Chapter 37

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

Let's continue...

Sid reached Sam's room and saw her sleeping peacefully. He gazed her cute face and felt something strange cause he heard continuous water sound from the washroom. His mind got disturbed and something strike his mind.

He took Sam in his arm and placed her in the next room. He reached the room and knocked the washroom door bit there was no response. "Avu... Avu... Please open the door" he knocked it loudly and got panicked when there was no response.

He hit the door hardly, finally the door was open. He rushed inside and found Avu in that pathetic state. "Avu" he said with tears patting heer cheeks but found no movements in her making him more panic.

He carried her in his arm and made her lie on the bed. He rubbed her palms and foot and tried to wake her up. After long time, she opened her eyes. The first thing her eyes caught was his fearful face.

He breathed in relief once seeing her face. He lowered his eyes letting the tears flow. She started at him blankly. "I know that you will react in this way and that's the reason I never come to see Sam. Please Avu don't hurt yourself, it will hurt Sam more than yourself" he requested.

"Don't act like you care for her. You never cared about her, she is a poor girl who is longing for her father's love without knowing his true face. First time you came here for your mom not to see my daughter. You made us to stay in your home for your selfishness.

Once your needs got over, you left us as such. Have you ever thought about Sam after we left? If you truly cared, you would have not let us go or Atleast would have came to send off us. You never did this anything, but now you came to save her.

Now for what reason you came in out life, why are you punishing the small child only for loving you? She don't know that you will leave her once your need for over. Tell this time whose life I need to save" Avu poured out everything in her heart holding his shirts collar.

"Enough Avu, talk anything about me but don't call my love for my daughter as fake. I cared for her every second from the moment I came to know  about her and I don't want to prove my love for my daughter to anyone" he left the room infuriated with red eyes.

Avu stumbled on the bed once he left. Sid was frustrated. He sat on the bench in the nearby garden. "I know of you'll never understand but why you thought me so heartless Avu" he felt so helpless.

"Daddy" there came a sweet voice he raised his head and saw Sam standing with a smile. "Baby, you're awake" he said making her sit on his lap kissing her cheeks. "Did you had something baby?" He asked pinching her nose.

She nodded negatively. "Why you didn't had. OK come let's have something" he said lifting her. He saw Avu sleeping and felt not to disturb her.

He boiled the milk and prepared a simple evening tiffin. Sam joined him and enjoyed disturbing him in cooking. He too played with her making her laugh heartily. He made her sit on his lap and fed her. She ate happily enjoying it's taste.

"Mommy!!" Sam exclaimed happily seeing Avu. She ran towards her and hugged her knees. Avu smiled taking her in her arms. "Mommy, daddy prepared this food. It's yummy" she said happily. Avu nodded with smile.

"Mommy, you too eat mommy" she said like a request. Avu looked at her blankly. "No baby, I'm not hungry. You eat well. I'll have later" she said with smile as he expected. Sam nodded and  had the food happily.

Sam was tired and she slept early too.  Avu stood in the balcony starring the dark sky, her heart felt so empty.

Sid reached near her. "Avu, you didn't had your food since afternoon. Atleast now have it" he said kindly. She started at him blankly and replied "I'm not hungry".

"Don't show your anger on food. Have your dinner, after that you continue with your anger" he said calmly which turned her impatient.

"I know when to eat, I don't want to hear anyone's lecture and I'll take care of myself. I don't want someone to worry about me" she said with irritation.

"Avu, please don't be adamant and don't spoil your health" he insisted again. "Enough, I don't want you to speak,  I just want to be peaceful  please leave this place or else I'll leave" she said looking straight into his eyes.

"And don't think, I'll believe all your drama. Keep this in your mind very clearly. I'm not same girl who love you like a mad forgetting my parents, forgetting my friends, forgetting my studies, forgetting my self respect. The foolish girl who loved you blindly died long ago. Here I'm a mother of my precious child, and that is my only responsibility in my lifetime. I don't have any other relationships in this world.

And don't ever think I'll forgive you or I'll forget the things happened in my life. It won't happen in my lifetime" she poured out all those harsh words, he left the place silently without uttering a word.

She sat down in the floor and let her tears to flow freely.

Meanwhile, Sid walked towards the garden. His eyes turned red and burning tears reached his cheeks. Yes I was wrong but I never hated you Avu. I believed something else but that doesn't mean, I forgot your love or I betrayed you. I loved you, I love you and I'll love you forever.

You're my only one, I never told you how much I love you. I'll surely make you understand. I know it you can't forgive me, cause you lost several things but I can't loose you again in my life Avu. I need you in my entire life" he said crying hard.

"Sid, what happened?" A concern voice brought him back to the present. He hugged him once his eyes saw him. "Relax man, what's wrong? Just now I heard that Sam was not well. Now she is fine right?" Rii asked with concern.

"Yes Rii, she is fine" he replied. "OK then tell me what happened to you?" Rii asked with concern. Sid briefed what happened in the whole day. Rii listened him patiently.

"Relax Sid, we can't get something precious so easily but you got Avu so easily in your life but you never realized her value and lost her. This time I'm  sure you'll get her back but with great struggle I'm damn sure this time you will realise her true value and will not let her down in your life again" he said patting his shoulder.

"Yes Rii, I did a great mistake but I'll correct my mistake and I'll live as good dad and husband. This time I'll not let her go from me easily. I'll hold her in every situation" he said with determination.

"That's good" Rii hugged him. Rii too hated him for what he did in his past but lately he realised that Sid didn't those things in that situation, that was completely unacceptable but he too love her so truly and his love for Sam is unconditional. So he too decided to help him to get his lost life back.

"Rii, she didn't ate from afternoon. Now also she is arguing like a child. So you please request her to eat. I know about her, she can't sleep properly" he said sadly.

"OK, don't worry, I'll take care" he said with smile and called Anu. Anu was in cloud nine to receive his call. She attended with joy. He asked her help to make Avu eat. She agreed and visited their home in next half an hour.

"Sorry for troubling you in this time" Sid said formally. "It's okay, it's for my friend" she replied with smile.

Avu was surprised to see Rii and Anu. She welcomed them with smile. Finally Anu made her eat her dinner along with them. Avu had her dinner with smile.

Only then Sid felt relaxed. He slept happily once she had her dinner in the small couch placed in the living room without having his dinner.

Target : Can I get 10 shout out to my new book. ( Don't forget to tag me)

Sidneetloveriaa : times yaar update soooo sooooooonnn!!!

Hi friends,
37th chapter is here. Do read, vote and give your valuable reviews.

Thank you.


Lots of love.



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