Chapter 40

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

Let's continue ...

"I love him more than my life Avu, but I know I don't deserve to be his lover. I'm not a suitable person for him in any means but I can't stop loving him for my entire life. I don't know whether I can tolerate him with another woman too. Either I should leave this job or I should sacrifice my life" Anu was completely broken in Avu's lap.

"Don't worry Anu. If something is meant for you, no matter what ever happened it will come for you" Avu said pressing her palm making her smile lightly.

Everyone enjoyed the party except Anu. She felt dejected a smile every time passed like a year. She felt like she don't wanna spent there even a second, so decided to leave the place.

Meanwhile, they started playing light music. Everyone started dancing with their partners. Avu saw Sam enjoying with kids and that brought a sweet smile on her face.

Her smiled faded seeing Rii and Ashi dancing together. "Aarrgg!!! Why Rii is behaving this way?" She scolded him mentally. But everyone complemented their pair, like they both look great and their dance was the highlight of the entire performance which made her more upset. She ignored and left the place.

"God Anu shouldn't witness this!!" Avu prayed mentally and went in search of Anu. She searched her everywhere in the venue but couldn't find her. She called her but she didn't attend the call making her panic.

She tried again and that time she picked the call, "sorry Avu I didn't tell you. I left the party half and hour ago. On the way to my PG" she replied without any interest.

"Anu, as I said, don't think much. Everything will be fine soon" Avu consoled her, which brought a bitter smile on her face. "OK Avu, let's talk tomorrow. Bye good night" she ended the call making Avu worried. "God make this girl strong and that Rii, I don't know why he behave this way?" She prayed mentally.

She loved Anu like her own sister and she don't want to see her in struggle. But she too can't do anything in this issue. "Only Rii know the answer" she thought.

Meanwhile something else caught her attention. She turned and stares the scene infront of her eyes. She saw Sid dancing with some other girl. She looked at him crossing her arms. He looked so happy which made her irritated.

He averted his gaze from the first and his eyes caught Avu who is glaring at him. He stopped dancing leaving the girl's arm. Her eyes narrowed looking at him, he smiled nervously. She left the place with a frown which brought a bright smile on his face once she left.

He turned towards Rii and gave him thumbs up where he winked as a response.

Few minutes ago,

Rii and Sid discussed about few bussiness related issues. "Let it be bro, what about your relationship with Avu? Is there any improvement?" He had a funny expression. Sid glared at him as a response.

"You're making fun of my situation, idiot" he hit him playfully. "OK, OK jokes apart. Now tell me, what are the steps you took to console her?" He enquired.

"Nothing much, IDK whether she will accept me in my whole lifetime. She is tolerating my presence for Sam other than that there is nothing in her heart. I guess" Sid replied sadly.

"But I don't hope so, she love you the most and that is the reason she couldn't forgive you so easily. OK let's do something interesting" he said with wink. "What?" Sid was confused.

"Dance with some other girl in front of her eyes. This will bring out her love for you. After that you should take some serious steps to sort out all your problems, OK?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"But what I'll do if she didn't react?" Sid asked sadly. "Then it will be very tough and you have to make more effort" he replied shaking his shoulder. "Will it really work?" Sid asked again.

"Come on dude, this will work 100%" he assured. Sid too agreed and danced with a girl who voluntarily asked him to dance with. After seeing Avu's expressions he understood that love for him in heart never faded which gave him a new strength.

Sam slept as soon as she was in the car. She slept hugging Avu on her lap. Avu caressed her hair slowly peeping out through window. Sid smiled seeing her reflection. Avu noticed him and glared at him which made him smiled more, she averted her gaze.

Sid took Sam in his arm once they reached home. He made her sleep on the bed and kissed her forehead before leaving the room. Avu entered the room, once seeing him her expression changed. She kept her face serious before closing the door.

Sid felt happy that he felt seeing the old Avu in her college days when she used to do the same whenever she saw him talking with other girls. His heart filled with endless happiness which reflected in his face. He slept peacefully with that happiness.

"Ashi, it's already late. If you don't mind shall I drop you?" Rii asked with hesitation. "Yeah, Riyaz I too felt to ask my colleague to drop me cause it's too late to get cab too" she replied sadly. "Hey, come on don't worry, let's go" Rii said cheerfully with that adorable breathtaking smile.

