Chapter 3: Dreams

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P.O.V. [Name]

I shifted around somewhat uncomfortably as I continued to watch the surrounding move around us at a rather fast speed. "What did you call this thing again?" I asked as I looked down at the machine that I was currently riding on.

"It's called a bike," Bulma answered as she continued to move around on it.

"Is it supposed to make you sick like this?" I asked as I started to feel my stomach tense up.

"No, but you get used to it," Bulma said as she continued to go down the road. I continued to shift around as Goku ran beside us.

"If something's wrong with your gyro-stabilizer I think I might be able to fix it," I offered as I looked at the female in front of me. I was never too great at technology but it's gyro-stabilizer, it can't be that hard to fix, especially for a race as primitive as humans have shown to be.

"A what?" Bulma asked a bit confused as she continued down the path. "I know I'm rich and all but just how advanced do you think this thing is? Not even people like me have those," She said as we continued to ride down the streets and I began to feel a little sick. Are you kidding me? This race doesn't even have Gyro-stabilization yet? Just how primitive are they? I knew Gohan didn't have much because he lived in Isolation but I thought that was more by choice than by limitation.

Flying might be more exhausting especially when flying at such a slow and drawn out, pace but at least I don't get sick while doing it. I closed my eyes and began leaning against the female in front of me for support. "H-Hey! Just what do you think you're-" She began only for me to cut her off.

"Unless you want me to vomit all over you I suggest you stop wiggling around and stay still," I warned as I kept my eyes close. It's times like this I really miss my space pod, it could have had us where we needed to go in no time at all. When I get back I'm really going to have to try and find that stupid remote that I misplaced. At this rate, I might just go tomorrow or something and try to find it. Not many people have power levels as high as Goku's so it can't be that hard to find him right?

When we finally came to stop I smiled and got off that stupid device of sickness and walked over to a slightly isolated area. "So now what are we going to do?" I asked feeling as if I was on the verge of puking.

"Well we're setting up for the night," Bulma said as she looked at me. She then reached into her pocket and pulled out a small pouch of some kind which seemed to have several small capsules in it for some reason.

"Don't you think we should have stopped a little earlier if that's the case?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of me.

"Nope, I got it all covered," Bulma said as she pulled out a small capsule before throwing it and as soon as it hit the ground a giant smoke cloud formed and once it cleared I saw what looked to be a house. So they haven't figured out Gyro-stabilization yet but they've learned how to do . . . whatever this is? I'm not sure how I feel about that.

"Come on, let's go inside," Bulma said as she looked at us. I nodded hearing this and began to walk into the massive building looking around as I did.

"Are you sure this place has enough beds? I can't imagine you took this thinking you'd pick up two strangers along the way," I said as I looked around the building at all the small decorations that had been packed into the building as well.

"No, you two will just have to make due on the floor," Bulma said as she looked at us with a smirk. I felt a little irritated seeing this and then she took a few audible sniffs before covering her nose. "Oh gross, you two smell disgusting!" She said as she looked at us.

"Sorry princess but after running and flying for most of the day we tend to sweat. I didn't exactly see you taking a break on riding your bike throughout the day," I said as I looked at her.

"That's no excuse, you two need a bath unless you want to sleep outside tonight," She said as she looked at us. I sighed hearing this and looked at her.

"All right fine, where's the bathroom?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of her. She then pointed to a door and I nodded. "All right Goku you go first," I said as I looked at the younger male in front of me.

"Okay, but first off what's a bath?" Goku asked as he looked at me. "It's sort of like that thing we do with the big metal cans, with the water, and fire," I said as I looked at the male in front of me and he nodded before he began taking off his clothes.

"What do you think you're doing!" Bulma asked as she looked at us.

"Well we need to take our clothes off to take a bath," I said as I looked at her.

"I know that! I meant why are you doing here and not in the bathroom?" She asked as she screamed at us. I sighed hearing this and pushed Goku towards the bathroom.

"Force of habit I guess, we didn't exactly have to worry about anyone seeing us before," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. After I pushed Goku into the bathroom I began to wait by the entrance for when he was finished. As I did I noticed that Bulma was staring at me for some strange reason. Nearly a minute passed before either of us said anything and as it turns out she spoke first.

"So, do you have any other powers?" Bulma asked as she looked at me. When said asked this I was a bit confused by what she meant.

"Powers?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Yeah like flying, and the laser beam thing," Bulma said as she looked at me. After hearing this I nodded now understanding what she meant. I had a few special techniques but other than that I couldn't really think of anything that would be too interesting for her.

