake of shining blue water, surrounded by hills covered in green. Tears formed in Rey's eyes and Ben took her hand. "Do you like it, love?" Rey turned to Ben and threw her arms around him. "I love it! It's so much more beautiful than I ever could have imagined!" Ben smiled and wrapped his arms around Rey's waist, lifting her off the ground. He was careful to hold her gently. "It will be the perfect place to raise our children." Ben brought his lips down to Rey's in a tender but passionate kiss. It wasn't until Chewie wailed that they broke apart in the sound of melodious laughter.

Author's Note:
Hello!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I had a lot of fun writing it, especially because it is in Ben's POV. I love using their connection and their dyad as well as the passion they have for one another. I have about eight more chapters to go so thank you for sticking with me and please continue to read this story and leave feedback! And please if you like a chapter leave a vote! Thank you!!

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