Chapter 24

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Let's continue...

Avu and Sam sat in the back seat. Sid started the car. Rii and Anu bid them good bye. "Thank you Anushka taking care of her and to inform me about this issue in the correct time" Rii said with smile which made her heart fluttered. She let out a shy smile as a response.

"Shall I drop you? It's already late" he asked. That made her more happy. She accepted with a smile. He dropped her in her PG.

"Good night" he said while leaving. "Good night" she replied with a smile and stood there till he left. Anu walked to her room, she felt overwhelming happiness inside her which made her blush more. That was the first time, Rii talked with her sweetly.

She remembered his words and his adorable smile which mesmerized her and slept hiding under her blanket.

"Mommy where we are going?" Sam asked lying on Avu's lap. "We are going to see your grandmother" Avu said caressing her hair. Sam looked at her confusingly. "She is my mother" Avu said clearing her doubt. "Oh! Mommy I'm hungry" she said sadly. Sid stopped the car hearing her and glared at Avu.

Avu ignored his glare wind took the milk bottle and a tiffin box from her bag. She opened it and fed her, Sam ate it happily. He stopped the car till she fed her completely. Sam looked at the empty box. "Mommy, you didn't eat" Sam asked sadly. "I already had in home babygirl" Avu said kissing her nose. Sam smiled hearing her and hugged her closely.

Avu pattered her back and made her sleep peacefully and comfortable on her lap. Sid saws everything with yearning, he felt he lost all precious things in his life. He don't know whether she will accept him as her dad. He took a deep breath and started the car.

Avu too slept because of tiredness. He looked their reflection in the mirror and stopped the car. He turned back and glared at both of them. Sam hugged Avu's waist sleeping on her lap. Avu's hand embraced her protectively, his face crumpled, tears welled up in his eyes and threatened to fall.

"What happened in my life? Why all my happiness drained in my life within a day??" He asked himself and his mom's face flashed in his mind breaking all those thoughts. He controlled himself and resumed on driving. He drove fast to reach hospital as soon as could.

They reached Mumbai the next morning. Avu slowly opened her eyes. She visited her native after five years, she smiled seeing the place. Her heart longed to see VA.

He drove to his parent's house. Avu tried to come out from the car carrying Sam in her hand seeing her struggling to come out. She didn't read, carried the bag she brought and followed him silently.

He reached the room in the ground floor and placed Sam on the bed. Her face was so cute while sleeping. He admired her little face and kissed her forehead caressing her hair. Avu watched everything emotionally. One part of her heart scolded her for separating a father and daughter, another part said what she did was correct where she couldn't come for a conclusion.

"Be ready by 10'0 clock" he said without looking at her face and walked out of the room. She sat on the bed caressing Sam's hair and hugged her close to her chest. She split without her concern.

Bright rays if sun hit her face making her awake. She opens her eyes and checked the time, it was 8:30. She finished her morning chores and walked up Sam. Sam looked the new environment with confusion. Avu smiled and said they are in grandma's home. San nodded, Avu took her to bathroom and helped her to brush and take bath.

Avu wrapped a towel over Sam and carried her in her arms. Sam giggled when Avu played with her. She sat their with towel, Avu searched dress for her in the bad she brought. Sid entered the room that time, Sam hide her face with her palm and ran behind Avu.

"Babygirl what happened?" Avu asked and just saw him in the room. He smiled seeing Sam's arodable actions and kept a glass of milk on the table. Avu took the glass and fed her. "Mom, why we are here?" Sam asked. "We came here to see your grandma dear. She is not well and is in hospital" Avu replied sadly.

"But why Siddharth sir is here?" She asked with confusion. "Siddharth sir?" She looked at him with shock. "Yes mom, he is my new teacher. You saw him on that day, he only gave award" she said pouting her lips. "Ooh!!" Avu don't known what to answer. She sat there without confusion.

