Chapter 40

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A/N: I'm finally back! I sincerely apologize for the delay, but appreciate your patience. I was on vacation for 10 days then celebrated my birthday! I'm home now and the inspiration has been flowing, which is a good thing :) THANK YOU for your beautiful feedback regarding the wedding! I'm glad it fulfilled your expectations. Here's part 1 of their honeymoon! NC17, so enjoy ;) Please don't forget to vote and/or comment with your feedback! I appreciate it, Xo 


"All packed?" Jamie asked, entering our bedroom.

We were leaving New York in the morning for our honeymoon. We'd flown in from Ohio after the wedding since that's where he'd booked our flights out of, yet he still hadn't  given me any more details regarding the destination. All I knew was it wasn't in the U.S. since I needed my passport. He'd said to pack for warm weather with special attention to teeny bikinis. I was more worried about hiding my new lingerie in the bag so he and the TSA agents didn't get an early preview.

"I hope," I replied. "Kinda hard to judge since I'm blindly guessing what to wear."

I'd packed shorts, tanks, sundresses, sandals, and flip-flops. Hopefully that would suffice, or we'd at least be in a location where I could purchase any items I forgot.

"Fine." He sighed.

I raised my eyebrow. "What's fine?"

He moved his hand from behind his back; I hadn't even noticed he was hiding something. He extended the envelope to me.

"This is about as far as I can withhold the info anyway." He smirked and I knew our itinerary was inside.

I snatched it from him, wasting no time tearing it open. I unfolded the contents and gasped at the images on the paper.

"Italy?!" I squealed. "We're going to Italy?"

He nodded, biting his lip to conceal his enthusiasm. "Ever been?"

"No, oh my God!"

There were pictures inside of a private villa in Lake Como where we'd be staying. The crystal blue waters, and the mountains rising from within them; it all was stunning and I couldn't wait to be there with my husband.

"I'm honored to pop your cherry then."

"Real romantic." I rolled my eyes, causing him to laugh loudly.

He gripped me around the waist to pull me into him. "Or we could pop bottles of champagne under the stars while I feed you gelato and lick the sweetness from your lips."

"Mmm," I hummed, snaking my arms around his neck, dropping the papers carelessly. "That's more like it. Maybe after that I'll let you pop whatever."

He grinned as I pecked him quickly.

"You did promise we wouldn't make it far from the room. So I figured if I booked something with a view, you wouldn't want to leave anyway."

"I only want to be where you are," I agreed.

His lips pressed into mine again and he deepened it, allowing his tongue to explore. I giggled into the kiss, ecstatic beyond words to see Italy with him and make our first memories as a married couple special.

"I love you," he whispered. "And I hope this honeymoon is another dream come true."

I ran my fingers up through his soft hair. "I love you more. I already know it will be, because you'll be there."

"Forever, baby. Too late to get rid of me now."

"Good thing I don't want to." I winked at him before he let go.

"When you're finished packing up, meet me in the shower."

He ripped his shirt over his head, licking his lips seductively.

"Well lucky for me I'm all done!"

We both laughed as I chased him into the bathroom, stripping my clothes along the way.


The next morning came quickly, and I'd tossed and turned restlessly all night, despite Jamie holding me against him. I was beyond thrilled to see a new part of the world; it looked magical. He'd sat beside me before bed showing me pictures of our villa, local sites, restaurants he'd researched, and of course the best beaches. I was the luckiest woman to spend the perfect vacation with the perfect man.

Unfortunately, it didn't get off to the best start as Jamie and I were caught by the paparazzi at JFK. Thankfully they were waiting for someone else, so they didn't waste much time snapping our photos. They asked a hundred rapid fire questions about our wedding and honeymoon plans as Jamie led me toward the security line. All of which went ignored. I smiled triumphantly that our wedding location and photos weren't leaked; mission accomplished.

I'd grown to brush the paparazzi off and focus on walking away without giving into their incessant chatter. Although I would've minded them showing up to our wedding, I truly had come a long way since my first experience with them in London. Jamie was more than worth it, and I'd finally figured out that if we were going to make it work, I had to stand beside him in the public eye as much as I did behind the scenes.

