Chapter 10: Late Night Arguing

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Red wearily opened her eyes, rubbing them on her hands that were just cradling her head. She looked around to see that Gamora was still sleeping. Red got up, trying to not wake Gamora as she got out of the bed. Red slowly opened the door and slipped to the outside, closing the door behind her. She looked around for what had woken her up. It sounded like arguing. Red stepped through the ship, looking around every corner to look for someone to explain what all the yelling was about. Red found Peter still driving the Milano, he apparently hasn't found a place to park the ship. You could tell he was fighting to stay awake. Red went up to the human. Peter jumped a little noticing the fox's presence, luckily not doing anything to disturb his driving.

"Jesus Chris-mm. . ." Peter stopped himself from exclaiming the curse by closing his mouth. "Hey, Red," Peter continued when he regained his composure.

"Hello Peter," Red said smiling.

"So, why're you awake?"

"I heard arguing. . ."

"Oh, yeah," Peter said sheepishly. "Sorry about that, we didn't mean to wake you up."

"We? I only see you,"

"Drax and Rocket went to bed, I think." Red nodded and sat down at the copilot seat. It was quite for a few moments. Red just looked out the windshield, watching as the ship flew through space.

"You run into Rocket on the way here?" Peter asked, breaking the silence. Red looked over at Terran.

"If I did, I wouldn't be here, I'd be talking to him." Red said bluntly, going back to look at space. Peter chuckled.

"Yeah, sorry. So, uh, how do you like the team?" Red moved her gaze from the stars to Peter.

"I love it. It's better than what I had on Earth. On Earth I wasn't smart I didn't have hands and I, was very lonely. . ." Red admitted.

"Did you have any friends? Or do foxes even really have friends, I don't know about forest life that much." Peter admitted.

"No, I didn't have any friends, probably because I couldn't find a mate. You're cast aside from everything when you're different. Everyone else had found their other half and I just, couldn't. . . Mating in the forest world is crucial to the last detail, basically your life is: Be born, leave you're parents, find a mate, mate, have offspring until you die. It's just, I couldn't find the right one." Red sighed and looked back out the windshield, tired of telling her sob story of a life.

"I'm just glad that now I'm able to be around people without hearing the nagging of how I haven't grown up yet." Red added, still looking out.

"Well, that might change sooner or later." Peter said, smirking to himself. Red whirled her head to look at Peter, total confusion masking her whole face.

"What do you mean, Peter?" Red said.

"Well, a little birdie told me that someone likes you, an I'm pretty sure that you like him back." Peter said, looking over to meet Red's gaze. Red gave Peter a look of utter bullshit.

"That's bullshit." Red grunted.

"It's not bullshit! It's true!" Peter said, sounding like a kindergartner that was trying to prove that he was right. Sadly, Red sounded like the other kid saying that Peter was a liar.

"Is not!" Red said.

"Is to!" Peter exclaimed.

"Is NOT!"

"Is TO!"


"IS-" Peter was cut off when a really disgruntled looking Rocket walked in, glaring daggers at the two that were in the front seat arguing. Rocket was lowly growling, adding to the assumption that he was not happy at all that he had been woken up.

"What-The-Fuck-Is-Wrong-With-You-Jackasses!" Rocket yelled.

"I'm tryin' to fuckin' sleep, but I can't 'cause two bastards are up here motherfuckin' yelling! If you don't shut the fuck up, I'm gonna hurt you both so badly that you're future relatives will look bad!" Rocket was on the verge of pulling out his gun and blasting their brains across the windshield, not caring who or what was annoying him. Peter and Red both stared at the raccoon, mouths close.

"He/She started it!" They both yelled unison, pointing a finger at the other.

"I don't give a rat's ass who it was! I'll gladly strangle both of you to stop the problem!" Rocket said. Red closed her mouth and sank into her chair.

"That's more like it. If I hear another son of a bitch yelling, I'm coming back here and killing you with bare hands." Rocket then stomped out, still grumbling. Red looked over at Peter, holding back a laugh, Peter doing the same. They both ended up nearly chocking on their laughter for having to hold it back. After their fit of laughter Red thought for moment.

"We should apologize for waking him up." Red said.

"Not now, he's asleep." Peter said.

"No one can fall asleep that fast, plus, if he got up and cussed us out, that would've woken him up enough for him to be awake for another hour or something."

"Right, do whatever, just be careful to not get killed." Red nodded and left the room to go find Rocket. Red used her sense of smell to find her way to his room. She didn't have to go that far, his room was actually fairly close to the control room. Red took a deep breath hoping that Rocket was still awake, and she lightly knocked on the door.

"Rocket?" She called. Rocket almost immediately opened the door.

"Yeah?" He still looked a little angry from before.

"Sorry, for waking you up earlier." Red said.

"Yeah, whatever," Rocket said, he rubbed the back his neck, "I'll see ya later, I guess."

Red nodded, not exactly what else to say.

"Goodnight then." Red said starting to leave.

"Yeah," Red heard Rocket say. She heard him close the door, and she sighed. Red kinda felt disappointed a little bit, with herself at least. Lately, Red has been feeling strange toward the raccoon, and the night at bar didn't help her at all. Rocket seems to act strange toward Red and she doesn't know why. Then the thing Peter said about someone liking her. Peter may be poking fun at Red's feelings towards the raccoon, I mean, did she make it seem that obvious? Red was unsure about all this, and it was happening so fast. Red sighed again, and headed to the control room, knowing that if she climbed back into bed she'd probably wake up Gamora.

Red walked in and curled up into a ball in the co-pilot seat.

"So, what happened?" Peter said. He sounded hopeful for some reason.

"Nothing, I said I was sorry and he accepted the apology, nothing else." Red said not opening her eyes.

"Oh," Peter's hopeful tone had changed to disappointment.

"I'm sleeping in here, alright?" Red said.

"Yeah, do whatever." Peter said, going back to piloting the ship. Red soon fell asleep, not knowing that the raccoon down the hall was wide awake and contemplating why he was too much of a 'pussy' to say his feelings toward the vixen.


Rocket had his head in his hands.

"Gah, I'm such an dumbass." Rocket growled to himself. Groot only looked at Rocket.

"I had the chance, and I didn't take it, I had two chances even." Rocket continued to say. Groot felt sorry for his friend, sorry that he couldn't say any consoling words to calm him down.

"Groot, what should I do?" Rocket looked at his friend expectantly. But Groot only looked at Rocket with sadness in his eyes saying that he wished to say what he thought.

"Right, you still can't talk yet." Rocket huffed and got up from his place on the floor. He gave Groot a little pat on the head as he passed the little tree. Rocket laid down on his bed and sighed.

"I've got problems Groot, and I don't know how to fix this one."

(A/N: You guys have no idea how happy I am that you love this story. At first I wasn't too sure cos it was a fanfiction about a genetically engineered raccoon. But I published it anyways cos there wasn't that many Rocket fanfictions an it upsets me greatly since I love this raccoon with all my heart and soul, man.
Anyway, it just makes my day whenever I see a vote and/or a comment. Also, slight favor, if you guys know any good Rocket fanfics can you comment the title? Thank you! Also, another favor from you guys, I'm writing a SpiderMan fan fic and I was wondering if you guys will read it. If you're into SpiderMan that is. Anyway, thanks! Love you! Bye my little Proxies, and enjoy reading!)

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