cHaPtEr ThReE

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He was so adorable while sleeping. Such a young and innocent face, yet slightly disturbed as well. He must have been having a nightmare, little did he know that he was already living in one.


My eyes struggled to open as the sunlight pierced through my eyelids. Everything around me seemed rather fuzzy, almost like I woke up from a hangover. Not that I would know since I never drank before.

My mind felt incredibly disorientated. I couldn't stop thinking about last night. I tried remembering exactly what happened but it was close to impossible, it was like a puzzle with a missing piece.

All I could remember was something on the wall, but as I looked at it nothing was out of the ordinary. It was some kind of message...

Suddenly, I felt a once forgotten memory pound through my head unexpectedly. The writing on the wall, the argument I had with my sister, my mother's anger as I woke her up. It was all coming into focus, the pain I once felt at my mother's refusal to help me came back. I had to make it go away somehow.

It took me a while but I eventually reached the spacious living room, where my sister was was texting someone. She was a lot more cheery than usual. I almost preferred being around her when she was angry, it was much less annoying.

"Someone's in a good mood today."

Her face was painted with happiness and optimism, which was unusual when she was talking to me.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"At 2 am you ended up sobbing over your ex."

"What? I don't remember doing that...and besides, he's not my ex anymore. We've started dating again! Isn't that great?"

"Not really."

"Why not?" Her tone changed drastically, almost furious at the fact that I was about to point out a huge flaw in their relationship.

"No need to get so defensive, I'm just saying that you should move on instead of staying with that jerk."

She just chuckled at my advice, discarding it like a piece of trash.

"You're too young to understand."

"Sure, because I'm the immature one who refuses to move on."

And yet again I was being treated like a child by someone who acts like a child.

"Once you actually fall in love you'll understand."

I laughed.

"Love is nothing more than a chemical reaction in the brain, I don't need it."

"Wow, you really are hopeless. Try hitting puberty for once."

And with that, the conversation ended. She had that stupid grin on her face as she texted her no longer ex boyfriend.

I almost felt sad at the fact that she was descending into a world of inescapable tragedy, but it was her own fault for being blinded by unnecessary setbacks, like "love".

If only I could erase the moment that I once felt it from existence, maybe then I wouldn't have the scars I do now.

At least she wasn't blinded by money like my mother, she doesn't need to be since she's already had endless wealth from the day she was born.

Both of them were such ugly things, that do nothing but provide pleasure to those who possess it, and pain to the unlucky ones who don't.

Both of us turned our heads instantly as our mother entered the room, she had this commanding aura over us that made us obey her without question. But that didn't stop my sister from keeping secrets.

For example, my mother forbade me and Claudia to start dating until we were eighteen, but that didn't stop us.

As usual, she was talking to her work colleagues on the phone, her cold and almost robotic voice echoing violently across the room.

It was going to be difficult, but I felt the need to apologise to her for waking her up so early. If I didn't she would just rub it in my face.

Once again you're focusing on your silly ghost stories. Your childish beliefs won't get you anywhere in the real world.

Sometimes I wonder if my mother truly cared about either of us, or if she even had a heart underneath her flesh and bones.

After what seemed like forever she put the phone down and started typing an email on her laptop, I could finally get the chance to talk to her.

"M-mother..." I stuttered. Talking to her made me uneasy sometimes, any confidence I had flies out the window whenever I try.

"What is it now, can't you see that I'm busy?"

Once again my nerves took over, at least I managed to maintain a calm exterior.

"Well...umm...I just wanted to say..."

"Say what? Spit it out."

"I just...wanted to say that I'm sorry for what happened last night."

"What on earth are you talking about?"

That reply caught me off guard. How couldn't she remember what happened?

Then again, when I woke up I forgot the events that occurred, maybe I needed to refresh her memory.

"I woke you up because there was a message on my bedroom wall, and when you entered it wasn't in there..."

She laughed condescendingly at me.

"I can assure you that none of that happened. You must have been dreaming or you're just delusional."


"But nothing. Now stop wasting my time and get out."

I left without hesitation.

It was better that she didn't remember, but it only made things more strange.

Obviously if I wanted to solve this puzzle, I would have to do it on my own.

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