Chapter 35

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A/N: Thank you SO much for your reads, votes, and comments since I last updated! You guys give me more inspiration than you know. Those pictures from France filming sure helped, too! I hope you enjoy this chapter :) Xo



Wedding plans had me exhausted. Just when I thought everything was tied down, I'd remember something else that needed accomplished. Add to that the fact that my book had recently been sent back from my editor with final edits I needed to complete; my head was spinning. So much to do, so little time.

While I was in the shower my dad had sent an email regarding the block of rooms he reserved at a nearby hotel for our wedding guests. I was grateful he had remembered to do that before it was too late; I needed my family and friends to be my brain for me until after August 8.

Surprisingly Jamie hadn't joined me in the shower. He was scrolling through his phone when I woke up and after a morning make-out session I half expected him to hop in with me. Then I remembered Dulcie was asleep in the other room. I wasn't used to having company besides him, but I loved the little family we'd become. Even if it was only part-time. She was flying back to London with Jamie's parents in a couple of days. Their visit had been short-lived, but worth it for the new memories we'd made.

I slipped into a black sundress with bright blue flowers on it, scrunching my wet hair with my fingers so I didn't have to dry it. Although it was only May, it felt like the middle of August with temperatures running in the mid-90's. I hoped by some miracle it wouldn't be that hot on our wedding day or my hair and make-up would be a lost cause. 

Heading into the living room, I saw Jamie lounging on the couch, engrossed in some sports broadcast. Dulcie was sitting in the middle of the floor surrounded by what seemed like a hundred toys. Our apartment looked like a bomb went off. Add cleaning to the infinite list of things I needed to accomplish. The floor creaked beneath my steps and he looked over.

"Welcome to the party," he said, displaying the mess his daughter had made.

"Kelthy!" she yelled. "Come pway!"

"Not right now, sweetie. We need to eat some breakfast so we can go shopping with Grandma."

Samina had agreed to help me pick out Dulcie's flower girl dress while they were in town. That way we could keep it with us instead of them having to fly across the ocean with it.

"I not hungwy."

Jamie looked from me to her. "You need to eat something, darlin'. Gonna be a long day."

I was thankful he was there to interject.

"No!" she protested, crossing her arms.

I sighed, moving to the kitchen to find something that may change her mind.

"Dulcie," Jamie warned.

She huffed at him and stormed off down the hall to her room. I didn't want to get in the middle of it, so I distracted myself. There was a pile of mail on the counter I hadn't gone through all week begging for my attention, and a stack of dishes in the sink doing the same. My stomach cramped and I took a deep leveling breath, all this stress was messing with my period. I was two days late and the cramps were getting worse.

"You okay?" he asked from where he sat, watching me grip the cool metal of the sink.

"Yeah, fine," I groaned. "Just need some tea and ibuprofen."

"Are you sick?"

"My stomach hurts, that's all."

He eyed me as if trying to gauge whether or not I was lying to get him off my back.

Removing my gaze, I busied myself with tea.

"You want a cup?" I asked.

"Sure," he replied, turning his attention back to whatever game was on television.

I filled the pot with water and set it on the stove, igniting the flame. Meanwhile, I moved the dishes to the counter in order to fill the sink with suds.

"You know what would make me feel better?"

"Hmm?" he hummed, not breaking away from the TV.

"If you could maybe do some laundry while we're gone. That way Dulcie doesn't have to go home with a suitcase full of dirty clothes."

"She's not leaving tomorrow," he replied sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes since he wasn't looking. "Whatever."

The pot began whistling as I purposely clamored the dishes in the sink to disturb him.

Dulcie came running into the kitchen. "Kelthy! Kelthy!"

She grabbed onto my leg.

"What's wrong, princess?"

"I want tea!"

I grinned at her, she was demanding but adorable. Surely that would fade over time.

"Give me just a minute, okay? What do you want to eat?"

"Nuffin." She was back to crossing her arms.

"Not even a 'nana? Or some oatmeal? Maybe a peanut butter and worm sandwich?"

"Eww!" she yelled.

I laughed. "Just kidding."

I quickly washed her sippy cup and dried it with a towel while she watched. I retrieved a couple of ice cubes from the freezer and popped them in her drink before pouring the hot tea in. Securing the lid, I handed it to her.

