Chapter 38

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

Though target was not completed but still I'm updating!!!

Let's continue...

"Thank you Anushka" Rii thanked her cheerfully, she smiled as a response. "She is my friend too. So don't thank me hereafter" she replied with smile. He nodded.

The both remained silent after that, Anu gazed the darkness through the window enjoying the pleasant blowing wind. Rii's mobile broke the silence. Anu noticed his face which turned bright seeing the caller ID. She looked at him with knotted eyebrow.

"Hey Ashi, didn't you slept Yet?" He was delighted which made her anxious. She turned her face not facing him putting her headphones turning on the music player.

Meanwhile they reach PG, she got down immediately he stopped the car. "Good night" she mumbled. "Good night Anushka" he replied with a smile and started the car. She started at his car till it disappears from her sight.

Anu reached her room and sat there sadly thinking about several things. Her mind lost its peace and sleep was far away.

Next day,

Sid opened his eyes slowly. Last night he didn't slept properly as the couch was very small. The first one he saw was Kamla ma. She smiled, he smiled back as response. "You freshen up and come sir, I have prepared coffee" she said with smile.

"I'm Siddharth, you call me with my name MA" he gestured with a smile. Kamla ma remembered the first time she met Avu, she too said the same thing when she called her madam. She smiled that both have same good qualities.

Sid freshened up and had the coffee prepared by Kamla ma. "Coffee tastes too good" he complimented making her happy and left home for jogging.

"MA, today I have few pending works in office. I'll complete it fast and try to come early, till then take care of Sam" Avu said politely. "You don't worry Avu, I'll take care" Kamla ma replied with a smile. Avu left having her breakfast.

Sid returned after an hour. "Son, breakfast is ready" she said with smile. "Where is Sam? Is she awake?" He asked. "No yet" she replied. Then I'll have it with Sam he replied genuinely.

He saw Sam sleeping hugging the teddy bear which resembled Avu. He thought about the night when she slept like a child and he sat admiring her for the whole night, he smiled in her thoughts.

"Daddy" Sam's baby voice broke his thoughts. "Baby you're awake" he exclaimed happily. She hugged his neck playfully, he pinched her nose making her giggle. They both had a good father and daughter time. Her laugh echoed the entire home.

Kamla ma looked at her face and her heart filled with overwhelming happiness. She felt contented seeing their bond.

Kamla ma bathed Sam, meanwhile Siddharth worked on his laptop. Sam came near him and was surprised to see Avu's picture on his laptop screen, "Mommy!!" She exclaimed joyfully.

Sid smiled and carried her in his arm. "Yes! Come I'll show mommy's photos" he said making her sit on his lap. He opened his gallery and 90% of his gallery was occupied with her pictures.

He opeened on if the folder. Sam looked those pictures with excitement.

He opened their wedding pictures. Sam jumped in happiness seeing Avu and Sid together.

"Daddy, you and mommy are looking so beautiful" she squealed in happiness. He made Kamla ma too sit near them. She saw the pictures with happiness.

"Daddy why I'm not in any photos?" She asked sadly which brought a smile on his face. "Baby, this is the function to welcome you in this world ( a/n : IDK what I'm writing😅😂), after this function only you reached this world but unfortunately daddy left your mommy and failed to enjoy your childhood" he started happily and ended with grief.

"Don't worry son, everything happened for a reason. Now you have to forget the past and you should make your future more glorious" Kamla ma consoled him with a smile. Sam glanced both their faces not understanding what they are talking about.

"Daddy, can we take many pictures like this again" she exclaimed pointing their pictures. "Sure baby" he replied hugging her protectively.

Sam looked at the picture again and again which indicated her excitement. "I'm very happy that you are finally here my son, everyday I used to pray God to make Avu's life happy again and I understood she will be happy only if you're with her. Anger is also the outcome of love son, now she might be angry but one day she will understand everything and your life will be so beautiful like your thoughts" Kamla ma said caressing his hair.

"I too hope the same MA, but her anger is meaningful too. It will take some time to heal" he said quietly.

He took Sam to the nearby garden, they both enjoyed alot there. Sam's few friends were on the garden. Sid joined with the kids and enjoyed his time with them. He taught few new games to the kids which they enjoyed alot. The kids liked him because of his jovial and kind gesture.

