Chapter 58

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

Lets continue...

Avu opened her eyes and found herself in his embrace. Their sleeping position was more adorable with her legs tangled with him and her head on his chest. She doesn't want to wake up from the heavenly bliss, so she lied on him with her eyes open. His breath was even and it fanned over her skin making her feel heavenly.

When a bright ray of sun pierced through the window, he opened his eyes stretching his hand. He saw her sleeping peacefully hugging him closer. He smiled and kissed her cheeks. She opened her eyes, " hey you're awake?" He asked surprisingly.

She winked as a response making him smile brightly. "Ok whats your plan today?" She aksed curiously. "As usual, morning office and evening home" he replied casually. "Oh! If you don't mind, could you spend two or three hours with your family?" She asked looking at his face.

He looked at her with narrowed eyes. "Tomorrow is our wedding day, so I thought to go for shopping" she replied sadly and stood up from the bed. "Ooh!! How I forgot about that" he scolded himself and looked at her sad face.

He caught her hand and made her sit on his lap. "I didn't forgot honey, I have already planned something but in this issue I was totally messed up" he replied to console her. "I know that Sid, you don't have to give all these explanation" she said with assuring smile.

"And I don't want to celebrate it grandly. I just want to celebrate it with our family" she muttered placing her head on his chest. "Tomorrow full day I'll be with you" he assured.

"Okay, I'll stay with Anu in morning. Rii can take care of her in the evening" she said and he nooded. "You come to hospital in the evening and pick me" she said and left the place.

Sid got ready and had breakfast with his family. Avu too joined him and they both visited Anu. "Anu!" Avu's voice choked.
Anu glaced at her with a smile.

Avu reached her and hugged her safely. "I'm alright Avu" Anu consoled and Avu too nooded. The entire day Avu stayed with her talking good care of her.

"She is perfectly alright, you can discharge her today" Doctor informed and Avu accepted with a smile. She informed Sid about that and Sid made the arrangement for her discharge. There were few discharge formalities, he finished it and took her to their home.

Avu did Arti and welcomed them into home with smile. "Anu, don't stress yourself. Take complete rest for few days" she said strictly. Anu nooded cutely. Avu smiled and left once Sid reached in the evening.

He took her to the mall. She selected a saree for herself and a matching shirt for him. They used to cekebrate their every weeding anniversary on that way. Thwy finished the shopping and reached home around 9.

"Mom, where is Sam?" Sid asked noticing her absence. "She slept early Ashu. She is in our room only" Vibha aunty replied with a smile. Sid reached his parents room and saw Sam's loving sleeping face. He kissed her forehead and left the room not disturbing her sleep.

Vibha aunty served dinner for both of them. They both had their dinner in silence. "Okay, have this milk and sleep well" VA said and left the place.

Avu heated the milk and took it to their room. That time Sid was working on his laptop. She placed the milk glass on the side table and lied on the bed silently without talking to him. He noticed her and smiled at her action.

He closed his laptop and turned to see her. She shut her eyes and pretend like sleeping. "Mother of a four year old child but you're still a child" he muttered slowly. "I'm not a child" she replied sternly glaring him. He smiled again. She signed and turned another side not facing him.

"Why my baby is turning into a cry baby every time" he whispered near her ears hugging her behind. He kept her in his embrace placing his head on her shoulder. "I'm not a cry baby. I'm angry at you" she said looking strqight into her eyes.

"Ahaan! Why?" He asked snuggling more. She breathed heavily in his close proximity but kept her face stern, she glanced his face. "Because you forgot our wedding anniversay" she curled her lips.

"I never forgot thaf and don't curl you lips like this. This is so lovely that I could'nt keep quiet" he muttered in husky voice giving her goosebumps, within a second she melted and completely forgot that she was angry.

He wrapped his arms around her wasit and pulled her closer making her gasp. She looked at him breathing heavily his eyes bored into her. Her face was just an inch away from his, his hot breath fanned over her face giving her shiver down her spine. His arms were around her, as sure and hard. She was completely lost in his alluring hazel eyes.

"He will come, to touch me, and drench me all over with his love like the rain.

When love is in air, he will come with rhe softness of a ripe fruit.

With answers to the mystery, he will hide within me, will look up to me"

Her mind fluttered in his warmth.

That night turned to be a bliss, where they adore each other more than they ever did.

Next day,

Avu opened her eyes with a grin on her face. The forst thing her eyes glanced was her cute husband who was sleeping like a small child with a beautiful smile on his face. She always wonder, how a person could sleep with a smiling face. She rested her chin on his bare chest admiring his cute face.

"My cutie pie" she pinched his nose playfully and headed to the washroom. She took a long hot shower and wrapped herself in a soft towel. She opened the door and walked to the wardrobe to choose a simple dress for morning. They planned to go to temole around 11.

She wrapped a smiple saree and walked downstairs. VA was there in the living room. She noticed Avu, Avu's bright face indicated that she was happy as before. VA's heart filled with happiness. She thanked God for making their life happier again.

"Avu!" Avu noticed VA in living room and she walked towards her with a bright smile. "Good morning ma" she greeted, VA smiled and said "you're looking so beautiful today" she complemented making her blush. She smiled as a response.

Within few minuted Sid got down and he asked Avu to get ready. (Sidneet ootd at the media box)Avu nooned and got ready in the saree he bought for her the previous day. Avu and Sid took blessings from VA and SF. They both and Sam started to the temple.

Avu prayed that happiness should last forever. After that Sid took rhen to the beach and a resort. They three had a great day and in eveing they returned home.

Avu's eyes widen seeing the decoration. The living room was decorated like a party hall and guests were started arriving. She looked at Sid, "I have already planned our wedding anniversay and just kept it as asurprise" he said with a wink makinv her smile more.

Anu and Rii was also there. "Hey Anu, why you are here? Doctor asked to take rest, right?" She asked worriedly. "I'm perfectly fine Avu and I too wanted to join this beautiful event of my brother's life" Anu said cheerfully making her smile.

Avu and Sid got ready in the beautiful dress and they celebrated their 7th anniversary with their entire family and friends. Everyone wished them to be happy like that for rest of their life.

Everyone enjoyed the party. Avu looked at Sid with lovely emotions. "I'm so happy today" Avu said what she felt. He smiled and embraced her to his heart.

"Samaira baby!" Sam heard some voice. She turned back and found no one there. Again she heard the same voice but that time she saw a beautiful barbie doll there. She smiled and ran towards the doll but the doll started moving making her more surprised.

Sam followed the doll eargerly. The doll reached the garden area. Aam stopped when she felt the area was dark. She was afraid of darkness, she turned back and found no one there. Sam's eyes welled up with tears. She searched the doll but the doll was not there too. She got panicked. She looked around and she found nothing. She started crying and her cry turned hard.

"Daddy!! Daddy!!" She shouted but there was no one to hear her yell. She turned to run back to the home as fast as she could but suddenly the entire place become dark. "Daddy!!" Sam's voice reached it's peak.

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