She snatched it from me and took off to the living room. Without moving his gaze from the game, Jamie scolded her.

"What do we say?" he asked.

"Tank you," she muttered.

"You're welcome," I answered.

I poured Jamie and me a cup before joining him on the sofa.

"Thanks," he said, once again not looking at me.

"No problem," I whispered.

We sat like that for the longest time; me sipping my tea in silence while Jamie watched TV and Dulcie played house with her dolls.

"Do you want to go somewhere for our bachelor weekend?" he abruptly asked.

Where'd that come from? He'd never mentioned it previously. I'd assumed his silence on the subject meant we were celebrating locally. My friends were already planning to come to the city.

"You can," I replied and he redirected his attention. "The girls are looking forward to coming here."

"They've booked their flights and hotel?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well no, but we've started hashing out plans on where to go."

"Miami," he deadpanned.

Why was he suddenly suggesting a getaway? There was no need to go all out for such a simple celebration. Plus I had no interest in parading around in our bathing suits drunk with a million wandering eyes keeping tabs.

"Babe I want to stay here. But if that's your dream destination then by all means."

He chuckled, finding interest in ESPN over our conversation. "I just wanted to go somewhere fun, soak up some rays, stare at you in a bikini. Whatever though. Here is fine."

"We don't have to celebrate together. You can go to Miami with the guys, and us ladies will cruise the city."

"And then we can deal with the tabloids wondering why we were seen partying on opposite ends of the east coast."

He was the one who brought it up, now he was defensive because I'd crashed his idea.

"Jamie," I warned softly so his daughter wouldn't think we were fighting, but he didn't look over. "Like I said, if you want to go somewhere then I'm totally fine with it.

"Right," he mumbled.

I was trying not to lose my cool as my stomach was already in knots thanks to the cramps that refused to surrender.

"Speaking of places to stay," I began. "My dad emailed me about rooms for the wedding."

"What rooms?" he asked.

"For our traveling guests," I replied. "At the Hilton a couple of miles from the lake house."

He finally made eye contact, hallelujah. "Why would he do that?"

"Why wouldn't he? We needed a block of rooms since 90% of our guests are from out of town, so he took care of it."

"He's not footing the bill for my friends and family."

I wrinkled my forehead. "Jamie, you can't pay for everything. You're already soaking up the expense of their air travel. I think that's more than enough."

He narrowed his eyes. "Should they pay their own way to Ohio?"

I sighed. "That's not what I meant. I just don't think you need to be responsible for all of these things when I have family willing to help."

"It's our day," he said. "I'll pay for whatever I want."

He turned his attention back to the TV and a wave of cramps hit me at the same time, infuriating me. We were getting nowhere with either subject.

"My parents have waited my whole life for their baby girl to get married. It's only fair you let them help."

"I'll pay him for it," he mumbled.

"No you won't!" I didn't mean to raise my voice in front of Dulcie, but he was frustrating me because he was arguing about a nice gesture and not giving me his undivided attention.

He snapped his head. "End of discussion."

I rolled my eyes, standing from the couch. I stomped back into the kitchen, grabbing two bananas and cereal bars from the counter.

"Come on, Dulcie," I instructed. "Time to get ready."

"No!" she argued. "I wanna pway wif toys."

"Now please," I said sternly.

It was the first time since I'd known her that I told her what to do, and I think it startled all three of us. I felt Jamie's gaze as I stared at his daughter, waiting for her to obey. But he didn't interject, and after a moment she conceded.

"Here," I handed her a banana and children's breakfast bar. "Eat these."

She took them from me without contest. I think she knew I wasn't in the mood for games right now, hers or her daddy's.

I followed behind her to the spare room. When we walked in, I cringed at the mess she'd made in there as well. Various shirts and pants were strung about, her suitcase dumped in the corner, and toys littering every crevice of the floor. I didn't even remember buying her so many.

I bit my tongue, not wanting to scold her again. I needed to ease into the parenting thing, and I already felt guilty for losing some of my patience in the living room.

"Let's wear something easy to get on and off," I told her. I sat down on a small space of the floor that was clean in front of her dresser.