They returned home by mid of the day. "Where were you yet? Look at your faces, it looks so sluggish. Sam you're not well but you left home in this time and coming back with all your energy drained" Avu blurted looking her face.

"Mommy, we were in the garden playing. My friends were also with me, we enjoyed alot" she jabbered joyfully which vanish her anger. "Baby but you're not well. You shouldn't play in this hot sun" she said wiping her sweat beads from her face.

"Mommy, doctor asked me to be happy and to play joyfully. So I'll not get ill and daddy was with me, so nothing will happen" she gushed contentedly leaving her speechless. Sid smiled seeing her excitement.

Meanwhile, Kamla ma set the table for lunch. Sam forced Avu to join lunch with her. After several years, Avu and Sid had there lunch together that too with their daughter, Sid's jumped in excitement.

First of all Avu talked with him, that may be out of anger but he enjoyed her scoldings and now they had there lunch together which made him more happy.

"Daddy tell me some stories" she asked in her baby voice lying on her bed. Sid narrated a comedy story and made her sleep in his embrace, he too slept as he didn't had good sleep last night.

He slept keeping her in his protective embrace. Avu entered their room and rooted in her place seeing them. She found happiness in Sam's face which she couldn't express in words. She left the place with deep thoughts.

"What are you thinking Avu?" Kamla ma asked caressing her hair. "I'm afraid MA, what Sam will do, once he left her?" She asked with tears. "Why he will leave her Avu? He truly care for her, don't think unnecessary things" she consoled.

"No mom, he was the one who left me. Why don't he leave Sam too? But what kid will do if that happened?" Avu's voice was completely broken. "Look Avu, nothing will happwn like that.You will understand that soon. Now just wash of those thoughts and make Sam happy" she advised. Avu too nodded positively as response.

They both wakes up around six in the evening. "Mommy I saw your photos in daddy's laptop. You looked so beautiful" she exclaimed so happily.

"Haan really" Avu asked with twinkling eyes taking her in her arms. "But I was not in any of the pictures. Mommy, we both take pictures mommy. You wear the same costume, I too wear traditional dress. Mommy please" she pleaded with a pout.

Avu was surprised, Sam never asked like that before. She don't wanna disappoint her. So she decided to agree for her wish.

"As you wish" Avu said pinching her cheeks. "Hooohaa... Jolly!!" She jumped in excitement and dragged her to the wardrobe and selected her favourite dress. "Mommy, you wear this" she gave her with excitement.

Avu gave her a beautiful dress, Sam got that with excitement. Avu too got ready in the dress which Sam selected for her. Sid looked at her in awe. He was dumbstruck seeing Avu in that dress, he felt that her beauty multiplied several times now and he couldn't take his eyes off.

Avu carried Sam in her hand, they both looked gorgeous in the traditional wear. Sid clicked their pictures. He insisted Sam to give several poses and clicked her cute pictures.

"Daddy, you too come. Kamla ma you click this picture". She dragged Avu and Sid near her standing in middle, she gave different poses. Sid recorded the blissful moment in his heart.

"God came to my world in the form of my daughter" he thought looking at her innocent face kissing her forehead. They both stood and Avu clicked their pictures. Sam hugged him and gave some funny poses. Avu laughed looking her naughty acts, this time she smiled from her heart.

They clicked few pictures with Kamla ma too. Everyone was happy by end of the day. They had their dinner together which made him more happy.

He kissed Sam's forehead and asked her to sleep well.

"Daddy where will you sleep? Here we have only one bed right, where you are sleeping?" She asked innocently. "I'll sleep here in this couch baby, you don't worry. Sleep well" he said kissing her cheeks.

"Daddy, bed is very big right. You also sleep with us" she said casually making both Avu and Sid shocked. She glared at him insisting to do something, he nodded merely don't know how to avoid the situation.

Hi guys,

I want to share something so I participated in the awards. And My book got two prizes.

1. Best Book

2. Best plot

Thank you Soo much for all your love and support. ❤❤❤❤❤

Target :
Votes : 80
Comment : 60

Hi friends,
38th chapter is here. Do read, vote and give your valuable reviews.

Thank you.


Lots of Love.



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