Chapter 39

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A/N: Thank you for your amazing feedback on the first part of the wedding! I'm elated that you all enjoyed it so much, I tried to do their special day justice :) Here's part two with an NC17 warning! Enjoy, xo!


Jamie and I didn't make it far from the table. For one, we knew our first dance was the next order of business, but also because everyone kept coming up and congratulating us. It was overwhelming to realize all the people who had come together to help us celebrate. Many of his loved ones had flown from Europe to attend and I was grateful to meet the people who made Jamie happy. With the same token, I wasn't getting many alone conversations with my new husband as we entertained the guests that approached in between bites of dinner.

He gently squeezed my knee after my cousin walked away with her endless compliments on how beautiful everything was. "You okay?"

I smiled at him, he was adorable and finally all mine. "Better than I've ever been. You?"

"Undeniably the happiest man alive."

Someone must've noticed our intimate exchange because they started clinking their glass, signaling us to kiss.

"What a chore," he joked before leaning over.

I gently pressed our lips together, unable to hide the smile that would likely never leave my face. All of it was my literal dream come true.

The DJ broke us from our embrace when he came over the mic. "Ladies and gentleman, I hope you enjoyed your dinner, because the fun part starts now. Or rather, momentarily."

I nudged Jamie with my shoulder and he took a deep breath. His nerves over our first dance were evident, but I didn't know why. The hardest part was out of the way, and the real fun was about to begin.

"Can I please get the bride and groom on the dance floor?"

Jamie offered me his hand and I took it, noticing immediately that it was sweaty. I reassured him with a quick squeeze. I smiled over at the guests we passed as he led me to the center of the faux wooden flooring they'd tiled on top of the grass. The sun was slowly setting behind us and I hoped the photographers were able to shoot from the perfect angle. I could already imagine the framed pictures of us dancing in the evening light by the lake hanging above the mantle in the house we stood outside of.

I must've been too distracted by the enchanting surroundings, because I was taken aback when I saw a chair appear in front of me.

"Mrs. Dornan, if you'll please have a seat," the DJ said.

"What's happening?" I whispered to Jamie. We were supposed to be having our first dance, why did I need sit down?

"Trust me," he replied.

I wrinkled my forehead in confusion as David walked into my line of sight carrying a guitar. He handed it off to Jamie before retreating with a nod. My heart jumped into my throat when he strapped it onto his torso and strummed an array of chords to check the tuning.

"The groom has asked to play a song for his bride, so Jamie, take it away."

His sudden nerves made complete sense as I also tried to brace myself for the influx of emotions surely headed my way.

He looked down at the guitar as he began playing a familiar tune. I bit my bottom lip to stifle the urge to cry. I wanted to fully enjoy the moment first then let it all out.

His soft voice gave me goosebumps. "When I look into your eyes, it's like watching the night sky or a beautiful sunrise, there's so much they hold. And just like them old stars, I see that you've come so far to be right where you are. How old is your soul?"

I watched his lips mouth the words and his long fingers strum the notes effortlessly. He closed his eyes briefly as he got lost in the song, but when he opened them his gaze met mine in a force so strong I was grateful to be seated.

He continued singing, not breaking his contact. "I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough. I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up. And when you're needing your space, to do some navigating, I'll be here patiently waiting, to see what you find."

A few camera shutters and sniffles could be heard from the audience, and I couldn't help but join in their emotions as my perfect man sang to me in front of everyone we loved.

"'Cause even the stars they burn, some even fall to the earth. We've got a lot to learn, but God knows we're worth it. I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough. I'm giving you all my love."

The note hadn't finished ringing and I was out of my chair. He quickly reacted, swinging the guitar to his back to capture me in an embrace. I wrapped my arms around his neck, crying into the sweet kiss he left on my lips.

"You're perfect," I mumbled against him.

"Yes, you are. I love you."

I gave him a quick peck. "I love you more. Thank you for the surprise."

I hadn't fully wrapped my head around the beautiful moment that had just occurred when the notes to Can't Help Falling in Love began. He handed his guitar back to David as he once more retreated out of sight.

