Chapter 36

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A/N: So two major things have happened since my last update. First of all, this story hit 10,000 reads! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! That's incredible, and I never imagined receiving a number like that on this story. You're all the best! Another thing I never imagined happening and the second major event was I MET JAMIE DORNAN! In NYC two weeks ago. It was unexpected but a very wonderful moment we shared. I'm forever grateful he took the time to stop!! To celebrate, I've finished an update that's fairly long and will hopefully quench your thirst! Thank you again for your reads, comments, and votes. Enjoy and NC17! Xo (The first two images are their outfit inspirations for this chapter)...



"You ready, baby?" Jamie called from the hallway.

"Five more minutes!" I replied.

I adjusted the sparkling tiara on my head before straightening my silver and white Bride-To-Be sash. We were going to dinner with our wedding party to celebrate our unofficial final night as a bachelor and bachelorette. The actual ceremony was still a few weeks out. Afterward we planned to split up; the guys would go do their thing and us girls would do ours. I think Jamie was still a little bummed not to be going somewhere for the weekend, but he'd let that argument go. His best friends were in town from Europe, that was enough.

Stepping into my shoes, I grabbed my clutch from the bed and made my way to where he was waiting in our living room. Our friends were staying at a hotel a couple of blocks away, close to the restaurant. Leo was going to pick Jamie and the guys up from there and take them wherever, while my friends and I had picked places within walking distance so no one had to drive or get a cab.

Jamie whistled when I appeared in his line of sight. "Damn, you're beautiful."

I twirled in my long white dress that dipped low in front and had a slit clear up my thigh. I paired it with new light blue peep-toe heels to match our wedding color. My hair was curled and I had it pinned to one side.

"You look alright, too," I joked as he approached.

He was wearing a light grey dress shirt, sleeves rolled up, and top buttons undone like I loved. He wore black slacks and dark brown shoes.

With my heels on we were practically the same height and he took advantage of the difference, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. I giggled when he licked the pink lip-gloss residue off of his.

I rubbed the rest away with my thumb. "Promise me one thing tonight?" I wrapped my arms around his neck, staring into his eyes.

"I have an idea where this might be headed."

"Please no strip clubs," I answered. He nodded, signaling he'd guessed right. "It's only part jealousy, the rest is that I think they're demeaning to women."

"Baby, you're the only woman I want to see naked. Don't worry."

I rolled my eyes. "As romantic as that is, I know how convincing stuff like that sounds when you're drunk."

"I won't go to one if you don't go to one," he rebutted.

I actually laughed out loud. "Wasn't even on my radar."

"Well it wasn't on mine either," he said. "I half expected you to think higher of me than that. I respect you too much to want to throw away money on some naked dancers."

"You know that's not what I meant." I sighed. "You have an image to protect. Last thing you need is a stripper scandal a few weeks before our wedding."

"And I don't know that?" he asked. "Baby, I've been protecting my image for a while. I'm not going to ruin it on a drunken night. Especially when it'll end up hurting and embarrassing you and my future family."

I took a leveling breath. I didn't want to fight with him over something stupid, but it seemed like every little thing was annoying to us recently. I pushed my wedding frustrations aside for the night.

"We need to leave." I ended the argument.

"Yeah we do," he said sarcastically.

I watched as he slipped his wallet and phone in his pockets before retrieving his keys from the table and walking out the door.

"Jamie, seriously?" I asked, following behind him.

He eyed me for a brief moment. "I want us to have a good time tonight, no drama."

The elevator opened and we both stepped in.

"I want that, too."

"Good. Glad we can agree on something."

I huffed, trying to keep myself calm. "Right," I mumbled.

We rode to the lobby in silence and I trailed behind him as we made our way into the bustling night. Horns beeping, tires screeching, and people laughing and conversing right outside our door. Jamie's hand found mine, and the knot in my stomach loosened at the sweet gesture. Then I heard the camera snapping, realizing he was putting on a show.

"Jamie! Kelsey!" the single photographer yelled.

"You both look lovely. Big wedding party tonight?" he asked.

Jamie and I kept walking, ignoring the questions. I smiled over at him to play along and he let go of my hand to wrap his arm around my shoulders instead, kissing my forehead.

"Beautiful couple," the guy said as he continued taking pictures. "Enjoy!"

