Loop One, Chapter One: So it began

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EnderOni Loop One

Chapter One:

So It began


It was Monday when the letters were sent out and Friday when those who received them were due to arrive. The letters were professionally made by someone who chose to be anonymous. The letters told of a new horror map that needed testing for it to be released, giving the map's cords and the appointment time. The Letters also explained that it was a map that could only be completed with a group, and thus the person would arrive to find that he wasn't going through it alone. These letters were sent out to 13 lucky popular minecrafters.

Friday was a sunny, clear day. It was cool with a slight wind. For many, it was the last day of a long, work filled week. For the lucky 13, it was the perfect day to test out a new map. Their mornings started with a lazy awakening, with breakfast, and other activities. It was only shortly after lunch when the first group arrived to the map, which was a large mansion surrounded with trees and gardens. A cobblestone road lead up to it, and a small pond with a tiny bridge happened to be just a few yards outside the front of the building.

This group, formed when they realized they had all gotten a letter to the same place with the same time, consisted of minecrafters named Sky, Ty, Bashur, Sub, and Tyler. SkyDoesMinecraft, the most famous of all 13 as well as the leader of a group known as the Sky Army. He was also well known for hating squids and adoring butter, also known as gold. Ty, also known as Deadlox, was Sky's closest friend and another lover of butter. Ty was known to have a dark sense of humor and for always having neon green, glowing headphones on.

BashurVerse was a silly one, who wasn't actually human, but a melon. He wore 3D glasses and had a high, childish voice. SubZeroExtabyte was a quiet one, who never spoke. Instead, Sub made it clear what he was thinking through expressions on his face and actions. He was the youngest, and by far the most mysterious. Last, but certainly not least, was MunchingBrotato. Also going by Tyler, he was a young adult who wore big glasses. He could impersonate people with his voice almost perfectly, and he was very loyal to his closest of friends, while not afraid to joke about with them.

Standing in front of the mansion, the group stopped to gaze upon it's blank cream-colored walls, probably made out of sandstone. It looked to be 5 stories tall, all windows being blocked out except for the one on the 5th floor.

"Certainly looks like a horror map." Bashur said, shivering as the wind picked up, making the trees dance from side to side.

Sky laughed. "I've seen worse, honestly."

"Yeah, like The Orphanage?" Ty asked, smirking.

"God, that was horrible." Sky shook his head at the memory. He was never going into a horror map alone ever again, that's for sure.

"This really doesn't look that bad." Tyler gazed at the building. "Though I probably just jinxed it."

"Hey! Yeah! How could you!?" Bashur gasped, turning to Tyler with hands on his hips.

"Well, we're all fucked now." Sky laughed, walking towards the door.

Sub grinned and raised both his arms into the air, as if you shout like he was ready for a party, following Sky. Ty and Bashur walked over as Sky opened the door. As Tyler walked closer to the building, a feeling of déjà vu came over him. Which was odd. He'd never seen the place before, nor did he ever dream or think of it. He shook his head and forgot about it, joining the others as they stepped inside.

The door closing behind them, the group stopped to find themselves at the meeting of three different hallways. In front of them was a wide hallway and a staircase to the next floor. To both sides were two other hallways, the one to the right with a door at the end, and the other to the left turning a sharp right down at the other end. The group looked around, unimpressed as the seemingly dull construction.

"I don't see any signs around." Bashur said.

Bashur was right. There were no signs in sight. Every map had signs to introduce the players to the map, as well as give the story line. But yet the halls were empty.

"Hm." Ty's eyes narrowed.

"Maybe we need to look around for them? Like explore?" Tyler asked.

"I guess so." Sky seemed to agree.

Bashur gave a small laugh. "Yeah! Like splitting up and searching, maybe!?"

"That's what the map would want us to do." He added.

"God, so cliché." Sky laughed.

"Three hallways, 5 of us." Ty said. "Someone's gonna have to go alone."

"NOT ME!" Sky almost screamed.

"NOT ME EITHER!" Bashur joined it right after. Sub raised his hands before Tyler could join in.

"NOT ME!" Tyler jumped, and they turned to Ty.

