Chapter 12

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Eagle Force launches attack on a Keukan base in Alaska, helped by an army led by Tiara. While the rest of the army is stuck outside the Keukan compound in Alaska, Daniel, George and Jerry try to grant the army a passage inside the compound by attempting to open the gate from inside. However, the attention of all Keukans turn towards them.

"Fresh! Get to the booth. We'll cover you!" Daniel shouted as he switched to his machine gun and rained bullets at the Keukans.

The Keukans totally forgot about the army standing outside their compound and turned all their attention to Daniel and George.

"Our shield is depleting fast. Hurry up Fresh!" Daniel communicated through his suit.

"Yeah, hang on. I'm trying to figure out which button will open the gate," Fresh responded.

"Your shield is at critical level, please take cover," Sana, the suit AI alerted Daniel.

"My shield is almost gone," Daniel said.

"Mine too," George replied.

Just when their suit shield was at less than 5%, the gate opened and Emma charged in, followed by Commander Tiara and her army. The Keukans were taken back by surprise and were very soon crushed by the rain of bullets launched at them by Emma and Tiara's army.

"You guys should have told us you were going inside," Emma glared at Daniel, George and Fresh.

"Yeah, we just...." Fresh said.

"There's no time for that. Now nothing lies between us and the main building. Let's charge inside, brave soldiers!" Emma commanded.

The remaining forty soldiers soldiers let out a cry and then followed Commander Tiara and Eagle Force inside the main building.

Upon entering the base, the first sight that greeted them was a hall containing hundreds of crates. There was a metal stairs leading up to another level.

Emma pried open one of the crates to reveal guns.

"Those weapons can be useful to us if we take them with us," Emma said.

"We have other jobs to do first. Let's go upstairs," Tiara said.

As the army marched to the metal stairs leading to upper floor, Keukan soldiers came down from it, carrying AK-47 rifles.

It all happened so fast that the quick attack by Keukans delivered heavy damage to the front line of Eagle Army. Tiara was shot on his chest and many others were killed.

"Fire at them," Daniel commanded. He headed ahead along with George and Jerry, putting themselves in front of the others soldiers.

The Keukans turned all their attention to the three, creating a diversion so that Tiara's troop could fire back at the Keukans. While the Keukan bullets only did damage to the suits of Daniel, George and Jerry, the return fire they got from Tiara's soldiers killed the Keukan army within a few seconds.

"You all need to stop getting too suicidal," Emma shouted at Daniel, George and Jerry before turning her attention towards Tiara.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Okay enough to shoot down a few more Keukans. This isn't the first time I was shot," Tiara said as she got herself up with a grunt.

"Now, let's go save those prisoners." Emma said.

The soldiers followed Emma who lead them through the metal stairs. However, Fresh stopped her.

"What happened?" Emma asked.

"I found a door," Fresh pointed at a rusty metal door. He opened the door to reveal stairs leading downstairs.

"I think our prisoners are here," Tiara said.

"Let's go then," Emma followed Daniel, George, Jerry and Fresh, leading the entire army with her. Tiara lagged behind, unable to keep up with the army due to pain.

"You need help?" Emma asked.

"It's okay, I'm fine," Tiara replied.

Fresh was the first one to get down the stairs.

"Holy crap!" he exclaimed.

"What is it?" Daniel asked.

"See for yourself," Fresh's voice came.

Daniel turned to George, Jerry and Emma and then all four of them followed Fresh downstairs.

Before they could see anything, it was the smell that greeted them. So many horrible smells of chemicals, vomit, rotting and urine all mixed to form one disgusting smell.

However, when their eyes looked around inside the ginormous underground hall, they spotted countless people sitting on the floor, hands tied and eyes and mouth covered with cloth.

The smell of chemicals was due to tables scattered all around the hall containing foul smelling chemicals.

"They use the drugs to make your mind numb. After that, you no longer have the reasoning power anymore. All you do is whatever these people tell you to do." Fresh explained.

"I have a friend who was captured by Keukans," Daniel said with a shaky voice.

"Then he's here for sure," Fresh declared.

"Hey, look, there's a computer there," George pointed at a computer placed in a corner of the hall a few meters away from them.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe this," Tiara entered the place along with the other soldiers.

"We found them. All those unfortunate people who were just a few hours away from becoming a Keukan. They aren't brainwashed yet because the chemical vials all looked sealed," Fresh said.

"Then we have a huge task of untying all the soldiers and getting them out of here," Emma said.

"We don't need to worry about it. After we've confirmed that there are no more Keukans here, we'll just ask for workers to get down here and help us.... Just let me reach that computer first," Fresh made his way to the computer, crossing past the captured soldiers and making sure to not bump into anyone on his way.

"I think this computer has database of everyone captured and brought here," Fresh said as he studied the computer which was left turned on by someone. "Hey Dan, what was the name of your friend?"

"Mike," Daniel replied.

"Really helpful. I found 287 results for 'Mike'. What was his surname?"

"Bernard," Daniel replied.

"I found two results. Can you identify him?" Fresh asked.

"Of course," Daniel made his way past the captured soldiers and reached Fresh who showed him the image of two people. However, none of them was the Mike he was looking for l.

"How is this possible?" Daniel's voice started breaking.

"I don't know. Maybe he was already recruited,"


"Wait!" Fresh snapped.

"What happened?" Daniel asked.

"You see that logo?" Fresh pointed at the logo of a 'K' inside a triangle that had a dagger's handle sticking out of it.

"What is it?" Daniel asked.

"You have ever seen the videos of soldiers getting tortured that are uploaded by Keukans?"


"In the wall in background of all the videos, you see the same logo. Nobody has ever seen this logo but we know that this logo is the symbol of the world's largest Keukan prison where so many of our fellow soldiers are tortured. There have been so many operations to locate this prison but they had never found it out," Fresh said.

"Then that's great. We'll rescue those soldiers too,"

"Are you out of your mind? If that prison is really here, there are surely so many more Keukans here. We'll come back with reinforcements but for now, we have to get out of this place fast,"

"Not so fast," a voice came.

It was followed by a man coming down the metal stairs.

"Stay where you are," Emma pointed her gun at him.

"Oh, how nice. An army of 30 soldiers threaten me," the man laughed, "Come boys, let's show them."

More soldiers came down the stairs until an army of hundred soldiers had surrounded them.

"I have more soldiers waiting upstairs. Lower your weapons," the man commanded.

Emma turned to her soldiers and nodded. In response, all her soldiers along with Tiara dropped their guns to the ground.

"Eagle Force, remove your suits," the man said.

Realising that fighting back was a suicide, the Eagle Force found themselves obeying the orders of the man. They all unzipped their suits to reveal the military uniform and light armour they wore underneath it.

"Since you have been too curious to find the prison, I'll show it to you. I'm General Shott and I welcome you to Hell!"

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