I shifted in my seat as we hit some turbulence, drifting back to reality. Traveling was a huge part of our lives, but unlike the paps, I would never get used to a shaky airplane. Our eight-hour flight was only a little over halfway finished, but luckily for my anxiety, I felt my eyelids growing heavy. Sleep would be the perfect distraction as we flew over the ocean.

Jamie was watching a movie beside me, one I'd never seen. There was smoke and men running in different directions; and he was totally engrossed in the war being fought through the small screen on the seat in front of him.

I stretched down to pick up the blanket I'd discarded on the floor. When I leaned back, he paused the film and removed his headphones.

"Sleepy?" he asked.

"Yeah, think I'll nap for a bit. Turbulence is annoying."

I smiled before pecking him on the cheek. He lifted his arm and motioned for me to lie beneath it. I curled up against his side, resting my head on his chest. His heartbeat began lulling me into a peaceful oblivion.

"It's normal, baby. Don't worry, just rest."

He pulled the blanket up to cover my shoulders, leaning down to breathe me in before kissing my hair sweetly.

"I'll be fine right here in your arms," I whispered.

I tightened my grip around his waist as he resumed his movie with me in his lap. His gentle caresses down the side of my arm grounded me, pushing any nervousness to the back burner.


As soon as our plane landed, Jamie whisked me away to the exit where a black SUV awaited. Much to my disappointment, it was not Leo who stood at the opened door with a sign that read "Dornan." However, I understood he didn't accompany us everywhere and also deserved some time away.

"What about our bags?" I asked, stepping into the car.

"He'll retrieve them." Jamie motioned at the tall man whose hair was in a slick black bun atop his head. His dark suit and aviators made him look like he worked for the FBI instead of a newlywed couple. He shut us inside as he disappeared into the airport.

I nodded, watching Jamie reach for a bottle of wine that sat in the divider beside two glasses.

"Interested?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure." I smiled as he began uncorking the bottle. He lived for convenience, and I didn't know if the detail was his or part of the package he'd paid for.

"Hey," he whispered, grasping my chin with his thumb and forcing our eyes to meet. "You okay?"

I wrinkled my forehead. "Of course, babe. Why?"

"You're drifting."

"I'm just amazed to be here. With you. In general. And I'm pretty exhausted."

He smirked. "I can relate. We'll nap when we get settled."

"I don't want to waste any time," I said.

"Have we ever wasted time in bed?" He winked as he handed me the glass he'd poured.

"Valid point." I waited for him to fill his own before raising my drink. "To an amazing honeymoon with my soulmate, wasting no time, and enjoying every moment."

He clinked his glass with mine, both of us sipping the smooth red liquid.

"Promise me one thing."

I searched his eyes, unsure of what I could promise him in Italy, having never been before. I slowly nodded, waiting for him to continue.

"I don't want you to worry about a thing while we're here, okay?"

I didn't respond, only watched his expression. He brushed my face with his knuckles and I moved my mouth to kiss them.

"Not about the luggage, the meals, excursions, bedtime, work, family, paparazzi; none of it. Everything is handled so all we have to do is be here together. I want this week to be memorable for both of us. I promise the same in return."

"God," I mumbled, holding back my emotions. "I can't believe how much I love you."

"I can," he smiled, "because I love you the same."

I leaned across the console, careful not to spill my wine as he met me halfway. I kissed him hard, pouring my gratitude into his lips. His free hand tangled in my hair as his tongue danced with mine. I breathed him in, and even though we'd been on an airplane for eight hours, he smelled and tasted like home. He would always be my home.

He broke the embrace much too early for my liking. Chuckling he nodded his head out the window behind me. Only then did I realize we'd been moving the entire time. I hadn't noticed the driver load our bags and drive off. I was too distracted by my romantic husband.

"Look outside, baby."

I grinned shyly before turning. Once I did, all the breath left my lungs as the beauty of Lake Como stunned me. I wasn't sure where the sky ended and the water began, they both were a calming blue. A few boats rocked to the gentle motion of the waves, the sun glistening off their tips. The mountains rose from all around us, painted with picturesque flowers of many breeds. Colorful buildings aligned their sides as we drove through the beautiful seaside town where tourists and residents alike strolled hand-in-hand along the cobblestone.

"It's perfect," I whispered, totally enamored and mesmerized.

