Chapter 13

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The Eagle Force launch an attack on a base in Alaska hoping to rescue brainwashed soldiers. Things rather go wrong and they get captured. Daniel also discovers that Mike was not on the list of brainwashed soldiers

Chains slammed with Daniel's bare chest and he screamed furiously in pain. However, he was given no mercy. Besides him, all the others were getting beaten up too.               

The bashings he received only stopped when General Shott entered their cell.

"I received orders from above. It's best to kill them," Shott declared, "So let's get this over with. Now, who's the leader here?"

Before Emma could open her mouth, Fresh immediately said, "I lead the Eagle Force."

"Let's shoot you first then," Shott took out a pistol from his pocket and pointed it at Fresh's head. He grasped the trigger with his fingers and was about to pull it back when a man suddenly entered the cell. He was dressed in a white lab overcoat and wearing specs.

"Sire, we cannot kill them," he announced.

"Why?" Shott asked.

"Their suits can only be used by them. If we put one of our men inside it, the suit will self destruct,"

"So what then?"

"I need time to disable this suit's mechanism. And for that, we need them alive for certain experiments," the scientist said.

"Can I kill all others and leave one remaining?" Shott asked.

"You kill one of them and you lose one of the suits. Are you sure you want the suits that desperately?" the scientist asked.

"Of course I do. We'll be undefeatable if we have them," Shott said.

"Then I need them for the experiments. Send the girl for now," the scientist said.

"Very well,"

Shott commanded his men who opened the shackles binding Emma, handcuffed her, and then forced her to walk out of the cell. The scientist went with them, leaving only Shott inside the cell along with the Eagle Force.

"I need water," Daniel said.

"Of course," Shott spat on Daniel's face and then was about to depart when Daniel stopped him.

"If you don't give us food and water, we'll die and you won't get the suit," Daniel stated.

"You will get food and water of course. But not so easily. You'll have to fight for it," Shott said before leaving.

"What now Daniel? Is this our end?" Fresh asked.

"Hey, we won't give up so soon. We'll find a way out of this," Daniel tried to cheer everyone up.

"I don't think they have left any vulnerabilities in this prison," Jerry stated.

"We can't know that for sure," Daniel said.

"I still don't understand why they made our shackles so big. The room is so much smaller," George commented.

Their cell had dark walls. An electronic door that was protected by a pin was the only way out of the cell. There was a tiny window in the door which provided a view of the outside.

When Daniel looked out through the window, he saw more than a hundred similar electronic doors centered around a huge empty hall.

"There must be so many soldiers locked up here," Daniel stated.

"And this is only one of the many levels of the prison. There are many more such levels. I saw a glimpse of one such level while we were brought here," George said.

"I can't believe this. So many prisoners of war. Everyone must be thinking they all are dead," Daniel said.

Suddenly, their door opened with a beep and Shott entered inside.

"You asked for food, didn't you? Well, you'll be getting it today. You see that food?" Shott pointed at a plate of food and a glass of water kept on the floor in the hall. Every prisoner was eyeing at it through the window in their doors.

"Wait, you're not going to—" Daniel exclaimed.

"Of course I am. Good luck," Shott said before leaving.

A while later, every door inside the prison was opened automatically. Every prisoner ran out of their cells and went for the food, still in shackles. It soon turned into a fight as prisoners fought for each bite, snatching food from others. They all were so desperate for food that they were going to kill anyone for it.

A while later, the food was finished and every prisoner went back to their cells. Most of them with an empty stomach. Even those who got food were not satisfied with the amount.

"This is madness!" Daniel exclaimed.

Nothing in the whole world mattered to Daniel at that time. He had forgotten about humanity as he, along with Jerry, Fresh, and Emma pushed past the prisoners, delivering punches to them. He grabbed the food from one of the prisoners and kicked that prisoner on his gut. He then hurriedly gobbled pieces from the plate along with Jerry, Fresh, and Emma. However, he was punched on his nose by another prisoner and lost the fight, watching in despair as the others fought for food.

"Are you fine?" Emma asked as Daniel struggled back to his cell with a bleeding nose.

"Yes, I'm good. At least we got some food today," Daniel said.

"Is that going to be our life forever? Fighting every day for food?" Emma asked.

Daniel tried to say something but stopped in the middle. He had lost all his hopes for ever surviving. It had been their seventh day at the prison. Every day, one of them was called by the scientist while the others were left behind to fight for food.

"Is your nose alright?" Jerry and Fresh joined them.

"I'm fine," Daniel said as they walked back inside the cell. They had discovered that if you stay in the hall after the fight ends, you'll get whiplashed.

No matter how much they hated the fight for food every day, it was the only activity of the day. The rest of the day was spent without anything to do.

Two hours after the fight for food, three men entered their cell followed by General Shott.

"We don't need you anymore," he declared, "The war has ended. The world has surrendered. The Keukan system will now be imposed on the entire world. As such, I don't need your suits,"

A silence spread over the room. They had lost. After so many struggles, they had lost in the end, paving way for a world of chaos.

"Goodbye Eagle Force. You were strong but five soldiers aren't enough to turn the tide of war," Shott said, pointing his gun at Jerry this time, "I guess I'll go with you today."

"Please take me first!" Daniel begged.

"What are you whining about? Your turn will come soon anyway. At least I'll get to see you grieve over the loss of your friend," Shott laughed before aiming his gun at Jerry.

However, he has interrupted yet again by a voice on his radio.

"Sir, we found the dead bodies of a few of our guards. I think we have intruders here," the voice on the radio said.

"Shit! Search everywhere! We need to find them ASAP!" Shott barked over the radio.

Forgetting about killing the Eagle Force, Shott went out of the cell in a panic. He noticed a group of six guards and stopped them.

"Hey! Listen! We have intruders! Sound the alarm! Fast!" Shott commanded.

In response, the guards walked towards Shott and his bodyguards. Before Shott could even react, he was stabbed on his gut with a neat stroke from dagger. His bodyguards too had a similar fate from the other guards.

"Who are you?" Emma shouted.

The man in the middle turned his head to face them. It was Chief Bogart.

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