Chapter 22

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Let's continue...

Author's pov:

Avu the only word his mind repeated from the moment he saw her. He reached his room, the luxurious dark room resembled his present life without her. The moment he saw her was the only thing revolving in his mind.

He took a deep breath to calm his uneven heart beat and something flashed in his mind. He took his mobile and failed for someone." Hello doctor, Siddharth here" he said. "Hello, Siddharth. How are you doing?" She greeted. "Good doctor, hope you're doing good too" he replied.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Anything important Siddharth?" She asked. "Yes doctor, I didn't conserted you for so long. Now I have a doubt so I called you" he said. "Tell me Siddharth" she asked. "Doctor, it is about Avu. You said that she has some problem and she can't be a mother right?" He asked with confusion.

"Yeah, but that was not a serious issue, as I said she had a minor issue that time. If you have given the medicine which I prescribed properly she might got cured within a year" she said assurance. "Ohh!" Siddharth was lost in his thoughts. "Why Siddharth, is she pregnant?" She asked with joy.

"But one thing Siddharth, if she is pregnant you should take double care of her. As I said, she will face severe complications during the child birth" she advised. "No doctor, I just clarified". "OK Siddharth, take care of her. Take her for regular check ups too" she ended the conversation.
Siddharth kept his mobile aside and the past things flashed in his mind. "You shouldn't have done that Avu" he thought closing his eyes remembering the past days.

Sid's pov:

"Avu, are you ready?" I asked with joy. "Yeah, two minutes" she replied but her face was dull. "Avu, are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, but feeling little dizzy" she replied. "Shall we cancel the plan?" I asked sitting near her. "No-no, nothing serious" she said but she fainted the next moment.

"Avu... Avu.." I was shocked and called our family doctor immediatetly. She reached home in fifteen minutes. She checked Avu. "Siddharth, you bring avneet to hospital, wanna take few tests" she said.

"Doctor, anything serious?" I asked nervously. "Nothing to worry Siddharth, but I think she have some problems" she said. I took Avu to the hospital. After an hour, she called me inside. "Doctor, everything is fine right?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah but Avu has a problem" she said hesitatingly. "What problem doctor?" I asked in confusion. "Her uterus is weak and it will make complications in her pregnancy. To be Frank, if this condition continues she can't be pregnant permanently" she said which made me shock. I look at her sadly.

"Don't worry Siddharth, this is the initial stage and this can be cured by medicines but make sure to give this medicine continuously" she said with hope. "Sure doctor, anything for her. She loves kids and always dreamt to have many kids" I said which made my eyes wet.

"Nothing to worry Siddharth, several girls are facing his problem and it's not a serious complications. She will be cured soon" she said with a smile. "Doctor, you should do me a favour. Please don't tell her about this. I'll make her have the medicine regularly" I requested.

"OK, siddharth. Take care of her. Surely she will be cured soon" she accepted which made me relief.

Everything was perfect after that and our life was so beautiful more than I imagined but problem arose between us in the form of possessiveness. Avu often got possessive after Ritika's entry which made me angry everytime but after my mom's advice, I never hurt her by my actions but what she did next killed me alive, still now I'm suffering for the sun she committed.

My mom, she was an angel who cleared my mind everytime when I was confused or hurt.

I remember every second of that sinful day. I was working on the project, I got a call from my mom. "Hello mom" I said happily. "Sid, I wanna meet you. Come at our home" she said. I understood something was wrong by hearing her voice. I paused my work and rushed to meet her but she was not in home.

I was confused and tried her number but it was switched off. "Where is mom? When she left the home?" I asked the security. "Sir, madam left in the morning. She haven't returned yet" he replied. "Where she went?" I thought and was interrupted by a phone call.

"Sir we are charging from city hospital, Mrs Vibha Nigam meet with an accident and she is admitted in our hospital" came a nervous voice which stumbled my world. "What? How? When?" I couldn't complete my words. "Sir, please come to hospital. Here you will get all the details" she said.

I rushed to the hospital in ten minutes, I enquired about my mom and I was shocked to hear that she was in ICU. I reached ICU, there came another shock news that Ritika was also with my mom in that time and she was in the emergency ward.