Then as quickly as he came, he disappeared. We were back to the typical noises of a New York Saturday night.

"He was nice," I said.

"Yep," he replied.

He was being short with me and that was not how I envisioned our night beginning. We were just about to the restaurant when I stopped him.

"What?" he asked.

I gripped his face in my hands and kissed him hard but briefly. His lips smacked against mine when he pulled away. His stunned eyes searched my own for an explanation.

"I love you and you look handsome."

He sighed, his expression visibly relaxing. "I love you too, beautiful."

I smiled at him when he lifted my hand to kiss my ring. I hoped that meant we were good again. He held my hand as we entered the restaurant and were greeted by our closest friends who'd already been seated.


Jamie's arm was draped across the back of my chair as I leaned against him, listening to the various conversations at our table. Victoria and Emily were engrossed in a story Nick was telling about Aaron while Nakia, Britt, and Joe were intently following along with David recalling funny things that happened during shows he played with Jamie. I hadn't met David when we went out with his friends, but he was his old bandmate and Jamie wanted him to be in the wedding as well. I didn't care who stood beside him at the altar, as long as he was standing there with me.

"Let's play a game," Aaron said.

Everyone grew quiet and redirected their attention.

"Go on," Jamie nodded, sipping his Guinness.

Aaron's mischievous smile grew. "Every time the lovely bride takes a drink, us mates have to take one. So then every time the old man drinks, the ladies do."

"Genius," my sister chimed in.

We all laughed at her before I held up my glass of vodka soda.

"Deal. Cheers, boys!"

They raised their glasses, clinking them across the table with mine as we all took a gulp.

"Fair game," Jamie smirked, also lifting his.

Emily was the first to hold hers up as my friends playfully rolled their eyes and shook their heads before caving to the game.

"Hmm," I hummed at my fiancé's cocky expression. "Can you keep up?"

I downed the rest of the liquor to a dramatic whistle from one of the guys.

"Damn, James," David said. "Some friendly competition!"

Joe threw the rest of his beer back before standing. "Kelso needs another if we're going to play this right."

The others finished off their drinks and Nick joined him at the bar to retrieve a round for us. They clearly weren't willing to wait for the hostess to offer refills at the table.

Jamie cleared his throat, calling my attention back to him. "Is this even a challenge?" he whispered.

I gasped, playfully grabbing my chest to feign shock. "You don't think I can drink your ass under the table?"

He chuckled with a shrug, bridging the small gap between us. "I think I really want you to remember tonight."

A shiver ran down my spine at his sensuous promise. "Oh, is there an after party?"

He leaned in closer, our lips almost grazing as I completely tuned out everyone around and got lost in his atmosphere.

"Yes," he breathed. "And you're the only one invited."

I couldn't stand it, my lips latched onto his and I kissed him right there at the dinner table in close proximity to our bridal party and other patrons. I hadn't a single care in the world, but that may have been thanks to the alcohol.

He slowly pulled back, licking his lips on departure. "Slow down," he mumbled.

"Are you done?" Joe asked, setting my new drink in front of me.

I could feel the blush that was obviously painted on my face because Jamie chuckled before looking at his friend.

"Tuck your jealousy in, mate. It's our night."

Joe held up his hands in defense. "Don't let me stand in your way."

"It's alright, Joe," I interjected, "he's trying to stand in mine, too."

Jamie's humor quickly diminished as he narrowed his eyes at me. In an act of pure defiance, I took a long swig of the clear liquid that burned my chest like a wildfire on its way down. But I had to play it off so Jamie would see I was up for the challenge. All of the guys laughed at his silence as they joined me in another chug.

He took the glass from my hand. "Why don't you play with water?"

Our friends hurriedly distracted themselves with new conversations, letting us have a minute without their prying ears. Although I was sure they were trying to listen in anyway.

"Seriously?" I asked.

His blue-grey gaze danced with mine and he finally nodded. "Please?"

"I just want to have fun with everyone," I pouted.

"You can still have fun while taking it slow. I would like to make it past here."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

He pressed a kiss to my cheek. "Thanks, baby."

Handing me back my vodka soda, he began running his hand up and down my arm reassuringly. As if that small gesture was merely a taste of where he'd be putting his hands later.

"Shit that reminds me," Nick began, bringing me back to reality. "That asshole over there." He pointed at Jamie who straightened with a smirk.

