Chapter 3

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Hey guys welcome back!!

Let's continue...

A bright sun light hit her face, she slowly opened her eyes and found Sam sleeping like a cute doll. Avu wished to look her beautiful face for ever. She checked her mobile and it was half past nine. Since it was Sunday, she woke up late. At that time she got call from Jannat ( avu's friend). A bright spread over her face.

"Hii darling" she started the conversation happily. " Avu!! How r u? How is my daughter in law? What she is doing now? "she asked with excitement." I'm fine and your daughter in law is sleeping peacefully and how about my baby boy? Is he awake? "she too asked with the same excitement.

"He is sitting near me only. He too wanted to speak with you"she exclaimed happily. Jannat turned on the video call and avu wished good morning to Adarsh (Jannat's son) and Jannat. Jannat smiled and searched for Sam. Avu slowly turned the mobile to her direction. Jannat kissed the screen when Avu turned it toward Sam

Avu talked with Jannat and Adarsh, meanwhile Sam woke up from her sleep Avu smiles and made her sit on her lap. Sam gave a hearty smile to Jannat. Jannat was excited seeing Sam. Jannat always wanted to have girl child but she was blessed with a cute baby boy. When Sam was born, Adarsh was one year old. More than others Jannat felt excited to see Sam.

Sam had a cubby cheeks which admired her more and in her childhood, Jannat will never drop her down. Sam too loved Her a lot. 2years ago, Faisu (Jannat's husband) got some project in Vietnam. So they shifted there. She will call Avu every Sunday and would be the happiest part of the weekend.

After an hour they ended the conversation. Avu and Sam got down from the bed and rest of the day went happily around Sam.

Next day,

Avu prepared breakfast and lunch. She got ready and waited for Kamla. Avu left asking Kamla to take care of Sam. Avu reached office and started working on ongoing project. "Hii Avu, good morning " anu greeted her with warm smile.

"Good morning anu"she smiled."Today evening riyaz is coming back, so we want to be ready with presentation" Avu said focusing on her desktop.

Anu's face changed hearing riyaz's name. She smiled and Avu noticed it. "I said something "Avu said clearing her throat. Any blushed and left the place immediately. Avu smiles looking her actions. Avu noticed Anu several times and understood that she likes riyaz.

Avu smiles and resumed her work. She was done with her works and kept all the files ready. Anu too worked on her past and kept those filed ready for presentation. Anu was asked to give the presentation that evening. She was prepared but at the same time she felt nervous.

Avu encouraged her and gave some tips in presentation. This was Anu's first presentation, that too in the presence of riyaz. Anu took deep breath and prepared herself for the presentation.

Evening everyone gathered at the venue including riyaz. Avu gave thumps up and cheered her up. Anu stood there with confidence and started her presentation. Riyaz appreciated her with a warm smile. Anu was in cloud nine to hear his complement.

Avu hugged her once they came out of the conference room. "You did that perfectly " Avu said happily. Anu smiled to her complement. They both had snacks in cafeteria and resumed on their remaining work.

It was around 9:30,Avu reached home. Kamla ma left once she reached. Avu thought Sam will be sleeping but to her surprise, she sat on the couch and was in deep thinking. Avu slowly reached her and took her in embrace.

"Wow my darling girl is awake!! "she said kissing her cheeks. But Sam's face for dull that indicated that she was thinking something. "Oh! My baby girl is so serious. What you're thinking so deeply Sweety? Let mommy help you"she said raising her chin.

"Mommy today gave me a assignment. But I couldn't complete it till now "she said sadly. "Oh! But my girl will not sit sad. She will complete all her assignments by her own right. Today what happened. Did your teacher gave very tough assignment? " she asked making faces to calm her down.

"No, all my friends started doing their assignments in class. But I don't know what teacher was asking me to do? " she said like crying. Avu couldn't understand and looked her sad face.

"Today teacher taught a lesson, 'my family ' she said my mom, dad ,grandma, grandpa, sister and brother will be in a family but I don't know what all are those. All my friends answered teacher when she asked about them but I don't know what they are talking about "she said it very sadly which broke avu's heart. She looked her with tears.

"Tomorrow is Father's Day and my teacher asked everyone to prepare getting card with drawings and photo of daddy. But mommy who is daddy? " she asked which stumbled her whole world. She looked her helplessly with tears. Avu expected this question from her but not so early. She was out of words and tears continuously flow through her cheeks.

Sam got panic seeing Avu in tears. "Mommy please don't cry" Sam said wiping her tears and she started crying. Avu hugged her tight and consoled her. "You only have mommy in your life Sam" she said slowly but Sam already slept in her embrace.

Avu looked at her face and tears made their way to her cheeks without her control. She made her sleep on the bed but her sleep was so far. Sam's question echoed in her ears,she simply starred at the ceiling thinking about the things happened in her past and sleep without her concern.

"You cheated me in many ways but now you betrayed me by separating my daughter from me. I'll never forgive you in this birth. Better get out of my sight and don't dare to even touch nu daughter. You already lost the position of a mother of my child. Don't think to come to my child's life again. You're no one to her and now just get out of this place immediately before I loose my remaining patience" he shouted at too of his lungs.

She jerked in fear, " I did nothing. Please Believe me. I don't want anything from you. I don't want you to forgive me but please give my Sam back to me. Please! She is the only meaning of my life. Please give her back to me" I begged him kneeling in front of him.

"Just stop your cheap acting. I know about you and I'm not the following loved you blindly in the past. You don't deserve to stand in my house. I was patient till now since you took care of my daughter. I'll pay you hundred times more than you spent on my child. Take that and get out of my life and don't dare to come into my life again" he said throwing daggers on her.

"Money! Who want your money. I want my daughter. I want. her. Only her and you can't just take her away from me" she said firmly getting Sam out of his hold.

" Take your hands away from my child. She is not your daughter anymore. Get out!!!! "He shouted "What he said is right,don't make us loose our patience and don't create scene here. Get out! "person she respected equal to her parents said those hurtful words.

" Yes Avu, come let's go and you should face the consequences for the sin which you commit" these words came from her parents. She looked them with painful smile and her eyes finally fall on her daughter who stood there with fear.

Her heart rushed to take her in her arms and to console her but she felt she is too far from even through she stood near her. Her heart couldn't take the pain anymore and ached lite it's going to explode.

" Get out! " he said and walked in taking Sam in his hands. " Mommy! " she cried which broke her heart. "Sam!!!! Don't go away from me. Please don't take my child from me. Please!!! " she shouted.


Hi friends,

3rd chapter is here. Do read and give me your valuable reviews.

Next chapter is about Siddharth.. Wait for it❤

Thank you.

Lots of love.



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