Chapter 37

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A/N: We've finally arrived at the rehearsal dinner! The last stop before Jamie and Kelsey's much anticipated wedding :) Because I do not want to delay the ceremony any further, this chapter is quite long. I tried to accomplish a lot here, so I hope all of the romantic moments are worth it and you enjoy the details included! Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting; you've made Endlessly far more successful than I ever imagined! Xo

Rehearsal outfits:


Only one day stood between Jamie and me becoming husband and wife. I truly couldn't believe that all the months of planning, frustrations, excitement, and anticipation had flown by. The engagement I'd wanted to savor was coming to an end, but I didn't mind; my future was finally within reach.

I gently traced a pattern with my fingernail across Jamie's toned bicep as he slept peacefully beside me. We'd both been hitting the gym pretty hard the last few weeks as wedding prep. Or at least I was doing it for the wedding, he worked out to help manage his excess adrenaline. But either way, his body was more delectable than it'd ever been and I couldn't believe my fortune to call him mine. I'd spend a lifetime making him proud to call me his, too.

A smile began to pull at the corners of his lips, waking him from his slumber. I was merely lost enjoying the view of my very-soon-to-be husband tangled in me, not meaning to disturb him with my restless hands. Laying my head against his chest, I inhaled his natural scent, pressing small kisses to the exposed skin beside his patch of hair.

"Morning, beautiful," he whispered, kissing the top of my head and inhaling a deep breath.

"Mmm," I hummed, tightening my hold on his frame. "Good morning, handsome."

He trailed his fingertips up and down my bare spine, igniting the flame inside my stomach and the goosebumps across my skin. We lay like that for the longest time, leaving soft kisses and caresses on each other.

"I can't believe our wedding is tomorrow," he finally said.

I smiled, raising my head to look at him. "This is my last day as a Taylor. Tomorrow I become a Dornan."

His face lit up like a Christmas tree as he beamed at me with a wide grin and playful eyes. "I'm honored to change your name."

He rolled me on top of him and I giggled as my legs fell to either side of his waist.

"Who would've thought coffee would bring us together?"

"I think I'll invest stock into Starbucks tomorrow as a thanks." He laughed, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

I took his hand, kissing the bare skin of his left ring finger. "I can't wait to change this."

"Staking your claim?" he asked.

"Oh absolutely, babe," I replied. "I'm going to walk around holding your hand raised high, showing off my good side."

We shared a chuckle.

"Good side? You're my best side."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll let you have any side you want."

He bit his lip for a moment before retorting. "How about inside? Because that's where I want to be right now."

I shook my head. "Pervert."

"What?" he feigned innocence. "A guy wanting to make love to his fiancée for the last time before their wedding surely can't be classified as a pervert."

It dawned on me then that the next time I woke up beside him we'd be husband and wife. I'd be staying alone in our hotel suite overnight and he'd have to leave after the rehearsal dinner to stay at our lake house. Although I wasn't much for tradition, not seeing each other the day of the wedding would make the grand entrance and payoff that much sweeter. We truly only had a few more hours alone together before the beautiful chaos began.

"Don't pout," he whispered, kissing my bottom lip.

"I just remembered I have to share you with our loved ones for the next 24 hours."

He quickly kissed me again. "Then let's spend our time wisely. Tie us over."

I giggled, moving my lips to his neck while I licked and teased at the skin down its side. "Or we could skip it and you could tie me up."

He sucked in a sharp breath as I rolled my hips against his growing member. He gripped my waist to stall my movements.

"They'd come looking for us." He played along.

I scooted down, leaving a trail of kisses across his sternum as I followed a southern path that led me to my desired destination.

"We'll pretend we don't hear them," I whispered against his washboard abs.

"Baby, they'll hear you." He snickered.

I tugged his happy trail in response and he moaned. "Not if you're the one making noise."

His eyes grew wide as a devilish grin encompassed his face. "I love your challenges."

I winked, hovering over his hardened length. "Me too."

He threw his head back as I lowered my lips over my favorite part of his anatomy.