"Not really . . . actually, there is one thing now that I think about it," I said as I began looking at the ceiling. "I've had this for a while, dad was cursed with something similar and I think he might have accidentally passed it down to me. Goku doesn't seem to have it then again I didn't really know until recently so it's possible he does and it just hasn't developed yet," I said as I looked at the female causing her to nod.

"So what is it?" She asked as she looked at me and I sighed.

"I know how this is going to sound, both weird and a bit cliché but . . . sometimes I have these dreams, and they come true," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. When I said this she seemed a bit skeptical. "I know like I said it's weird, but I don't really have a way to make you believe me so . . . it's fine if you don't personally if someone told me that, I would have thought they were crazy," I said with a slight smile, guess I can't really blame her for being a bit skeptical.

"What was the last one that you had?" Bulma asked as she looked at me and I shuttered at the memory. I wish I had taken more precaution for that one, it was Goku transforming and killing Gohan.

"Just telling me about a wild animal I should have taken better care of," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. Bulma nodded hearing this and a moment later Goku came out wearing the same clothes as before. When he did I walked into the bathroom and began to undress. I set my clothes to the side since I'd eventually have to wear them again as well. I then turned one of the small nobs in front of me and water began to spray out.

As it did I moved into the shower and sighed as I felt the water wash over me. I forgot how relaxing this can be at times, most likely because I wasn't able to do it very often where I lived. After I was finished I put on my clothes, or at least the bottom part of my clothes and walked out of the bathroom. When I did I saw that the lights were off and that Bulma and Goku both had fallen asleep.

I smiled seeing this and decided to follow their lead finding some spare covers and sheets that Bulma had and tossing them on the ground. I let out a rather tired yawn before slowly beginning to drift off to sleep. However, it didn't take me long to find myself in a new and unfamiliar environment. I appeared to be in the middle of a rather deserted area, and in front of me stood Frieza. The air felt different around me and plants seemed a bit odd, I don't think was on Earth anymore.

I then started breathing heavily and I felt drained as if I had already used most of my energy fighting. My body felt heavy like it was on the verge of collapsing at any moment. Every cut, and bruise, I could feel it all so clearly, and that monster . . . he didn't even seem fazed by what I was doing. "So this is all the legendary super Saiyan is capable of? How very disappointing," Frieza said as he looked at me, I grit my teeth and once again charged forward ready to meet my end.

When I swung at him, however, he disappeared and I found myself in another new setting. The ground and air around us seemed different, it felt like I was back on Earth. At least my body didn't hurt anymore, I then looked down and saw that I was wearing some different clothes. "Oh, how unfortunate that I should gaze upon your misshapen face once again," I heard a familiar voice once again say behind me.

I then felt an enormous pressure behind me and turned to once again see Frieza staring at me with a smirk. However, then for some reason his looks suddenly changed, he wasn't the way I was used to seeing him. He looked completely different, his horns were gone, and now he was gold for some reason. I could feel the tremendous power that was practically radiating off him. There's no way I could go up against a monster like that.

I could feel myself beginning to shake, and I tried to still myself so that I could at least act like I wasn't scared. However, as I glared at Frieze, I noticed something rather odd. He wasn't staring at me, but it looked like he was instead staring past me. I was confused by this and that's when I felt it, another tremendous force behind me. I turned to see what could possibly oppose Frieza and turned to see an oddly familiar figure staring at me.

He was wearing an orange gi, he had blue hair and was surrounded in a blue aura. He looked a lot like dad but I could tell it was someone else. Dad had a scar on his left cheek, this man however didn't. "Allow me to continue my vengeance," I heard Frieza say behind me before I turned to look at him and moved back from the two in front of me. I watched as they charged towards each other followed by a huge explosion that woke me up.

Just what was that? . . . No, I'd have to be an idiot not to know what that was. So I'd meet Frieza again, and from what I saw it looked like someone else was going to defeat him. That had to be it right? Why else would Frieza use the word 'vengeance' while talking to someone? He had to of lost to them and come back to destroy them. However, that mysterious figure . . . well, I guess I shouldn't call them mysterious they were practically the spitting image of dad. Which means . . . I then looked over at where Goku was sleeping.

He seemed so peaceful in his sleep, and yet in the years to come, he'd be the one to defeat Frieza. After staring at Goku for a few moments, I stood up and began to walk towards the exit. This was a lot to take in, I need to clear my mind and find a way to better occupy myself.

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