"Me?" he asked.

"Don't play Mr. Innocent. I learned all my moves from you. Scored a beautiful wife thanks to your lessons."

"What moves?" I giggled when Jamie scoffed.

"None, baby. He's ridiculous."

"No man you were. Don't hate the player hate the game. Keep your eyes on that one, Kelso, he's a ladies man."

Before I had time to react, Jamie interrupted.

"The only lady this man needs is the one sitting beside him." He leaned over and kissed me quickly. I smiled against his lips at another cute display of affection in front of everyone.

"Glad you finally picked the right one," Nick added. "And thank God she's the only one."

"Nick," Jamie warned.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Nothing," he cut me off.

"No, I want to hear this," I argued.

The table grew awkwardly silent as everyone avoided looking at us. They began picking at their food, sipping their drinks, and checking their phones. Nick was already pretty toasted thanks to what he'd had with the boys at the hotel, and now at dinner thanks to me.

"I mean you're the only one he's with," he answered. "Those days of picking up models at the gym or a coffee shop while already dating two other fame whores are long gone. Model behavior, you feel me?"

My heart caught in my throat. Not the information I wanted to hear tonight...or ever.

"Nick, fuck man!" Jamie cursed.

For whatever reason my eyes suddenly clouded and I felt sick to my stomach. I excused myself from the table and everyone looked over.

"Baby, wait," he pleaded.

I held up my hand and grabbed my drink. Defiantly I tossed it back, downing its remains despite my own tastebuds; I had a point to prove.

"I no longer want to remember tonight," I said, looking him directly in the eye.

I stormed off as I heard Jamie's chair scoot across the floor. Ignoring the commotion behind me of my fiancé cursing his friend, I made a beeline for the front door. Fresh air and a few calming breaths would do me good, balance out the alcohol and knots that invaded my stomach.

I stepped out into the warm evening, moving to an alley that ran alongside the restaurant so no one would see me dabbing my eyes. I held my breath for a couple of seconds to calm my emotions, not wanting to ruin my make up with tearstains. It was still early and all be damned if he was going to stop the night before it even began. Our friends had traveled long distances to be with us, and I was going to pull myself together for their sake. Jamie and I could fight when they left.

Not even a minute later I saw him appear out of the corner of my eye. He frantically looked up and down the street before spotting me in the shadows. He rushed over.

"God, baby. Come here," he said, reaching for me.

I shoved his arms away. "No thanks. I don't need comfort, I need air."

"Please don't," he begged. "That was years ago. He's faded and talking from his ass. I'm not that douchebag anymore. You're the only one I want and I'd never do anything to risk losing you."

"You're talking too much," I said. Nick's words came flooding in all at once.

Jamie sighed, raising his arms in defeat. "Kels, ignore him. You know I love you and won't ever have eyes for another woman."

"Maybe you and the boys should go to a coffee shop and ask some girls if you can share their table. Show off your fat wallet and take them to a hotel so they can drool over your perfect model physique. I mean, according to Nick, multiple women just throw themselves in your path."

He laughed sardonically. "Don't be crude."

"Oh I'm not, darlin'. I didn't realize Starbucks was where you shopped for one night stands."

"Stop," he commanded. "Your sarcasm isn't humoring me right now."

"Well the fact that you used to fuck multiple women at once after you picked them up from the same place you met me isn't humorous either."

"Christ, you can't be serious?" he argued.

I crossed my arms. "Jamie—"

He interrupted. "Fine, you want to go there? We'll go there. Nick doesn't know how we met so don't for one second think he's taking a dig. Even if he did know, yes we met at a coffee shop and yes I hung out there a lot, but not to pick anyone up. You were sitting at one of the only open tables that day, and I had some unknown urge to join you because I'd never seen you there before. And sure I needed to use the outlet, but I still would've chosen you even if I hadn't."

"So I should be flattered?" I asked in my drunkenness. "I mean I am, baby. You're God's gift to women. I appreciate the choice, especially from Dornan the Woman Slayer."

"Kelsey," he warned. "Cut the shit. You know I'm not that shallow."

"I guess I didn't realize what I was stacked up against." I pushed him out of my way so I could go back inside.

"Don't leave it like this," he said.

"I'm just leaving period."

We glared at each other in a standoff.