Jamie pressed me tightly against his torso, resting his strong hands on my hips. I let my fingers play with the golden locks at his neck while our song played in the background. Elvis' romantic words faded from my mind as I got lost in the blue-grey eyes staring into mine.

"I can't believe you did that," I said.

"Anything for you. Surprises are kinda my thing." He winked and I scrunched my nose playfully.

"Thank you for making my dreams come true," I whispered, tears stinging my eyes.

"Maybe I can make even more come true later."

"Are you seducing me or being romantic?"

"Well I really want to put my hand on your ass right now, but your dad's watching me closely."

I threw my head back in laughter at his ridiculousness during such an intimate moment. I rested my cheek against his shoulder, breathing in his woodsy scent.

Even over the music I could hear his heart beating and I knew it was because of me. I gave the perfect man holding me a reason to live. He'd said so himself. I never imagined being loved as much as Jamie loved me and I'd spend the rest of my days loving him equally as hard. He was the man I would always fight for.

"God, I love you," I said against his ear, pressing my lips to his neck.

His grip tightened around me as he swayed us back and forth. "I love you, baby. I wish you knew how much."

I moved to look at him. His eyes gleaming and smile wide to match my own.

"I do. You show me all the time."

He leaned in to press another soft kiss to my lips. I melted into him, hearing whistles and cheers from all around us but relishing in them. It was our day and everyone should consider themselves lucky to witness our pure love for each other.

The song ended and I reluctantly peeled myself away from his warm embrace.

"Ready to go yet?" He bit his lip.

"Soon," I promised.


I was emotionally drained by the time the bouquet and garter toss came around. My dad and I had danced to the Beach Boys "God Only Knows;" it was a song he sang to me when I was little. I wiped away happy tears as he swayed us, telling me how proud he was of me and honored to have Jamie protecting his little girl. He had been the only witness to how Jamie handled my demons after the Brad situation. I wasn't sure I would've survived without the two men I loved the most holding me up during such a dark time.

Our pasts would never be far, and I knew that I still struggled with what had happened, but therapy helped and having Jamie by my side was my saving grace. Although I knew long before that that he was the man I wanted to marry, the turbulence Brad caused solidified it. Jamie didn't run when most men would've. He faced my past along with me, and I would forever repay him for loving me through it.

I cried during the second father-daughter dance of the night. When planning the reception, I tried to be sensitive to the fact that Jamie didn't have his mother to dance with like most grooms. Of course Samina would've stepped in had we asked, but Jamie was the one who suggested dancing with Dulcie instead, and I agreed that it'd be a special moment for everyone.

He held her in his arms as he spun her around to The Temptations' "My Girl." She giggled and held his face in her tiny hands while they danced. My heart beat wildly at the scene before me, knowing that someday he'd dance around our house with our future children. He was already an amazing father, and I knew he was anxious to give Dulcie a sibling. I was merely excited to gain a beautiful angel who looked and acted like her perfect daddy. The chips would fall where they may regarding a baby. Jamie and I weren't going to try, but we were going to stop preventing a pregnancy after our honeymoon.

"If all the single ladies will join the bride on the dance floor, we're going to do the bouquet toss."

The DJ brought me back to reality once more as all my friends lined up. I laughed at them pushing each other closer when I turned my back. I quickly threw the decorative bouquet overhead and heard giggles and heels clicking against the hardwood. I cheered with the crowd when I saw Emily holding her prize above her head, covering her face in embarrassment.

"You're next," I warned.

"Superstition," she scoffed.

"Scaredy cat!"

She bumped my hip as she walked past, twirling the bouquet playfully. The DJ stepped down from his booth to set a chair in the middle of the floor. I bit my lip as I walked to it and plopped down.

"Now if the groom and single men will join the bride for the garter toss."

Jamie's lethal grin was full of promise, and I tried to remind myself that all our relatives were watching. I gave him a look that'd hopefully remind him, too.

He bent down in front of me, grasping my ankle in his hand. I met his bold gaze as he winked at me.

"Behave," I whispered.

He chuckled, sensing my tension. "We can be naughty later."

I shoved his shoulder and he laughed heartily at me. The music began playing and his fingers slowly trailed up the inside of my leg. I tried to stifle the moan that almost escaped. He regarded me as he inched his way higher. Luckily for me, my dress was tight enough that he couldn't lift it over his head, but that only meant his touch was more intimate, without room to wander.

