Chapter 57

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Hey guys welsome back!!!

Let's continue...

Avu was scared and nervous as hell from the moment when she saw the news about Sid and Rii. That turned to be the sensational topic of the day. Avu tried calling him but his mobile was switched off. VA and Rakesh Uncle reached Mumbai once they heard about Sid.

"Avu, please stop crying and be strong dear. You're seeing right,nothing happened to him. The murderer was dead so nothing will happen to him in future too. (A/n : who knows😼) See Sam, she is afraid as well seeing you her fear is increasing" VA tried to console her.

"Mom, but why his mobile is switched off yet. At least he should call me once right!" Avu mumbled sadly. VA caressed her hair with tears, she too was nervous but she didn't express her fear as she doesn't want to panic her more.

"Mommy, when dad will come back?" Sam asked with a sad face. "He will come soon baby" Avu embraced her controlling her tears.

"Daddy!!" Sam screamed making Avu feel alive. Sam came out from her hold and ran towards him. Avu turned to see him with nervous tears. Sid hugged Sam and kissed her forehead. He gazed her face and he understood her state. Avu stood rooted in her place glancing his face with her eyes pooled with tears.

"I'll call Dadi..." Sam ran to call VA. "Avu!" His one word was enough to make her burst out into tears. She lost her balance and was about to fall on the floor but Sid held her protectively wiping the tears.

She cried like a lost child met her parents after a long time. She wept hard. "Hey!! Nothing happened Avu, I know you will be frightened so I didn't informed you" he tried to console her but nothing went inside her mind.

She came out of his embrace and examined his face. "You're ok right? What is this bandaid?" She asked with tears. "Relax relax it's nothing , just a small injury. I'm perfectly fine" he assured with a smile.

"I hate you!" She left his arm and tried to move from that place but he held her arms strongly. "I love you" he said kissing her forehead. "You scared me" she said and cried again. "I'm sorry Avu!".

"Ashu!!" They both turned hearing VA's emotional voice Sid smiled and walked towards his mom. "Mom" he hugged her, she hugged him back with tears. "You did something very big Ashu" she said kissing his forehead. Sid nodded with a smile. "What about Rii and Anu?" She asked. "They're fine too mom. Anu got injured so they are in hospital" he said shocking them more.

"What happened to Anu?" Avu asks nervously. "Nothing to worry Avu she was injured and under treatment" Sid replied not telling the entire thing that happened.

"Ok Sid then I'll go to hospital. I'll take care of her" Avu replied. "Not now Avu, Rii will be with her tonight in morning we can visit" he told. Avu nodded half heartedly.

"Ok Ashu you get freshen up. Let's have dinner, Avu didn't had anything from yesterday night" VA said with concern. He looked at her emotionally and his eyes conversed with her. She nodded answering his unasked questions and he left the place to get freshen up.

They had dinner in silence. Sd too joined them. Sam fall asleep once she had her dinner.

Sid stood near the window staring the dark sky. Avu walked towards him carrying a glass of milk. He felt her presence once she entered the room. He turned towards her with a smile. She just handed over the milk glass and didn't uttered a word.

He caught her hand, she didn't respond. "Baby! Please don't keep this face" he whispered slowly tugging her hair behind her ears, she said nothing. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have gone like that without telling you" he apologized but she remained silent.

"Avu please!!! I couldn't bear your silence. Please say something, scold me, beat me, do whatever you want but don't kill me with your silence" he pleaded. She looked at him with tears. "Please!" He said wiping the tears. "You never cared about me" she wept. "No Avu" he started but she stopped him before he finishes.

"You are! You left me without caring about me. You dared to spare your life but didn't thought about me even once she cried. Already I faced hell with you now I can't live without you even a minute but you never cared right?" She wept.

"Why are you thinking this way Avu? Do you think that I did that purposely? How can I stay here knowing that Rii and Anu's life was in trouble? I too don't want to make you worried Avu" he said sincerely.

All her anger vanished and she hugged him back with same intensity he has. "Don't leave me here after! I couldn't bear your separation anymore" Avu cried in his arms.

"I won't I'll not let anything bad happen to you" he said caressing her back. "Nothing is worse that your absence Sid. Whatever may happen, let us face it together, please don't leave me even for myself" she begged.

"Nothing will happen and please don't talk like this again" he said caressing her hair. "On that day, I decided to do something to save our reputation but that separated us till now and I don't want something like that happen again in our lives".

She cried again, he took her in his arm and places her in his lap. "I can die happily but will not survive without you..." He placed his finger on her lips not letting her talk further. She remembered the days when she used to sleep in his lap, with those thoughts she closed her eyes trying to bring out her lost sleep. She felt a motherly care in his embrace. I love you she murmured in her sleep. He smiled and kissed her eyes slowly.

He pattered her back to make her sleep peacefully. "I'll not let anything bad happen to you Avu" he thought in his mind. Past thoughts wavered in his mind.

Words of Karan echoed in his ears, "I never thought your death will be in my hands, but I am lucky to get this chance. You came voluntarily wishing your death. Ha!ha!" Karan said before he pointed the gun and once Rii shot him . Don't think you are saved. "Your death was already fixed and you'll die in the hands of the right person" he uttered those words before he fall unconscious on the ground.

"Who is he? Why he wanted to kill me? I never saw him before but why he has so much vengeance? What's happening around me?" He thought and looked at her tear stained and that made him more upset.

"Avu, I too don't want to leave you alone in my lifetime but at the same time, I can't risk your life cause you're my life. I can't think anything other than you Avu. You're my everything. Nothing should happen to you like what happens to Anu. I know you will be ready to give your life to save mine but I can't live in this world after that.

Whatever may happen, let it happen to me" he thought before closing his eyes.

Somewhere else :

"Everything went per our plan boss. We called Anushka and gave her wrong information about Riyaz. She too believed and went in search of him. When his forcus was to save her, Karan bhai entered to kill him,but before Karan bhai attacks Riyaz , someone came for his rescue. We didn't except someone strong like him to come for his resue.

But Karan bhai was very anxious once he saw him. He attacked him with vengeance but he is more strong than we think. He attacked everyone of us and finally Karan bhai plotted some tricks to kill him. But unfortunately, Riyaz reached that place and he shot our Karan Bhai" one of the man muttered politely.

The person in dark, listened his words and threw the knife on the floor with frustration.

"Who is the one came there for his rescue?"

"We don't know who he is and we never tracked him too but Karan bhai uttered his name.

His name is something like...Sid..."

"Siddharth!" That person uttered with a furious eyes.

"Your coutdown starts from now Siddharth!!" The person said ruthlessly breaking the glass table into pieces.

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57th chapter is here. Do like, share and give your valuable reviews.

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