She followed suit. "Why?"

"Because you'll be changing in and out of it when we go shopping."

"Why?" she repeated.

I wasn't in the mood for a Q&A session. "This is cute."

I held up a light pink dress Jamie had picked out for her.

"No," she said.

"Daddy likes it," I replied, in hopes it'd change her mind and the process would end quickly.

She shook her head.

"Fine." I rummaged through other outfits, holding them up for her only to get denied repeatedly.

"That one!" she exclaimed.

She pulled it out herself and handed it to me. It was a blue dress that almost matched the color of the flowers in mine. I couldn't help my smile.

"We'll be twins," I said.

"Yay!" She clapped her hands and my heart immediately melted. We were back on track. I hoped that meant she'd behave for me while out. Luckily Samina would be with us just in case. I knew she'd listen to her.

I helped her get dressed and brushed her hair up on the top of her head while she ate her breakfast silently. She was an adorable mess of soft blonde curls and crumbs. I slipped her into white sandals in a similar style to mine, because she wanted us to match those also.

"Alright," I said. "Let's tell Daddy bye. We have to meet Grandma in a few minutes."

That was all I had to say as she took off down the hall, yelling for Jamie. I retreated to our bedroom to pop a few pain pills in hopes it'd kill my cramps for the day.

When I walked back out into the living room, Dulcie was sitting beside Jamie on the couch watching cartoons. I was glad she'd convinced him to turn off the game.

"Ready?" I asked her, but she ignored me.

Jamie nudged her. "Kelsey's talking to you."

She shook her head. He leaned in to whisper something in her ear and she stuck out her bottom lip, jumping down and walking to the door with her arms crossed.

He snickered before looking at me. I cut him off from whatever he went to say.

"That room is a disaster," I motioned my head toward her bedroom in hopes he'd catch my drift. "As is this one. The dishes are soaking and I've separated your mail on the counter. Please put some laundry in and tidy up a little."

"I don't clean up her messes and neither should you. She's a big girl."

I closed my eyes. Why was he so damn argumentative this morning? He seriously couldn't be that upset over Miami and my dad being supportive.

"I would really appreciate your help," I said calmly.

He turned away, flipping the TV back to that godforsaken channel.

"Tell Daddy bye," I told Dulcie, completely over it and ready to go.

"Bye," she muttered against her will.

"Bye baby," he said to her.

I met her at the door, twisting the knob to free us both from the thick tension in the air.

"Hey," he called as we stepped into the hall.

I turned.

"Since when do we not say bye?"

"Since you're too wrapped up in Sports Center to care."

I shut the door and ushered her to the elevator. I truly wasn't in the mood. I just wanted to find her a dress and get home, where I could lay with a heating pad and pray for my period to relieve me.


Dulcie was more indecisive than I was at picking out the perfect dress. We'd been to four stores, and my patience was running thin. Samina rubbed my back as Dulcie denied yet another one.

"Having fun?" she whispered. I knew she wasn't mocking me, but her humor in the situation wasn't helpful.

"The time of my life," I said sarcastically.

The young woman at the dress shop took Dulcie back to the fitting room to help her out of it and into her regular clothes.

"It'll get easier," she assured.

I half smiled at her. "Today didn't start off so great and I'm not feeling well. That's all."

"Wedding plans making you crazy?"

I nodded. "And certain attitudes."

"Hers?" she motioned toward the room Dulcie was in.

"Partially, but she's a toddler. I can excuse it. My grown fiancé on the other hand..."

She raised her chin in understanding. "I'm sure he's stressed, too. Trying to stay above water with the spotlight and protecting you from tabloid fodder."

I shrugged. "I know. He's a good man, but he's had a stubborn streak recently. I love him and am grateful for all he does. I'm just trying to keep myself above water, too."

"Of course, sweetie," she cooed. "You both have a lot on your plate, but think of the payoff. It'll be the perfect day surrounded by everyone you love while you marry the man you love, who loves you beyond measure."

She was right and it was soothing to hear. Maybe I shouldn't have left him with a laundry list of chores to accomplish.

"Now, I'm not telling you to let him get away with murder..."