"I'm not your teacher. I'm your daddy" Sid came in with a smile but a great grief hidden behind his smile. Sam looked at him with a shock. Avu was speechless.

Sam turned to see Avu but she didn't let a word. "Mommy!!" Sam looked at her for her answer. "Yes Sam baby, he is your dad" she said with tears. Sam was shocked she couldn't understand what's happening. All those days she thought Avu as her mom as well as her dad but now Avu said he is her dad. She looked at then sadly. Avu couldn't face her but sid carried her in his arms.

"I'm sorry for not coming to see you all these days but daddy missed you a lot. Hereafter, I wont leave you "he said kissing her cheeks. She wiped his tears which he didn't noticed. Her delicate small fingers throw all his grief away.

"Let's go" he said taking her in his arms. Avu looked at them and felt a strange satisfaction in her heart. They reached the hospital. Sid said about Sam to doctor. "That will be a great news to her Siddharth. I hope this will work" doctor replied happily and took them to her ward. Avu followed them, he sent Sam along with doctor and turned facing her.

"Where are you coming?" He asked with a deadly glare. "I'm going to see my mom" she said without looking at him. "Oh your mother, don't repeat that word again. You are the only reason for her state and she too will not like to see you in her life. If you want to save her life, then stay here" he said which broke her heart and he walked inside the room.

She sat there with tears "how can he say that I'm the reason for her state and what he think about myself in his mind. Did he thought, I'm a devil to hurt my mother-in-law. How cruel he is? I came here to see her but he hurt me again by not showing her in my eyes. God!! Have I did that much sin to face all these things" she cried hiding her face in her palm.

Meanwhile, Sam near her. She saw her in unconscious state, she never saw a person in that state which made her panic. She gripped Sid's shirt tight. "She is your grandma, don't get panic" he said patting her back.

"Mom, open your eyes mom. See who is there in front of you. Samaria came to see you mom, my daughter came, your grandchild came to see you for the first time. Open your eyes and take my child in your arms" he said with tear. Doctor checked the monitor but there was no change. Doctor signalled Sam to speak.

"Sam talk with grandma" he said kindly. "Where is mom? I want to go to mommy" Sam said with tears. "Mom is outside only baby, she will come. You talk with grandma" he tried to console her but Sam started crying. He tried his best to console her and finally succeeded.

"Dadi ( Grandma)" Sam said in her baby voice but still there was no change in her state. Sid lost his final hope too and that broke his heart completely. He knelt down and broken down completely. Sam got panic looking him crying. He decided that everything was done but he can't bring her mother which made him more broken.

"Mom" there come an unexpected voice. Doctor and Sam looked at the entrance. Sam ran to her once she saw Avu. Avu came forward towards the bed. "Mom, please open your eyes. I want you to see you grandchild" she said with tears.

"How dare you came in?" Sid rose up with anger but doctor stopped him. He pointed out the monitor and said her pulse started to improve once she heard Avu's voice. Sid's eyes widen in shock and surprise.

Doctor asked her to continue. Avu talked sitting near her holding her hand. VA's hand had few moments while she was talking.

Doctors looked so happy. Sid was left confused. They came out of the room. "Mrs. Avneet, If you talk with her daily like this. I'm sure she will regain her conscious. It seems she was expecting you all these years" doctor said with a smile which made Sid to astonished.

"Doctor what's happening? How mom reacted for her where she didn't consider me and my child" he asked with confusion.

"Siddharth as I said, she had some wishes in her mind for a long time and see expected to see Avneet all these days. When her wish came true, she is trying to live that moment. This is what I said you to make her happy and that will give her wish to live her life and that's the only thing that will wake her from this state" he said clearing his doubt.

Mom might not know her true face. What will she do when she will come to know that Avneet was the one behind her accident he thought but another part which love unconditionally repeatedly asked whether she would did that crime????

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24th chapter is here. Do read, vote and give your valuable reviews.

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Lots of love.



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