Ashi got inside his car, he drove it with smile. He switched the music player on. "Hey, this is my favourite song" Ashi said with twinkling eyes. "My favourite too" Rii giggled.

"Shall! I say something" he asked with a sweet smile. "Sure" she agreed immediately. "You're looking gorgeous today" he exclaimed with sparking eyes making her blush. She smiled brightly looking out through window.

"I said something bit I don't get any reply" he said playfully. "Thank you" she blushed more. Rain started drizzling at the same time. Ashi enjoyed rain along with the song. Rii looked at her with mesmerizing eyes.

"If you're done with starring me, concentrate on driving too" she teased him. "I'm not yetdone, I hope my whole life is not enough to admire your beautiful face" he gushed with amusement which made her nervous. She bit her lower lips to control her anxiety turning other side.

"Don't punish me by hiding your face" his eyes begged her which she noticed in the mirror. "I said to concentrate on driving" she said hitting his arm playfully. "As you wish m'am" he agreed and concentrated on driving. Ashi carries a bright beautiful smile throughout the journey.

They reached her flat, she turned looking his face. "Thanks" she thanked him with smile. He smiled as response. She didn't get down from the car instead stared at him lovingly.

"First time I'm coming to your home, won't you invite me at least as a formality" he asked with innocent face. "Oh! I'm sorry. I totally forgot about that. Please come" she said with smile.

"Hey I just kid you nothing serious" he replied with smile. "But I invited you seriously. Please come sir, oh! Won't you come to your employees home" she acted sadly.

"I'm already standing with whom are you speaking alone?" He asked casually standing outside which made her laugh loudly. She came out and walked with him getting drenched in rain. She loved the feeling, she felt surprised when his fingers intertwined her.

She smiled dreamily walking with him. "Welcome home sir" she smiled playfully. "What is this sir? You call me by my name. I don't like someone close to me treating me different" he said shortening their distance making her breath heavily.

"I.. I just kid you" she struggled with her words. "Hmm... That's good" he moved away from her, she signed in relief. "Coffee?" She offered. "Sure" he replied with smile.

She handed over a towel, "first dry your wet hair, I'll prepare coffee" she left the place. He dried his hair smiling crazily.

She had coffee with him. He enjoyed the amazing taste of the coffee. "Coffee tastes great" he complimented making her smile. "Thanks" she said with smile.

"Ashi, I want to say you something" he started. Ashi looked at him questioningly. "I should say this now cause I don't know whether I'll get a better situation than this" Ashi gussed something and she couldn't control her smile.

"Ashi.. I met several girls in my life but I never felt the way I'm feeling for you. To be Frank, I liked you in the first sight. We get this king of strange feeling once once in the lifetime. I felt that with you. You expressed me everyday with you nature. I love your friendly nature. I never thought about my life partner but once after your entry I felt I should get a life partner like you and I think about that more deeper.

How can I find someone like you, so I decided that you are my life partner. I may sound stupid and I don't know of how to propose romantically too. So please adjust" he apologized and looked at her straight.

"I love you Ashi, will you be my better half?" He proposed her on his feet making her dumbstruck. She looked at him with wide eyes.

She was more nervous and speechless. "I know of you want time, you think about this and answer me when you too feel the same" he conveyed with smile waking away from her.

"Don't go" her her voice stopped him. "You conveyed what you actually feel for me but why are you leaving without hearing my decision. OK, listen this carefully.

I always imagined how my Prince Charming would be but I saw him in real when I met you. I can't wait further, will tell you now.

I love you my Prince Charming" she chortled loudly making him freeze on his place. She ran towards him and hugged him from behind. "I love you" she hugged him more tight.

He turned towards her and hugged her tight and kisses her forehead. "I love you Ashi. I love you so much, you're my world" he said kissing her forehead. Her eyes mesmerized him and his eyes landed on her alluring lips. He leaned towards her feeling her proximity. He kissed her slowly pouring his entire love.

Do you think Riyaz is genuinely helping Sid? Or he has some motive behind it?

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40th. Chapter is here. Do read, vote, share and give your valuable reviews.

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Lots of love.



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