I sat in the middle of my parents' living room floor surrounded by light blue ribbon, white baskets, and various gifts stacked in separate piles. I was accompanied by three beautiful women; my sister, mom, and future mother-in-law. Dulcie was also there, but she was fast asleep for her afternoon nap, giving us the perfect opportunity to work on last minute wedding favors.

Samina laughed at something Emily said before sipping on the wine my mom had poured us all. We were putting together the small gift baskets for my bridesmaids. Jamie and I had picked out some special items we wanted to give our wedding party as thanks for their long distance travel in order to spend our special day with us.

Jamie bought his groomsmen stainless steel Rolex watches to wear at the ceremony, a bottle of Jameson, and leather-covered flasks engraved with their names. I'd chosen to buy my girls silk robes, Coach wallets, and make-up bags embroidered with their initials, as well as matching diamond earrings, necklaces, and bracelets to wear.

Against my pleading, Jamie didn't plan to wrap his gifts; he was simply going to hand them out at our rehearsal dinner. I, on the contrary, had purchased cute little baskets that I was tying blue ribbons on to give mine in.

"Here," my mom said. She cut a piece of ribbon off after I measured it.

"Thanks." I gave her a quick smile.

"Are you nervous?" Emily asked, popping a pretzel in her mouth.

I paused, listening to the radio that played quietly in the background. Queen was singing about a crazy little thing called love. I chuckled at the impeccable timing and shook my head.

"I'm just ready to have fun with everyone, get all the formalities out of the way."

They agreed, passing gifts down our mock assembly line we'd created.

"The ceremony is the most stressful part," my mom said.

"It really is," Samina added. "Once it's over with, it's time to relax and enjoy watching your months of planning come together."

"I can't believe how fast—"

The front door swung open, interrupting my reply. We turned to see Jamie, my dad, and Jim stumbling back in with golf bags draped over their shoulders. They'd been out on the course most of the day to give us time and space to get everything together before the rehearsal. I smiled to myself when I heard their laughter as they set the clubs off to the side. They'd clearly enjoyed themselves and I couldn't be happier knowing everyone was getting on so well.

"Looks like the craft store exploded in here," my dad joked.

Jamie and Jim joined him for another chuckle.

My mom rolled her eyes. "You're right, our baskets look wonderful! We've worked really hard on them, thanks for noticing."

"Oh, honey you know I'm teasing. Great job, ladies. Where's the little one?"

"Down for her nap," Samina answered.

I met Jamie's gaze and he winked before slowly approaching. I craned my neck to see him from my seated position.

"Have fun?" I asked.

"Tons." He offered me his hand.

I took it with a giggle as he swiftly pulled me from the floor and wrapped me in his arms. I gasped when he dipped me backwards before swinging me upright again.

"You're playful," I whispered. I knew we had an audience, but his close proximity to my lips told me he didn't care who saw the show.

"I have a few reasons to be happy," he answered.

"Just a few?" I scrunched my nose.

"Maybe many and maybe you're all of them."

He leaned in, capturing me in a sweet kiss with our parents and Emily watching. The room was awkwardly quiet minus a random ad running on the radio. I smiled against his mouth before slowly pulling away.

"Don't you guys have a hotel room?" Emily asked. "Use it."

Everyone laughed, including Jamie and me. She was ridiculous in her pseudo jealousy. There wasn't anyone happier for me than my big sister. I'd even go as far as to say more than our parents, because she knew all my secrets from every man I'd ever looked at. Emily loved Jamie and was excited to gain a brother, and I needed no more reassurance than that.

"Someone's looking a little green today," my dad teased her.

"I have a few cousins if you need me to make some calls," Jamie added.

"Why would you subject her to any of them?" Jim asked. "We're lucky Kelsey tolerates you!"

Jamie scoffed. "Us Dornan men are winners."

Samina couldn't contain her snort. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"Hey now." Jim laughed with the rest of us.

"Guess that means I'm in trouble if we have a boy!" I said.

Jamie's eyes widened and I felt his breath hitch as the entire room fell uncomfortably silent.

"A boy..." he trailed off.

"Kels, are you—?" Emily didn't even finish her question before I practically shouted my answer.

"No! God no. Not pregnant, I was just—"

At a loss for words.

My mom rescued me. "In the future, you mean."

"Right," I concluded. "Like the way, way distant future."