"This is exactly why you need to slow down on the fucking drinks," he spat.

"I'm sorry, am I not displaying model behavior? Well, maybe that's because I'm not a model! I'm an educated woman who's done with this conversation and ready to get drunk with my friends. And if you're lucky, no one will need to 'borrow' the outlet near my table tonight."

I turned abruptly and stormed off before he could halt me.

I heard his loud sigh as he yelled out one last dig. "Stop festering over my past conquests!"

As much as the alcohol had clouded my judgment, it still felt good to show him I was a woman worth fighting for and with. I wasn't some starlet he was used to scoring like Nick suggested, and I wasn't his ex-wife. The tables had turned and I was no longer the weak Kelsey he'd met a year ago. Rest assured he'd realize that before the night was over if he hadn't already. I wasn't in the mood to carry on with him in an alley while our friends sat awkwardly waiting for us.

When I made my way back to the table everyone was paying their bills. My sister stood up to meet me.

"Everything okay?" she whispered.

With a nod I pleaded, "Can we please get drunk now?"

A small smile appeared on her lips. "It's your night, of course!"

Jamie walked in soon after, picking up our tab and shoving a couple of hundreds in the black booklet.  He threw it down on the table with a smack to get Nick's attention. He gave him a stern look that promised a discussion. I moved my gaze away when he looked at me.

"Ready?" I asked the girls.

They all smiled hesitantly before hopping up, none of them knowing what Jamie and I discussed in our absence. My sister grabbed my hand and swung it back and forth as we collected our things to leave.

"Kels," Jamie said softly.

I swallowed hard, meeting his eyes. "Hmm?"

"I just—" he stumbled over his words. "I love you and I hope you have fun."

I let go of my sister to walk to him. I left a quick kiss on his cheek. No matter what we were angry over, we truly loved each other with our whole hearts. Anger was just love disappointed, and there'd always be small hurdles in our relationship. But tonight was a much needed break for us to let loose without keeping track of one another's actions.

"You know I love you, too."

He gave me a nod as I turned away and walked out of the restaurant with my best friends, ready to party until the early hours.


We ended up at a nightclub right around the corner. The bouncer waived our cover fee since it was my bachelorette party. Everyone else we came in contact with seemed to follow suit. Various men and women paid for my drinks, I did shots with strangers, and another bachelorette and I danced on the bar while the whole crowd cheered. Even the bartenders were passing me free drinks, not including the friends I'd brought with me who were pouring them down my throat. However, thanks to my sister's advice to drink a glass of water after every one, I was holding my own pretty well and not feeling sick.

Unfortunately the more alcohol I drank, the guiltier I felt for arguing with Jamie on what was meant to be a fun night. I'd hoped the liquor would have the opposite effect and I could feel like shit physically and mentally tomorrow instead. I knew I needed to relax and stop letting the wedding planning frustrate me. It was going to be the best day of my life with the love of my life. And we'd argued about our pasts enough, knowing there was nothing either of us could do to change it. I decided to send him a text in hopes maybe he'd see it before he came home still angry.

The girls were dancing around me, laughing and slurping their fruity drinks. I swiped open the camera and took a winking selfie with the colored lights and lasers shining on my face.

Wishing I had my sexy fiancé to grind with. I miss you :(

I went back to dancing with my friends, gripping my phone while we grooved to the loud beat that pulsated through our chests.

A few minutes later I felt my hand vibrate.

No one dances with my girl except me. Where are you?

I bit my bottom lip when I received another text.

You look edible BTW...

He was definitely drunk, too. I kept swaying to the song as I replied. Maybe you should come taste for yourself?

I asked where you are...gonna tell me? Or am I being punished?

I rolled my eyes and sent him the name of the club.

Meet you on the dance floor was all he said in response.

I tapped my sister to get her attention. She turned with a bright smile, grabbing me and shaking her ass against my hip.

"Having fun?" she yelled over the music.

I nodded with a laugh at her ridiculous dancing. "Jamie's on his way."

"Huh?" she asked. "I can't hear shit in here!"

I yelled in her ear. "Jamie's coming!"

She shook her head with a smirk. "Buzz kill."

I pinched her butt. "Be nice. I miss him."

She laughed. "You're both whipped! Don't be making babies on the dance floor."

I playfully gasped. "I'm a classy broad!"

