Chapter 4 (Changes)

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Daniel slowly dragged himself back to his smaller cabin, his legs feeling as if they might collapse any second.

He collapsed onto his bed as soon as he opened the door to his room.

The walls of his room, like the walls everywhere inside the facility were plain white in coloration, giving it a simple yet somewhat modern look. Other than the bed, his room only had a small wardrobe for keeping clothes and a writing desk and table.

It was Daniel's last day of training and after that, he was brimfully aware about how dangerous his life was going to be.

He finally forced himself to get up and take a look at the tablet. It showed a check on all his tests which included flying skills, stealth test, driving skills, grenade practice and most importantly shooting skills. A small message was displayed at the bottom of the screen - Congratulations Daniel Smith!

When he tapped the schedule button on his tablet that displayed his whole day's schedule, he saw it empty for the first time. It only showed a meeting at 7:00 PM.

He looked at his watch and realized that it was 5:30 PM. Luckily, a few books were kept on the desk. Daniel picked up one of those book which kept him occupied for the next one and a half hour.

The beeping of his tablet brought him back to his world as he hastily closed the book and got himself ready, putting on a shirt and tie.

The beeping of his tablet was the remainder that Kent's meeting will start soon.

He got himself out of his room and walked for about five minutes to get to conference room which once again made him wonder how huge the building actually was. He was also very well aware of the fact that he most probably hadn't even seen half of the whole building.

His thoughts were put to a halt when he arrived at conference room.

"May I come in, sir?" he asked, standing at the doorway.

"Of course, Mr. Smith." Kent replied.

When he entered the room, he realized that everyone else was already there and Daniel was the last one to come which made him feel awkward.

He quietly got himself seated on one of the chairs and looked at where the projector was pointing.

Boy, this guy really loves presentations, Daniel thought as he looked at the title on the screen - The Reign of Keukans.

"Good evening everyone. Today, you all were brought here to understand the extent of damage caused by Keukans, to understand what's at stake before you go for your first mission tomorrow." Kent said, "So, you all must feel that your life sucks because of the Keukans but there is a generation whose life sucks even more, and they are the most beautiful creations on earth - Small innocent kids. You all probably have memories of your childhood when life was great but these kids, all they have seen is war and bloodshed. No sweet memories."

This made Daniel remember his childhood when he would race his father back home from park and somehow always win.

He had cried miserably for weeks and hadn't gone over his shock for months when he found out the news of his father's passing away.

"Now let's come to common people. Things are so bad that we can even find people who despised Keukans like anything now fighting for them, because their memories gets erased. And because of this war, about 48% of this population has been wiped away." Kent announced, "And the reason why I am telling you all of this is because when you're out there in the battlefield, I want you to remember the sufferings of the entire world and to remember that you can put an end to all of this, that you can make a difference."

Everyone, including Daniel clapped at Kent's last statement.

"And now it's time that you get to know your team." Kent declared.

"First one we have here is Emma. A highly skilled soldier who had served in the Australian army for many years and despite being a female, lead many successful attacks. With her experience and skills, she can always figure out the right move."

At this remark, Emma's face lit up. She had chocolate brown skin and hair that were tied in a ponytail. She wore a purple jacket on his black jeans.

"The second one we have here is Jerry. Probably the best sniper ever. His aim rarely misses."

Daniel noticed a grim spread on Jerry's face on hearing the last words.

"Third, we have Daniel." Kent smiled at him. "An extremely loyal, brave and highly skilled soldier. As long as he's there, the safety of the team is ensured."

Hearing those statements from Kent made him wish that his father was there too to hear it. How proud he would have been, Daniel wondered.

"Next, we have Fresh, our ninja here. Quickness and agility is his strength. He's also a brilliant hacker. And when it comes to crushing enemy's head, he's not behind."

Fresh had black skin and curly hairs. He was only nineteen, younger than anyone else in the room.

"Next we have George. When he was in South Africa Army, he was known by the name 'Brute' because of his muscular body. In an attack on a Keukan building, he alone killed almost thirty soldiers with his machine gun."

George indeed had muscular arms on his white skin. Daniel felt convinced that if he had become a singer, girls would have died over him.

"So that's it. Now you know your members and their abilities very well. Also, I will like to address one more thing. Training for special operation generally lasts for months but the reason why you were given only a week was because every second, Keukans get stronger and stronger as more people get persuaded to join them. That's why, we have to hurry up with our operation." Kent explained.

He went to the next slide which showed a man wearing a scarf on his face and cap on his head.

"This man is our primary target. He is the head of the Keukans. Never ever revealed his face in public. If we get our hands on him, it will weaken the Keukans." Kent then continued with a pause, "And luckily, a week ago, in an assault on a very huge Keukan facility in Paris, a group of soldiers actually saw the leader. And that's why, our first destination will be Paris."

Sorry for another boring chapter but this is the last one. Also, I noticed that there might be some silent readers here so if there are any, please give your feedbacks and be active readers.

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