"HA! You have to go alone!" Sky smirked.

Ty cross his arms. "Hey, noo. Tyler was last, he hast to go alone."

"NO!" Tyler shouted. "You didn't say not me, so you're last!"

"I came up with the idea, I didn't have to say not me." Ty said, narrowing his eyes.

"But I don't wanna be alone!" Tyler replied.

"Well too bad!" Ty grinned. "Sub and I can check the hallway to the left, Bashur and Sky can go look at the middle hallway, you can go check out the hallway to the right."


"AW, why do I haft to go with the mellloon?" Sky joked. "What happened to Skylox-sama-senpai!?"

"Well, you know what, shut up. Be a good little child and listen to mommy's orders." Ty replied and Sky laughed again.

"Then Sub will protect me, right!?" Bashur asked, shifting behind the mute minecrafter. Sub stepped to the side, the melon almost tripping.

"NO! SUB!" Bashur coughed.

"This isn't fair!" Tyler shouted.

"Well, you can cry about it later." Ty replied.

"FINE!" Tyler sighed loudly. "But when I find the signs and decide to start without you all, you'll realize this was a bad idea!" He complained.

"Have fun being alone!"

"ALRIGHT! SPREAD OUT GANG!" Bashur yelled, taking Sky's arm and sprinting down the left hallway with him.

"BASHUR!" Sky shouted, but couldn't stop the melon, who started laughing.

Tyler watched the two get farther and father away. He then turned to see Ty and Sub were already walking down the middle hallway. Tyler crossed his arms. When Bashur and Sky turned the corner and disappeared, and when Ty and Sub where out of sight, Tyler huffed. Abandoned. Alone. But he was okay. It wasn't dark in the mansion, it wasn't that spooky. He'd never been in a horror map like that, which made him more excited about it. He, honestly, wasn't scared.

"Let the games begin." He sighed.

Turning around, he faced the hallway left for him. It was the right hallway, which had a door all the way at the end, as well as a door to the left not so far away. He began to walk down it, the silence bothering him. When he reached the door to the left, he stopped to inspect it. A small wooden plank was screwed to it. It had words that read "Enchanting Room". Placing his hand on the knob, he turned it to hear a click. It was locked.

But wasn't all he heard when he twisted the knob. He heard a crash. He jumped, gasping to the sound that scared him. It was the sound of glass crashing to the ground, and it had come from the other room at the end of the hallway. Suddenly things felt a bit more freaky, and his attention dropped from the locked door to the crash.

"God, the perfect time to be alone." He whispered.

Walking to the other door, he turned the knob and, this time, the door opened. It was not locked. Stepping inside, the creaking of the door made Tyler cringe. The room was dark, but looking for a light switch, he found one and quickly turned on the lights. They flickered on, making it far easier for him to see.

The room was large, half of it having a couch , coffee table, and an old TV on a stand, all atop a big, fluffy rug. The other half was a kitchen, with a bar and stools. On the other side of the kitchen was another door.

Tyler walked around to face the TV, which didn't face the door. He found a remote on the coffee table, picking it up to click the on button. It didn't work at all. Frowning, He placed the remote back down and went on to investigate the kitchen side of the room.


Tyler found a broken, white glass plate on toe floor. It was shattered into pieces, the largest piece being in a pizza shape. It had a sharp edge. Picking it up out of curiosity, Tyler decided to keep it in his pocket. A strange feeling lingered in the back of his head. Something told him he'd need it. It was just as odd as that déjà vu moment not long ago.

Moving onward, Tyler took a look at the door a few feet away. It was just like every other door, wooden. He tried to open it, but it didn't budge. Another locked door. Shaking his head, he looked about a little more. He found that the kitchen was dusty and no food could be found. The light in the kitchen was flickering, probably due to die soon.

That was about it for that hallway. Tyler made his way out, back to the meeting of the three hallways. Nobody was there to, so he guessed the other two hallways must have had better stuff.

"Well now what!?" He grumbled.

He looked around again, leaning against the wall. His eyes resting on the stairs to the second floor, he noticed something on the wall next to it. He walked over, having not seen it before. He began more interested when he saw it was a sign, but frown when he read it.

