Chapter 21

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Let's continue...

Siddharth's face was pale and he looked like he lost something precious in his life. "Sidharth, what happened?" She came near him looking at his blood stained shirt. He gestured hey to stop by showing his hands. Avu looked at him in confusion. "Siddharth don't make me panic by your gestures" she said crying.

"Enough Avu, please stop your drama" he yelled gritting his teeth. "Drama? What do you mean?" She asked with tears. "Don't you know what you did?" He asked looking straight into her eyes.

"Siddharth please tell me what exactly happened. I really don't know what you are talking about" she pleaded.

"Just answer one simple question. Where is 20 crore which my mom deposited in your name?" He asked crossing his arms.

Avu was shocked by his question and he noticed her facial expression. "That.. That money.. Actually.. That money" she stammered.

"Speak clearly" he shouted which gave earthquake on her, she never saw him that much hyper, he will never raise his voice and mostly he will tell her softly but what happens to him suddenly, her mind pooled with all those questions.

He didn't say a word, as he stared motionlessly straight ahead. She looked at him nervously, his anger made her speechless. "Siddh..." He stopped her before she tried to speak.

"Don't take my name and I clearly understood what happened. You believe those photos than me right?" He asked clenching his fist. "No Siddharth, it's not like that. I never..." Again he stopped her. "Stop it" he yelled.

"I don't wanna forgive you for what you did. In this critical situation, I came here because of the trust I had but your face clearly said what you did and don't think I'll forgive you in my lifetime. I don't want to see you again in my life. Get out of my house before I return back" he said and left the place immediately.

"Oh God, what just happened. God please this should be a nightmare and please wake me up early from this nightmare. I don't want to be in this dream anymore" she stumbled on the floor crying. She couldn't guess what happened and couldnt come out from the shock too.

His words echoed in her mind. "I too don't want to spoil your peace Siddharth, I don't know the exact reason behind you haters but I'm sure that you misunderstood me. When you feel I'm right, you will come to me" she thought and decided to leave the house with tears.

She gazed at the small cat which he presented her on her last birthday, she looked at her sadly. She kept milk in a bowl caressing it's head, she could control her tears and left the place immediately.

She gazed the house and felt like that was the last time she's gonna be there. She packed her clothes which she brought from her home leaving the dresses he bought for her. She placed all her jewels in locker, locked it and kept the key near it photo. She looked at his picture, where he was smiling from his heart. "I'll miss you Siddharth" she said with tears and left the home with broken heart.

She left her house but was not sure where to go. She called her mom but she didn't picked her call and she called her dad. He attended the call "Avu!!" His voice was broken. Avu understood he too know about the issue. "Papa" her voice choked.

"Avu, why she called now. She destroyed her own life and what she is saying now. She got a precious life but she lost it so carelessly" she heard her mom crying and that broke her more. "Stop it Sonia, why are you talking all those things" Aman uncle said with anger.

Avu clearly understood that something big has happened but she never expected that her mom too will believe those things over her. She ended the call and sat in the bench outside the park. The entire area was dark since it was midnight, she felt that she was left alone without any support.

Several things haunted her mind. "Should I go to my parents house or should I return back or what else I can do her head ache like it will explode. But she was cleared that everyone believed something else but not her, all her memories with her family and Siddharth flashed before her eyes and she felt she was more distanced from them.

She took a deep breath, "I love you truly Siddharth, you promise me that you will never leave me at any situation but now you left me alone that too when I need you me the most. You didn't let me tell you that I'm pregnant. I'll not get any other cruel punishment more than this Siddharth" she said in air crying so badly.

Time passed and she decided to leave the place as well as state too. She decided to leave him and her family too. She feared that that they will separate her child from her. She decided to live rest of her life for her child and never involve in his life again. She wiped her tears and made arrangements to leave the city.

She reached Lucknow the next morning but she don't have idea where to go and what to do next. Her mobile turned off due to Low Battery, she thought that was good and removed her sim card and broke it into two pieces.

Her stomach made sound indicating she was hungry. She didn't feel to eat but she decided to eat for her child. She went to the nearby hotel and ordered breakfast. When she had the first bite her eyes were moisten, she never thought that her life will change upside down in a single day.

She came out of the hotel after her breakfast but didn't have any idea about her next step. She walked without any hope and fingers a garden. She sat there in a bench simply starring somewhere.

When she was in deep thoughts she heard a familiar voice and turned to see the person. "Riyaz" she looked at him with shocked. "Avu, what are you doing here alone. When did you come to Lucknow?" He asked several questions but stopped looking at her tear stained face.

"Avu, are you OK?" He asked with concern. "No riyaz, several things happened in a single day. Before I guess what's going on in my life, I got separated from my whole family" she said blankly starring the ground.

"Avu tell me what exactly happened?" he asked looking her face. She told him everything, he was shocked hearing her. "But how Siddharth believed someone else and how could he sent you out in mid night. I just can't believe what are you saying" he said with grief.

"I too had the same doubt but what to do, it was my hard face to get separate from my whole family while I welcoming a new member in my life" she said controlling her tears. "Avu!! Means you are pregnant!!" He asked with wide eyes. Avu nodded which increased his anger.

"How could he sent a pregnant woman out in mid night time. Does he become that much heartless person?" He said in frustration. "No riyaz, he doesn't know about my pregnancy. No one knows, I came to know that yesterday morning only" she said with tears.

He was speechless hearing her words. "Will life play such a cruel game in a girl's life that too the girl he want to see happy forever" he thought. "OK Avu, come let's go. You tell everyone about this, it's not good for you to stay alone in the time of pregnancy" he said.

"Where should I go Rii, should I go to the one who never believed me before judging me? No Rii. I have already decided that I will never go back to them and I will bring up my child with all my love and care. I too fear that they will take away my child from me. So please don't tell about me with anyone" she said joining her both hands.

"Avu please don't do like this. I'll not reveal this to anyone but you want someone near you so you should talk with Jannat" he said. "But.." He cut her off  "no more buts. I'll inform Jaan. Believe me, only she can console you and be with you in this time" he said firmly.

"OK, promise me that you will never reveal this with others and you shouldn't meet them intentionally too" she said looking at his face. He nodded as response.

Flashback Ends


"Mommyyy!!" Sam came running and wrapped her arms around avu's neck. Anu sat there with tears. "Mom why aunty is crying?" Sam asked sadly. "Aunty is not feeling well baby" Avu said kissing her nose.

"Aunty don't worry. If you go to doctor, then you'll be fine" she said in baby voice. Anu looked at her with smile and Sam left the place when her friends called her.

"And today I met him til with Sam. I don't know what is going to happen in my life Anu. My Sam, she is my everything. She is the only reason for my existence when everyone left my life but now.." Avu cried couldn't complete the sentence.

"Avu become strong. No one can separate Sam from you" Anu said hugging her.

Target : 45 votes

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