Chapter 4

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Hey guys welcome back!! Hey guys welcome back!!

Let's continue...

In Mexico,

Beyond the French door of the oak-paneled suite, soft city lights glowed through a pair billowing taffeta curtains. There wasn't a cloud in the star speckled sky.Rows of towering sykscrapers stretched above her,the window alight from within .

A half -moon hovered at the fringers of the luminous cityscape,where the red blinking Lights of distance radio tower twinkling in the night. An industrial based smog of pollution coated the whole area, acting as a milky filter. The fog softened the hard lines of building, and diffused the orange glow of street lamps.

Ritika, gazed the beautiful city with a smile sipping her hot coffee. She heard her mobile ringing. She picked it up "Hi Liza" she greeted and got the information she conveyed. " Okay, I'll inform him" by telling this she ended the call.

She took a deep breath and headed towards his room. Once she reached near his room she felt nervous, gatthering all her courage she knocked the door. She heard the response in third knock. She entered the room which is dark and found him sitting with a wine glass in a dim light which she guess just now he turned on.

"Siddharth tomorrow morning there is a catch with a new client. Just now Liza,informed me, we were asked to be there by 8" she informed and left the place immediately. He drank left over wine in his glass starring the darkness. He was not an alcoholic addict till she left him, his heart broken by her betrayal. Everyday she ruined his mind and make his life dark.

Next day,

RRitika got ready for the meeting, she hoped he will not forget the professional things and waited for him in the reception.

There he came with black formal
shirt.He look devilishly handsome in that black shirt which suited him perfectly. But his face didn't reflect any emotion and he maintained a cold expression among his employer.

He is going to an important meeting regarding the new project that day. From day she left, he work hard like a devil to delete all her memories from his mind. As a result, he became one of the topmost successful business man without using family background. He did everything in his own and at last achieved the huge success but her memories never faded from his heart including the heart break she gave.

Ritika stood from her place once she saw him. She instructed the venue and details of client they wanna meet. He just nodded and left the place. Ritika followed him and they both reached the venue in half an hour.

There they found the client already waiting for him. He facked a smile and was meeting started and the client were happy with the project and sign the deal. He smirked and joined lunch with them.

Ritika, Siddharth's friend from childhood now his personal assistant. She was working injustice company for more than 5 years. She too joined the lunch. The meeting was ended successfully and they left the place. While traveling, "Congrats, Siddharth" Ritika said with a smile. He nodded as response and the journey was silent till they reached the hotel.

" I think works for the day is done. So go out with other colleagues to take a tour of the city. "he said without any expressions and left the place before she replies. She started at his direction. She felt bad to she her friend in that state, all the past memories flashed in her mind but she couldn't help him. She too decided to go out since she felt bore to be in her room.

He reached his room and rested on the couch. At that time he got call from his father " Hi dad" he said " Hi Siddharth ,I heard about the deal . It's great, Congrats Keep it up the great work " he appreciated him. " Thanks dad. What about mom's condition? Did doctor found any improvement in her ?" he asked with hope.

No Sid, she is in same condition. Doctor advised us to talk with her and to make her happy but I don't know what's bothering her and as of now no improvement in health " he replied sadly. Sid signed sadly before ending the conversation. He closed his eyes thinking about his mother's condition. He imagined her smiling face,a tear escaped his eyes. Suddenly his expression changed, he clenched his jaw in frustration.

"You are the whole reason for this damages Avu, I'll never forgive you in any aspect of my life " he crushed the glass saying those words, blood oozed out from his palms and his eyes reflected the rage he had on her, there was no love but full of frustration and anger.

The anger escaping from him, when he was away from the one he loved the most reflected on every other around him, store clerks, employee, car driver, even he get anger if his food wasn't quite right. He was in the edge of of his frustration state which turned him into a ruthless human.

At the same time in India,

"Sam!!! Please don't take her away from me please.... Sam!!! " Avu waked up with a jerk and found it was her dream. She was Sam sleeping quitelynear, her eyes welled up with tears. " I lost everything in my life but not you sam" she hugged her with tears.

A unknown fear occupied her heart. Kamla ma entered her room when she was in her deep thoughts. " Avu, are you ok?" she asked with concern. Avu suddenly hugged her and cried her heart out. " Avu please relax" she said by caressing her hair. Avu controlled and wiped her tears.

She took Kamla ma out of her room and said what Sam asked her the previous day. Kamla ma understood her fear and consoled her like a mother. Avu once shared about her past life with her and she understood her state as a mother at that critical situation.

" Calm down Avu, everything has an end and all your problems will sort out one day"she said with assured smile. She gave her coffee and asked her to forget all those stuffs and to get ready for office. Avu agreed and got got ready to office. She left home before Sam woke up.

Anu noticed Avu's face and understood that something has happened. She came to her and asked whether everything is fine. Avu nooded. She didn't ask further and left the place. Avu tried to concentrate on her work and finally she succeed.

Clock hitted 8,Avu decided to leave. She don't know what she will answer if Sam ask the same question which she didn't answered on the previous day. She reached home with the same confusion. Kamla ma noticed her face and asked her to be relaxed and everything would turn better someday. She nodded and headed towards her room.

She found Sam doing her homework. She went near her. Sam turned and found Avu. Her face brightened after seeing Avu. She ran to her and hugged her. Avu hugged her back and kissed her cheeks. " Mommy I got star for my assignment and teacher asked everyone to clap for me after seeing the assignment. She said mine was best. " Sam said with joy.

Avu was confused and looked her with same expression. "But baby I didn't help you out in that right, then how you did the assignment? " she asked. "Yes mommy, I'm a angry on you for that but Kamla ma helped me. I did this in morning only. " she said with smile showing her assignment. Avu's eyes widen in shock to seeing her assignment where she couldn't control her tears.
What Sam has done in assignment that Avu is in shock after seeing it?

Any guess?


Hi friends,

4th chapter is here. Do read, vote and give me your valuable reviews.

Thank you kairasidneet and priyaxsidneet for your support. 😊


Till then.


Thank you.

Lots of Love


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