Our parents laughed and started talking over each other about our non-existent children, but I totally tuned them out as Jamie's soft gaze made my heart melt.

"You want a boy?" he said quietly.

I felt myself blush when he ran his thumb over my cheek. "A boy would be nice. I mean there's already a little girl in the family. Although I bet she'd prefer a little sister."

His face was beaming with a wide smile and it in turn made me feel giddy. "If it was up to me," he began.

"Well, it kinda is," I interrupted.

We shared a smirk.

"A boy would be nice," he agreed.

"And I'll make sure he's a mama's boy."

He rolled his eyes; I couldn't believe we were standing in my parents' house surrounded by our family, openly discussing our future children. It was borderline overwhelming and Jamie must've sensed my wandering thoughts, because he pecked me on the lips.

"We could sneak off and start trying," he mumbled.

I shook my head, kissing him briefly in return. "Did you miss the 'way, way distant future' part?"

He bit his lip to stifle the smile that hadn't decreased since I'd mentioned 'boy.' "We'll leave that open-ended."

"Is anybody hungry?" My mom interjected before I could give Jamie a sarcastic response, which meant she was likely straining to hear our conversation.

"You don't have to go to any trouble Karen," Jim said.

"Oh I didn't," she smiled. "We had Olive Garden catered and there's leftovers in the fridge."

"Perfect, thank you," he said. "Jamie?"

"Hmm?" He turned to his dad.

"Join me and Eric? Or must I pry you from the poor girl?"

The laughter that filled the room lit me up and made me more excited than ever to call them all my family.

"Sure, Dad." He shook his head, releasing his grip on me and giving me one last small smooch.

"I won't be far," I told him. "Promise."

He chuckled. "We're gonna take a look at the house renovations before tonight if you care to join."

Unfortunately, due to our busy schedules and planning our dream wedding, we hadn't made much of an effort to move into the lake house. We'd gone over some very basic renovations that needed to be done and my dad had hired a crew to get started on them. Once we were back from our honeymoon, we were going to hire an interior decorator and make it our home.

Which was one of the reasons we'd been staying at a hotel since our arrival. Besides the fact that the bridal suite would be used for me to get ready in, it'd be where we'd spend our first night as a married couple instead. And since we couldn't see each other after our rehearsal, Jamie would be sleeping on an old twin mattress my dad had set up for him at our empty house. He and the guys would get ready there so they could walk right out onto the property for the ceremony. I'd asked Leo if he'd fly to Ohio to do the honor of driving me from the hotel to our wedding, and he was more than grateful to accept the assignment.

"I think I'll skip it, if that's okay? I feel bad, but I have a few last minute things to get finished before tomorrow."

"Don't, I'll handle anything that comes up. We'll work on the house later."

"Thanks, babe." I squeezed his hand.

"I'm here for ya, babe," he mocked.

I pointed to the kitchen. "Go eat, you look malnourished."

He laughed before conceding and finally leaving me behind to join our dads. Was it possible to still be falling in love with him even the day before our wedding? Because my heart was about to outgrow my chest...


Since Jamie was already at the lake house going over renovation details, I rode with Samina, Emily, Dulcie, and my mom to meet our bridal party in the backyard for the rehearsal. We'd quickly go over the order of everything then depart for dinner in a private room at a local restaurant Jamie and I loved.

When we arrived, the wedding planner and officiant were already standing at the edge of the water where they would set up a canopy for the ceremony. The tables and chairs for the reception would be off to the side, with a DJ and dance floor that'd also be laid in the morning. It looked beautiful and there weren't even any decorations up besides uncovered chairs aligned in rows for the guests. I could picture everything in my mind and knew that once everything was set the way we'd agreed, it'd look like the fairytale I'd envisioned with my prince waiting at the end.

"Daddy!" Dulcie yelled, hopping out of the car after I unbuckled her.

He caught her in his arms and spun her. I followed her path to him and he smiled as he watched me approach. He'd changed into a charcoal suit with a white dress shirt underneath, collar open.

"Everything good?" I asked.

"Everything is perfect. I've got my two beautiful girls here, what more could a man want?"

