[part I] A sinful apartment_chapter 2

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Ong SeongWu steps into the elevator. The metal door automatically closes slowly with the creaky creepy sound.

"What an old elevator! Why didn't you call someone to fix the door?" – he ask the old security.

"Who would dare to come here..."

Suddenly, the alarming light starts to flash. The beep sound also starts to ring, warning about the overweighting.

The only security guard working in this place is an 50 years old man. He looks at the red light on the elevator door with an terrified eyes. His old face shows a obvious fear and insecure.

"See? That's why no one dare to come here."

There are only 3 people in the elevator: SeongWu, Daniel and the old security. The weight limit is 800kg, there is no way it can be overweighted with just 3 people. SeongWu step out of the elevator, and step back in. It's still overweight.

"Then we can use the stair." – Daniel sai, but SeongWu immediately shake his head.

"It 10th floor, I can't go that far!"

"How... how you know it happened on the 10th floor?" – the security guard looking at SeongWu with an frightened eyes.

The other elderly gathering near the elevator also surprise. They used to think that he famous exorcist Ong SeongWu must be a very strong man with a well-build body. They expected someone tall and burly to dominate all demons, but the real Ong SeongWu appeared before them is a beautiful young man with a slim body and look.... rather weak. To be honest, they felt somehow dissapointed and no one talk anything to him.

SeongWu didn't mind the doubtful eyes. He takes a a small amulet and a lighter from his pocket. He burns amulet and throws it into the elevator. A blue fire suddenly flares up and disappears right away. A black smoke burst out from the elevator. Kang Daniel quickly uses his hand to cover SeongWu's face, so that he won't inhale any smoke at all while the others is coughing.

"We can go now!"

They step into the elevator once again and this time, nothing weird happen.

The old security seem to be more welcome with SeongWu than before.

"Ong SeongWu-ssi, you said it's 10th floor, how did you know?"

"It's a girl, right?"

"What? Yes, yes, that's right!"

"She died in front of the building, jumped from the 10th floor. Am I right?"

"You also know this? Ong SeongWu-ssi, you're good!"

"Did she live here?"

"No, she didn't live here. The police investigated for a while and said she just came here to suicide. But did it have to be this place?!"


The hatred is too strong that it even absorbed into the ground and taken over a whole floor. Whatever the reason that made her died, it must be something truly terrible. Someone who suicide can't carry this much animosity.

"After she died, there were many weird things happened. Like a sound of woman crying in the middle of the night, or a white shadow people seen in the corridor. All the people lived in the 10th floor got sick. Some people even hospitalized. They tried to deal with it for months but no one could stand it. People at the other floors didn't effected much but they also terrified about the ghost. They moved out one by one and in the end, there're only those elderly still staying here because they have no where to go."

"How about the owner of this apartment?"

"Aigoo, speaking about that, it's him who called you here. He bought the apartment right after the suicide without knowing about it. He thought everything going to be fine but that girl still wandering in this place. Former tenants moved out but no one want to move in. They couldn't sell any new contract, this place became such a burden."

"Why didn't they just tear this place down?"

"No, no, they can't do that. Those old people don't have any place to go except this place."

The elevator's door slowly opens.

A long cold corridor is shown in front of SeongWu. A corridor is so long that it go throught a whole floor, but there're only 3 windows. All of the light had went out. Doors of all of apartments had been shut. There's even a thick layer of dusk on the floor and cobwebs on the ceiling. It's clearly that no one cleaned this place for a long time.

"You can go now!"

The old security guard obviously doesn't want to staye here. He happily go back into the elevator after SeongWu told him to go.

Kang Daniel has been silent for a while, suddenly come close to SeongWu and hold on his waist.

"You ok?" – Daniel ask.

"Yeah, I still can take it!"

SeongWu take Daniel's hand off and goes to the middle window. He look out of the window. He still can see that black spot on the street.

This building is quite huge. There are 7 apartments on the 10th floor alone. But all of them are locked. The name boards on the doors are all empty and dusty. In the middle of this cold gloomy asmostphere, SeongWu can hear a plaintive cry.

"You don't need to cry, I can see you!"

SeongWu look at a girl standing right next to him.

She bend down her head. Her curly brown hairs cover her shoulder and her face. She has a nice, thin body and wearing a white dress.

She must be pretty when she alived.

SeongWu thought.

Suddenly, she turns around and faces SeongWu. Half of her face is covered in blood. Even one of her shoulder is soaked in blood. Her hairs are all sticky because of blood. She staring at SeongWu with eyes filled with sorrow and hatred. A chill goes through SeongWu's body.

"You didn't suicide, did you?"


"There're only the elderly live here. Whoever killed you, they already left for a long time, you shouldn't bother everyone anymore."


"They pay me to get rid of you, you know?"

Her crying keep echoing around SeongWu louder and louder. Her white face twisting and convulsing and turns into a crooked form. Blood keep running down from her head, dripping on the floor and turning a floor into a deep dark red colour. SeongWu step back to Daniel.

Kang Daniel uses his hand to cover SeongWu's ears but SeongWu still hear the sound of crying clearly. The white shadow rush toward SeongWu. He raise his hand for defend and the rosary on his wrist shines a white dazzling light. A girl scream stridently and writhing with pain.


SeongWu just lost focus for one second, a black smoke flares up, surpass the white light from his rosary and then viciously rush toward him. Daniel quickly pull SeongWu into his arms, hug SeongWu tightly and turn his own back to that ferocious black smoke.

SeongWu only hear an explosive sound, a screaming and then everything goes back to complete silent. Daniel slowly let go of SeongWu, flick off the dust and debris on his clothes. SeongWu help Daniel pull out some large piece of glass that stucking on his back. Daniel ask.

"What was wrong with you? Why did you get distract?"

"I..." – SeongWu hesitate a little bit. He looks around, unsure about what he is going to say – "I think I heard a voice from a child."

"A child? What was it say?"

"It told me to stop."

"Oh God, what has happened here?" – the old security guard step out of the elevator in complete terror.

A whole corridor of the 10th floor is a mess. All three windows and all of the doors are broken. Dust fill in the air. But the shadow of that dead girl is nowhere to be found. The old man coughing while going toward SeongWu and Daniel.

"Ong SeongWu-ssi, is that it? Did you get rid of her?"

"Of course not, you guys let her stayed here for 3 years, it not that easy to make her go away."

"Then what should we do now? And about this guy..." – he look at Daniel – "What happened to you? Did you hurt?"

Daniel's clothes are torn at the shoulder and the back side but the glasses and debris but there are no sight of injuries on his flesh. The old man look at him with curious eyes.

"His skin is just too thick, you don't need to worry about him." – SeongWu try to pull off some things to distract him – "I got something I need to investigate, I'll come back tomorrow, bye!"

SeongWu pull Daniel to elevator and leave right away.

The old security guard cluelessly stand there and has no idea how what just happened. A cold wind flows through the corridor, gives him a goose-bump, he press the elevator button but the door still close shut. He desperately take a stair to get away from this haunted floor.



SeongWu drives his car to a deserted street. He rushes out from his car and starts to vomit on the side of the street.

Daniel goes to SeongWu's side and gently massage his back.

"Feeling better?"

He gives SeongWu a bottle of water to clean his mouth. After all the vomit, SeongWu feels a little bit better. He lean to his car, try to accommodate his breath.

"I told you to stop interfering with those hatred souls, just let me deal with them."

"Babo ya~" – SeongWu gently fillip Daniel's forehead – "I don't want to destroy them, I want to give them salvation."




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