cHaPtEr FoUr

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I wonder what I'll try out this time, there are infinite possibilities, infinite ways to have fun. Soon I'll have access to his most inner thoughts and secrets...


It's been three days since I first saw that message. It was odd how everyone just forgot about it like it was nothing.

The message reappeared twice. Once in my bedroom, which I tried to not pay attention too. The other time however, was written on the walls of my mother's office. What I found to be strange was that I could see it perfectly, while my mother couldn't even though it was right in front of her.

When I pointed it out I ended up getting told off again for focusing on "nonsense". How exactly does someone not notice a bloody message on the wall?

I knew that if I let this strange phenomenon continue then it could get even worse over time, so I had to urgently figure out who, or what was causing this before one of us got hurt. I stared at the clock. It was midnight, the end of the day and the beginning of another. Everyone should be asleep by now so I could start my mission without my family knowing.

This mansion was considerably large, there were still so many places I didn't explore yet. That's exactly what I was going to do. Armed with only my torch, I was ready to face the unknown.


I opened my bedroom door, and I immediately felt that familiar chill run down my spine as I made my exit. I was also greeted by another cryptic message written in what could be blood.

WeLcOmE tO mY wOrLd

If this ghost was trying to confuse me then it was doing a good job at it. I didn't expect to see a message so soon, it must have known that I was planning to find it.

It was at that moment that I realized: what would I do once I find it?

I could try and get some sort of weapon if I needed to defend myself. The only thing I could think of was a knife, although that probably wouldn't affect any paranormal entity. I swear my clumsiness will be my death sentence one day.

The familiar feeling of the intense cold returned, I must be close to whatever was haunting me. Even in my bedroom I wasn't safe so hiding under my bed like a coward wasn't an option. I guess I would have to see what horrors awaited me in the kitchen. If I could actually find the kitchen that is, the hallway seemed to have become darker somehow. Fortunately I had my torch with me so I wasn't completely blind.

This felt like something out of a cliche horror game, I thought to myself.

I gasped in shock as I almost tripped on the stairs, desperately trying to stay upright. That was close...

I knew that the kitchen was on the first floor, so I must have been getting close. I walked down the staircase, illuminating the ground with my torch so I didn't trip over, and as I expected to reach the bottom soon, I didn't. I just kept walking down without any visible destination.

Was this staircase endless or something? I was sure it was never usually this big...

I shined my torch across the room, only to realize that there was only darkness, no floors or walls to be seen. It was like I was somehow transported to a world of nothingness. All I could do was walk aimlessly either up or down this mysterious staircase.


I then stopped in my tracks. I heard footsteps. They gradually became louder with every step, someone was walking up the staircase.

Without hesitation I tried running up the staircase, not caring about what was behind me. However, my torch wasn't enough to see what was in front of me, and it wasn't long before I tripped and fell.

I was paralyzed by fear as the thing that was following me was getting closer, until the footsteps stopped. Whatever it was, it was looking down on me. I couldn't stop shivering, from fear and from the unbearable cold which was taking over my body.

Risking everything, I tried blinding it with my torch so I had a nanosecond to escape. As I tried getting back on my feet I saw the creature that could be my undoing. It was really tall, and it was wearing a pitch black robe, which looked old and torn. It's skeletal hand was reached out, and it's had none. It's skin was as white as snow, and it had no nose, mouth, or ears. All it had were two large holes where his eyes were supposed to be.

My blinding technique didn't work, before I could run away he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. When he grabbed me I felt my energy slipping away, resistance became impossible.

I was so close to fainting from the loss of energy, but before I did, I heard a deep and earsplitting voice ringing violently in my head, as if the monster was communicating with me through telepathy. It said this:

Alyssa is here. Alyssa is here. Alyssa is here...


After that, I passed out.

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