I held up my drink as we both laughed before I chugged it. I needed another. I was feeling good, but would really need more encouragement to grind with Jamie in a public place. Even in my drunkenness I knew we'd be lucky to go unrecognized.

"Want anything?" I asked the girls, motioning toward the bar. They all said no and I called them pansies before stumbling off by myself.

I squeezed my way into a corner between various sweaty patrons and was immediately served; the VIP attention made me feel like a million bucks.

"What'll it be, beautiful?" the attractive bartender leaned across to ask me.

"Um—" I was cut off from my answer by a familiar male voice.

"Two shots of Jameson, handsome."

I turned to see Jamie standing behind me staring down the bartender. My mouth went agape at how quickly he'd managed to get there.

"The fiancé?" he asked.

"That'd be me," Jamie told him.

The bartender chuckled before disappearing to pour the drinks. I looked past Jamie to see his friends hanging out behind him.

"Hey baby," he said, redirecting my attention. "Having fun?"

I bit my bottom lip with a nod. God he looked sexy with his shirt unbuttoned at the top, some of his chest hair exposed. I wanted to lick my way from the stubble on his chin down his sternum to his happy trail.

His lips brought me back to reality as they crushed mine. I moaned, opening my mouth and inviting in his tongue. I held onto his face as we made out right there in front of a hundred people.

I heard the bartender clear his throat and Jamie broke us apart. Pecking me one last time before throwing down his credit card and picking up our shots. He handed me one and held his in the air.

"Cheers to us," he said simply.

I laughed, clinking my glass with his. He eyed me as I tossed it back, the burning whisky causing me to cough.

"That's my girl," he said, setting our glasses down.

He grabbed my hand and turned to his friends. "Help yourself boys. Put it on my tab and have fun. My fiancée wants to dance."

They all gave me sly grins, even Nick, when Jamie pulled me away.

"Hi guys! Bye guys!" I giggled and followed him to the dance floor.

He dragged me through the crowd to the middle, my sister and friends watching from the side. I winked at them as Jamie spun me away from him.

His arm wrapped around my waist, holding me close as his other hand came up to move my hair from my neck. He pressed a quick kiss to the exposed skin before talking into my ear.

"Is this what you wanted?" he asked, swaying me with him. His fingers caressed my abs through my dress, sending chills across my skin.

I leaned into him, nodding my answer. I held his arm as I moved my hips back and forth seductively against his pelvis. He returned the intimate movement, practically making love to me in a public place, with a bunch of strangers and our closest friends keeping watch.

I caught a glimpse of the guys checking us out from the bar with wide smiles. Jamie kissed the back of my head and I couldn't believe he was dancing like that with me. I could feel him hardening every time I moved.

He let go to reach for something and a moment later I saw him retrieve his phone. He swiped up the camera and switched it to selfie mode. He rested his stubbly chin on my shoulder as we both smiled for the picture. He kept the phone in front of me and I watched him click to his texts. He typed in Leo's name before starting a new message. It was obvious he wanted me to see what he was saying, so I watched him write the note.

Kelsey and I are walking home. Please make sure our friends get back to their hotel safely.

He pressed send and I looked inquisitively at him over my shoulder. He put his phone away, spinning me to face him. He placed his hand on my lower back, pressing me into him and swaying our hips together.

He moved to my ear. "I want you. Now," he said over the loud music.

I nodded, throwing my arms around his neck as I held him in place with my mouth. He breathed me in as I sucked on his bottom lip, the alcohol making me momentarily forget where we were.

Letting go, I blushed when my sister approached. "Get a room!" she joked.

"We're leaving," I yelled back.

She rolled her eyes with a smile. "Came to steal her away?" she asked Jamie.

"I've been an ass recently," he replied. "I owe her."

She wiggled her eyebrows playfully. "Have fun with that!"

"We will," I answered for him.

"Leo will be out front when you're ready to go," he told Emily.

"Thanks," she yelled. "Enjoy your night. Make me a niece or nephew!"

"Em!" I screeched.

Jamie chuckled behind me, nudging me to walk. "We'll have fun trying," he assured.

"Oh my God," I said to them both, walking toward the exit.

Jamie held my hip as he followed me out, using me as a shield to hide his obvious erection.

"Where are you two going?" Joe asked when we approached his friends.