If couldn't guess what was happening and why Ritika was with my mom. Everthing collapsed my mind. I didn't inform anyone about that since my mind was completely blank. At that time doctors said that Ritika was out of danger and I can see her. I rushed to see her.

"Rits are you OK?" I asked, she nodded. I don't wanna stress her so I didn't ask further questions and came out. "Doctor, mom?" I asked sadly. "She is still in critical condition, we can't say anything right now. Please wait" doctor replied and entered into ICU which broken me more.

"Sir we suspect this was a murder attempt" inspector shocked me more. "But who will date to kill my mom?" I asked with annoyance. "We are investigating on this issue sir. Through the CCTV footage we suspect that it was the murder attempt because the truck driver hit your vehicle intentionally" he said his doubt, I nodded.

"Is it was a murder attempt, I'll not leave the culprit to escape so easily and I'll not let him live in this world. How he dared to kill my mom" I was in rage and called my friend who was a private detective to inform about the issue. He got the details and replied that he will handle the issue.

Time passed but there was no need from doctor side. They didn't even let a word. In evening, I got call from my friend. "Siddharth, I got details about mom's accident and as we suspect that was a murder attempt" he said which boiled me in anger. "The culprit behind this was with me, you come here. Let's talk about this" he said and ended the call.

I already informed my dad, he reached hospital. I left him and rushed to see the culprit. I couldn't control my anger, I bet him which left in pool of blood. "Sidhharth, he is not the main accused. He sighed just an arrow, the person behind him paid him to kill the person and the person was not your mom, it was Ritika. As mom was with her she too got hit" he said which confused me more.

"What are you saying?? Ritika? But who wanna kill Rits?" I asked with shock. "Your wife, avneet" he said not facing me. "What did you say?" I asked holding his collar. "How dare he talk about Avu that way I know about my Avu, she won't hour even a small living thing but he is saying that she tried to kill my mom" I thought in mind.

"Relax Siddharth, I know it's hard to believe. Bit you have given accept the truth. I traced her mobile call history, she talked with this person several times I don't know how she got his contact but she is the one asked him to kill Ritika. She offered 20crore to kill her and asked him to take the blame but he revealed the truth when my men tortured him" he said breaking my words.

"But why should she do this?" I asked totally broken. "Look at this picture" he gave me few photos which was like me and Rits in bed. Those picture didn't shocked me but the thought that my Avu believed those photos over me broke me completely.

"I have invested thoroughly Siddharth, this is the truth. I caught him before police, which is a good" thing he said but nothing went inside my head. My mind was totally blank. My dad called me at that time and I revealed everything to my dad. He was shocked to.

I walked in my car, my heart said Avu hadn't done that but how can I believe that after seeing everything before my eyes. As a last hope I visited home. I stood in the entrance, she ran towards me but was shocked seeing me maybe my blood stained shirt.

I didn't delayed and asked her about the money deposited in her name. Her face changed suddenly, she stammered and was shocked which clearly indicated her mistake. That was the moment I felt like I lost everything on my life.

"Siddharth that..." She was about to say something but I stopped her before she complete. "Enough Avu, I don't wanna forgive you for what you did. In this critical situation, I came here because of the trust I had but your face clearly said what you did and don't think that I'll forgive you in my lifetime. I don't want to see you again" I yelled and left the place immediately.

I was completely broken, how can she do this, how she believed something else other than me. How can she try to kill a person for her happiness. From when she turned that much selfish?? I hate myself for loving her at that moment.

"I will never forgive you at any cost Avu, my mom, she was the one who cleared my mind when I was angry on you. She always supported you than me. But now, you literally killed her. I'll never forgive you in my lifetime, Avu" this was the last thought in my mind before I left the house.

Because of her mistake, my mom is in this condition. What she did to face all these struggles in her life. "I'll not forgive you Avu. Again you did a mistake by hiding my child from me". All those things made me more frustrated, I hit my hand in the glass table which made my hand bleed but that was not a pain compared to the damage she causes in my life.

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