I bit my lip to suppress my grin. I was in love with the dress I'd chosen for rehearsal; it was white, knee-length, and lace. I twirled in it playfully at his remark. "I meant with the house, but I'll take the compliment."

He leaned over to kiss me with his daughter in his arms. "The house is fine. Everything will be finished by the time we're back from—"

He still hadn't told me where he was taking me for our honeymoon. He wouldn't even give me a hint, the rascal.

"From where? Go ahead," I teased.

He gave Dulcie a kiss on the cheek before setting her down. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I trust you blindly, that's how much I love you."

"Aren't I a lucky idiot?"

I rolled my eyes, pushing his sunglasses high up on his nose. The wedding planner, Jasmine, interrupted our interaction.

"Are you guys ready?" she asked.

We nodded.

"Great. Jamie, if you and your groomsmen will go ahead and line up down by the water in the order you want them to stand, I'll help the bridesmaids match up."

He lifted my hand to kiss my engagement ring and the nerves inside bundled, making me borderline nauseous. It was only rehearsal; I'd be fine. I took Dulcie's hand and we followed Jasmine to greet the rest of the ladies who each looked beautiful in their ensembles.

"Okay, when the music starts playing, Jim you'll escort Samina and Karen to their seats in the first row, on either side of the aisle."

We'd decided not to have any ushers so Jim gladly stepped in, offering to walk both mothers down.

"Then after they're seated, ladies you will one by one slowly walk and then stand opposite the men. Do you know what order you're in?"

I didn't even have to open my mouth, they all lined up just like we'd agreed. I smiled as they each gave me a look of reassurance. It was needed; I had no idea why I was so nervous to practice.

"Kelsey," Jasmine redirected my attention. "Does she know what to do?" She motioned discreetly at Dulcie.

"Yes, we practiced at home, didn't we princess?"

"Yeth!" She nodded. "Throw fwowers on the ground and you be behind me."

"Good girl," I said. "Just smile at Daddy and sprinkle them like fairy dust for when I follow, okay?"


"Alright," Jasmine said. "Let's run through it."

She cued Jim to go as our moms linked arms with him and walked to their seats. I watched as each of my bridesmaids began their leisurely stroll down the aisle. Emily was last since she was my maid of honor and she winked at me before departing. Jasmine offered Dulcie her hand as she lined her up.

"It's your turn, sweetie," I coaxed.

She looked back at me a little hesitant and I worried she had stage fright and might bolt or cry. But to my surprise she took her empty basket and began walking down the aisle, pretending to throw flowers. She giggled and skipped toward the end, causing us all to laugh.

The entire time I stood there I realized I'd been so concerned with watching everyone else that I hadn't even looked at Jamie. My dad nudged me, offering me his arm. I took it, swallowing the lump in my throat as I made eye contact with my handsome fiancé. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he'd been watching me the entire time, because his gaze was burning bright.

I smiled at him as my dad walked me down the aisle for pretend, but in mere hours it would be for real, and his baby girl would be a married woman. We stopped in the spot designated by Jasmine.

"Jamie," she said, "you'll step forward and Eric, when Mr. Greene asks who gives this woman to this man, you'll place Kelsey's hand in Jamie's. And now, I'll step back and let him go through everything."

Mr. Greene, the officiant, smiled at us before he said exactly what she had. My dad set my hand in Jamie's, leaning in so I could kiss him on the cheek.

"Thanks, Daddy," I whispered.

Jamie also took my other hand in his and squeezed them both. Maybe he could see in my expression how anxious merely practicing our wedding made me.

"Kelsey, tomorrow don't forget to hand off your bouquet to your sister. And Emily don't forget to hand it back to her after I pronounce them husband and wife."

We each nodded in agreement.

"I will open with a few words then read the scriptures you've both chosen. After that I will ask Jamie to read his vows first then Kelsey you'll follow."

Jamie took a deep breath and chuckled. "No pressure."

Everyone around us laughed, but I got lost in his gaze while Mr. Greene talked about exchanging rings and reading more scriptures. I couldn't focus on anything except Jamie and how suddenly sad I was that his mom wasn't there, but also how happy it made me that he had Samina in his life. She was an amazing stepmother and I only hoped to be half as wonderful to Dulcie as she had been for Jamie.

