Chapter 7 Measurements Here we Come

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    In the previous chapter,  Adrien runs away from her fast. He thinks, there is no way, I can let her finish the measurements. He continues to get far from her and laughs because he sure she is ticked off.

    Marinette chases after him. She thinks this looks bad, I am his enemy, and I have to track him down just for some silly measurements. Talk about my first day of my job going rather crazy.

  "Junior Agreste, you get back here right now!" Marinette calls out after him.

 "Ha, my name is not Junior Agreste, it is Adrien," He scoffs.

  "Well, you know what I meant," She retorts.

  "I need to take the rest of your measurements.  I have to know the size of your head, and so on for the clothes,"  Marinette says. She glares at him to show her annoyance at once.

   "You will have to catch me first, Miss Dupain-Cheng," Adrien calls out. He runs in the opposite direction.

   "Oh, yeah, then, watch out cause here I come," Marinette says.

     Marinette chases him once more, but as she does she loses her balance and falls on the recently mopped floor.  Adrien turns around after he hears the thud, and offers her a hand.

    Marinette takes it but shrugs it off with disgust.  "Just to make one thing clear, we are not friends, Agreste, got it?" Marinette says.

   "Yes, I have got it, Marinette,"  Adrien says. He thinks goodness, why can she stop this silliness and just forgive me already.

      Adrien nods his head in agreement.  Marinette seems to be satisfied for the moment.  "Good, now that we have that out of the way about those measurements."

     "How is everything coming along?"  Gabriel asks as he peeks around the corner.

    "Oh, Mr. Agreste, I was just about finished with the measurements right, Adrien?"  Marinette says.

  "Right, I seem to have forgotten to let her finish, sorry about that father," Adrien says.  He gives him a look that says, I will let it happen again.

   "Well, then go on with it, and I will see you in the study shortly," Gabriel says, then walks away.

   "Now, will you let me finish, what I have started?"  Marinette asks with a look of annoyance.

   "Sure, whatever you say seamstress, girlie,"  Adrien says.

      Marinette rolls her eyes, then pulls out the measuring tape again. This time he holds still so she can finish the measurements.  She smiles just a little, writes something down in her notebook, and says, "There, that was so bad now was it?"

     "No, it was quite amusing,"  Adrien says.

    "Yes, amusing," She says with sarcasm to show her annoyance at once.

      "Well, if you need me for anything else, I will be in my office," Adrien says.

    "Sure, whoa, you have an office?"  Marinette asks.

   "Yes, sure, I do because my father figures it is better I not be disturbed when I get important lawyer type calls," Adrien points out.

   "Oh, okay, well why was I not I informed sooner about your business trip?" She blurts out.

  "How should I know?  I am not the boss, I am just your mannequin,"  Adrien answers.

   "Well, then mannequin, I shall certainly let you know if I need your assistance again," Marinette says.  She walks off in the direction of  Mr. Agreste's study.

  "Do not forget to watch out for the wet floor this time, seamstress, we could not let your precious porcelain skin get all damaged now could we?"  Adrien says this mostly to tease her.

    Marinette groans and walks off in a huff.  She does not seem to notice the bun she had in her hair at first falls loose at her shoulders now.  She also does not notice when Adrien blushes and whistles at her.  

   Adrien shakes his head and thinks, great she still has this effect on me after all this time.  He decides he better be careful not to let his guard down around her otherwise there is no telling what he will say, or do for that matter.  He goes to his office, closes the door, and sighs.

    "Cousin, what was all that about earlier when you made the girl chase you around?"  Plagg asks teasingly.

   "Nothing, Plagg, it was to stall for time, yeah that is it," Adrien answers.

  "Sometimes, I wonder how we are even related since you are so weird and immature," Plagg states.

    "Plagg, that is not funny," Adrien says.

   "Adrien, you might think you have everyone fooled with this tough act of yours, but even I know you are in love with her.  It is not that hard for me to see it,"  Plagg says.

     "Whoa, what?" Adrien asks.  He glares at Plagg and thinks, is it that obvious?  I thought for sure no one knew about my secret crush on her.

     "You heard me, I know you love her,"  Plagg chuckles.

   "I do ...not..." Adrien says.

   "Oh, then why the long pause before the not, hmm?"  Plagg asks.

       Adrien's  POV:
       Great if Plagg can see through all this that I still love her, what about others?

       Does anyone else notice that I love her?

        He sighs and thinks, I hope not.  It would be sheer agony if she knew.

   Plagg's  POV:

   Adrien is in love with his new seamstress. I know because I can just tell.

   I admit I feel sorry for my cousin since the girl does not appear to return any of his feelings.

   If anything she seems to hate him even more than before he sent her the apologetic text.

    The question is why?   Why does she insist on this behavior toward him?

         Meanwhile, with Gabriel and Marinette in his study...
          "Miss Dupain-Cheng, I do hope my son did not give you any trouble,"  Gabriel says.

     "Trouble, no, he was co-operating enough."  Marinette lies.

       "You do not need to feel like you have to lie to me.  I know my son can be a bit much sometimes," Gabriel says.

         "Fine, then he did not seem too happy about the arrangement and made me chase him around the place like some toddler who had his favorite toy taken away,"  Marinette blurts out.

        "I see, well, then, what are these?"  Gabriel asks as he looks inside the notebook at the notes she jointed down by now.

       "Those are the measurements I got from him after he put a stop to the nonsense, sir,"  Marinette says.

    "Very well, then, I see I have chosen the right person for the job,"  Gabriel says with a laugh.

     "Sir, I will get to work right away with the first set of clothes," Marinette says.

   "Good, Natalie, show her to the sewing area," Gabriel says.

   "Yes, Mr. Agreste, right away, sir,"  Natalie says.

        Natalie shows Marinette a room down the hall to the left, "Here, this is where you will work on the projects, Mr. Agreste has in mind for you.  Hope it goes well,"  Natalie says.

     "Thanks, Natalie," Marinette says.

  "Glad, I could help, Marinette,"  She says. Then, Natalie leaves her alone to tend to her work.


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