"Second floor that way?" He read aloud. "Yeah, no shit."

Looking up the stairs to see the second floor, he saw that it was light up there as well. Looking back, there was no sign of the other four coming back. It went against all rules in any horror movie, but why not just go on and explore? It was a horror map meant to be played, so no use being a scared little baby. Grinning, he went up the stairs.

More hallways. This time, the stair case took you to a hallway that connected to two hallways, one on each end. No sign of signs, just more creamy colored walls. How boring this map was. No sign of any story, no sign of anything at all. Tyler just went with it though. He turned to his right, going to investigate farther. Turning the corner, he found many more doors. One was slightly opened.

"Well obviously I have to go there." He said aloud, staring at the door. "Nope."

Turning around, he walked back down the hallway to investigate else where. Turned out all the other doors were locked. It looked like he was being forced to go into that slightly opened room. He didn't want to, and even considered going to the next floor, but it was dark up there, and even more spooky. In the end, wasting time was all he did. At last, he found himself entering the only room he could.

The room was small. There was a blue rug and a desk. Bookshelves and a bed off to the side as well. The room also had a closet. However this closet had a door that was iron, and no button next to it. It was odd, since he'd never seen any door in here made of iron. Again, this had to be something important. Walking around, he noticed something on the desk at the side of the room. It shined as the light reflected off of it.

Approaching the small object, Tyler picked it up. It was a key with a small tag. The tag read "Enchantment Room". He'd haft to go back down stairs.

Tyler was about to leave to find everyone so that he can show them the key, but he heard a noise coming from the closet. It was as if someone were crying or sniffling. The noise was very distant, and the room had to be deathly quite for Tyler to even pick up on the sound.

"Um...hello?" Tyler spoke up, walking over to the iron door.

No reply. Tyler put his ear to the door and knocked on it.

"Hello?" He spoke again.

There was a pause where the crying stopped. Tyler waited for a reply. He waited a few seconds before speaking again. Whoever was on the other side had obviously heard him.

"Hello? Are you alright?" He asked again, louder.

"W-Who are you?" He heard, muffled beyond the iron.

"Um...m-my name's Tyler. C-can I h-help you?" He asked.

There was a pause. Then Tyler heard a clicking sound inside the door and stepped back, waiting to see the door open slowly. Not opened all the way, the person allowed the door open just enough do that they could see each other.

"MunchingBrotato?" The person asked, surprised.

"Ssundee?" Tyler's eyes widen. Since when did Ian get here?

Ian slowly looked around the room, standing up while leaning against the door frame. He blinked away his tears, partly hidden by the glasses on his face.

"W-What are you doing here? Why were you crying? How did you even get in there?" Tyler asked, confused out of his mind.

Ssundee sniffled. "Dude, you'd never believe what happened. This place is hell, and I'm not joking!"

"Well, start from the top. What happened?" Tyler asked, feeling sorry for the older minecrafter.

"W-well. I got this letter telling me about this map and how I should test it out. In fact, me, Mitch, Jerome, Ant, and Bodil all had letters. We were told to arrive before lunch, so we go here around 11:30." Ian began. Tyler remembered that he, Sky, Ty, Bashur, and Sub had arrived at 1:00. That meant Ian and his group had been here for well over an hour and a half.

"Shortly after we got here, a monster showed up. It looked like an Endermen, only bigger and scarier. And dude, was it not friendly. We tried to run out the front door, but it was locked. So in fear, we all ran as fast as we could. We lost each other and I ended up hiding in the closet, for the door was open. Hiding from the monster, I closed it so it wouldn't be able to get in. I've been in there for an hour, too scared to move."

"A monster?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah! If I remember right, it's called an EnderOni."


"Yeah. I over heard Bodil call it that before he ran off screaming his head off."

"Hm..." Tyler followed Ian's gaze as the man continued to look around the room. Tyler could tell that he was still very much scared.

"So you didn't see the EnderOni?" Ian asked.

"N-no. Not at all." Tyler answered.

"Oh." Ian looked down at his shoes. "I hope everyone's alright." He sniffled.

