[part I] A sinful apartment_chapter 3

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A young man walking out of the Seoul metropolitan police agency (SMPA). He is quite tall and very handsome. He is wearing a black suit which is perfect matched with his well-proportioned body. He walking fast toward a black car parking in front of the department.

When SeongWu saw him, he happily waves at him.

"Yah, Minhyun!"

Hwang Minhyun was SeongWu's classmate in high school and also the only one who knew about SeongWu's special ability yet still want to be friend with him. After graduated from university, Minhyun got a position at homicide department as he always wanted. And thanks to his keen intelligence, with some help from SeongWu, he was able to solved several difficult cases. He quickly got promotion and now he is the youngest detective in the country. To SeongWu, this friend is almost perfect except that he always pay too much attention to every single details.


Minhyun goes toward SeongWu. He looks right into inside the car and see Daniel is sitting at the passenger seat.

"You still bringing this guy with you?"

"Niel can help me with a lot of things actually!"

"So, what's wrong? You don't come here just to say hi, do you?"

"Of course! There's something I need your help with. Do you know the suicide case at the X apartment 3 years ago?"

"That time, I weren't work here yet but I can help you find the document about that case. But it's already 3 years, it might takes some time to find."

"Then I'll come tomorrow."


Minhyun taps on the window glass.

Daniel gives off an annoyed look on his face.

"Make sure to have SeongWu eat his meal properly, ok? He looks thinner than before."

"I don't need you to tell me that."

"You guys..." – SeongWu can't do anything but smile awkwardly.



After said goodbye to Minhyun, SeongWu decides to come bome.

"Why can't you get along with Minhyun?" – SeongWu asks.

"It's him who always start it first."

"Minhyun just worry too much about me."

"It's not like I'm doing any harms to you."

Daniel look at the one sitting besides him. SeongWu's face seem to be lively again and he also smiling brightly. Daniel just staring at him for whole time and forget what he wanted to say.



The first thing SeongWu do after he got home is taking a shower. Daniel goes back to a bedroom with some snack.


When SeongWu taking a bath, it doesn't mean to clean up but also mean to wash off all of the animosities and grudge that might stick on his body. And it really takes a long time to finish. After SeongWu done, Daniel has finished two pack of cookie. He is lying on the bed and watching TV.

SeongWu climb up their huge bed and sit still to let Daniel drying his hairs.



"You really want to help that girl?"


"She hold too much hatred, it's not easy to help her."

"We need to try."

Daniel lean his chin on SeongWu's shoulder, wrap his arm around SeongWu's waist.

"Hmmm, you always eat a lot, how can you get thinner?"

"Really? Maybe because I keep stay close to inhuman-things. It takes a lot of energy from me."


"Just kidding!"

SeongWu burst out laughing. He holds Daniel's hand. Daniel bury his face in SeongWu's hairs, sniff in his sweet gentle smell on his hairs and body.

SeongWu's phone suddenly rings, completely ruin their atmosphere.

Daniel looks at the phone screen. It's Minhyun. His hand automatically hold tighter on SeongWu's hand.

"Niel, let me pick up the phone!"

SeongWu pull his hand out and pick up the phone call. Daniel then starting to hold his waist really tight.


"SeongWu, I found it! The document that you need!"

"That's fast?!"

"Fortunally, the guy who took that case is someone I know. I just need to ask him."

"Really? So, how was that case?"

"That girl's name is Ji Yoo, Seo Ji Yoo. She was 25 years old when she died. She lived in Seoul alone. She used to worked as secretary for a CEO of a big company. Can you guess which one?"

"Don't tell me..."

"Yes, it's the former owner of X apartment. Seo Ji Yoo was his secretary. According to her acquaintances, she didn't has many friends in Seoul. After working hours, she always went straight home, never into any kind of bad things. She was a really nice girl and didn't have any enemy at work or in life and not the kind that would commit suicide. At first everyone thought it was a murder, the suspect was her director, but he had alibi. The investigation wasn't successful, so it was closed as suicide case."

"That's all?"

"One more thing... Seo Ji Yoo used to have abortion."


"The autopsy found out that she used to had abortion not long before she died. But her colleagues and relatives said she was single and they never seen her with any man. Moreover, seem like she took her abortion at some kind of illegal clinic. The process went bad and it effected her uterus. It made her couldn't have child anymore. They thought maybe this was the reason she got depressed and commited her suicide."

"Do you have her address? And her boss's address too"

"I got her address here, but I need to check again for the boss's address. I'll text to you later."

"Ok, thanks."

SeongWu hangs up and turn to Daniel who is making a sulking face.

"What now?"

"You were talking too long with him."

"It's for work."

Daniel hold SeongWu in his arms and lie down on the bed, but SeongWu sit up right away.

"I just... saw someone outside!"

"What? Didn't you have an protection amulet on the door?" – Daniel try to pull SeongWu down but he just get off the bed.

The living room is empty and also the kitchen. There're no one in the house except SeongWu and Daniel.

"SeongWu goes back to the living room to check again. He does to the tree pot in the corner.

"Kid, why do you come here?"

SeongWu reach out his hand. A small white shadow slowly appears. It's so dim that SeongWu barely see a human form. There're two black holes which look like orbits without an actual eyes.

"No wonder you can come in here."

SeongWu carefully approaching it, but the small shadow just disappears. He looks around once more time but can't find it. It already left.

Just at that moment, SeongWu get a text from Minhyun with both the addresses he need.




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