"Like you," he replied. His hand snaked down my arm as he interlocked our fingers.

I moved to look at him. "I'm speechless, Jamie. You've literally given me the world, and I don't know how I'll ever thank you."

His expression hardened. "You don't owe me a thank you. I want to make you happy, because you're my wife and I love you. You make me happy, that's enough."

Tears welled up unwillingly at his flawless confession. "I hope we're close to the villa," I said.


"Because after those sweet words, I want to make you happy all day long."

He chuckled. "Thought you were tired?"

I squeezed his hand. "Maybe a nap first then endless playtime."

"Deal," he agreed.

A few quiet minutes passed between us, as we each got lost in our surroundings. The driver pulled up in front of our private villa, and I could already tell from the outside it was going to be magnificent inside.

Jamie helped me out of the SUV and to the front step while the driver retrieved our bags. He knelt down to uncover a key from beneath the welcome mat.

"Right where they said it'd be," he said triumphantly, raising the key like a prize.

"Someone lives here?" I asked.

"Yes. It's a rental."

"Oh," I mouthed. "I thought it was part of a hotel or something."

"No, baby. I've personally spoken with the owner of this property on multiple occasions. A friend who's stayed here before recommended him. He and his wife were more than willing to let us have it for our honeymoon."

I watched him as he told me everything, dumbfounded and tired. My comprehension of it was low. Not that it mattered; the property would be incredible anyway.

"You didn't buy this place did you?" I asked. His surprise of buying us the lake house at Christmas still hadn't registered.

He laughed. "I'll have you know I did...not."

I playfully wiped my brow. "Temptation resisted."

"I think you'll wish I had once you—" He opened the door mid-sentence and my gasp interrupted his thought.

We were met with polished wood floors that lay beneath a large dining room table that sat six, accompanied by a large open kitchen with marble countertops and stainless steel appliances; any chef's dream. A balcony waited beyond the leather furniture in the living room, overlooking the mountains and sea with a small table for two, set at a perfect angle in the corner.

"This way," Jamie said, reaching for my hand.

I willingly gave it to him and followed him down a small hallway that dead-ended into a masterpiece of a bedroom. To my left was an open bathroom; a freestanding copper tub occupied its center, and the space was adorned with marble flooring and countertops.

As we walked further into the bedroom, I was amazed at its simplicity. The vast headboard and footboard were ivory and engraved in a beautiful pattern. A small antique vanity sat off to the side, between two open double doors with the same view as the balcony. It made sense why the room itself was simple, because the panorama was truly spectacular.

I walked over to one of the windows, looking out across the serene landscape in front of me. It all seemed surreal, like a photographer's dream come true. However, I was convinced not even pictures would do the lake justice, as it had already exceeded any prior expectations.

Jamie snaked his strong arms around my waist from behind, leaning in to kiss my neck sweetly. I closed my eyes at his warm embrace.

"Do you love it?" he whispered in my ear.

"I do, but not even remotely as much as I love you."

I felt his grin against my skin before he kissed me again.

"I'm glad, because this view is pretty stiff competition."

"It's gorgeous and all, but it can't hold me like this." I pulled his arms tighter around me as I melted in his protection. I was almost convinced I could fall asleep right there, standing up like that.

"Lucky me," he said, rubbing his stubbly chin across my shoulder.

We stood like that for a long time. He rocked us side-to-side, humming an unfamiliar tune, and I got lost in the sensations. The feeling of him pressed so firmly against my back, his familiar scent, the sounds of his gentle voice and the Italian sea mixing as I watched various people canoodling along the shore.

"Can we stand here forever?" I asked quietly.

"If you wanted to we would."

"I'm trying to imprint everything in my mind, but I'm a little overwhelmed."

"In a good way?"

I gently spun myself to face him. "In all the right ways."

"Mrs. Dornan, your pleasure is mine."

I giggled. "It absolutely is."

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I forced our lips together. Jamie quickly conceded and met my fervor. Our tongues clashed as I licked and bit at him, not being able to get enough of his soft lips and strong love.

He leaned even further into me, tipping us as he tried to deepen the kiss more. I ran my fingers through his hair, gently tugging at the strands. I wanted him as bad as he wanted me, and I hoped we always would. Passion had been the backbone of our relationship since the beginning, and it was the one aspect I promised myself we'd never lose. Marriage, hard times, children, family, nor work could destroy the raw passion we felt for each other.