He reached the top of my thigh where I'd secured the garter and he, as painstakingly slow, inched it down my leg and over my shoe. He spun it on his finger, causing me to shake my head at his silliness.

He stood, stretching the light blue material before shooting it toward the guys. They each leapt into the air and one of Jamie's Irish mates caught it and cheered excitedly. He whistled at my sister and she of course returned the compliment with an eye roll. She met him back out on the dance floor as the DJ encouraged the crowd to join.

Jamie pulled me up out of the chair and roughly into his chest. His hands fell to my hips, swaying us to the rhythm.

"We should walk around and thank more people," I told him.

"No dancing?" He furrowed his eyebrow, dipping me backward.

I laughed as he brought me upright. "The sooner we say goodbye, the sooner we can leave."

"Well why didn't you say that?" He offered me his hand and I interlocked our fingers. I smiled at the feel of his wedding ring as I followed him off the dance floor and toward some guests we hadn't spoken to yet.


Jamie and I made our rounds and danced to one last slow song before agreeing to call it a night. Or rather end the night with a hundred prying eyes; we'd wanted to be alone the moment we'd said our vows.

Leo was standing by the car when we approached, waiting with a wide smile. I hadn't seen him disappear from the party, but Jamie must've told him to be ready to go. He opened the door for me as we approached.

"I think another congratulations are in store," he said.

I returned his warm expression. "Thank you, Leo. We're so glad you're here. It means a lot to both of us."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, Mrs. Dornan." He winked and the butterflies fluttered at the mention of my new name.

"Yes, thanks Leo," Jamie intervened.

I watched as they briefly hugged, and a wave of sadness struck me, realizing again that Leo's presence physically represented the absence of Jamie's mom. He was upholding his end of the deal he'd made with her, and I knew deep down how much my husband appreciated his support.

Jamie held onto my dress as I stepped into the back seat of the SUV. He helped me collect my train and move it out of the way before joining. I saw him glance at the closed partition, his eyes then meeting mine.

"My wife," he whispered, breaking the sudden electricity between us.

"My husband." I smiled, biting my lip.

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, playing with the wedding rings on my finger with his free hand.

"I can't believe you're mine," I said.

"I've always been yours."

"But not officially."

The corner of his lips turned up into a sexy smirk. "We still have to make it official."

"I guess we do, don't we?"

He said no more, leaning in to capture my mouth in a long, deep kiss. He breathed me in, holding my head against him, taking every ounce of emotion and love I could offer. I felt connected to his soul and it still didn't feel close enough. I licked at his bottom lip, tasting my husband. How beyond fortunate I was to call him that, he was the answer to my prayers and my lifeline.

He slowly peeled us apart, despite my groan of disapproval. "I could kiss you forever."

"Then why'd you stop?" I scratched at the back of his head.

"Because I wanted to see your beautiful face."

"Mr. Romance," I said.

"Only for you."

"Good answer."

We both laughed.

"The best part is, not only do I get to annoy you for the rest of our lives," he began, "but I get to wake up to these beautiful lips every morning."

I met him with another kiss, unable to form a coherent response. He grinned against them.

"I am head over heels in love with you," I mumbled. "And every word that comes out of that perfect mouth with your perfect voice."

He rested his forehead against mine. "Ditto."

The car came to a halt outside the hotel a moment later. Jamie and I silently exited the vehicle without a farewell to Leo. It would've been awkward anyway, because everyone knew exactly where our night would lead. And since it was still fairly early, I had a feeling Jamie planned on using the extra time wisely.

I wasn't sure why my nerves were skyrocketing; being intimate with him wasn't a new concept in our relationship. But for some reason there was something truly special about consummating our marriage.

He held my hand as we ascended up the elevator, passing glances at one another. I could admire him all night and be completely content. He was a beautiful man and all mine. What were the chances?

When we exited and stepped up to our suite door, he passed me the room key.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You can't do it?"

"No, my hands are full."

I looked at his empty hands in confusion when he suddenly lifted me in his arms.

I squealed in the hallway. "What are you doing?"

"Carrying you across the threshold. Open the door, baby."

