Chapter 23

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Let's continue...

"Samaira!!! How cute she was!! My daughter is so adorable  but I lost several beautiful moments in my life" Siddharth thought imagining Sam's face. His mobile brought him back to the conscious. "Yes doctor" he said attending the call.

"Siddharth, still Mrs Vibha's state was same, there is no improvement. You have to do something. Just think, all you can do is making her happy. I hope if she get immense happiness then that will bring change in her condition. Try to make her happy and to respond, That's the only way to cure her" he said which made him broken.

" Doctor, I already did my best to make her happy but what else I can do?" he replied sadly. I can understand you Siddharth. I think she is excepting something. Normal talks will not have any effect, it should be something which make her more happy" he said.

Siddharth remembered something and his face turn bright. "Doctor!! I'm coming there tomorrow with a very happy news. I'm sure she will recover this time" he said confidently. "I too hope so Siddharth" doctor replied and ended the conversation.

He strongly decided to take Sam with him, his heart longed to have her in his arm from the moment he came to know that she is his child. He called someone and instructed to get Avu's address. Within an hour he reached her apartment, he felt something strange inside him but he ignored those things.

"Welcome Mr Siddharth" he heard fimilar voice and turned to see the person. "Riyaz" Sid looked at him with shock. "Yes, the same riyaz" he said looking at his face. "May I know what world's top most Business man doing in this small apartment?" He asked sarcastically which made him angry.

"I came here to take my child along with me and I don't need to give clarification to anyone" he said irritatingly. "Wow!! Your child what a affection!! Where were you all these days? Your child is 5year old. Now you are coming to see your child. What a great father!!" He said clapping his hand.

Sid hold his collar in frustration. "You too supported your friend and hide my daughter from me. I don't forgive you too" he said furiously. "Stop it Siddharth, I'm the one thinking about the forgiveness. How can you talk like this after what you did to her. You throw her out from your life when she was pregnant and now fighting with me great. You may not know in which state I saw her in Lucknow" he said thinking about the day he met her in Lucknow which made his eyes teary.

Rii's statement softened his heart and his hold loosened from his shirt. "I don't know that she was pregnant at that time" he said facing the ground. "But what are you going to do now is more sinful than your past mistakes Sid. Don't try to separate a child from her mother" Rii said looking at his face straight.

"Rii, you know about my mom's condition right. She is in coma for five years, still there is no improvement. I'm not here to separate my child from her mother and I know how painful it would be to get separated from a mother. I have gone through that pain in my life and I'll never allow that to happen in my child's life too" he said truly what he felt. Rii looked at him with confusion.

Sid said what doctor told him and said that Sam will make his mom normal again. Rii understood his state. "Then you should take both Avu and Sam with you" he said looking into Sid's face.

His face changed hearing her name. "I can't take her with me Rii. She is the only reason for my mom's current condition. How can I take her infront of my mom again? She will lost her remaining peace too and I'll never forget or forgive what she did" he said clenching his fist.

"Wrong Sid, you're wrong. She can't do something like that" he said strongly. "She is not the old Avu Rii she has changed a lot and I got my answer from herself. OK answer my question, if she is innocent why she didn't came to see my mom all these days?" He asked.

"Because she doesn't know that your mom is in this state" he replied. "Wow a great joke, you know that my mom is in hospital but she don't know. Good" he said with a smirk. "You believe or not. This is the truth. She don't know of about your mom and I'm sure she was not the reason of your mom's condition too" Rii said strongly.

"Rii, I'm not here to argue with you. You stood my side in several issues. I always thought you as my brother. Now you have to understand the situation and you too should help me to get my mom back" that time his voice was broken.

"I understand you Siddharth but I won't be fair to take Sam alone. Take both with you, you may not need her in your life but Sam need her mom everyday. She can't stay away from her even for a single day and Avu's condition is also same. I know you are not concerned about Avu but at least think about Sam" he said what he felt in his heart which changed Sid's decision.

"OK, I don't want my child to suffer because of me. You talk with your friend and ask her to Atleast help me in this condition" he said looking somewhere.

"You believe or not, if she know about your mom's condition, she would be near her all the time and she won't came away from her too" Rii replied and walked towards her flat. Sid followed him.

Rii pressed the calling bell, Anu opened the door. She smiled brightly seeing Rii but her smile faded seeing Siddharth. She looked at Rii with horror, Rii blinked his eyes in the way that everything is fine. Anu breathed in relief. "Come in please" she welcomed with smile. They both came in, Sid's eyes searched for Sam but his heart longed to see Avu once again.

"Rii uncle" Sam came in with joy and hugged his neck. Rii smiled and kissed her cheeks. Sid's heart skipped a beat to see her beautiful face but he felt sad because she didn't recognize him. Sam looked towards him and her eyes widen in surprise.

She looked at him with a bright smile without uttering a word. Sid hugged her closed to his heart, Sam felt happy to see him in her house and Sid's heart overwhelmed with happiness.

Avu reached the living room when she heard Rii's voice but stood rooted in her place once she saw Sid and Sam. She always dreamt to see them like that but now her heart was filled with fear. She looked at him with horror, tears formed uncontrollably.

"Mummaaa..." Sam left side once she saw Avu and ran towards her. "Mom, I said I got new friend na, he is my new friend" she said happily hugging Avu. Avu stood numb.

Sid turned towards her and at that moment all his anger vanished and anything he could see and feel was her face and her presence which he longed for all those years. Avu too felt the same once she look into his face. Their eyes were glued once they caught there pair. They stood like that for few minutes.

"Mom" Sam voice broke their eye lock. Avu looked at her and again her heart was filled with fear. Rii broke the silence. "Avu, you and Sam go with Sid to Mumbai" he said looking at her panic face. She looked at him questioningly.

"Now you have to go Avu not for him but to save your mother in law" he said which made her shock. "What happened to her?" She asked with shock. "She was admitted in hospital and she is in coma stage" he said which break Avu's world, tears flow from her eyes without any control.

"What are you saying Rii? How could that happened? What happened to MA?" She stumbled on her feet. "No one here is giving Oscar award for acting. Don't try too much" Sid spoke for the first time with irritation. Avu ignored his comment and looked at Rii to get her answers.

Avu, you will know everything once you will reach there. Now get ready to go with him. Only you both can bring back her conscious he said with assurance. Avu nodded and got ready to go with him without any hesitation to save her mother in law's life.

So guys I have to ask one question : Should I start a new book which is basically a collection of all Sidneet books? If there will be more than 20 yes then only I'll start it.

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Hii friends,
23rd Chapter is here. Do read, vote and give your valuable reviews.

Thank you.


Lots of love.



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