"God, baby," he said breathlessly.

I licked his kiss from my lips as he stepped back.

"You make it hard to want to nap," he added.

"Sorry," I replied. "Got caught up in the moment."

"Mmm. No need to be sorry for that." He bit his bottom lip.

"Let's lie down for a bit then pick that right back up where we left off."

"You're a tough negotiator," he said.

"Get used to it, darlin."

We laughed together as I took him by the hand and led him to the bed. I rolled over to one side and he smirked before joining to face me.

I melted perfectly into the mattress and pillow as if it were a cloud made specifically for my body.

"Wow," I muttered. "This bed feels like Heaven!"

Jamie tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "You're adorably tired."

"Oh come on, it's amazing. Admit it."

He shrugged. "You're in it, so I guess."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Ask them if we can have it. So much comfier than ours."

He chuckled. "Seriously, baby...sleep."

"Fine." I stuck my tongue out, which only caused him to lean in for another kiss.

I didn't deepen it, only because the softness of the bed was also consuming, and my tired mind could only concentrate on one distraction at a time. Jamie draped his arm over my hip, holding me in place as he closed his eyes.

I started thinking back to how flawless our wedding had been. It was so very rare for a bride to make it through her big day without any mishaps. However, I'd been surrounded by wonderful people who hadn't let anything go wrong; or at least nothing they told me about.

Even though all of our planning was over, we had many other things to look forward to. My first book was getting ready to be published, and Jamie had been auditioning and reading over various scripts to take on some new roles. Not only was our working lives becoming busier, but our personal lives, too. We had a brand new lake house to furnish and settle into. I was excited to have a place we could call home and spread out in. Jamie's house in London was more than suitable for when we had visitation. Plus Dulcie had her own room there, and it wasn't worth buying new when she was used to that environment. We would also let her decorate her space in Ohio, and she already had a comfy bedroom at the apartment in New York.

I still had lingering anxiety about being a stepmother, having no experience with children. But she made it easy, and I only prayed we could get through any future bumps without much resentment. She'd called me Mummy and that also worried me. It shouldn't have, except I couldn't help think about how it could create waves with her real mother. The last thing I wanted after how far we'd come was to undo the trust she'd given me in loving her daughter.

"Baby," Jamie mumbled, startling me from my reverie.


"Lay still. You're restless."

I sighed, not realizing I'd been tossing and turning during my mind wander.

"I know," I lied. "Can't get comfortable."

He didn't answer for a long moment and I thought he'd gone back to sleep until he opened those big blue eyes.

"Thought this bed the best ever?" he mocked in a girly tone.

"It is, dork," I replied. "It's just my shoulders and neck are achy from the flight."

"So you're saying I'm not a comfy pillow?"

I chuckled at his lighthearted humor. "As sexy as your muscular chest is," I reached out to touch it, "it's not the softest to sleep on."

He placed his hand over mine as I felt his heartbeat pound a gentle rhythm. "Let me fix that."

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Roll over and trust me." He motioned with his finger.

I did as he asked, rolling onto my stomach. I lay there awkwardly, anticipating his next move when I felt him rise and straddle my waist. Before I had time to question or react, his strong hands began massaging my shoulders.

"Oh babe," I hummed.

His thumbs rolled around my shoulder blades and up my neck, squeezing the tense muscles. He pressed his fingers firmly down my spine and back up, all the way to my scalp.

"Yes," I begged as he continued.

"Better?" he asked.

"Don't stop, it feels amazing."

He didn't respond verbally, but allowed his hands to convey the message. He scooted down to rest atop my thighs as he began rubbing my whole back. His expert hands kneaded and rolled in all the right places. He hit a few tight spots, causing me to arch at his touch. I felt him moving lower, and hadn't noticed how tight I was until he started working me out.

I moaned as he squeezed the top of my rear. Now that he'd released some tension, it was clear he wanted to play. Being it was our honeymoon I was willing to power through my exhaustion to satisfy us both.

"How low do you plan to go?" I asked.

"I think I can find a few more knots."

I knew without looking at him that he had a grin as wide as the sea plastered on his smug face. His hands trailed over the plump curves of my butt and down to my thighs. I bit my lip to stifle any further moans that would indicate how turned on I already was.