I giggled, stretching my arm to swipe the card. When it turned green, he leaned against it, opening it with our combined body weight.

He walked us in and as the door clicked shut, my hand met my mouth. He set me down so I could take it all in.

White rose petals were scattered between a candlelit path to the bedroom. The lights were dimmed to set the sensual ambiance and I knew without asking he'd had someone come set it all up.

"White roses—"

He cut me off. "Your favorite."

I leapt back into his embrace, tossing my arms around his neck and kissing his plump lips. He hummed against them, slowly inching me backward toward the bedroom.

I snickered into his mouth. "I get the hint, babe."

I turned away, grabbing his hand and leading him to the room where the rose petals met the foot of the bed. Some were also scattered toward the bath, but we'd get to that later. I wrapped his arm around my waist from behind and he followed the gesture by leaving soft kisses along the side of my neck.

The tips of his fingers trailed down the length of my arm. "I don't think you realize," he said through his small pecks. "How stunning you look right now. There are no words fit to describe you."

"I feel the same. You are my fantasy."

He nipped the soft skin at the top of my shoulder. "A masterpiece. I almost don't want to rid you of this ensemble, but at the same time I want to rip it off so I can have you now."

I moaned at his seductive words in my ear. "Whatever it takes."

He needed no more permission as his hands met the top button at the back of my dress. His fingers deftly undid a few of them before being replaced with his soft lips. Goosebumps flared across my skin at his gentle undressing. Of course, the gown itself was undeniably delicate, so I appreciated his care.

He chuckled suddenly.

"Something funny?"

"The number of buttons this damn thing has. Not for an impatient man."

I laughed with him. "A ridiculous amount."

Our humor diminished as he continued his task, the air hitting my skin lower and lower with each undoing of another.

He slid his palms up my bare back to my shoulders, peeling the lace from them. I removed my arms from the fabric as it fell around my waist. Jamie knelt behind me, dragging it down my legs so I could step out. I saw him lay the dress off to the side before he swiftly spun me to face him.

I stood before him in my heels and the sexy lingerie he'd picked and had delivered. His eyes fell over every inch of my frame as he let out a long, slow whistle.

"Wow," he whispered. "There isn't a single man on this planet who's luckier. I can guarantee it."

I felt myself blush, because even as my husband, he could make the butterflies flutter with his perfect compliments.

"All of this," I waved my hand over my body, "is yours."

"Mmm," he hummed, pulling me to him by the waist. "What to do, what to do?"

"I could think of a few things."

"Yeah?" His smirk was dangerous and I wanted to play.

"And all of them require you naked."

"For you, I can rise to the occasion." He moved my hand to the waistband of his pants.

I snickered. "I think I'll start up here instead."

I helped rid him of his suit jacket, tossing it irresponsibly in the direction of where my dress lay. He watched me intensely as I slowly unraveled his tie, seductively wrapping it around my neck and letting it dangle across my breasts. His gaze fell to where the ends of it rested while I began undoing the buttons on his dress shirt.

"I think mine had triple the amount," I mumbled.

He grinned, looking back up at me. "Sure seemed like it."

His hands moved to rest on my hips while he waited for me to finish. After undoing the last one, I let it fall open so I could admire him as well.

I knelt down, kissing my way from his chiseled chest to his sculpted abs, hoping to convey to his body with mine what I felt for him inside. I teasingly licked the skin at the top of his pants as he undid his cufflinks and removed his shirt.

"My husband is so sexy," I whispered against his happy trail.

He looked down at me from under hooded eyelids, licking his lips in response. I took that as my cue to continue. I made quicker work of his pants, moving my hands under the band as I slid them down his long legs. I gave him a moment to kick them aside before moving my hand to stroke his hardened length through his briefs. He cleared his throat and when I looked up he was shaking his head.

He extended his hand, so I took it instinctively as he pulled me back up and into his awaiting arms.

"My wife is sexier," he finally answered.

His lips crushed into mine as his hands trailed up the back of my thighs to unclip my garter belt. He dropped to his knees, leaving me breathless as he shimmied it over my hips and down my legs along with my thigh high stockings one at a time. His eyes met mine when he pressed his wet lips against my stomach, lightly licking a path from my navel to where my thong rested.