For whatever reason, I couldn't contain the tears that surfaced. In less than 24 hours I'd be standing in the same spot literally marrying the man of my dreams.

"Hey," he whispered, quickly releasing my hands to wipe away the wetness with his thumbs.

"Sorry," I said hoarsely.

I tried to shake off the unexpected emotions. Jamie's face was etched in concern as he asked the officiant if we could have a moment alone.

"Come." He offered me his hand.

I quickly looked around at our bridal party and family who also held various expressions on their faces.

"I'm fine," I promised them, taking Jamie's hand.

He quickly led us to a secluded spot near a large weeping willow. How poetic and appropriate. I chuckled to myself at the thought.

"You okay?" he asked.

I nodded when he pulled me in close. I nestled into his embrace, which made me cry even harder. He was mine and the realization was hitting me like a ton of bricks. My husband and the father of our future children. How had the stars aligned so perfectly to give me him early enough in life to have a long future?

"Talk to me, Kels," he pleaded.

I leaned back to look into his loving gaze that was always attentive to my every desire and concern. He knew me better than I knew myself. And I think I knew him the same.

"I'm sorry, this is embarrassing."

"No it's not," he argued. "Do you still want to do this?"

What? Where the hell had that thought come from? Had I given him a reason to believe that or was he self-deprecating again?

"My God babe, of course I do!"

He let out a breath I didn't notice he'd been holding. "So what's wrong?"

I giggled because I was a bundle of emotions. "I don't know. I'm just...amazed that this is my life. That you're mine."

His signature smirk appeared. "This isn't cold feet?"

"Not at all. I've never been surer of anything. Nerves kicked in, I guess."

He kissed my forehead. "It's me, baby. Don't be nervous."

I held him tighter. "It's intimidating to confess my love in front of an audience when you're the only one I want to hear it."

His smile grew wider. "Whisper it then. We're not getting married for them this is for us. Our day."

"Right." I nodded along, trying to let his words sink in.

Somehow I'd still be overwhelmed making sure everyone was having fun and had everything they needed. I couldn't completely let go, but I knew Jamie would do his best to keep me distracted and in our own little bubble.

"I love you," I said.

He kissed me sweetly. "And I love you more. Breathe, baby. I'll be right beside you."

"Thanks for calming me down," I whispered.

He squeezed my hand in response as he released me from his hold to guide us back to where our families waited impatiently to find out what was going on.

Much to our surprise, we returned to Emily and Samina knelt down consoling a crying Dulcie. Jamie rushed to her side as I quickly followed.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" He scooped her up as I stood beside him, brushing her hair from her face.

"You make Kelthy cry," she pouted.

He kissed her head. "No, darlin' Kelsey is okay."

"You make her sad." She pressed against his chest to get away from his embrace.

His eyes met mine and I knew he needed help. I reached for her and she immediately stretched herself out of his arms and into mine.

"Princess I'm not sad," I told her. "I promise. Sometimes people cry when they're happy and I am really happy right now."

Her reddened eyes watched me carefully, touching my face to see the tears had subsided. "You still be my other mummy?"

I lightly gasped. She'd never called me that before and it was quite the astonishment. Why was everyone determined to amplify my emotions more with their sweet words?

"Yes," Jamie answered on my behalf. "She's still going to be your second mummy."

I kissed her cheek. "Forever and ever."

She wrapped her arms around my neck, cheering happily. Everyone around us seemed to be taken aback with emotions as well because I could hear various sniffles. I realized then we'd shared an incredibly private moment with all of our bridal party and parents.

"I think we're done here," Mr. Greene concluded. He must've known we needed some personal time. "It's pretty self explanatory and all you have to do is stand here and agree to everything I say."

We laughed with him.

"Easy enough," I said.

"Thanks everyone," Jasmine said. "I'll see you tomorrow. Enjoy your dinner."

I nodded at her in thanks as our guests scurried off to leave the three of us alone.

My mom approached, handing me her keys. "We'll leave the car with her seat in it and meet you there."

"Thanks, Mom," I said.

"Yes, thanks Karen," Jamie added.

