Chapter 11: Dewitty and Frenksy

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"Have you found her yet, Dewitty?" A pink-skinned scientist asked, going up to the taller of the two. Dewitty turned around from where he was standing in front of the giant holographic computer he was hunched over, glaring at his companion.

"If I had found her, would I be here?" The one named Dewitty said, glaring.

"No need to get snappy with me, jeez."

"We wouldn't even be in the situation if you haven't decided tO GIVE HER THREE DOSES OF TERRAN AND OUR D.N.A.!" Dewitty exclaimed.


"Ugh, just, shut up. You know that our kind has a massive intellect, and throughout all that vast knowledge, you couldn't find the common sense to not lace our D.N.A. with Terran's, then, to make it worse, you put it in a fucking vulpini!" Dewitty said.

"Hey, let's just find the stupid creature-"

"It's not stupid if it was able to outsmart us and drive an escape ship out of here." Dewitty said, going back to the computer in front of him. Dewitty grunted in frustration as he came up with nothing for what seemed like the billionth time that day.

"How are we going to find her?! THERE'S NO WAY! SHE'S OUT IN SPACE! And we weren't able to tag her before she ran away! By the way, you're not allowed to look after the subjects on your own any more, Frenksy." Dewitty said with a sigh, going back to his work.

Frenksy, a look of being majorly offended moved his taller friend to look at him.


"The boss said no more after what happened with the fox." Dewitty said, ripping himself from Frenksy's grasp and going back to work.

"But, does that mean, I'm fired?" Frenksy asked.

"No, it means that you're a complete dumbass." Dewitty growled.

"So, I still have my job?" Frenksy said, hopeful.

"Not for long, if you can't find the fox in the next three weeks, you're gone." Frenksy's hope was extinguished like a light, knowing far too well that he was not going to able to find the test subject in that amount of time.

"Why are helping me then? I thought you hated me."

"Because if I don't help, I'm gone, jackass." Dewitty said as he tapped away on his computer. "Also, I don't hate you. . ."

Frenksy put a hand over his mouth.

"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." Frenksy said.

"Don't let it go to your head, short stack." Dewitty said.

"I'm telling everyone."

"You tell anyone and you're not even going to make it to the other side of the room." Dewitty said.

"Alright, point taken." Frenksy pulled up his own part of the holographic screen and started going through the search history to see what Dewitty had searched already.

"Have you searched through military reports?" Frenksy asked. "See if they've seen anything to her description?"

Dewitty stopped what he was doing and literally slammed his head against the plastic that held the holographic key board.

"I feel like such a major fucking retard right now." Dewitty grumbled against the plastic of the keyboard. Frenksy was too busy running around the lab cheering that he was smarter than Dewitty to hear his friend's remark. Dewitty stood back up and started typing up to search for military reports about anything that seemed suspicious.

"So, what'd you find?" Frenksy asked after a couple laps around the lab.

"So far nothing- wait, I found something." Dewitty opened the file and started to read.

"What is it?" Frenksy asked, scooting in front of Dewitty so they could both see.

It was a file on a group of five people, and a potted plant.

" 'They were sighted in Krag; this group is also known as the Guardians of the Galaxy; one of the following is unknown to be a part of this group'." Dewitty read aloud.

"Maybe the unknown is the vulpini!" Frenksy said.

"Maybe." Dewitty scrolled through the profiles of the group.

" 'Drax the Destroyer'; 'Gamora'; 'Groot'; 'Quill, Peter, a.k.a. Starlord'; 'Rocket'; 'Unknown'." Dewitty pressed the profile for 'Unknown' after he read the file name aloud. Dewitty and Frenksy started to read through the description. Dewitty, out of habit, started to read it out loud like he usually does since he can read faster than Frenksy.

" 'Name: Unknown; Species: Unknown; Origin: Unknown; Last Sighted: Krag, Lower Quentinicisco Solar System; Eyes: Amber; Hair/Fur: Red, Black paws/hands, White-Tipped tail; Sex: Appears Female; Associates: See 'Guardians of the Galaxy'; Abilities: Unknown; Excess Info.: Unknown'. "

"WE FOUND HER! WE HAVE TO HEAD TO KRAG! IT'S NOT THAT FAR!" Frenksy yelled, running towards the door. Dewitty grabbed the back of Frenksy's lab coat, holding him back, causing him to make a gagging noise and to fall back on his butt.

"Hold on, she was last seen exactly Seventy-Two hours ago. She could be long gone. What we can do right now is tell Mr. Saxer about it, he can instruct us what to do next." Dewitty said. Frenksy got up and nodded.

"Okay, let's do it then!" Frenksy opened up the contact list on the computer and called their boss, Mr. Saxer.

"Did you find her?" Mr. Saxer asked as soon as he picked up the video call.

"We found a trace of her, sir. We wanted to let you know and to ask what to do next." Dewitty said sternly.

"Good, now, I want you to follow that trace, and not come back until you find her." Frenksy kicked Dewitty in the shin.

"I told you!" He whisper-yelled. Dewitty only rolled his eyes.

"We're on it sir." Dewitty said. Mr. Saxer looked at them through his glasses, the glare on them making his employees unable to his eyes. He seemed really scary, especially since he wasn't even a Repilio, the kind of alien Frenksy and Dewitty were, he was a Derax, a type of alien that had taken over the planet that the Repilio people lived on and was now in charge of.

"Good. Now get going." Mr. Saxer ended the call. Dewitty and Frenksy stared at the screen for a while before Frenksy finally broke the silence.

"C'mon Dewitty, let's go, don't want to keep Mr. Saxer waiting."

(A/N: oh my god
Thank you guys so much for the comment last chapter, I seriously felt like crying because you all kept asking for updates and it made me feel special and just, thank you.
I hope you guys liked this chapter cos it took me forever to think of what to write. So, thank you guys so much.

What do you think of Dewitty and Frenksy?

Bye my proxies and enjoy reading!)
((Ps. Vulpini is the scientific word for fox BTW))

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