"Well, I mean, we could go look for them." Tyler cleared his throat, holding up the key.

"NO." Ian said faster then light, making Tyler flinch. Ian then realized what he said. "I mean, I really don't want to. I'm going to stay in here, if that's okay."

"Yeah, no. That's fine." Tyler sighed.

"So...are you really going back out there? I mean, the monster...?" Ian asked, looking at the key in Tyler's hand.

"I planned to. I mean, I need to find them." Tyler answered.

"Oh, dude." Ian said. "Well, if you run into Mitch, Jerome,Ant or Bodil, tell them i'm okay."

"Will do." Tyler nodded his head.

Before Tyler turned off and Ian went back to the closet, Tyler turned to Ian.

"Oh. And about the front door..."


"It wasn't locked. Not when we came in."

Ian stared at Tyler. Tyler shivered. Ian didn't reply, walking back inside the safety of the closet. Tyler walked over to the door that lead to the hallway, taking his time. He looked down at the key in his hands. Sighing, he placed it in his pocket, along side the plate, and went on, opening and closing the door behind him. Entering the hallway, the atmosphere changed from safe to creepy. He felt his spine shiver. And it only got worse when he turned his head to look down the hallway, in the direction he needed to go.

Tyler froze at the sight of it. It was the EnderOni, all the way at the other end of the hall. It was staring at him too. It's eyes were glowing purple, and a purple mist seemed to surround it. It was tall, so tall it was bent over a little so that it's head did hit the ceiling. It had big hands and feet. The more they stared at each other, the more the monster growled, showing it's pointed teeth.

Tyler stepped back, his hand grasping the sharp piece of plate, pulling it out of his pocket and holding it as a weapon. He was shaking, freaking out inside. It was hard to stay calm. He searched for a way to escape. He could go back inside the room, but then he'd be trapped with Ian in there. All the other doors were locked. He could try to get past the monster and go down stairs.

He didn't get a lot of time to think. The monster hissed loudly, running towards Tyler. Tyler's brain thought at 100 times it's normal speed, it seemed, and Tyler did something that would save his life. As the monster came to attack him from the right, Tyler dodged to the left, taking the plate piece and swinging it against the monster's side as he sprinted by. Without looking back, listening to the monster roar in pain, Tyler sped down the hall, down the stairs, and to the front door.

"COME ON COME ON!" He said loudly, grabbing at the door knob and turning it. It was, in deed, locked.

"What the fuck!?" Tyler said, breathing oddly. He turned to see the monster heading down the stairs. He had no time to play with the front door. It would be something to question later, when he isn't in the path of a monster.

Tyler shot down the right hallway, down to the enchantment room door. He unlocked it, having a bit of trouble. However, temporarily calming himself down, he ran inside, closing the door behind him. He found himself in a darker room, one with only one or two dull lights. Bookshelves were everywhere, and he walked inside to see a table to one side, and further down was an enchantment table. The enchantment table also glowed, giving off light.

Tyler walked over to the table, seeing a bowl of fake fruit, as well as a few books. But yet, he found another key. He picked it up, reading the label on it.

"Room 203. That's on the second floor." Tyler said to himself.

Then Tyler heard the door loudly slammed open. He jumped, turning around to see the EnderOni walking in, glaring at him. Tyler's heart raced as he shoved the key into his pocket and took back out the plate, which had a bit of the EnderOni's purple blood on it. He couldn't run here. No, he couldn't escape. He had to fight the beast.

As time slowed down, Tyler began to get angry. What kind of horror map was this? Any other map, he could leave when he pleased, and there were no monsters such as this. All the others were programmed, never actually trying to legit murder you. However, This monster was after Tyler for the kill. You could tell in it's eyes. Tyler felt something become clear. This had to be a trap. The front door locking whenever it pleased?! Poor Ian on the second floor. What else was happening as he shivered there?!
The Monster, still bleeding from the cut, growled and Tyler prepared for a fight that he was determined not to lose in. His hands gripped the plate, almost so hard that the plate cut into his fingers.

"COME HERE YOU SACK OF SHIT!" Tyler screamed.

The monster didn't hesitate to follow those orders.


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