"I'm taking my girl home. Sign my tab when you're done. Leo will drive you back to the hotel. The ladies too, so don't leave them."

All of them looked between each other, catcalling after us.

"Keep walking," Jamie said in my ear.

I laughed, pushing through the crowd and stumbling out into the humid New York night.

Jamie steadied me. "You okay?"

"These heels are killing me!" I whined.

"I can carry you," he deadpanned.

"Don't be ridiculous," I slurred. "It's only a few blocks and I don't want to end up on tomorrow's headlines."

The small fraction of me that was sober told me not to cause a scene. There were too many wandering eyes.

"I don't give a fuck about them, I care about you," he argued.

Great, he was gonna fight me even on this.

"You have two options," he added, "walk these disgusting sidewalks barefoot or let me carry you."

I rolled my eyes. Should've kept my mouth shut. He wasn't going to let it go now. He turned and looked over his shoulder, signaling for me to hop on.

"You're impossible. Fine!"

He knelt down as I jumped into his awaiting arms. I wrapped my legs around his torso and held onto his shoulders. Thank God my dress was long enough to cover my rear or everyone would be getting a free show.

Jamie started walking and I buried my head in his shoulder, slightly embarrassed that he was giving his grown fiancée a piggyback ride down the street in front of anyone who wanted to see. However, my aching feet appreciated it as they throbbed inside my elevated heels. 

I felt him laugh. "Baby, relax." He shook my leg to loosen my grip. "These people have seen crazier, I'm sure."

I playfully bit his shoulder with a snicker. He made me feel free and unashamed to be openly in love. I'd never had a PDA relationship, but always admired couples that could show it. It was a beautiful thing to see people so in love with each other that they disappeared into their own world. And if Jamie didn't care then neither did I.

I leaned forward and kissed him on his cheek. "You're crazy!"

"Crazy for you."

He spun us in a circle, laughing carelessly before jogging and purposely bouncing me up and down. I couldn't contain my own laughter as I tightened my legs around his muscular abs.

"Stop!" I giggled.

"Stop what?" He spun again. "Spinning?"

He jogged a few feet before stopping dramatically. "Running?"

He turned his head to look at me as best he could. "Or loving you?"

I gave him a sideways kiss. "Never that last option!"

He smiled as he turned the corner toward our apartment. "I couldn't if I tried."

I settled against him, pressing soft kisses to his neck. He was all mine, to kiss and laugh with for the rest of our lives. Any stupid fight we'd had earlier had dissipated from my mind. It didn't matter, because being with him like that was the real us. Those frustrations were dust specks in comparison to the love we had for each other. He made me a better woman and for that I could never stay mad at him for long.

"I love you, Jamie," I whispered in his ear.

He stopped outside our building and released me. He waited for me to stand upright again before turning and stumbling into me with his lips.

I let him kiss me briefly, but stopping him as I could hear a few people snickering behind us.

"Inside," I muttered.

He nodded, grabbing my hand and walking us through the lobby to the elevator. It dinged on arrival and he jerked me in with him, pressing the button for our floor.

As soon as the doors closed his mouth was on mine again.

"I love you too, baby," he mumbled against my lips. "I'm sorry about earlier. This was supposed to be a fun day and I didn't mean—"

I silenced him with my tongue, swirling mine with his and taking every ounce of his passion as an apology. He didn't need to be sorry. We were both high strung the closer the big day got, because there were too many details to cover and too many people to please. But the only ones that mattered were the two of us.

"Don't," I whispered. "Show me."

The doors opened on our floor and he quickly retrieved his key, unlocking the door and practically shoving me inside. He slammed it shut before picking me up in arms again.

I left quick pecks to his lips as he walked us to our bedroom, his fingers digging into my thighs. He set me down to stand by the edge of the bed. I watched him as he wasted no time unbuttoning his black slacks, kicking off his shoes, and sliding down his boxers, never breaking our eye contact.

He stepped out of everything and I instinctively licked my lips at the sight of him hard for me. I wanted to lose myself at his touch right that instant. He cleared his throat and our eyes met again as his fingers reached for the top button he had secured on his shirt.

"Let me," I whispered.

His signature smirk tugged at the corner of his lips and he dropped his hands.

I replaced them with mine, slowly undoing every button. I let his shirt hang open for a brief moment as I ran the tips of my fingers through his chest hair and down his perfectly sculpted stomach. He trembled beneath the light touch.

