Chapter 19

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

Let's continue...

Two weeks Avu spent with Vaish and her cute little daughter. She was very cute and Avu's stress buster. ( Sidneetloveriaa 😏😏) Avu's heart longed to have a baby like her to cheer her up whenever she felt down. In those two weeks Siddharth called her everyday but their conversation was not like before, he just talked few formal things for few minutes and will end up the call.

Avu noticed his change which loose her inside, she badly wanted to sort out all those problems and longed to live the beautiful days they had before. She left her home and reached Mumbai that morning. Siddharth informed her that he will reach home in afternoon. She cleaned the home and prepared food for him.

Avu prayed God to sort out all the misunderstandings between them. While praying she heard his car sound and rushed to see him. He got down from the car and his turned face turned bright once his eyes met with her. He smiled looking at her, the smile she longed to see for a long time.

She didn't waste a second, rushed towards him and embraced him tightly. "I missed you" she said weeping. He kissed her head and replied "me too" which made her happy as well as surprised.

They both had their lunch, she noticed that he had that with Happiness. Her heart fluttered in joy and she me mentally thanked God. She noticed that he was tired because of the travel.

"You sleep for sometime, you're looking so tired" she said caressing his hair softly. "Yes I didn't slept properly all these days, today I want to sleep peacefully and you know that my peacefull sleep is only when my teady bear is in my embrace" he said looking at her eyes.

She blushed hearing his words as she know whom he is calling as his teady and he used to call her that way whenever he was so happy which made her happy too. "Your teady bear too missed you and didn't slept properly" she replied sadly remembering the days he avoided her.

He pulled her closer which made her loss her balance and fall on him. "Will my teady bear forgive me?" He asked seductively brushing his lips against her earlobes which melted her. She had no words and she was not angry on him to forgive him.

She missed him all those days and his words soothed her heart. She hugged him tight as a response which brought a smile on his face. They both had a peacefull sleep after a long time.

After that issue he never talked about Ritika. Avu don't wanna take that again to hurt him. She strongly believed that no one can break their bond and thinking about useless things will only result in destroying her inner peace. So she ignored her thoughts and focused on her daily routine. Their usual life was back and Avu felt happy everyday.

But life is not so easy and only happiness wouldn't be a part of it right? Happiness, sadness, hutrt, pain, betrayal, laugh, cry everything is part of our life. Here fate or God played a different game in avu's life. A new drastic problem arrived in her life in the form of a phone call.

She got a call from an unknown number, she attended and heard a male voice from the other end. "Am I speaking with Mrs. Avneet Siddharth Nigam" a crock voice came from other side. "Yes" she replied. "Hello madam, how are you doing?" He asked.

"Yeah, fine. May I know who is this?" She asked in confused tone. "Haha, as of now your peace destroyer" he replied with a smirk. "What? I think you are talking with a wrong person" she said and was about to cut the call. "No Mrs. Avneet, I'm taking with a very right person" he said.

Avu didn't replied and was confused about the person in the opposite side. "Okay, I don't wanna confuse you more. I have sent you few photos, check those photos and I will call you once you're done" he ended the call before her reply. She was more confused now and check the pictures he send.

Her eyes widen in shock seeing those pictures. The picture portrayed Siddharth and Ritika in a bed. Rits lying close to him. She remembered the day that was when siddharth drunken and was out of his control. Avu gritted her teeth in anger. She got the call and she picked it immediately.

"Hey, whoever you're don't try to create misunderstanding between me and my husband. I know him very well and your cheap plan won't work between us. Better you stop all these before it goes to my husband's concern. If he came to know about this then no one can save your life" she split out all the words in anger.

"Haahaah. Cool down Mrs. Avneet. Did you think this is the plan to destroy your relationship. Not at all, this is to destroy your honorable husband's career" he said sarcastically.

"What do you mean? Did you think these fake pictures can destroy all his hard work she said casually. This pictures can't take out his fame but what if he killed the concern person to keep up his fame and reputation" he asked with cruel laugh.

"Stop blabbering and he is not cruel person to kill" someone Avu replied. But he laughed loudly the other side.

Avu hold her forehead out off frustration. "Cool down Avneet, it's so simple. Don't get confused. Let me explain what will happen next. As you said your husband is not that much cruel to take someone's life. But others don't know that right.

What of tomorrow you see news headline like " the great business man Rajesh's only son the great developing young business man Siddharth had afford with his childhood sweetheart and present PA Ritika.

When he caught red-handed, he killed her and portrayed it as an accident to save his own reputation" whowhoo!! It will be great right" he laughed like monster.

AAvu heard everything with a shock but even she couldn't get his point and his motive behind this phone call. "What are you trying to say? What do you want?" She asked nervously.

"Good, now you are in track. I'm not just going to spread this photo alone. I'll kill the girl and that entire blame will be on your innocent husband. He will be prisoned for this unintentionally blame and his hard work towards his success will be in vain" he said with rage.

"Why are you doing this to him? What's your problem?" She said emotionally.

"Every person on this earth wanna survive and I'm the one among them. I too has the same wish. I should survive happily on this earth, so I'm just using my brain along with technology. Hope you understood" he said sarcastically.

"Money??" she asked suspiciously. "Of course Avneet madam. I can survive on this earth only with money right. You have money more than your needs, why don't you help this kind of poor people who are in need?" He said casually.

"And don't try to be over smart. I'm tracking all your movements and I know if you try to contact police or others. This should be between you and me and no one should know about this. If you think to alert anyone then you will see my real face. I think it would me more better if I show a demo. Cut my call, another call is waiting" he ended the call with a devil smile.

As he said, she got another call. She attend it with horror. "Madam, this is manager Aryan from sir's office. There was a small fire accident in our building and sir got some minor injuries. Doctors are treating him, so please come to the city hospital" he said nervously.

Avu dropped the mobile and her hands were shaking due to fear. Her phone started ringing, she took that with her shaking hands. "Avneet, don't be nervous. As I said, this was just an trailer. If you didn't accept the deal then the minor injury will become major one.

Now I know you state, your heart will long to see your husband. I don't wanna stop your emotion. So go and see your husband. I will say further details in next call" he ended the conversation.

Avu rushed out and started the car. She reached hospital in fifteen minutes. She asked manager what happened. He replied it was an unexpected fire accident. Avu's eyes welled up with tears. Doctor came out and said Sid is fine.

Avu rushed inside the room and saw him on the bed, he smiled once seeing her. She ran towards him and hugged him tighter. "Hey Avu, relax. Nothing happened, it's just a small injury. Don't cry damsel" he consoled her patting her back.

But Avu know the reason behind the accident, her heart ached and that came out in the form of weeping. "Shh!  Avu, please don't cry na, more than the wounds your treats are hurting me" he said sadly weeping her tears. "No, I'll not cry" she said looking at his face.

Her face, her eyes captured his clam pleacefull face and she wanted that in his face forever. She decided to take any risk to save his life and she has witnessed his hard work. She strongly fixed in her mind to save his life and reputation at any cost.

Do you have any guesses about the upcoming chapters???

Target : 40 votes

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19th chapter is here. Do read, vote and give your valuable reviews.

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Lots of love.



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