Chapter 3

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Three hours! Daniel had been sitting in waiting room for Three hours for his turn to come. It all seemed like a torture because he was now getting both nervous and restless.

Everyone else inside the waiting room too were getting impatient. The test was in pairs of two though nobody's partner was disclosed to them until they both were called for the test.

There were lots of magazines but they did little in distracting Daniel's mind from the test.

Thoughts like - What will be there in the test? What if I couldn't make it? Am I even capable to pass this test?  kept clouding his mind.

Luckily, about fifteen minutes later, a voice came on the speaker "Daniel and Jerry, you are next."

His heart started beating faster. He slowly got up from his chair and walked to the door in front of which, a nice young lady was standing, holding a file.

When he looked back, he found another boy, with a brown skin walking to the door. That must be Jerry, he thought. Jerry had curly hairs, a small height and a slim body. He wore a black and yellow and black striped t-shirt above his black jeans.

Jerry gave Daniel a smile and then walked past him.

The lady standing in front of the door looked at their faces and then at her file. She then smiled at them and opened the gate for them to enter.

"Man, I am feeling so nervous!" Daniel exclaimed as they entered the room.

"Yeah, me too." Jerry replied.

The room was a small one with black walls and a small little bulb revealing a table which had all different types of weapons. A man in his fifties was standing in front of the table.

"Hello, Daniel and Jerry. The test is very simple. You both will have to fire at the target and in 1 minute, will have to score 500 points. Firing at head will give you more points that firing elsewhere and different guns will fetch you different points which depend on the damage of the gun." the man said, "You can choose your preferred weapon here."

Daniel went for an assault rifle while Jerry went with a sniper rifle.

The man opened another door which led them to a room a shiny white room.

In the centre of the room was a white board with the the outline of a man. About 100 meters away from it was a line drawn in yellow. There also was a black screen displaying the scores which was currently set to 0.

"Stay behind this line while firing." the man said and then slammed the door shut behind them.

"Good luck!" Jerry wished me.

"Good Luck!" Daniel wished back.

"3...2...1...Fire!" a voice came over the speaker.

They both started firing.

Daniel fired with good aiming, managing to control his recoil by slowing down on his firing certain times.

When he looked at the scoreboard after sometime, he saw that when 17 seconds were still left, he was already at 450. Jerry however was stuck at only 260 points.

However, when 15 seconds were left and Daniel was at 465 points, he heard a sharp cry from Jerry.

He forgot all about the test and turned towards Jerry who had fell down to the ground, blood gushing out from his thighs.

"How did that happen?" Daniel asked, taking out a handkerchief from his pocket.

"There.... something very sharp.... ah.... hit me." Jerry groaned.

Daniel wrapped the handkerchief around Jerry's thighs to stop the blood.

"By the way, Congratulations." Jerry croaked.

"WHAT?" Daniel exclaimed.

Suddenly, to Daniel's surprise, Jerry gave a light push to him and got up on his feet.

"I have already passed the test for Eagle Force. I was assigned this task. This is a test to find out how cooperative a soldier is and you passed that test." Jerry said.

Daniel blinked his eyes rapidly in surprise. "So, you were already a part of that team and now I too am?"

"Yes, Daniel." Jerry said.

"Then the blood?" Daniel asked pointing to Jerry's thigh from where blood was coming.

"That's fake blood." Jerry laughed.

Suddenly, the door opened and the face of that same girl who had led them to the room appeared again.

"Mr Smith and Jerry, please come with me." the lady said.

Daniel took slow steps as he trudged out of the room and followed that lady to wherever she was leading. Jerry was ahead of him, occasionally turning back to check on Daniel.

So many thoughts were clouding once again inside Daniel's head. He was excited by the fact that he had been selected for the team but was amazed by that cooperation test.

After stopping in front of the bathroom for Jerry to wash his 'fake blood', they were led to a conference room. There was a huge table there with five chairs around it out of which, only two were occupied yet.

Daniel was well aware of this fact that very soon, he will be working side-by-side with these people who were now strangers to him.

"Sit down, Daniel." Jerry said, gesturing to a chair.

"Yeah, okay." Daniel snapped, settling down on a chair.

Jerry chose the table right next to Daniel.

"So, did you worked for any special force or just an army?" Daniel asked.

"I worked in the Canadian army for 2 years." Jerry replied.

"So do you have any family or something?"

"Well, my father, he died when I was very young. Keukans attacked our small town and my dad was killed. I and my mom barely managed to escape."

"So, you still have someone left from your family?"

"Yes I do. She worries over me too much. I bet she's even now praying for my safety."

"That's really great man. I mean someone is still there who loves and cares for you."

"Why? What happened to your family?"

Daniel told Jerry his whole story about how his dad led the Red Force to many victories but was finally killed.

"Your dad was Joseph Smith? I can't believe this! I am sitting right next to the son of Joseph Smith!" Jerry cried, "He gave me hopes when I was just a little boy."

"I felt proud of my dad. However, every hero has his ending." Daniel replied with sadness in his voice.

Suddenly, the door opened and he another person entering the room. It was a woman.

"Wow! A women soldier. There are not many of them and she must be a really brave one to have made it here as well." Daniel commented.

"Dude, she's Emma. The first one to be selected." Jerry.

"Unbelievable. I really want to see her in combat someday."

Once every soldier was settled, Kent entered the room, wearing a green suit. He adjusted his tie and then stood facing the team.

He took out his laptop from his bag, tapped some keys on it and then a sideshow was displayed on the wall in front of them through the projector.

On the screen, a black suit was displayed. It had several red lines everywhere and a transparent glass where the eyes should be.

"The Keukan attacks had started in 2021 and its 2035 now and yet we still have made no progress. You all soldiers are very brave and skilled but even then, we need something else. That's why we here have developed the Eagle Suit." Kent said.

The next slide showed the first feature of the suit - Regenerating Shield.

"The suit is protected by an invisible energy shield. Like the atmosphere protects us from meteors, this shield protects us by preventing bullets from penetrating into the suit. It will require a lots of hits to destroy this shield and even when that's done, the suit's material works even better than a Kevlar. The shield can regenerate quickly too." Kent said.

"Wow! That's so cool!" Jerry whispered to Daniel.

"So you weren't told about that suit before?" Daniel asked.

"Nope." Jerry replied.

The next slide showed its second feature - War Assistant.

"Say hello to Sana, your war assistant. Her job is to assist you. She is designed to give you suggestions, help you with your suit's function and to work as your friend." Kent said.

After that, the next slide displayed images of night vision Google and thermal goggles.

"The suit has all the additional features you need. It's equipped with Thermal Vision, Night Vision, Parachute Binoculars and camouflage mode. You can communicate with others through the suit as well and it's equipped with sensors that can detect motions." Kent said.

"Motions Sensors? That's nice." Daniel commented.
"Yep, very helpful." Jerry replied.

"Now, there will be one week of practice and after it, we'll go for our first mission!"

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