Chapter 4: Lonely Nights

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P.O.V. Bulma

I groaned softly as I woke up. Strange, I usually don't have problems sleeping, even if it is in a makeshift house like this I still tend to sleep pretty well. Then I heard it, the reason I was most likely still awake. There was a lot of noise coming from outside. A noise that I was very familiar with, someone was working on something. I got my gun and began to slowly walk towards the door, whoever's out there is about to wish they had never come here. 

I then turned to the corner holding my gun looking around. "Freeze!" I said as I looked around, however, I didn't see anyone. I continued to hear the noise however and began to walk towards it. The sound was coming from the side of the house. I followed it continuing to hold my gun as I did. When I turned I once again pointed it in a random direction. However, to my surprise, I knew who was making this noise. 

It was [Name] just what is he doing up so late? And what is he doing to my bike? He must have been taking it apart trying to figure out how it worked. I guess I can't blame him I would be pretty amazed by all this too if I had lived in the woods my entire life. I put my gun away seeing this and walked up to him, it seems like he found some spare parts I had laying around the house and was trying to put them together to make something. 

P.O.V. [Name] 

There now the circuits should be ready, I then slowly slide the small hard-drive into the slot I had made for it. I then began to reach for one of the tools she had laying around and began to work on it some more. "What are you doing?" I heard a familiar voice ask behind me. I then turned to see Bulma looking at me and I relaxed slightly before turning back to the device in my hand. 

"I'm making you a Gyro-stabilizer," I said as I continued to fix a few of the finer things on the machine. A screw here, a nut there nothing too time-consuming. Bulma sighed hearing this and walked towards me leaning against a wall. 

"You know just because you say you're doing something doesn't make it true," Bulma said as she looked at me and I nodded before reaching over and ripping off the stand that kept her bike up. "Hey!" Bulma said as she dashed over to catch her bike from falling. "You can't just take things without permission! Especially not something as important as my bike's stand," Bulma said as she looked at me. 

"Finished," I said as I stood up and began to try and lifted her seat. 

"Hey! What are you . . . doing?" Bulma asked as she stared down at her bike. 

"Yeah, I had to redesign your bike a bit as well. It didn't have enough space for something like this, so I had to make space," I said as I pushed in the gyro-stabilizer. Once I did I lowered the seat and moved Bulma back and just as I thought it was now standing on its own without the aid of a kickstand. 

"You actually made one," Bulma said as she looked at me and I nodded. 

"Yeah, I'm actually a bit surprised you didn't make it considering you were able to make that dragon radar thing," I said looking at her. She smiled slightly hearing this and nodded. "Come to think of it," I began as I began wiping my hands off so that I didn't get this crud all over her house. "Why do you want to find these dragon ball things? What wish could you possibly have?" I asked as I looked at her. 

When I asked this her face heated up a bit and she looked away. "I'd rather not say, it's embarrassing," She said as she looked at me. 

"I mean I just know it's got to be something amazing, especially if you were willing to throw yourself at me as you did at the house. Do you want to enslave the planet and subjugate all its people?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of me. 

"What? No!" She said as she looked at me. Too bad, she's smart so if she could be a little sterner she'd probably make a good ruler. 

"Then what is it? I can't really imagine anything else that might be worth it," I asked as I looked at the female in front of me. Her face once again turned red as I asked this and she looked away. 

"If you really must know I . . . want a boyfriend," Bulma said as she looked away. I was more than shocked by this and when she turned to look at me I tried to contain my laughter but some of it slipped through. 

"That's so stupid!" I said chuckling to myself as I looked up at her. "Why would you want to wish for a boyfriend? You're rich, smart, pretty, honestly, that alone is enough to ensure that you could have any guy that you wanted. Then throw in your personality and I'm sure most guys wouldn't even think twice if you asked them out," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. 

When I said this Bulma's face heated up and she turned away. "You're just saying that so you stop from wishing so that you can wish for . . ." Bulma began only to look at me. "What do you want to wish for again?" Bulma asked as she looked at me.

"Nothing," I said rather bluntly as I looked at the female in front of me. "I'm just coming because Goku wanted to go. I don't really have anything that I want to wish for," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. 

"Really?" Bulma asked as she looked at me a bit confused. 

"Yeah, there nothing I really want. I'm already stronger than most people you'll meet in your lifetime. I don't want to rule the world, keeping people in line is to much work, I don't want a girlfriend, I'm already raising Goku I don't have time to dedicate to a relationship. Immortality sounds nice I guess, but that's only assuming you don't have anyone you care about, I do have someone I care about, and I'm sure when the time is right I'll have multiple people I care about," I said as I tried to envision myself with a wife and a kid or two. 

"I see, so there's really nothing you want?" Bulma asked as she looked at me and I shook my head. "Not really," I said as I looked at her. 

"I see," Bulma said as she looked at me before turning around. "Well come on, it's getting late," Bulma said as she looked at me. 

"You go ahead," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. "I'll just be out here for a bit. I'll defend us from robbers, or bears, or . . . whatever else happens to come this way," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. When I said this she nodded and began to walk away. I then sighed and began to sit on the ground leaning against the building behind me before I began looking up at the stars. 

A few minutes passed before I once again heard footsteps and turned to see Bulma walking towards me. "I thought you were going to sleep?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of me. 

"I was, but I can't risk you falling asleep out here and then getting a cold or something. What's the point of having a bodyguard if he can't protect me," Bulma said as she looked at me and I smiled slightly. 

"I don't remember agreeing to become your bodyguard," I said as I looked at her. 

"Didn't have to, you follow Goku, and at the moment Goku's following me. So that makes you my bodyguard," She said as she began sitting beside me. 

"I think you made a few leaps in logic there," I said as I looked at her causing her to smile before staring up at the stars with me. 

"So why are you really out here? I doubt you came out here during the middle of the night just to fix my bike," She said as she looked at me and I sighed as I thought back to the dream I had just had. 

"Trouble sleeping," I said as I stared up at the sky. 

"Guess I can't blame you there, it's a natural defense mechanism by the brain," Bulma said as she looked at the sky and I turned to look at her a bit confused. 

"What?" I asked confused as I looked at her. 

"Yeah, you're having trouble sleeping because this is a new environment. A lot of people have trouble sleeping in places they don't know, it's a defense mechanism by your brain to help protect you from predators," Bulma said as she looked at me and I nodded in understanding. I had never questioned that before. After all, I had trouble sleeping for an entire month when I first came to Earth. 

"That's . . . not what I meant but . . . that's interesting nonetheless," I said as I looked up at the sky. I heard Bulma giggle slightly hearing this and then a minute later she placed her head on my shoulder causing me to tense up a bit. I then turned to look at her and saw that she was still staring at the sky. I guess she plans on leaving this part out when she tells her future boyfriend about her adventure and the lengths she went through to get him. 

Then again, it's not like this is the worst thing to ever happen to me. So for now, I guess this okay.

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