We waited until she disappeared to sit down on the chairs. I turned Dulcie in my arms so I could set her on my lap.

"Are you alright?" he asked, and I wasn't sure which one of us he was talking to.

I smiled as she nodded against my chest.

"Daddy hates seeing his two favorite girls cry." He reached over to tuck a loose blonde curl behind her ear.

"I'll do whatever it takes to keep those tears away," he promised. "I love you both too much to allow it. It makes Daddy sad."

Dulcie sat up. "Don't be sad, Daddy."

"I'm not anymore, your tears are gone and so are Kelsey's. That makes me the happiest Daddy in the whole world."

She clapped. "I wuv you."

He leaned over and kissed her forehead. "I love you more, sweetie."

She turned to me. "Do you wuv me more too?"

I giggled. "I sure do. More than you'll ever realize. Daddy also."

"I call you Mummy?" she asked.

I looked at Jamie for approval and he nodded with a smile bigger than the lake in front of us. I didn't know who she'd had that discussion with to determine I was her other mommy, but I was perfectly fine with her calling me whatever she wanted.

"You most certainly can, baby girl."

I kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes, thanking every star in the galaxy for the two of them.


"You okay, sis?" Emily approached as I grabbed another glass of champagne from the open bar at dinner.

"I'm perfect." I gave her my brightest smile.

"What was that about earlier then?"

"A girl can't be emotional the night before her wedding?"

She blinked at me a few times. "Yes, absolutely. Just wanted to make sure everything is good and ask if you needed anything."

I looked over at Jamie who was laughing with my dad and Jess. The rest of our close family and friends came out to celebrate after the ceremony rehearsal and it was great to see all of them together under the same roof. Everyone was immersed in their own conversations and getting along splendidly. It warmed my heart to be surrounded by their love.

"All I need is my sister standing beside me as I marry my soul mate."

She returned the smile. "You guys really are perfect together. Gives me hope that maybe there's still someone out there for me."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be ridiculous. You're young and beautiful. Don't rush it. If you're anything like me, he'll show up just in time."

"And what?" Emily asked. "Save my life? Rescue me?"


She slowly nodded, sipping her drink and glancing at Jamie. "You're right. Someday. But this is your day. I can't wait to celebrate my little sister's wedding!"

I hugged her quickly. "I love you, Em."

"Oh I love you so much more, baby Kels."

We were interrupted by someone tapping on the side of their glass. I tried to find the source as Jamie stood up, realizing then it'd been him.

"I'd like to say a few words if my lovely fiancée will join me first."

Everyone turned and I blushed as the spotlight fell on me. I smiled at my sister who winked reassuringly as I made my way toward him.

The crowd was silent as everyone waited expectantly for what he had to say, myself included. I joined him at his side and he wrapped an arm around my waist, holding onto me as a crutch. I could feel the nervousness radiating from him, but let him do as he pleased. It was his special day, too.

"I speak for both of us when I say thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for being here to celebrate our marriage. We know many of you traveled great distances and we are grateful you took time out of your lives for us. We'd also like to thank our family and friends who are local and helped put the final touches on everything that we couldn't from New York. We sincerely appreciate all you've done to make this special."

I scanned the audience to see both of our parents smiling from ear-to-ear. They were eating out of his hands, but truthfully so was I.

"Before we close out the evening and prepare for the big day tomorrow, I wanted to thank the beautiful woman at my side for everything she's done leading up to tonight."

My heart jumped into my throat and the butterflies awakened. What was he doing? I couldn't handle any more romantic gestures before tomorrow.

"She is the greatest gift life has given me aside from my daughter. I never imagined a little over a year ago I would meet someone who'd completely turn my world upside down; and for the better. I wasn't in a good place when we met, but she's done nothing but make me a stronger man, son, friend, and father."

My eyes welled up with more tears at his unexpected confession in front of everyone we loved. My mom was also wiping at her eyes while Jamie's parents were beaming.

"Without complaint or judgment, she has completely embraced my career and daughter, who I see has taken the train to sleepy town."

We all turned to see Dulcie sleeping on Jess' chest. I couldn't stop the smile and tears at the scene before me, and the words coming from his beautiful mouth.

