CHAPTER TWO, the game

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Everyone is screaming, running away to get away from the Beast. Leora was now helping Stiles with bringing a hurt Liam inside the school. People are running all around in the school, screaming in fear, trying to get away. Leora's heart was racing, scared for her and her friends and their safety.

Leora and Stiles manage to get Liam in an empty classroom. Leora held onto Liam as Stiles quickly threw everything off the desk and helped Leora with getting Liam on the desk. Liam was grunting in pain and breathing heavily.

Leora and Stiles tear his jersey off the rest of the way, his shirt underneath ripped. Their eyes widened at how bad the cuts were. Stiles backed away even, trying not to throw up at the sight of all the blood.

"You've got to be kidding me." Leora rolls her eyes. "You still get sick at the sight of blood?"

"It's a lot of blood!" Stiles protested.

"Is it bad?" Liam breathed out, his head leaned back on the desk.

"Not gonna lie, it's pretty bad." Leora admitted. She then raised her hands over the wound, closing her eyes as she tried to focus to use her light manipulation. Along with her light manipulation, she had healing abilities. But it was a hard thing for her to use her healing powers. It took a lot of concentration and focus. It didn't come as easily to her like her light manipulation.

"I still feel like I could pass out." Stiles confessed, causing Leora to open her eyes and give him a glare.

"Shut it. I'm trying to heal him and I need focus."

"I thought you don't care about me." Liam said in confusion as he continued to grimace in pain.

"Just 'cause I don't care about you, doesn't mean I don't want you to die." Leora snapped.

Liam looks at her with a bit of surprise, but then he closes his eyes, wincing in pain. I'm fine." Liam tries to reassure her. "Leo, I'm fine." He wasn't fine, but he didn't want her to use her healing powers on him.

Leora tries not to show how surprised she was when he called her 'leo' and does her best to keep focusing on healing him, but she could tell it was a bit more difficult than normal. With the chaos happening out in the halls and her being taken aback by Liam suddenly calling her Leo, it was harder to focus on using her healing abilities.

"Li, you're not fine." Leora argues, her eyes still closed. "You're bleeding and you're in a lot of pain."

"Okay, so maybe I'm not fine..." Liam pauses, eyes widening as he notices she was still trying to heal him. "Leora, I told you to stop."

"Just shut up and be grateful that I'm using my healing powers on you." Leora snaps. Leora trying to ignore the boy's voices as she focused harder on her healing powers. "And Stiles, try not to faint."

"No promises." Stiles mumbled as he kept his eyes shut and looked away.

Soon enough Leora's hands glow a faint white color. The wound slowly started healing, but the more the wound started healing, the more tired Leora started to feel. Healing was tiring and she could only heal someone so much. As the wound on Liam began to close, Leora's concentration waned, her energy draining rapidly. She gritted her teeth, pushing through the fatigue as she focused all her remaining strength into the healing process.

Liam and Stiles both watch in amazement as the cuts and gash close up completely, leaving his torso bare and the skin smooth and flawless. But then Liam noticed how exhausted and weak Leora looked while trying to heal him and felt guilt build up. "Stop, you're going to hurt yourself." Liam interrupts, grabbing Leora's wrist which startled her and made her lose her focus. She stumbles back a bit, her head spinning. "Leora."

Leora blinks, snapping out of the trance and she shakes her head. She felt weak and tired. She could barely keep her eyes open. "Leora, you okay?" Stiles asked in concern.

"Yep." Leora replies, her eyes fluttering close and open as she put her hand on her head, pulling her arm away from Liam. " I'm totally fine. Just dizzy."

"Really? 'Cause you look like you're about to pass out." Liam noted.

"Yeah, speaking of that you might wanna catch me now." Leora admitted weakly.

The last thing she saw before passing out was Liam sitting up and Stiles rushing towards her, her name being the last thing she heard before everything went black.

The last thing she saw before passing out was Liam sitting up and Stiles rushing towards her, her name being the last thing she heard before everything went black.


When Leora woke up, she groaned. Her whole body felt sore and her head was pounding. She slowly opened her eyes and her vision was a bit blurry. She slowly sat up and her head spun a bit, her vision still a bit blurry. "Take it easy." She heard a familiar voice say.

"Stiles?" Leora called out, her voice hoarse.

"Right here." Stiles replies, sitting next to her. He helps her adjust herself so she was sitting up more comfortably. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a truck," Leora groans, rubbing her temples to try and alleviate the headache. "What happened?" She asked, trying to recall what happened after she passed out. It was all a blur to her.

"You overdid it with using your powers and passed out while healing Liam." Stiles explained.

Leora realized she was sitting on the floor, her back against the wall. She noticed Liam still sat on the desk and he looked completely healed, making her feel better. "How long have I been out?"

