Chapter 41

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

(Don't forget to read the note to know the unknown fact of Rii at the end. It's related to the story)

Happy birthday priyaofficial. May god bless you dear💖❤🤗

Let's continue...

"Riyaz, how can you propose her. Riyaz, I'm here loving you like an idiot but you never considered me. Couldn't you felt my love at least once. Please don't go Riyaz, why you did this to me? Why you left me this way. Riyaz....Riyaz..." Anu opened her eyes with a jerk, her eyes pooled with tears.

It took several minutes to calm herself. she looked at the environment and realized she was in her room. The images flashed in her mind. "Was everything my dream? She thought. Not a dream but a horrible nightmare why was it so real!!?" Rii and Ashi's image came in her subconscious, she wished to wash off those thoughts. ( So guys it was a dream, Carbies , priyaofficial and sidneetadmire you were right )

she took a hot shower to relax her highly beating heart. She looked at her reflection in mirror. Her face looked pale. She starred at her miserable reflection.

"What will you do, if your nightmare comes true? You're just a normal girl, you can't do anything. just accept the reality" her inner self warned her but her heart ignored. "No, my love for him is true. I'll not leave my love that way" she screamed making her roommates stare at her annoyingly.

She left the place and got ready in a simple dress to office without any interest.

"Anu...Good morning" Avu's affectionate voice calmed her a bit. She smiled greeting her. "I'm sorry Avu. Yesterday I behaved rude" she sighed sadly. "I didn't take that way. Don't worry, carry on with your work. I think you have to submit your report today" Avu remind her about her work.

"Oh, yes I totally forgot about that. I'll complete it before lunch" she smiled. Avu left with a satisfied smile.

Anu resumed her pending work, she forgot about the other issues once she got into her work.

"Hey Anu, wanna join us for coffee?" Sri, her colleague asked. "No Sri I have some work. You guys carry on" she replied politely. "OK Yaar. Hey, why you left early yesterday. The party was so awesome. You know something, Riyaz Sir danced with our Ashi.

Omg!! What an awesome performance. They both look like made for each other. I think they are in love. I shared you the pictures in our Whatsapp group" Sri provoke her calm heart and left the place.

She opened the group chat and glanced those pictures, tears formed without her control. She kept her mobile aside with a bitter mindset where she couldn't focus on her work. She did her work without any attention.

"Anu, Riyaz sir called you. He asked you to bring your reports too" someone said. She walked with a pale face and knocked his cabin door. "Come in" she entered like a dead soul, Ashi was also there noting something he dictated.

"Anushka, is the report ready? We need to submit to the customer by EOD" he asked looking at her. She handed over the file she brought. He glanced the file, his facial expression changed. "What's this?" He asked merely.

She looked at him blankly. "Anushka I'm talking to you. Is this the report you're going to sent customer" he asked flipping the report on the table making Ashi shocked but Anu stood there without any expression.

"Are you gone mad, or do you think me a mad? I'm shouting here but you're standing like a statue" he exploded "Rii, ask her calmly. Why are you raising your voice?" Ashi inteferred.

"No Ashi, see her! She is standing like we don't exist and see the report. It's a complete mess. Is this the way you are working so far? What the hell is wrong with you? You have typed everything with error" he yelled but she didn't reply which made him loss his cool.

"What are you thinking in your mind Anushka? Did you think whatever you do, I'll accept it without asking you anything?" He shouted but she stood still.

"Look, if you're not interested in working. Resign your job and see some other job which suits you. Don't stand here like this and make me more insane" he frustrated. "OK" she replied and left the place immediately. He looked at her annoyingly which made him more frustrated.

"You shouldn't have done that Rii, she was hurt. At least you should have sent me out" Ashi was dissapointed. "Ashi, mistake is her's. Don't support her. You resume your work in your cabin. I'll call you after sometime" he said thinking something so deep.

Ashi left the room, he stood near the window starring the clear blue sky. His thoughts were distracted when his cabin door was opened with a bang. Avu entered the room furiously.

