Chapter 32

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Let's continue...

Rakesh came inside while Avu was feeding VA. VA turned her head not gazing his face. "Vibha plz don't do like this, I was angry cause I thought Avu was the reason behind this accident and I don't know what exactly happened. I'm sorry for hurting you too Avu" he said looking at both of them.

"You don't have to be sorry uncle. Everything happened for a reason. Even my mom thought, I did something wrong and it's not fair to blame anyone in this issue" Avu replied with a smile.

"I doubted a gem, I should have done something before but I blindly believed something else and I was not in the state to analyse anything. I'm not justifying my mistake but regretting my mistake" he said holding her hand.

"I can understand uncle, it's not your fault" Avu said with smile. "You go to home Avu, there Sam too missing you. I'll take care of Vibha" he said. "It's OK uncle, you don't want to strain your health, I'll take care" Avu said with a smile.

"It's been three days you're here Avu; sacrificing your sleep, food, missing your child but even know you're not ready to leave her alone, I don't know whether my own daughter would have done this much" he said emotionally.

"Please don't talk like this uncle, I'm doing this for my mom" Avu assured. "OK, but today you go home, I'll stay here" he insisted again which she couldn't oppose. "OK uncle" she replied with a smile.

"I'm sorry Vibha" he said holding VA's hand. "You never change Rakesh, now our son too did what you did to me. I just can't tolerate it. How foolish you people are?" She said annoyingly.

"I know Vibha, we were wrong. I too accept it. But believe me, when you are in this stage how do you supposed us to think further. That's why we believed everything without analysing" he said with guilt.

"Will you talk like this if this happened to our own daughter? Don't be too selfish Rakesh, I'm strong in my decision. Only when she accept him, I'll forgive him too. Same in your case too. I don't wanna complicate this anymore. Let's pause it here" she said and slept not facing him.

AM opened the door and was surprised seeing Avu. "Avu" she said emotionally hugging her. "I'm sorry for everything Avu, I too shouted at you without knowing the truth" she wept.

"Mom please, I have already forgotten those things. So please let's don't talk about that" Avu said. "OK, come and have dinner" AM fed her with her hand.

"Mom, where is Sam, is she sleeping?" She asked with a smile. "Yes, she is sleeping in that room" AM directed. Avu slowly reached the room and opened the door without making any sound.

Her eyes were frozen. Sam slept peacefully hugging Sid. He embraced her protectively and he too was sleeping peacefully. Both of their face looked similar. Avu closed the door and ran to her room.

Seeing Sam and Sid in that position was once her dream, every day she dreamt about her life with Sam and Sid around her but now everything seemed like a hell. She never thought Sid would doubt her in VA's accident which broke her completely.

She was broken from the moment when she heard his hate speech but she didn't get chance to express that breakdown too. She was in hospital where she couldn't express her grief and finally she got most expected lone time to spill all her grief out.

She lied on her floor hopelessly breaking down, all her grief poured out in the form of tears. "Maybe the whole world against me without taking my side" her words mixed in it with her cry.

"I loved you from the day one I met you, maybe that was my mistake to have so much love which now killed me alive. Why these things happened? Why you did this to me? Why are you giving me this heartache again and again?" Avu was totally heartbroken.

"How can you mistrust me? How can you dishonor me? Why you made me regret my love?" She screamed her heart. "Avu... Avu.. Are you OK? Please open the door" AM's shaky voice brought her back to the conscious.

"Mom, I'm fine. I want to be alone" she mumbled with struggle. "Please open the door Avu" and that made her to open the door. AM looked at her miserable state. "Avu!" She too cried hugging her. "Why God? Why are you making my child suffer this much?" She cried.

"Mom, don't cry please" Avu consoled her. She made AM to sleep after giving her medicine and she returned back to her room.

She switched on the light and found him sitting on her bed. She was about to move from the place. "Avu stop, please listen me. I'm not here to apologize for my mistake cause I know that was unforgivable but I want to tell you something, please.." He couldn't complete his words.

"There is nothing to talk, it's all over and please don't make it a scene on this time" Avu said bitterly.

"Please listen me once, please" he pleaded. Avu stood there silently without replying him which he took as her acceptance.

"I know I messed up everthing. I shouldn't have done those things but I was totally insane that time. I'll not justify my mistake what I did, sure I know that was unforgivable. I was insane cause at that time I thought you didn't believe me instead you believe some photographs.

But now I realized, it was me who did that to you. I don't want to trouble you more Avu, and I don't want to see you crying anymore. Already you have faced alot which I couldn't imagine even in my horrible dreams but you have gone through those problems alone and I don't want you to face anyone grief even once in your future.

I want your happiness, I want you to be happy. I know I broke your heart and how much broken you are but I'm standing here couldn't do anything and don't deserve your Endless Love too.

I know that you feared that I would separate Sam from you but believe me, I'll never do that sin, cause I know the value of mother in every children life. You lead the life which you felt peaceful and happy with Sam and I'll never be an obstacle for your peace.

And Avu please don't cry or break down again. Don't waste your precious tears for the person like me who don't deserve it. I have done a unforgivable sin in my life for which I couldn't forgive myself and I want to get correct punishment for that too. I'll accept the punishment whatever you wanted to give me Avu.

I know this words will not make any sense but I need to tell you. I'm sorry Avu, I'm really sorry for everything I did. I'm sorry" he too was completely broken.

"As you said,yes I will not forgive you cause I'm no one for to forgive you and at the same time, I'm no one to punish you too.

Yes I'm stupid and my heart is such an idiot which always cries for someone who thrown me out so easily. I cried for you, I was broken because I loved you that much where you broke me and I loved you with those broken pieces too. Even now I'm crying not because you mistrust me but because stupid heart still cares for you.

But this will be my last tear drop for you and I'll never cry again. As you said you don't deserve that" Avu busted in anger at the same time with tears but her words were so true.

Sid's heart ached to see her state but he was in the position where he don't deserve to console her too. He left the room silently. Avu sat in the floor still crying.

After few minutes, he came in with Sam in his arm. He placed her on the bed and left the room kissing her forehead. Avu gazed Sam's face which was like medicine for her wounded soul. She lied near her and embraced her protectively which brought her lost peace inside her.

"You're my only happiness baby" she said slowly kissing her forehead. She closed her eyes and slept peacefully forgetting everything.

Announcement : Something exciting coming up very soon. Surprise!!

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32nd chapter is here. Do read, vote and give your valuable reviews.

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Lots of Love.



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