He moved to sit between my legs, nudging them further apart. His hands skimmed the outside of my thighs, massaging his way from knee to hip. Then he repeated the action up the back of them, playfully pinching both of my cheeks in the process. I yelped, which only caused him to laugh before he went on. His firm hands slowly and methodically worked the inside of my thighs, trailing smooth circles to where I knew he was headed.

"Tease," I said when he didn't touch me there.

He smacked my ass, causing me to turn and look at him. "Am not."

"Then what are you doing? I said my shoulders, how'd you get down there?"

"Do you not want me down here?"

I gasped as he cupped my sex with his hand, massaging me through the fabric of my Nike pants.

"Jamie," I whispered, gripping the pillow.

"This is teasing. I was just giving you a massage."

He continued his sensual torture, causing me to writhe beneath him.

"Please," I begged.

"Be more specific, baby." His response was tantalizing, but I was more than ready to join the game. "Do you want more of this or more of what I was doing?"

"I want more of you." I flipped over, startling him. "Now."

That devilish smirk encompassed his face and he knew he'd gotten what he wanted. But the truth was I always wanted him equally as bad. The fire he'd lit inside must've been burning through my expression, because he wasted no time tugging my pants and thong down my legs.

He kissed his way back up the bed, from ankle to knee, but I stopped him when he reached my thigh.

"I don't think so."

His eyes searched mine in confusion as I scooted up the bed.

"Shirt off," I ordered.

"Where are your manners?" His playful tone only turned me on further.

"Or I'll do it for you." I shrugged, trying to remain nonchalant despite my desire to leap on him.

He dropped his hands. "Be my guest."

I moved to where he knelt at the edge of the mattress, grabbing the hem of his shirt. He watched me as I meticulously raised the fabric over his defined abs, skimming his skin purposefully with my fingertips on the way up. He lifted his arms and his face briefly disappeared as I discarded the article on the floor behind him.

"You are dangerously sexy," I whispered, trailing my eyes down over his delicious frame. Every line and curve on his body was sculpted to perfection.

"What's so dangerous?" He twisted the corner of his mouth up into a wry smile.

"I want to taste every inch of you, but it still wouldn't be enough. There is no fill of you, and I don't know how else to describe it. I don't ever want there to be."

I watched him swallow hard as his eyes bounced back-and-forth between mine. He leaned in to press the softest kiss on my lips, I almost wondered if we'd even touched.

"I am always going to want you as much as I do right now. You captivate me."

"Let me then," I repeated his earlier statement.

He smiled knowingly. "I would let you do just about anything you wanted to."

I pecked his lips again. "Lay down and trust me."

He hesitated for a moment as his warm hands crept up my shirt, and I knew he'd rather remove my clothes and get started. However, I owed him a release of tension since he'd massaged most of mine out.

I waited for him to settle into the pillow, propping himself up on his elbow. Without further explanation, I untied his sweatpants and raised his hips to help him out of them as well as his boxers.

He regarded me with a knowing smirk when I licked my lips at the sight of him. I reached out and slowly began stroking his hardened member. He instantly threw his head back, gripping the sheet.

"Thank you for the massage," I mumbled.

His eyes shot open as he looked up at me. "Baby..." He was already breathless and I loved being the reason for it.

Without further adieu, I lowered my mouth on him and he groaned so loudly it was almost my undoing. I kept my hand in the mix as I licked, sucked, and stroked his length, tasting my husband and reveling in the sounds coming from his throat.

His hands gripped my hair as he helped guide my pace, bucking his hips to meet me. He was panting and his abs contracted when I scraped my nails over them.

"Fuck, please." Hearing him beg was music to my ears.

And because I was mirroring him, I smiled as I said, "Be more specific, handsome."

"Enough!" he growled.

Before I knew it, he was pulling me up his body and crushing my lips into his. He broke the kiss long enough to rip my shirt above my head, rapidly unclasping my bra. I straddled him, pulling my arms from it and dropping it to the floor. His hand found my opening, and he slipped two fingers in without warning. I bit his lip at the sudden intrusion.

"Dangerous," he breathed.

