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Hermione's POV
The rest of the day was awesome i got 40 house points to gryffindor and me and harry ate lunch together although weasley kept shooting us glares me and Harry talked a little bit about our lives and i was shocked to find out that his relatives were awful and he was shocked to find out i had no friends and been bullied my whole life then came classes we had potions, double charms, and my least favorite flying but before we took up in the air Neville got hurt and madam hootch took him to the hospital wing but that idiot malfoy had to make a problem and take Neville's remembrall Harry tried to take it back but malfoy was already in the air he tried to go after him but i said "Harry no way you heard what Madame hootch said besides you don't know how to fly" but he ignored me and took off The next time he came into view he had Neville's remembrall but at that moment Professor McGonagall came in "Oh no" i Thought "for sure he'd be expelled" but he came back and told me the news he was on the Gryffindor quidditch team he was so happy as for me i'm just relieved he isn't expelled.
That night i was the first in bed when the other Girls came in I pretended to be asleep One lavender said to Parvati "Is miss know-it-all Mudblood Asleep?"
Parvati came near my bed and said "yes"
Then I heard lavender say "now on with the gossip" then I heard her say the most mean things about me calling me a ugly Brown nose teacher pet mudblood then by 10:00 they finally decided to go to bed when I was sure they were fast asleep I ran to the common room and cried after a few minutes that felt like hours someone came in  Harry came in and said "Mione are you okay?" He said worried i closely wiped my tears and said "Yes I'm fine" then he said "Hermione you're A terrible liar I can tell something is bothering you tell me I'm your best friend" at these words i lept into his arms and hugged him then i told him everything i heard he listened and comforted me. when i reached the end of the story I looked at him only to see that his expression was full of anger he said "Mione you have to stand up to yourself no one talks about my best friend and gets away with it"
I smiled and said "Harry you are the most amazing best friend ever"

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