"Don't baby," he stopped me. "I'm not gonna last. Turn around."

He motioned with his index finger in a circular motion and I saw him remove his shirt before I faced the bed.

"Can you keep the heels on a little longer for me?" he asked against my ear. I could feel his hardened member pressing into my hip.

"Yes," I hissed.

"Good, they lift you up just right."

Before I had time to ask him what he meant he bent me forward and bunched my dress up at my waist. I heard him moan and I assumed it was because he was pleased at my lack of underwear. All the more reason to be thankful the dress covered me on our escapade home.

"Kels," he groaned, two of his fingers ran over my opening, spreading me and teasing me slowly.

The position mixed with the alcohol was already making my head spin.

"Please," I begged, backing up into him.

He removed those same fingers and playfully slapped my ass, causing me to yelp in surprise. "Sexy girl."

I gasped when he slammed into me, not giving me a moment's notice or breather to adjust. I gripped my hands on top of his where they rested on my hips. He intertwined our fingers as he thrust in and out of me in an unforgiving rhythm. All his frustrations were being given with his body and I was more than willing to accept every caress as his apology.

"Baby, come on," he begged as he was already there, but the alcohol was holding my orgasm hostage.

I moved my hands to rest on the mattress, as he didn't relent his pace. "I can't," I panted. "It's fine."

He tried to slow himself down, but we both knew he was lost and way too close to stop himself from exploding.

"Fill me, Jamie. Please." If I wasn't going to get there, I'd at least help coax him.

"No, fuck." His finger feverishly rubbed my swollen bud, but it wasn't helping. I was literally hanging on the edge, my release refusing to surface.

He groaned loudly as his orgasm came freely, as much as he tried to resist and wait for me to join.

I relaxed my arms from holding us up, completely frustrated and exhausted that I couldn't get there with him.

He unzipped my dress from our position, pulling out of me so he could stand me up and remove it. It pooled at my feet.

I stepped out of the silk fabric and also my four-inch heels before turning to kiss him. As soon as I met him face-to-face he fell to his knees. My words were incoherent when his tongue met my wet core.

"Jamie no," I pleaded.

He helped me sit down on the edge of the bed before spreading my legs wide.

"Kelsey yes," he argued, going about his task.

I arched my back, gripping strands of his disheveled hair as he licked and kissed my most sensitive flesh. He was going to get me there one way or another, and I felt myself finally building to that beautiful release I'd craved only minutes prior.

"Mmm, God," I moaned. "So close."

He took that as his cue and removed his mouth, pulling my hips upward to meet his. I watched as he stroked himself a few more times, literally drooling at the sight of him watching me while hardening again. He appeased my desire with his delicious length, filling me once more.

He may not have been ready for another release, but he wasn't going to stop until I found mine. He swirled his hips, thrusting at a much slower pace. And it was exactly what I craved. He'd needed fast and hard, I needed slow and sweet.

"Yesss," I hissed. "Right. There. Don't. Stop."

Our eyes met as he continued his sensual rhythm, bringing me even closer due to his intense, raw passion.  I reached for his hands and he offered them both, holding mine tightly.

I screamed out when my orgasm finally gave way, spilling and throbbing onto him. I closed my eyes, biting my lip to control my moans as he rode me through it until I finally relaxed.

He gently let go of our embrace and removed himself. "Better?"

I chuckled with a nod, sweat rolling down the side of my face. He hovered over me, kissing my swollen lips.

"I hate fighting with you." His eyes searched mine and they grew somber. "I don't want to be the reason you hurt."

I reached between us to stroke him as he watched my expression. "Baby I don't want to fight either, but it's healthy. It's better to get it out and move on than bottle it up."

He kissed me again, groaning into my throat as I ran my palm up and down his velvety length. "I know. Always come to me if you're upset. Even if it's something I did."

"Same goes for you. We can get through anything. Promise me."

He smiled, his muscles trembling at my touch. "Promise. I love you, beautiful. And I'm glad you asked me to join you tonight. I didn't want to come home and argue again. I wanted to come home and do this."

I rolled my eyes with a grin, speeding up my strokes. "Mission accomplished. I love you more."

He moaned into my mouth as he continued to kiss me senseless while I brought him to his knees again.


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