We both laughed and I had to wonder if she could read my mind, from one woman to another. We were caught off guard by Dulcie reappearing.

"I miss Daddy," she huffed.

I frowned, knowing she wasn't having fun with us.

Samina interjected. "One more stop and if you don't find anything, we'll go home to Daddy."

"No!" she protested. "Now!"

"Dulcie," I warned.

"I wanna go home!" she plopped down on the floor, tears instantly running down her cheeks.

Various customers let their eyes wander to watch the show as she cried and whined, kicking her feet against the tile in a fit.

"Please get up," Samina instructed.

She shook her head defiantly.

"Princess," I tried, "we need to find you a dress so we can surprise Daddy. He wants you to buy a really pretty one for him. Then we can go home and play."

"I want Daddy!" she yelled.

I sighed as Samina sat on the floor with her, trying to calm the situation. "Call him," she suggested.

I nodded, wondering briefly if he'd even answer since I'd stormed off. I walked to a separate part of the store so I could hear over her crying. It rang a few times and luckily he picked up.

"Yeah?" he asked.

He was definitely mad, not even a hello or to question if everything was all right.

"Dulcie is upset." My voice was shaky as I tried not to lose my cool and cry.

"Why? What happened?" I could hear his sudden concern.

"She's frustrated and doesn't like anything she's tried on. I know she's restless, but she wants you."

"Then bring her home," he said.


"Let me talk to her."

I sighed, walking over to her and kneeling with the phone. "Daddy wants you."

She snatched it from me, whining "Daddyyyy" into the receiver.

Samina and I watched her listen to him intently. Her sobs slowly quieted and she giggled.

"You funny, Daddy," she said.

I took a deep breath of relief that he'd calmed her down so easily.

"Yeth," she agreed to whatever he'd said before raising the phone to me.

I moved it to my ear. "Thanks," I whispered to him.

"Get her a snack then promise you'll watch Frozen with her before bed. She's tired, but she'll last a little longer."

My heart warmed at how well he knew his daughter. Someday he'd know our children that well, and I found great relief knowing we were partners in all things.

"Okay," I replied.

"See you soon." He ended the conversation, and I stood there dumbfounded that he'd hung up on me. It was going to be an equally rough evening.


Thank the good Lord we were able to find Dulcie a dress at the last store. It was a different blue than our wedding color, but it would work for her. She said she was going to be Cinderella for the day, twirling and playing with the white ribbon around the waist. Samina had hugged us both goodbye and assured me I'd done well with her. Although it felt like a lie, I appreciated her motherly response.

When we came home, Jamie was placing the dishes in the dishwasher. I was pleasantly surprised after noticing the toys were gone from the floor and the stack of papers on the counter was missing. Maybe he wasn't so stubborn after all.

"Daddy!" she yelled upon entering, running to him.

"Hey darlin,'" he said as he bent to pick her up. They smiled at each other before he kissed her forehead.

He looked beyond her to meet my gaze. "Hi."

"Hi. Thanks for cleaning."

"Yep," he answered briskly. "Dinner's in the oven."

I nodded. "I think I'm gonna lay down for a little bit."


His stoic answers made the tension in the air even more obvious. I almost wondered if Dulcie could feel it, too.

I walked to our bedroom and retrieved the heating pad from the closet. The ibuprofen had begun to wear off and my cramps were back. I plugged it in and propped up some pillows while I waited for it to heat. Laying it across my stomach, I flipped on the television and found a remodeling show on HGTV to distract me.

The smell of garlic and tomato sauce filled the air and I wondered what he was cooking. Unfortunately the scent was more nauseating than desirable, so I covered my face with the blanket, trying to ignore it by reciting the state capitals...

..."Kels," I heard Jamie say.

A yawn crept up on me and I realized I'd fallen asleep like that. I tossed the covers back to see him standing in the doorway.

"Dinner's ready."

"I'm not hungry," I replied truthfully.

His face fell and it made me sad. He'd gone through a lot of trouble, and I didn't want him to think I was rejecting the food because of him. I honestly didn't feel well.

"My stomach is super upset. Save me some and I'll try to eat later."

He nodded, turning to leave. However, he stopped to look at me again. "Do you need anything?"