"I could go on all night about how much I love my fiancée, but tomorrow she'll become my wife and for the rest of my days I'll do my best to show her how grateful I am to be hers. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, thank you for trusting me with your little girl. You've raised her to be a strong, beautiful woman who is the perfect step-mum to my princess, and will be an equally perfect mum to our kids."

If he weren't holding me up, I would've already been on the floor.

"I know I don't live a quiet lifestyle, but I promise I will protect her from the negativity the spotlight brings and I will put her safety above mine. She is my priority and I won't let Hollywood come between us. I'm honored you granted me permission to marry her and I look forward to becoming part of your family."

My mom blew him a kiss as my dad saluted with a chuckle. All I could do was cry. He'd waited until then to say such stunning things and I didn't think my heart could take much more. He finally redirected his attention to me and it was going to be my breaking point.

"I love you, baby; more than life. You are my meant-to-be and I can't wait to change your last name."

I laughed with the crowd as I held his perfect face between my hands, tears flowing freely from both of us.

"I love you," was all I could whisper.

He held his glass up. "Cheers to us, to tomorrow, and to forever."

Everyone yelled cheers in response as some of them whistled and others clapped. Jamie's mouth met mine and I kissed him hard, expressing my love and gratitude through my lips. He held me against him for the longest time as our guests continued to encourage the kiss. I didn't even care that we had an audience. He deserved more than that for the most incredible speech I'd ever heard. And all of it dedicated to me.

He tried to break apart our embrace as I protested, not releasing him. I heard laughter in the background as he finally pulled us apart. I needed more. I would always need more.

"To be continued," he promised with a wink.


Jamie rode with me in the SUV back to the hotel. His parents had taken Dulcie with them so that we could be alone; they would worry about getting her ready in the morning. Leo was driving, but he had the partition up to also give us our final few minutes of privacy. He'd take him to the lake house after dropping me off.

I sat with my legs draped across Jamie's lap, his one hand holding my thigh as he stroked his thumb gently across the exposed skin, the other wrapped around my shoulder. I breathed in his scent, nuzzling his neck and savoring his warmth. He was my man and in mere hours he'd officially be my husband.

A few minutes passed in silence before the car came to a stop outside the hotel. I whined, causing his muffled laugh to vibrate my cheek.

"I'll walk you up," he said, nudging me to move.

"Famous last words."

He opened the door, offering me his hand. Before we went in he tapped on the window to get Leo's attention.

"I'm gonna make sure she has everything. Drive around for a bit."

He winked knowingly. "No problem. See you tomorrow, Kelsey. Four o'clock sharp."

I waved. "See you then!"

Jamie led me inside the hotel and to the elevators.

"Don't trust me to get there alone?"

He smirked. "I'd like one last moment with my fiancée before she becomes my wife."

A shiver ran down my spine at how sexy that sounded in his accent, calling me his wife.

I checked my watch. "I have to kick you out in an hour."

"I won't need that long."

I playfully slapped his arm when he laughed. The elevator chimed on arrival and I followed him to our suite. The butterflies fluttered freely the closer it got to our wedding day, which technically began in 59 minutes.

He peeled off his suit jacket as soon as we entered, tossing it on the chair.

"Wasting no time," I joked.

He smiled. "I didn't bring you up here for that, fiend."

That took me by surprise. I thought it was exactly why he'd joined me and told Leo to drive around.

"Although I'm not above a quickie."

I rolled my eyes. "Who's the real fiend?"

He didn't respond, instead he walked to the couch and sat down.

"Come here." He curled his finger at me and I couldn't help but giggle like an adolescent.

I met him as I stood between his legs. He grabbed my wrist to pull me onto his lap. I tried masking my squirm when he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You are too beautiful," he whispered. "And all mine."

I took his left hand and kissed his knuckles. "I love you," I replied, trying to hold back my remaining emotions.

"I love you more," he said. "We're getting married. Holy shit!"

His glee made us both laugh.

"Can you believe it's here?" I asked.

"Baby, I feel like I've waited a lifetime for this day to arrive. I'm glad it's here."

"That ready to get it over with?" I teased.

"Just ready to be yours."

I left a quick kiss on his lips for that perfect response.

"You've always been mine and you always will be."