I ran my fingers through his soft hair, watching him peel the thin lace away. I stepped out of the lingerie and my heels, completely naked and ready for him to claim what was officially and forever his. He stood, kissing me quickly.

"My turn," I whispered, but he stopped my hands when I went to remove his black briefs.

"Lay down, baby." He nudged me to rest against the mattress.

I did as I was told, scooting up to the pillow and waiting for his next move. He slowly removed his own underwear, allowing me to watch his manhood spring free from its confines. I whimpered instinctually at the sight of him.

His strong hands separated my ankles, opening me up to him as he crawled up the bed to hover above. My hands met his face, stroking the side of it.

"I love you, Mrs. Dornan," he said, his eyes already watering with emotion.

Which in turn made me emotional. "I love you, Mr. Dornan and am so proud to be yours."

His lips met mine gently, slowly massaging my lips with his own as he lowered his length into me. I moaned against the kiss, allowing him to deepen it. I grabbed fistfuls of his hair as he kissed me and pulled almost all the way out before just as slowly pushing back in.

"Jamie," I broke the embrace, his steady strokes driving me mad.

"Feel me," he panted.

I met his gaze as it burned into me. His hips flexed leisurely, moving in and out.

"I do baby, please," I begged.

"No," he argued. "Feel my love."

There was no stopping the tears as they fell, his also clearly visible. I pulled his mouth to mine, agreeing to convey our feelings through our bodies. I began meeting him thrust for thrust, relaxing into the pace and the simplicity of making love to each other.

He moaned against my lips when I circled my hips, wanting to reach that sweet release. I gasped when he sat up between my legs, wrapping them tighter around him, while simultaneously halting my movements. The position gave him complete control and I was willing to give it up in that moment.

I reached for his hands and he offered them, interlocking our fingers as he thrust in and out at his own pace. We were finally one with each other; body, mind, soul, spirit, and heart, and I wanted to savor every second.

"Kels," he breathed.

"Yes, please," I begged, needing to let go.

Finally he picked up his speed, pounding into me and getting us to that climax even quicker.

"Jamie," I moaned. "Don't. Stop."

He hit my sweet spot a few more times and the moment he growled out my name with his own orgasm, mine hit me hard. I gasped, my body writhing and legs trembling as I throbbed against him. He continued thrusting until the last wave of pleasure subsided.

"Fuck," he grunted, collapsing onto my chest and wrapping himself around me.

I held him tightly, our heavy pants mixing. I felt his heart beating and his hot breath caressing my dampened skin. I ran my fingers through his hair, playing with the soft strands as we grasped each other. My favorite place on Earth was in his arms.

"I love you," I whispered, kissing the top of his head.

He returned a kiss to my neck. "I love you more, wifey."

I giggled. "Thought that name was a no-go?"

He raised his head up to look at me. "That was before I realized how much I'd love calling you that."

"Okay then, hubby."

He grinned like a wild man, kissing me sweetly. "You're incredible."

"I think we're incredible together."

"Good thing we're married then." He winked, causing me to giggle again.

"Today was perfect. Literally a dream-come-true."

"All thanks to you," he replied.

"Not entirely. Jasmine and her team did an amazing job. I was overwhelmed by how beautiful everything was."

"Well I was too overwhelmed by how beautiful you were, and are, to notice much else."

I ran my index finger down the bridge of his nose to his lips. He kissed the tip of it.

"Shh, you're gonna make me cry."

"Could I interest you in a hot bath instead?"

I stretched to kiss him. "That sounds beyond lovely."

"Stay here," he said.

I smirked to myself, watching him jump up and head toward the bathroom. I waited patiently as I heard him turn on the water. Half expecting him to reappear, I instead heard a sudden pop come from inside, causing me to jump.

"Everything okay?" I yelled.

"Yep!" he replied.

Finally he stepped into the doorway. "All ready for the lovely bride."

"Am I still a bride?" I asked, making my way toward him. "I mean, the dress is off; guess I'm just an old wife now."

He chuckled when I stuck my tongue out and walked past him. He playfully slapped my ass, causing me to yelp.

"Well, you're my wife and that's all that matters. Get your old buns in the water."

