A/N: A few notes

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Hello! Thank you for clicking on this story and taking the chance at reading it. Here are a few notes that i'd like for you to read, however you don't need to and can skip this if you please. If you like what you're reading, please consider leaving a vote. It would mean a lot to me. Now onto the notes!

1.This story is based off Ao Oni and HetaOni, as well as inspired by Mango Kiwi's Dangan Ronpa Minecraft.  YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ANY OF THOSE TO FOLLOW THIS STORY. AND NO, THIS DOES NOT SPOIL AO ONI OR HETAONI. 


2. The mansion used is NOT the one from the original Ao Oni, but instead the mansion design from HetaOni. I will put a link in the comments of this chapter, so that you can look at the maps a fan made.

3. These are the 13 main characters, however more will be used later in the story (for minor roles):

SkyDoesMinecraft, Deadlox, Bashurverse, Subzeroextabyte, BajanCanadian, JeromeASF, Ssundee, Antvenom, Bodil40, MunchingBrotato, GoldSolace, Setosorcerer, and MinecraftUniverse. 

(There are no OCs or Pairings in this story, just so you know.) 

4. Sub has a face in this story. Why? His skin might have no face, but in animations he and Sk3tch make on their channel, he has a face in those (as well as some fanart). He still is mute and Suberino. 

5.The "Oni" or "EnderOni" is just a really big, scary Endermen. Just incase you were not sure.

6. I am not a professional writer. I can guarantee that all of my chapters will have some sort of mistake. If you could kindly point them out, I will most definitely correct them. ALSO. I am not good a writing everyone. Some might be OOC. Please forgive me for that. 

7. I'm hoping this will turn out to be a rather long story, since so much could be done with this. However, updates, such as chapters, will not be a daily thing. I will write when i have the time, so chapters may be weekly or every other week. 

8. And last, comments and feedback would really help me out. It would give me confidence and knowing that people are reading is very pleasing. Feel free to express how you feel about what's going on in the chapter, as well as share what you think will happen or hope does not happen. :)

NOW ONTO THE STORY (and thank you SO SO SO MUCH for reading this note!) 

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