That instantly made me feel better, and I almost told him, but I wasn't in the mood to hash it out right then. I think he understood I was sick.

"No, thank you though."

His mouth curved slightly before he left me alone.

I looked up at the ceiling and got lost in my own head. Thoughts of our earlier argument, thoughts of Dulcie acting like a toddler, thoughts of how much I needed to work on my book before the wedding...

...Time escaped me once more as I dozed in and out of consciousness. I heard the door creak open, and peered through heavy eyelids to see her blonde ponytail peeking inside the room.

"Kelthy?" she whispered.

"Yeah?" I replied, scooting to sit up.

"Can we watch Fwozen in your bed?"

I smiled widely. "Of course."

Jamie stepped in behind her; I hadn't realized he was right outside the door. She crawled onto the bed and sat beside me while he removed the DVD from its box and placed it in our player. He waited for it to load before moving out of the way.

"You're not staying?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "Need to get some work done. You girls enjoy."

His cold shoulder was breaking my heart, but I also wasn't surprised. If he wanted to distance himself to avoid a blowup then I'd let him. I sure as hell didn't want to argue with him any more. Dulcie had witnessed enough of our attitudes.

"Okay," I replied, and he lingered for a moment, locking my gaze with his beautiful blue one. I almost thought he was going to change his mind, but he turned, leaving us there in bed with Frozen beginning in the background.

Dulcie clapped her hands together as her favorite film played. I moved back down in bed to rest my head on the pillow. She looked over at me, so I raised the covers, inviting her to do the same. She giggled before snuggling up against me. I couldn't help the smile that encompassed my face and the satisfying feeling I felt, knowing she was happy to be there with me in that moment, despite her impatience earlier in the day.

Involuntarily I kissed the top of her head, breathing in the powdery scent of her golden locks. "I love you," I muttered.

Her baby blue eyes met mine, the ones that matched her daddy's and she grinned. "I wuv you, Kelthy!"

She wrapped her tiny fingers around my bicep and we moved our attention back to the movie. I laughed and sang along with her to the words I knew.

Before too long, I could feel her shallow breaths caressing my skin, and when I looked down, she was fast asleep. I rested my head above hers on the pillow and fell asleep to the sounds and scents of my future stepdaughter.


"Come on," Jamie whispered.

I felt movement beside me on the bed then a rush of cold air as the covers left my body and the warm toddler that lay in my arms disappeared.

"Daddy," she whined.

"Shh," he cooed, "sleep in your own bed."

I could hear him leaving small kisses on her skin, and his footsteps grew more distant as I knew he was carrying her away.

My eyelids fluttered and I rolled over to face his side of the bed, waiting for his return. And as quietly as he left, he came back. I listened as the TV clicked off and he set the remote on what sounded like his nightstand. He shuffled around as I assumed he was undressing. I didn't want him to know I was awake, because I wanted to see what he'd do when he got in bed.

Much to my disappointment, he lifted the covers and flipped off the light. I waited for him to say something, but he didn't. I opened my eyes to the darkness, allowing them to adjust. Once I could identify his frame in the pitch black, I saw he had his back to me.

I sighed, wrapping my arm around his naked waist and nuzzling his shoulder. He smelled like my man: fresh, woodsy, unique. I could pick out his scent blindfolded and given a hundred options. My Jamie and soon-to-be husband.

His fingers found mine as he traced their outline gently. I smiled against him, kissing his muscular back. He intertwined our hands, and for the first time since we'd shared a bed, we didn't talk, kiss, or say I love you before sleep. But I knew we both felt it, even if the day had been a total mess.


A/N cont'd: I know that wasn't the happiest chapter ever, but that's life ;) It's not always rainbows and butterflies, and stress gets to the best of us! Nonetheless, I hope you felt the realness and their emotions. Please don't forget to vote and leave feedback before departing! I truly appreciate it :)

Off topic: I've been thinking about the ending of this story and how I want to wrap things up :( I can't believe how far we've come! To be quite frank with you guys, I'm on the fence. I've gone back and forth about a sequel, and I've also thought about just doing a summary of their future in an epilogue. I still haven't decided. I do know that we are coming to a close on this part of their story... We shall see what the future holds! Xo

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