I laughed loudly as I noticed the source of the noise had been him opening a bottle of champagne since two filled glasses sat on the edge of the tub. I also saw a dish of strawberries and passed him a sideways glance to which he smirked at.

He helped me into the warm, lavender scented water before joining and sitting behind me.

"Can I ask you to do me a huge favor?"

"Anything, baby." He tightened his grip around my waist.

"I know this isn't very sexy, but I have about 800 bobby pins in my hair. Will you help me find them?"

He snickered. "Absolutely."

I tilted my head forward as he began pulling them out, one-by-one. He set them on the edge of the tub and the pile grew larger and larger the longer he worked. I smiled as he hummed; totally invested in the task I'd given him.

He massaged my scalp once all of the pins were out. I moaned as his expert fingers relieved the tension from the amount of product and accessories my hair had held all day. I leaned against him and he pressed a long, wet kiss to my temple.

I picked up my glass of champagne, taking a quick drink. "Since the wedding is over, are you gonna tell me where you're taking me for our honeymoon?"

I felt his smile against my cheek when he stole the glass and also took a sip, despite having his own.

"It's only a few more days. You'll see the plane tickets then. So eager."

He kissed my shoulder as I traced a lazy pattern over his wet thigh.

"I hope we're not going anywhere fancy since we won't be making it far from the bedroom."

His fingertips trailed a tantalizing line down my abs to the apex of my thighs. "Is that so?"

I tried not to writhe as he stopped right above where I wanted to feel him. "Are you not interested in those plans?"

With his free hand, he picked up a strawberry from the dish and brushed the end of it across my lips. I went to bite it, but he pulled away, taking it in his own mouth instead. A few droplets trickled down my collarbone and he quickly licked the juices away.

"Only if those plans involve a bedroom facing the ocean so the light of the sunset will illuminate your naked body on top of mine."

He retrieved another strawberry, this time letting me have a taste. I moaned at his seductive words and the sweetness that filled my mouth.

"My God, you make me weak."

"Ditto," he whispered in my ear, tugging the end of it gently with his teeth.

I gasped as he ran a finger down my center, making me arch into his chest.

"Jamie," I breathed.

He slipped a finger inside of me, all coherent thought dissipating. "But right now I want to hear my name repeated until sunrise."

I gasped as he added a second finger and began leisurely moving them in and out. I clawed at his legs, trying to find leverage as he pleasured me to the brink. He held me tightly against him, his growing member pressing into my back.

"Please," I begged, riding his fingers.

I gripped the side of the bathtub, knocking bobby pins all over the floor as he circled his thumb on my swollen bud while continuing his slow thrusts.

"Please what?" he asked. "Tell me what you want, baby."

"You..." I panted. "Inside me."

"I already am," he argued, sucking on my neck.

I felt my orgasm building, but I wanted his thick length instead. I halted his movements with my hand, pulling him from me before I exploded.

He nipped my shoulder. "See? Always so eager."

I caught a glimpse of him over my shoulder as I raised up to position him under me. His grin was devilish, helping guide my hips down over him.

"Fuck me," I pleaded. I whimpered as he filled me completely, relishing in our perfect connection.

"My wife gets what she wants," he replied.

He held me in place as he moved feverishly in and out, already near his own release. I met his thrusts, rolling my hips over him as the water splashed around us and onto the floor with the discarded pins.

"Shit." He grunted as I tightened around him.

"I can't—" I tried to say, but he knew I was close.

"Go on, baby," he coaxed.

And with one final stroke against that glorious spot, I let go, throbbing against his length.

"You're perfect," he panted before also releasing.

I immediately reached forward to let the water drain. He laughed at my sudden urge to end bath time.

"Strawberries, bed, now," I said before standing and wrapping myself in a plush towel.

"You make it easy to give you what you want," he replied.

I reached for his hand, pulling him from the tub and handing him a towel. He grabbed onto mine, jerking me backward. I giggled as he turned me in his arms, his lips crushing mine in an earth-shattering kiss.

"Just you," I panted. "You're all I'll ever want." 


Well, this concludes the Dornan wedding! What did you think? Please don't forget to vote and/or comment before going. You all help this story get rated and noticed on Wattpad! Xo

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