Chapter 20

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

Let's continue...

Next day she got call from same person. "Hi avneet madam. How is your husband?" He asked sarcastically. "I don't know who you are and I truly don't know what's your intention" she replied weakly.

"Don't think much madam, as I said, my only intention is money. I'd you agreed to offer the amount I request. I will handover all those proofs and will leave your life permanently" he said with cunning smile.

"Okay, how much amount you want?" She finally agreed thinking about Sid and his hard work. "Haha, that's a good decision madam he said with joy. She remained silent. Okay let's come to the deal. I want 20 cores, once I get the amount. I'll handover the original copy of those pictures" he said which shocked her completely.

"20 cores is not an easy amount. I don't have that much amount" she said nervously. "Mrs. Avneet I'm not a fool, as I already said, I know everything about you and your family. You have 20 cores in your amount which your mother in law deposited in your name during the time of your marriage" he said sarcastically.

Avu's eyes widen in shock hearing his word. "How he know every single details?" She thought. "Don't think much, nothing decision is yours. You can choose either money or your husband's reputation" he said laughing.

"Nothing is more important to me than my husband. I will give the amount. Tell me, should I meet in person or should I transfer it" she asked firmly." Transfer the amount in my account" he said. "How could I believe you?" She asked doubtfully.

"Half of the amount you transfer to my account and rest I'll get in person and I'll handover all the proofs. You have to believe me. You don't have any other options" he said casually. "Okay" she agreed.

As he said, she transferred the amount and he too handed over the proofs but she didn't see him. He done everything very clearly and Avu understood he noticed their every actions and thought he might followed them for several day.

Avu breathed in relief once she reached the home. Those five days she was very nervous, Sid too noticed her behaviour and questioned her several times whether she is fine. Avu maintained that everything is fine.

Days passed and Avu became normal in those days. Next day was Sid's birthday. Avu planned to give him a beautiful gift but not sure about the gift. She had several ideas but every year he will make her birthday like a heaven. So she took planned to give him a unforgettable gift.

She offen felt tired and dizzy those days. She tried to concentrate on some work but her mind wavered somewhere. She doesn't know what's wrong with her, at beginning she thought because of fear but later she understood that it's something different.

She often felt tired, she missed him so much even he left for office, more strangely she often felt hungry but when she ate more than two morsel she felt like vomiting and she sleep more time in afternoon and morning which made Sid to miss his breakfast sometimes. All those strange things confused her more. She was never been like that before.

Suddenly something flashed in her mind. Her heart beat multiplied. She rushed to her room and searched something, finally found the thing.

Her hand shaken in nervousness, she breathed heavenly and her eyes filled with tears looking at the positive sign in the pregnancy test kit. She was over the moon and when eyes shed most happy tears of her life. The feeling of becoming a mother made her speechless. Her heart wished to see him and to tell him the happiest news of their life.

She rushed to the hospital idols, and looked at them with bright smile. She thanked God to give the precious moment in her life.

She thought to inform her mom, but her heart wanted to tell him first. So she waited for him impatiently. She got a beautiful idea, she thought that would be his unforgettable birthday gift. She decided to tell him the happy news on his birthday that was at midnight 12.

She touched her belly and felt something devine. She felt that it was the most incredible blessing moment of her life. She felt no words could describe her state but every second her heart longed to see him and tell him that finally their new life coming to their world.

She imagined how she should convey that to him. She made some trials but she felt that won't be good. She was excited as well as nervous to face him.
She badly wanted to see his reaction once he heard that happy news.

Clock hit 12, Siddharth enters their room. Avu sat in their bed wearing beautiful Saree she presented bending her head. 'Hey, don't you sleep" he asked sweetly sitting near her.

"Happy birthday Siddharth" she said looking at his face. "Thank you sweetheart" he said kissing her forehead. "Only wished?? But my wife will surely kept something for me. What is it?" He said second for the gift.

"You have given several surprise to me on my birthday but this surprise you will not forget in your life" she said looking into his eyes.

"Ahaan, your words are making me more curious. What is the surprise more than mine?!" He showed with a cute expression.

Avu lowered her eyes and had a bright smile mixed with a blush. "Oh my God! You know what Avu. You ate the most beautiful girl I have seen in my life and you know what you're face become extremely beautiful when you smile like this. You are my gorgeous queen forever" he said kissing her eyes.

"Only few months you will say these statements after that you'll be busy and you won't get time to spend with me" she said turning other side with a smile.

"Avu, are you angry with me for coming late today?" He asked sadly. Avu hit her forehead with hands. "Sorry honey" by saying that he turned her towards himand was confused too her smiling face.

"Avu you're not angry but hiding something with me right?" He asked looking at her curiously. She lowered her eye lashes. "Hey, please don't turn me crazy. I am already smitten by your killing eyes, now please don't make it to tough for me" he said brushing his cheek on her.

She felt nervousness as well as excitement, she slowly hold her arms. He looked at her with smile, she took his arm in her hand on places it on hey belly. He was confused on a second but he realized what she said and was drumstruck.

He looked at her with thousands of feeling in his eyes, their eyes locked and they exchanged their untold emotions. He hugged her tightly kissing her forehead. "As you said this one will be the unforgettable birthday gift in my entire life Avu" he said kissing her head.

A sudden thunder storm make her awake. She walked up from her sleep and realized that was a dream ( lol😂) "Ooh!! It was a dream" she blushed and thought anyhow that gonna happen once he reached the home. She slept thinking about how to tell him that he is gonna become a father and that came in her dream too. She blushed remembering her dream.

She checked the time and it was half past eleven. She prayed for that he come home before twelve.

Add she prayed, he reached home around 11:45. Avu rushed with a bright smile to see him once he came in but her smile vanished seeing his face.

In that Case, God had some different plan for her life.

Then what next???? Any guesses??

Target : 45 votes

Hi friends,
20th chapter is here. Do read, vote and give your valuable reviews

Thank you.


Lots of love.



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