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"Now. Before it gets too out of hand."

Wolf woke to the sound of screams. She sat straight up, cursing under her breath. Why had she fallen asleep? That had been pure idiocy.

She crept back to the camp, trying to be as quiet and stealthy as possible.
And when she saw what was happening, she almost screamed.

But she didn't. She wasn't that dumb. The Empire was there. And they were kicking some serious butt. They had rounded unjust about all of the Pack, and most of them were blooded and bruised. And they were being rounded up to look at...oh god. Dagger.

Two goons held her, and her nose was bent at a strange angle. One had gagged her with a dirty old cloth. Ew. That couldn't be sanitary.

And next to her, stood no other than Fang. Wolf seethed. The backstabbing traitor! Even from her spot in the bushes, she could see the pure hate in his eyes. She strained her ears to hear what he was yelling. "...YOU THOUGH I WAS WEAK! YOU THOUGH A RUNT WAS BETTER THAN ME!" Wolf winced at this. "YOU ENDED MY TIME AT YOUR SIDE, SO NOW IM GOING TO END YOU!!" With a flourish, he produced a dagger. "Ironic, eh?" He asked, and Dagger snarled at him.

Wolf got to her feet, her mind desperately trying to find a way, ANY WAY, to save Dagger. A hand clamped on to her shoulder, and she almost screamed.

She looked up, to see a man in an IF uniform. The man. The man from the train. "Sorry, kid, but you have to come with me." "" She whispered. He scooped her up, and through her over his shoulder. "Hey! Let me go! Let me go! I have to save Dagger!! You have to let me do something!!!" She screamed, kicking and flailing. His grip was like steel. "I can't let you do that." "Then you do something! DAGGER IS GOING TO DIE!!! HES GOING TO MURDER HER!" The man said nothing. She creamed till her voice was gone, and squirmed till she exhausted her energy.

Finally, they reached the man's shiny black car, and he put Wolf in the back seat. And as they drove away from the park, Wolf covered her ears and cried as the last of Daggers screams died away.

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