He smiled up at me, running his hand through my hair. "I want to hold you like this a little longer," he said, his voice raspy. I was almost certain he was going to cry.

I caressed the stubble on the side of his face, staring into those captivating blues that saw every dark corner and secret I kept inside. Yet he loved me anyway, despite them and maybe because of them.

"You know what I'm most excited about?" I began.

He watched me expectantly and I agreed with him, I wanted to stay like that until the last possible second. The connection was so strong I was worried we'd never want to break it.

"For the rest of my life I will be a Dornan."

He licked his lips. "This Dornan guy is a lucky son of a gun."

"Maybe the luckiest of them all," I joked.

"I think you're right," he said. "I talked to him and he told me he's certain you were made for him, called you his soul mate even. He went on and on about you being the most beautiful woman he'd ever met, inside and out."

I blinked back the tears. "This Dornan dude sure is a smooth talker. I think he's trying to kill me before my wedding day."

He smiled. "I also heard he's a smooth kisser, but I wouldn't know." He shrugged, causing me to erupt in laughter. He could go from romantic to silly in a millisecond.

"Maybe I should find out so I can let you know. Research it."

"Mmm," he hummed. "I think I'd like that."

I ran my fingers through his golden locks, pressing his lips firmly into mine. He let out a satisfied breath as he kissed me back with equal force. I sucked at his bottom lip, feeling his hand move under the hem of my dress. He pressed his fingers into the soft skin of my upper thigh, causing me to moan into his mouth.

He seized the opening, slipping his silky tongue inside and massaging mine. I tugged at his hair, needing to come up for a breather.

He took the cue, gently lifting me and rolling me beneath him on the couch. Things were quickly getting too hot and heavy; if we went any further I wouldn't want him to stop.

"Jamie, we can't," I panted, finally breaking our make out session.

"We can do whatever we want," he replied, kissing my neck.

"I want to wait. Please."

His lips froze in place before he sat back with a wrinkled forehead.

"The payoff will be so much sweeter if we wait until tomorrow night. Make our first time as husband and wife even more sacred."

I watched him try to read me and I hoped he'd quickly get on the same page.

He eventually nodded. "I want that, too. But God, you're irresistible."

I pecked his lips. "As are you. Thank you for agreeing."

"The Dornan D doesn't agree," he smiled, "but he can wait for the VIP treatment tomorrow."

"Oh my God." I covered my face with my hands as he laughed loudly.

"I get to embarrass you every day, forever and ever."

"I changed my mind," I teased.

He pinched my hip. "Too late for take backs. You're stuck, little lady."

"Between a rock and a hard place." I glanced between us and he scoffed.

"Your doing. If it's a problem for you, fix it."

It was my turn to laugh. "Blue balls the night before your wedding. How cruel."

He abruptly stood, grabbing my hand to jerk me up with him. "Something borrowed, something blue."

I rolled my eyes. "Get out."

We laughed together.

"Now you're kicking me out?"

"Yes, you're too much. I can't handle it."

"I beg to differ," he replied. "You handle it quite well when you're on top."

"James! You're nasty."

He threw his head back in a hearty laugh. "Well you can't kick out a guy who was already leaving. The clock is ticking anyway."

"Yes, go before you curse us both!" I giggled.

"The Dornan D is doing some cursing right now."

I playfully pushed him toward the door. He shook his head, walking ahead of me. He turned the knob before glancing at me once more. I stepped up to kiss him quickly.

"Tomorrow," he concluded.

I bit my bottom lip. "I'll finally be Mrs. Dornan."

"Yes, finally. I love you so much, and wish I could stay, watch you fall asleep in my arms."

My heart pounded at the thought that he'd be doing exactly that for the rest of our lives after... "Tomorrow. I love you too, babe. Now let's get some beauty rest."

He chuckled. "You don't need any more of that. But the sooner we sleep, the sooner we're married."

Out of the corner of my eye I could see the bag containing my wedding gown hanging from the closet door.

"I'll be dreaming of you until my dreams come true."

"Ditto." He kissed me a final time before heading out once and for all. I watched him walk down the hallway, knowing that after a restless night I'd be the one walking down the aisle to him.


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