Chapter 25

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

Guys go and listen Avneet's song if you haven't it's amazing.

Let's continue...

Sam sat sadly in garden, Sid noticed her. He smiled and sat near her. "What my cutie thinking so deeply?" He asked with a smile. She didn't respond and was about to move from the place which hurt him. He understood her, it was not easy to accept the biggest truth in that small period and she was too young to understand all those things.

She left the place and went in search of Avu. Avu was in deep prayer. Sam sat near her and stared her face, she found her crying. After few minutes, Avu completed the prayer and opened her eyes. She was surprised to see Sam near her.

"Babygirl" she smiled and her sit on her lap. "Mom, why we are here? When we will go to our home. I'm missing my friends" she said sadly. "Baby grandma is not well and we need to take care of her. So we should stay here for some more days. We will surely meet your friends soon" she said kissing her nose.

Sam nodded sadly. "Don't be sad baby. You can enjoy here too" she said with smile. "No, here I don't have friends. No one is here, on one is talking with me. I hate this place" she said crying.

"Baby please don't cry" Avu said hugging her but her eyes welled up with tears too. She truly don't know how to console her. Said heard their conversation and thought something in his mind. He called someone and talked for few minutes and came back to see Sam.

Sam sat there in the hall watching TV without any interest. He went near her and sat next to her. She glared at him which brought smile in his face. "Why my baby is so much angry on her daddy?" He asked keeping a sad face. She didn't reply and turned her head fast.

He took her in his arms and made her sit on his lap. She tired to get out from his hold but his hold was protective and strong. "I will not talk to you" she said with angry face. "But today I planned to talk you out. If you didn't talk how could you enjoy" he asked. Sam's expression changed hearing him.

"Where are we going?" She asked interestingly. "Theme park" he said with joy which made her excited. She jumped in joy. She got out from his hold and ran to Avu screaming "Mommyy we are going to theme park" she shouted in happiness.

Avu felt happy seeing Sam's excitement but she need to go to hospital and thought why he planned that. He came towards them. "Now let's go to theme park and at night you be with mom. Doctors suggested the same" he said without looking at her. Avu nodded as response. He left the place once he informed.

Avu and Sam got ready. Sam felt so excited. Avu haven't talked her for theme park, cause she was too young but Sam always wanted to visit it hearing her friends saying about their theme park excitement.

They reached their destination. Sam's eyes widen seeing the entrance. She squealed in happiness. Avu smiled seeing her excitement. Sid took her in his arms. "What baby, are you ready for all the thrill rides?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yeess" she replied with joy. "Mommy, you too come for all rides" she said looking at Avu. Avu's face turned little scary. Sid laughed, "she is afraid of these adventures" he said looking at Sam. Sam looked at Avu, Avu nodded with a horror experience.

"No worries baby, daddy will take care. Let her be here, you come with me, let's go for the rides" he said with assuring smile. Sam accepted and they both left the place. Avu captured Sam's pic in all her rides.

Sid protected her like his most precious possession at the same time he motivated her to try all the children rides. Sam enjoyed it a lot. She squealed high at every ride.

Avu watched everything with happiness bit another side she felt sad that Sam missed all those moment in those five years. She prayed that that Sam should get all happiness in her life. Only after seeing her excitement, Avu felt she lost several things in previous days.

After the fun rides they went to water rides. Sam compelled Avu too to join them. Avu accepted, she too joined with Sam and enjoyed the water games.

Sam sprinkled water on avu's face. Avu too did the same, they both enjoyed on the water. Avu was about to caught Sam who was running but she missed her balance and was about to fall but a strong pair of arms embraced her before she lost her total balance.

Her eyes were closed but she felt the touch after a long time. She opened her eyes slowly watching the dominant hazel eyes. They both were in the same position, past thought flashed their mind. The day they met and the day they fallen in love. The same position when they exchanged their love for the first time. Everything flashed in their minds.

Sam's voice brought them back to the present. He left her and went near Sam. They spent whole day there enjoying. Evening while returning, Sam slept before they reach their home because of tiredness. Avu made her sleep on the bed and got ready to leave for hospital.

Sid stopped her in hospital. Avu gave few instructions about what he should do. If Sam waked up middle in night. He asked everything patiently and left hospital.

Avu reached VA's room and she caressed her forehead. There Sid slept near Sam admiring her Vite little face, her pout and chubby cheeks. He felt like looking his mom, she resembled VA. Her curly hairs, chubby cheeks made him adore her more.

Avu talked with VA about the day, she said everything with excitement. At last "mom, everything is okay, but end of the day I felt helpless without you mom. Please come back" she said with tears. She noticed tear in VA's closed eyes too. She rushed to doctor's room to inform that.

Doctor reached the room and reached VA, "she is going to be normal soon Avneet. These are all symptoms for her recovery. You just share all your happy moments with her that will surely bring her lost conscious" he said  with hope which made Avu more stronger.

Next day,

Sid reached hospital early in the morning and saw Avu sleeping in the sitting position. Doctor entered the room at the same time. "Good morning doctor" Sid greeted him. "Good morning Siddharth". "There is a great improvement in your mom's condition. I think she will get her conscious soon" he said making Sid happy.

"Thank you so much doctor" he said holding his hand. "Thanks to your wife. She is the only reason for her fast recovery" he said with a smile and left the room. Sid looked at Avu, her eyes were closed and he had a great fight between his heart and brain. His brain said she was the reason behind his mom's condition  it his heart opposed it.

He sat opposite to her starring her innocent face. She opened her eyes and found d him sitting opposite to her. She didn't have enough any expression on her face and just went away from that place to get freshen up.

"Sam is still sleeping. Now you go to home, I guess she will ask for you once she opened her eyes" he said. Avu nodded and left the place. Driver dropped her in home. She went inside and found Sam sleeping in his room. She slept peacefully. Avu thought she will wake up after sometime and decided to finish her morning chores before she wake up.

She prepared breakfast and waked up Sam. Sam opened her eyes and smiled seeing Avu. "Wake up baby. You wanna have your breakfast" Avu said softly. Sam too hot up and sat on her bed. Avu carried her and made her brush her teeth and give her bath.

She fed her breakfast. Sam had it with amusement. Avu smiled seeing her reaction. "Avu!!" She heard the most familiar voice and her eyes welled up with tears before seeing the person.

Avu turned and her eyes filled with uncontrollable tears. "Mom!!" She said no other words left her mouth.

Target : 50 votes

Hi friends,
25th chapter is here. Do read, vote and give your valuable reviews.

Thank you.


Lots of love.



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