Chapter 29

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

Let's continue...

Sid was in deep thoughts, he tried to remember something happened that night. That time he got a call from Riyaz.

"Sid, Riyaz here. I'm in Mumbai, wanna meet you" Rii said. "Yeah Rii, let's meet tomorrow" sid replied and ended the call. His mind resumed his thoughts but more that that his guilty conscience vexed him more. His ached like it will get explode.

Next day,

Bright rays if sun caressed his face making him awake, Sid opened his eyes and realized he slept on the floor last night. He sat on the floor but something haunted his peace. He realized what he did was not right but he felt that was too late.

"Why you didn't trust her? Why you took decision by your point? Why you never cared about? Sid you love her truly? What you did was love? Is there any relationship without trust? Why you behaved so heartless? Why you didn't regret your mistakes?" His heart repeated these questions again and again unfortunately he don't have the answer too.

His mobile ringtone broke his thought chain. "Sid come to our meeting spot. I'll be there at 10" Rii said. "OK" Sid replied and ended the conversation.

"I'm sorry, a bit late" sid apologized. "That's fine. Let's have coffee" Rii said and ordered coffee. "Sid, I want to tell you something and that was the main reason I asked for this meeting" he said. Sid, looked at him like proceed.

"I'm angry on you Siddharth. I'm hell angry but I came here cause I want Avu to be happy. Atleast from now she should be happy cause she faced several things which a normal woman couldn't handle" he said making Sid panic more.

Meanwhile, "Avu tell me how you handled alone that too you was pregnant that time" VA asked with tears. "Mom, nothing happened to me, my friends Riyaz and Jannat was with me and they took great care" Avu said with a assured smile.

"I'm mother too Avu, I know the pain of first pregnancy. That will be a second birth of a girl. Every girl will wish to have her mother and husband near her during the time of her pregnancy but you faced everything alone. Even now you're smiling hiding all your pain but I can understand that pain Avu" VA said holding her hands with tears.

"Everything happened mom, and we can't change the things which already happened. We should not hunk about the same thing and loss our present happy life. Yes, I honestly through several pain but once seeing my daughter's little face all my pain vanish and a new strength occupied my heart" she replied caressing her hand.

VA looked at her proudly. Avu made her sit on the bed and fed her breakfast and medicine.

Rii continued "yes Sid, she gone through several pain in her life. I saw her in Lucknow and I couldn't believe my ears when she said what happened the precious day. I was very angry on you to sent her out in the midnight and I was about to meet you too but she stopped me and asked me to promise her that I will not reveal about her to anyone.

But I said I will inform jann about this and she agrees. Jaan stayed with Avu and took great care of her.

Rii's pov

"Doctor, she is fine right?" me and Jaan asked in union. "Actually get uterus is weak and it doesn't have strength to carry the baby bit she gone through some treatment I guess so she can able to give birth. But you should be very careful, handle her like a child. She should not do heavy works and her mind should be peaceful, don't give any shocking news to her. If you took great care she will birth without any complications.

Where is her husband? In this time he should be with her. Every girl wish to have her husband near her" she asked annoyingly. "Actually doctor, her husband is in abroad and he can't come suddenly. He will come during the time of delivery" I said.

"Ooh, OK take good care of her doctor replied. Jaan you only can help her in this situation" I said. "I'll take care Rii. She loved to play with my son and she was very much attached with him so that will divert her mind. Let's take good care" Jaan assured.

"She shouldn't know about VA's condition. I know how much she loves her. If she come to know she is in coma stage then that will make her more weak" Jaan said which was 100% true. I hidden everything about your family and Jaan cared her like her own sister.

Everything was fine and finally the day came. Avu suddenly got labour pain. Jann and I admitted her in the hospital. "Doctor everything is fine right?" Jann asked nervously.

"No ma'am, she suddenly got labour pain and child's position was not safe. We can't perform cesarean cause her body have no strength to perform and operation. We are trying out best but we can give only 70% hope. 30% is your prayers. Will hope for the best" doctor said leaving both of us rooted on our place.

"Let's inform this to Sid and his family" Jaan said. "Yes Jaan, let's do that" I too agreed but before I called you, I saw your interview which was telecasted in the hospital television.

"Sir one last question. Tell about your wife. Why you both got separated suddenly?" One of the reporters asked. "Look I'm not sharing any of my personal issues in this kind of press meeting but everyone just remember this one thing, she is no more in my life and don't ask anything regarding her" you said with anger and left the place which made us boil in anger.

"How he can talk so crucially, don't he have a little courtesy? What he think about himself? How he forgot the past? She was the one who loved him unconditionally and helped him to get all his happiness in his life but see him. He is talking so heartlessly. No Rii we are not letting him know about Avu.

As Avu said he will separate her child from her too" Jaan cried all her frustration. "Yes Jaan, you are right. He don't deserve her love" I said and we both prayed God to save Avu and child.

Her screaming was the only sound in the hospital. Jaan was totally broken hearing her screams.

The pain of labour was a prison for her mind. In that jail cell of fear and confusion the time passed without her being able to keep track. Her stomach tightened, she heard her own scream without being aware of making it.

"Siddharth.... Siddharth...." This was the scream escaped her mouth. She repeated your name even in that unconscious moment. "See even now this girl is changing his name unconsciously. What he did to get her unconditional love but he destroyed her happiness" Jaan cried hard.

Her final scream was so loud and that brought a mixed emotion in our heart. We prayed hard. Finally doctor came out, "she is fine and blessed with a baby girl. Both mother and a child is fine. Did you informed her husband? She was longing to see him, that was clear in her action so ask him to visit her as soon as possible" doctor said with smile. We both nodded.

Jaan went inside and took the baby in her hand. She looked so cute, we saw Avu who was still unconscious but her lips was still repeating your name.

"Enough Rii, he doesn't deserve her love. He shouldn't come in her life again and destruction her peace. Atleast now she should live her life for her happiness and for her baby girl. Don't let her know anything about Sid" Jaan said those words in anger. I nodded as response.

I convinced Avu and sent her Australia to work on an important project. She too accepted. Two years she was in Australia with Sam and she forced me telling Sam should brought up in India and return back to India.

I gave her a job in my company. She worked hard to attain her present position meanwhile she took care of Sam and brought up her with all good qualities.

"You may think, why I'm saying all these stuffs wasting your time but you should know everything she gone through in her life, so as I said everything.

And you said that her love for her mother in law was drama right, that was the main reason for revealing all these truth cause I too was a part in that situation and I saw her sufferings too".

Rii said everything that happened taking a deep breath. Sid sat there hearing Rii, his eyes red, it was so empty indicating his grief, his heart throbbed and it's beats were alone rarely wanted to beat.

Should I end this book? 🤔

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29th chapter is here. Do read, vote and give your valuable reviews.

Thank you.


Lots of Love.



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