"Not long, a few minutes." Liam answers, getting off the desk carefully. He was surprised how much better he felt after getting healed by Leora. "Thanks for healing me."

"Whatever. Just try not to get hurt again." Leora told him, waving off his thanks. She had to admit she was surprised he was thanking her, but she didn't show it. Leora then tried to get up slowly, but she felt a wave of dizziness hit her again and she stumbled. She would've fallen if Liam hadn't caught her. She didn't have the energy or the will to pull away. She leaned her head against his shoulder as she tried to steady herself. She didn't even care if she was touching him or being close to him, she just wanted to focus on not falling and getting her bearings. Everything like it was spinning and she felt weak.

"Easy there," Liam said softly, steadying her. "You should probably sit back down."

"I'll be fine." Leora replied stubbornly, though her words were contradicted by her actions as she rested her forehead against his shoulder.

"I think you should listen to him," Stiles suggests. "You need to rest. You overworked yourself."

"Fine." Leora sighed in defeat, knowing he was right.

Liam sits down and pulls her into his lap. "Relax. We'll help you." He whispered. Leora's face scrunched up when he pulled her on his lap and she tried to shift away, but she couldn't muster up the energy to protest. She settled into his embrace, feeling oddly comforted by his presence despite her exhaustion. Stiles sat close by, offering her a supportive smile.

"Thanks." She muttered, closing her eyes and trying to ignore how close she was to Liam. She couldn't believe she was allowing him to hold her like this and she couldn't believe she was enjoying it. But she couldn't deny the comfort his embrace brought her.

"You know, I'm starting to think you don't hate me." Liam teased with a smirk.

Leora opens her eyes to look at him and scoffs. "In your dreams, Dumbar." She retorts, but there was a hint of warmth in her tone that suggested otherwise. "Just don't get used to it."

Liam chuckles softly, his arms still wrapped around her. "Wouldn't dream of it."

She rolls her eyes and lays her head back on his shoulder, letting her eyes fall shut once more. She felt so exhausted and drained, but she also felt strangely content in Liam's arms. Despite their banter and her attempts to keep him at arm's length, there was a part of her that appreciated his care and support in that moment of vulnerability. She could feel herself getting more sleepy, and she knew she should resist the urge to fall asleep, especially in his arms of all places, but the warmth of his embrace and the comfort of his presence was too soothing. Before she knew it, her breathing had evened out, signaling that she had fallen asleep.

Stiles watches the two, noticing how relaxed Leora was in Liam's arms. "You like her." He pointed out with a smirk.

Liam's cheeks flushes slightly, but he didn't deny it. "Yeah, I do."

Stiles grins knowingly. "Well, she seems to tolerate you at least. That's progress."

Liam rolls his eyes. "Thanks for the pep talk, Stiles."

Stiles chuckles. "Anytime, buddy."

The two boys sat there in silence, watching as Leora slept peacefully. As Leora drifted in and out of sleep, she couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility enveloping her despite the chaos that had ensued earlier. Liam's presence, though unexpected, provided a comforting anchor amidst the turmoil. His arms around her felt protective, a stark contrast to the uncertainty that lingered in the air.

Liam wasn't lying when he said he still liked her, but he knew he had to tread carefully. Leora had made it clear that she wasn't interested in him romantically, and he respected that. But he wasn't going to give up on her that easily. He was determined to break down her walls and show her that he was worth a chance. And if there was one thing Liam was good at, it was being stubborn. For now, though, he was content to just hold her in his arms. Her weight against his chest and the rhythmic rise and fall of her breathing was calming. Even though he acted like he hated her most of the time, he couldn't deny the warmth that blossomed in his chest at the thought of being able to offer her some semblance of comfort and safety. He couldn't explain it, but there was something about her that drew him in. Maybe it was her feisty attitude or her quick wit. Or maybe it was the way she challenged him and kept him on his toes. Or maybe because he missed being friends with her. Whatever the reason, he couldn't shake the feeling that she was meant to be a part of his life.

Stiles looks around the room, his expression turning serious. "We should probably go find the others." He suggests. "See if they're okay."

"Yeah, okay." Liam agreed, shifting slightly and trying not to wake Leora up. He didn't want to disturb her, but he knew she'd be pissed if he let her sleep through everything that was going on. Leora stirred at the sudden movement when Liam tried standing up, her eyes slowly opening and adjusting to the light. She was glad the lights weren't bright enough to cause her headache to worsen.

"Where are you going?" She asked, her voice still groggy from sleep.

"We were just thinking of checking on the others." Stiles explained, offering her a small smile.

Leora nods, understanding the situation. "Right, okay. I'll come with you."

Liam hesitates for a moment, glancing down at her still somewhat vulnerable state. "Are you sure you're up for it?"