I dropped my head to his shoulder as I rode his hand, unable to form a witty remark. He always met me in my game, and our shameless desire to satisfy each other was hotter than the foreplay.

"Stop," I pleaded.

He grasped my chin with his free hand, forcing our eyes to meet. "You are so sexy, baby. Take me."

His plea and feeling his fingers almost caused me to combust, but I held it together. Becoming one with him meant more than a quick orgasm.

I moved his hand to help guide him inside me. We both moaned as I slowly lowered onto him. Gripping his chest, I set a seductive pace, rising and sinking over his length.

I watched him watch my movements and the pleasure in his expression was enough to bring me to the brink.

"I love you," I confessed.

His eyes met mine and he lit up, moving my hands from his dampened skin to intertwine with his fingers. He squeezed both palms. "I love you more."

I held onto him as I rolled my hips a few more times, knowing we were both close. "Jamie," I moaned.

"Let go, baby," he urged.

I sank down on him one last time as I felt myself free fall into erotic bliss. I threw my head back, panting his name and various curse words as my contracting muscles pulled his release from him.

"Ah, Kels, yes!" He closed his eyes, holding my hips in place as he filled me.

I collapsed on top of him. The sweat rolled off my skin, mixing with his, and we lay there gasping for breaths, our orgasms draining us.

He gently ran his fingers through my hair, moving the long strands off of my glistening back. I left a soft kiss to his chest as I held onto him, listening to his rapid heartbeat.

I felt my eyelids growing heavy, and I wanted badly to fight sleep so we could hit the ground running in Italy. But the truth was I'd been wrong, he was a better pillow than the one beside me, and sleep was the only option. Before I drifted into oblivion I found myself confessing my inner thoughts.

"It's your turn to promise me something," I said quietly.

He kissed the top of my head. "You own me after that, baby. Whatever it is, you got it."

I smiled against his skin. "That's just it."

I lifted up to look at him. "This is what I don't want to change."

He caressed my cheek sweetly. "That's a myth, don't worry."

"We're not like other couples—"

He interrupted. "Exactly, so we won't stop wanting each other."

"Like I was saying," I kissed him quickly. "We have such intense chemistry, and I never want to lose those emotions, that's all. I'm not worried, I just don't want to be boring."

He laughed. "Marriage doesn't equal boring."

I nodded. "Promise me we'll never get too caught up in the mundane routine of life that we forget to satisfy each other."

He kissed the tip of my nose. "Making you happy in any capacity is all I want to do."

"Even when I'm a pregnant blimp or when my hair turns grey?"

His eyes lit up. "Especially then."

"I want to make you happy, too. I don't want to be some lame wife who nags at her husband all the time instead of being intimate with him."

"You've made me the happiest man alive. The only thing that would make me happier is if that P word came true."

I smiled down at him. "Someday."

"Tomorrow?" He stuck his bottom lip out, causing me to giggle.

"Why do you want a baby so bad? Most men shy away from Daddy Duty."

"I don't want a baby just to have one," he said, running his fingers through my hair again. "I want to have a baby with you."

My heart skipped a beat at his adorable words. I kissed him as a reflex.

"I want to have your baby," I whispered against his lips. "But I want it to only be us for a while. And Dulcie, of course."

"I know," he said. "Someday."

I rested my head back on his chest, reeling at the serious turn our convo had taken post-coitus. We'd previously agreed I would stay on my birth control until after the honeymoon, and it suddenly dawned on me that we were already one day into it. I wasn't scared to have a baby; Jamie was already an amazing father. However, I was selfish, and I wanted to keep our freedom a little longer.

As much as I loved spending time with his daughter, I also loved lying around naked with him half the day, flying to various cities together, staying up in the night talking about intellectual topics, and simply being irresponsible when we were able to be.

We lived our lives in the spotlight and both had careers that didn't lend much downtime, adding a kid to that would only decrease our sacred freedom. Someday I would be settled enough in our lifestyle and my newly acquired success that I'd be able to care for a child, and still be Jamie's wife at the same time. For the moment, I was perfectly content inside our little bubble.

"I promise," he finally answered, and I knew he'd heard my wheels turning. "Go to sleep."

I tightened my grip around him, melting into his safe embrace. Brushing aside pregnancy talk so I could appreciate my extraordinary honeymoon while it lasted.


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