Chapter 31

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Let's continue...

"Why did you married her Siddharth? What she did to you? Don't you remember our school days? How happy we three were! How much I cared you! But why you couldn't understand my love? Why you didn't consider my love? Why???" She shouted.

"Shut up!!!" Sid's furious voice dominated her voice. "Don't name your cheap attitude as love. Do you know what love is? That's my Avu. For me she is the definition of love. What did you say? You cared me. Do you know what care is? It's not the thing you did seeking favour, it's something you did without any expectation" her face flashed in his mind, the calm, selfless arodable face which stolen his heart in the first sight.

"My Avu loved me without expecting even my love. She loved me endlessly, she considered my happiness as her happiness and did several things to make me happy. She lost her happiness for my peace. She lost her self - respect for making me proud. She did several things without my concern and that is called true love and care.

I'd you love someone, their happiness will be your only intention. If you came to a situation to loose your love for their happiness then you should be ready to loose your love too.

She  was the one who united my parents. She was the one who shown me affection has the power to win anything in this world. She was the one who thought me kindness and she was the one never gave up my side at my situation.

But I failed to protect her. I'm at the fault but I never think about any other girl in my life and I never imagined someone else in my Avu's place. Avu is only love of my life. You may planned several things to separate us and yes you was successful in that but you will never be succeed in making me forget her love and that's called true love.

Though I was angry, I never forget her even once in four years, she would be in the same condition too and that is the love we both have for each other.

Love will never be selfish Rits, you don't deserve to love a person and you did all unfair things which is unforgivable. You have to face the consequences too" Sid said making her shiver in fear.

"Inspector" a police inspector entered with few lady cops. "I have already submitted the enough proofs, now please do your duty" Sid said casually. Rits starred into his eyes, he just ignores and felt relieved that he finally put an end card for someone who tried to destroy Avu's peace.

He called Rii and informed about the happenings. Rii heard that with shock, he to never expected Rits this cruel side.

"OK Sid, you have crosses only one step. Main steps are waiting for you. I wished you to pass those steps successfully too" Rii said with chuckle. Sid understood what he meant but he too don't know how to get her forgiveness.

Evening he reached home but he don't have guts to face anyone in the house. Everyone was shocked to see the headlines, vaish was aggrieved and furious after seeing the news.

"This is what I said from the start but he believed his friend more than his wife" vaish boiled in anger. "What is this God? Why you punished my child all these days? What she did to experience this cruel punishment" AM asked him with tears.

"I'm sorry mom, I don't know what to tell further" he was overwhelmed with guilt.

"These days the word sorry is so meaningless and overused. Saying sorry doesn't fix the heartbreak you have caused, the added fear and worry to someone, sorry is just a word" vaish poured her anger.

Sid felt like everything was wrong and he told couldn't forgive him. He was completely broken and he don't know how he would fix everthing. He couldn't stand there and turned to get out of his house.

""Daddyyy" Sam's voice stopped him. He turned, she ran towards him and hugged his neck kissing all over his face. "Daddy, I missed you so much. Where you went? Mommy was also not here. Why you both left me alone?" She asked sadly which made his eyes teary.

"No baby, mom was with grandma. I too was in hospital, we didn't leave you alone baby. Don't worry, I'll take you to hospital, evening we are going to meet mom and we are going out, OK" he asked by giving thumbs up. "OK, we can take Adi Di too" Sam said happily hugging him.

"Left me alone" Sam's word remind him his childhood when he longed for his parent's love and care but what he got was loneliness. "No, I'll never allow my child to go through the same" he thought and hugged her protectively.

Vaish and AM were speechless seeing Sam's action. Reality hit them. Vaish played with her every time, AM cared her more than her child but Sam longed for her mom and dad that too she know Sid only few days ago, "Mom and Dad cannot be replaced by anyone in this world" same in Sam's case too.

"And they can't punish her for the mistake her dad committed" they both realized that seeing Sam who jumped in happiness after seeing her father.

Sid reached hospital with Sam and Adi. He entered the room and saw Avu sleeping in sitting position, his heart wanted to hug her tight and console her but he know that he lost everthing.

"Why did you came again? I already said that I don't want to see you again" VA said angrily but stoppes seeing Sam behind him. Sam smiled at her making her heart flutter in happiness.

"Dadi" Sam ran towards her and hugged her happily. "Mommy' Sam's voice broke her sleep. She opened her eyes and hugged her tight close to her heart. Mommy when will you come to home" she asked sadly. "Baby I want to be with Dadi, we will come home within two days. Till then you be with Vaish aunty and Nani. Adi is to with you, you play with her and enjoy. OK" Avu said caressing her hair.

"No mommy, I want you in home" she said pouting her lips. ?Baby, you're my darling right" Avu said lovingly. "Mmm.. Then daddy should be with me for whole day" she said. Only then Avu realized he was also standing there.

"Entire day daddy will be with you baby, so don't worry" Sid said with assuring smile. Avu took Aditi and Sam to the chocolate shop to buy some chocolates for them.

"Mom, I'm sorry. Please don't ignore me mom. It's hurting me more than anything" Sid said with tears which brought tears in her eyes too but she hide the tears. "You deserve this punishment Sid. You should realize what you did cause you're the only responsible person for all heartbreaks. Surely you should face this consequences too" VA said looking somewhere else.

"Mom, did you think, I was happy in those four years. Every second I felt like being in hell mom, several times I thought why I am still alive. I don't know of why everthing happened in my life but plz don't think that I was happy sending her out. That was the punishment I gave myself.

For me your life is more precious than any other things in this world and that wicked destiny portrayed Avu as victim and my stone heart believed that.

I know that I will pay for the sin for my entire life but plz mom, you don't hate me. Please mom... I can't live having the thought that my mom hate me. I'm sorry for everything I did" he was completely broken and cried hugging her legs which made her broken too.

"No Sid, how can I hate my son, after all I'm a mother too. No mother will hate her child but what you did to Avu was unforgivable, you can't give her back her lost happiness. Just see her face, I couldn't spot any kind of happiness in her face it was blank every time.

She was the one who lost everything sid, so it's your responsibility to give my old Avu back. Once I get my daughter, I'll forgive you but gentile that I can't support you same time I'll never hate you" VA said caressing his head.

"This is enough mom, I was the destroyer and I will take the responsibility to rebuilt the happiness" Sid said holding her hand.

Avu reached with kids and saw him sitting on the floor. She ignored and smiled at VA. "Mom, aren't you hungry?" Avu asked with smile. "A little" VA replied with smile. "I already ordered the food, they will bring within few minutes" Avu said.

Sid stood up from his place. "Mom, it's getting late. So we are leaving, you take care" he said with smile. VA nodded. "Avu! You too have your dinner and take care" he said looking her face but he couldn't reach her eyes as his guilty conscience made him weak.

He left with kids leaving her in shock. She heard her name from his mouth after a long time but she didn't feel anything else. She realized that several things changed in her and sat there blankly starring the floor.

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31st chapter is here. Do read, vote and give your valuable reviews.

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Lots of Love.



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