Leora shrugs, pushing herself up from Liam's lap. "Yeah, I'm good." She replies, despite still feeling a bit wobbly on her feet. She knew she had to keep moving and help the others. There wasn't any time for her to continue resting even though she needed it. She couldn't afford to be weak and helpless, especially since there was a dangerous threat looming over the town. "Let's go."

The three of them leave the room, heading down the hallway. Leora was surprise when Liam wrapped an arm around her waist and let her lean on him for support. She didn't protest, instead appreciating the support. She didn't know why she suddenly trusted him like this, but she couldn't deny that she felt safe with him.

Stiles looks over at the two, noticing the way Leora was leaning into Liam. "So, you two seem cozy." He teased.

"Shut up, Stiles." Leora snapped, shooting him a glare.

Stiles laughs. "Sorry, couldn't help it."

Leora rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "You tell anyone about this and I will kill you." She threatened playfully.

Stiles raises his hands in mock surrender. "Hey, my lips are sealed." He promised.

"Good." Leora nodded in satisfaction.

The three of them continue walking, keeping an eye out for any danger. The trio decided to split up to search the school, each of them looking for the others. Leora and Liam ended up searching together and eventually they found Scott, who had some cuts and dry blood on him.

"Scott, thank God." Leora sighed in relief. She was glad they finally found one of their friends.

"Leora, are you okay?" Scott asked, noticing how weak she still seemed. Concern was written all over his face as he studied her appearance. She still seemed exhausted, but he was relieved that she was conscious and standing. Well, more like leaning on Liam for support.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Leora lied, trying to act like she wasn't still feeling weak and dizzy.

"She overexerted herself by using her healing abilities and then passing out." Liam explained, earning a glare from Leora.

"What?" Scott questioned, his eyes widening with surprise as he stopped walking and looked back at Leora.

"Yeah, it's nothing, don't worry about it." Leora brushed off the question, not wanting to discuss her exhaustion or the fact that she had passed out.

Scott's brows furrow in concern. "It doesn't seem like nothing." He argues, knowing how dangerous it was for her to use her healing abilities, especially if she had exhausted herself in the process. "Leora, you can barely stand on your own. You should be resting."

"I'm fine." Leora insisted, not wanting to be a burden or slow them down.

Scott sighs heavily and turns to keep walking. "Okay, well just take it easy, alright?"

"Sure." Leora agreed, knowing that it was a lie. She wouldn't take it easy even though she should. She couldn't afford to, not with everything that was going on.

"Scott, wait. You're hurt." Liam tries to stop Scott as he left the school. Leora still felt tired, but she knew she had to keep pushing through it. "You gotta slow down." Liam added.

Liam sighs when Scott left the school. He sends Leora a look. "He's so stubborn like you are. He's not gonna slow down."

"Then we're not either." Leora tells him, pushing away from Liam to follow Scott. "We're going after him." She stumbled a little when she felt weak, but she refused to let it stop her. Liam catches her before she falls and steadies her once more, his concern evident in his expression.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" Liam asked, worry lacing his voice as he looked down at her.

Leora nods determinedly, pushing herself to stand upright. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go." She insisted, though her words were contradicted by the way she leaned into Liam for support.

Liam hesitates for a moment, debating whether to argue further or not, but he decides against it. "Okay."

They catch up with Scott and the three of them walk together in silence, all of them alert and on edge. They follow Scott in the parking lot, he seemed to have something in mind that he's looking for. Finally, he stopped at a car and despite being weak, he managed to lift the trunk of the car. He picked up a shoe in the trunk, turning it over and Leora gasped at what she saw.

Blood was on the back of it. And she realized who car this belonged to which made her even more in disbelief. Liam looked down at the shoe in disbelief as well and hurt was in his eyes as well. Scott closed the trunk of the car just as the three of them noticed Mason.

"Scott? What are you doing to my car?"

"It's you." Scott realized.

"What?" Mason furrows his eyebrows. He glances at Liam. "Liam what's he talking about?"

Leora's eyes widen in realization. Mason is the Beast, but he doesn't even know it. Liam stays quiet, shaking his head as he looks upset and in disbelief. Mason looks at his best friend in concern, taking a step forward. "Liam?"

Suddenly, Corey appears from being invisible near Mason. He puts his hands on Mason's shoulders, getting ready to disappear again, this time with Mason. "Corey, wait!" Scott shouts, but it was too late. "Corey, wait!" Scott started running in the direction Corey went. Scott grunted in pain, stopping to lean against a car. Leora and Liam quickly went after him as they look around the parking lot. They had no idea where Corey and Mason were now.

A/N ooh things are getting even more interesting now ! im loving the dynamic leora & liam have & i hope you guys are too. any ship name ideas for them??

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