"What are you thinking in your mind Rii? When did you lost your humanity? Is this the way to behave with a girl? Yes you are my boss but before that you're my friend. Why you changed this much Rii?" She asked. "Avu, it was her fault but she stood like she is not responsible. She don't answer my questions too" Avu cut his words.

"Enough Rii. If she works under you, it doesn't mean she is your slave. She too have a personal life. Will you work with full force when you are depressed?

OK, leave all this. Answer me from your heart. How many projects got succeeded because of her presentation. Have you appreciated her from your heart? At least once?" She stood there numb.

"You will not answer because you don't have answer. From morning she was upset. So she didn't concentrated on her work, for this simple mistake you asked her to leave the job. Would you behave the same way if I did this same mistake? Will you ask Ashi to leave the job if she did this mistake?" She asked looking at him straight.

"Avu you mistaken me, I didn't mean that way. I just tried to get her answer but she stood still, so I got frustrated" he tried to justify.

"Enough Riyaz. You mean are like this. Not only you everyone are like this. If a girl come around you and if she was affectionate towards you, you will treat her like puppy cause you think anyhow she will come again. This is what your mentality.

If a girl didn't consider you or she made you fall for her and kept you waiting for her, then you'll treat her like a queen. You are thinking that if a girl loves you, she is not worth, isn't it?" He looked at her with confusion.

"Avu, I don't know what you are talking about. Please be calm" he tried to console. "Stop!!... If Anu leave this office, I too will leave without any doubt" she busted out in anger making him speechless. She turned facing him before leaving, "if a girl loves you, it doesn't mean she is weak or she will fall for everyone but it mean she loves you more than her self respect. It means she loves you endless forgetting everything other things around her.

A boy will be lucky if he get the girl he loves bit he will be blessed if he get a girl who loves him truly from his heart. But you boys underestimate her and will hurt her using her love. You may think she will come back againa and again bit once she feltikw she lost everything, she will never come back. Keep this in your mind" she blurted and left his cabin making him stunned.

Anu entered after dew minutes. "Sir my resignation. I have sent you a mail too" she kept the letter on his tablet and left the place immediately. He threw the paper wait on the floor with frustration.

Avu left the office, her heart boiled with anger. She remembered everything happened in her life. She too faced the situation which Anu I'd facing now. She too was dejected, broken, cried and more than that she lost her happiness in a certain time too. She wiped the hot tears flowing through her cheeks.

She reached her flat and pressed the calling bell. Sid opened the door and his face flashed with a bright smile seeing her but she didnt smile back just entered the home.

"Kamla MA left early since her daughter is coming home" he said softly but she didn't respond. He didn't took that serious and prepared coffee for both. She washed her face and saw Sam sleeping, she came out wiping her face.

"Coffee" he handed over the cup which made her lost her control. "Did I ask you coffee? Why are you acting so much? Did you think I will forget everything you did and come behind you forgetting everything you did to me?

When you guys will change your mindset? Did you just think I'm such a weak soul?" She shouted loud throwing the cup forcefully on the floor, the cup broken in to several pieces same like his heart.

She left the place with a frown making him broken. He was not angry because if her behavior but his heart sobbed seeing her frustration. He never saw her so frustrated, he clearly understood something was wrong but he couldn't console her. He felt defeated thinking that he couldn't ask her problem and console her, even staying near her.

He took a deep breath, "I know I can't correct my past Avu but I'll not let you worry in future. You should be happy for your entire life. I'll make everything right" he decided in his mind dailing Rii's number.

"What happened Rii?" He asked. "I too was confused. I too don't know of what's happening here" Rii said everything that happened. He might not understood what happened in his office. "OK, you continue with your work, I'll take care of rest" he said ending the call raking a strong decision to make everything right.

Note: Rii too had a love story. Anu just had a nightmare about Rii and Ashi but Rii experienced the same thing in his real life. His love was ended before he proposed the girl he loved.

He came to know about her love when he tried to propose her. He loved her from his school days but everything was broken in a minute when the girl said him about her love story.

He thought her happiness as his and helped her getting her loved one with relieving his love to her. He too has gone through several things in his life which you'll know in upcoming chapters.

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41th chapter is here. Do read, vote, share and give your valuable reviews.

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Lots of Love.



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