[part I] A sinful apartment_chapter 4

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SeongWu wakes up early and drives to Seo Ji Yoo's house.

Her house was a semi-basement apartment and nothing looked like a house which belonged to a beautiful young woman.

The landlord doesn't let SeongWu in so he just can look through a small window near the window near the road.

It's been 3 years, there're none of her belonging left. The landlord said her family already took her belongings. She thrown away everthing they left behind then. Moreover, the case was on newspaper before, a lot of people knew about it and it caused her many troubles. From the look of it, this place is nothing more than a dark dusty semi-basement apartment. Thick layers of dust on the floor and spider-webs on the ceiling are the only things left in this place.

SeongWu gives off a sigh and goes back to his car. Daniel gives him a piece of soft bread while asking.

"So? Do you feel anything?"

"Nope, nothing at all!" – SeongWu answering while chewing the bread. Both of his cheeks are blowed out, like a squirrel that holding a lot of chestnuts in its mouth.

"Finish your bread first!"

Daniel open a bottle of water for SeongWu. He drinks a bit, then checks a message in his phone.

"The landlord said Seo Ji Yoo lived here for 4 years before she died, but I felt nothing. No emotion or feeling of her left in this place. Whatever happened in the past, I'm sure that she had no bond with this apartment."



SeongWu goes to that CEO's house.

He just felt suspicious so he asked Minhyun to check for some informations. Lee CEO own an estate company which build the X apartment. He's over 40 and has family with 2 sons. Both of his sons are study in famous universities. According to the report, he is an exemplary man who works very hard and dedicates to his family.

5 years ago, Seo Ji Yoo applied to his company and she got accepted as his secretary. She often went with him on his bussiness trips.

"You think he did it?"

"Maybe! Seo Ji Yoo used to had abortion, even if she didn't want to have a child, there was no reason to went to illegal clinic. It's no different than suicide. Unless she got something to hide and couldn't went to normal hospital."

"If she was his mistress then it's obvious that they didn't want anyone to found out about the child."

"Yeah, that's why I want to have a check on him."

Daniel countinue feeding SeongWu while he is driving. They're soon get to Gangnam.

The CEO's house is quite a fancy house in a central area of Gangnam. SeongWu parks his car a few hundred meters away from the house.

Just 5 minutes of waiting and there's a fancy car stop right in front of the house. The man who comes out is no other than Lee CEO. For a second, SeongWu saw a small white shadow passes by a car and disappeare really quickly.

"There is it!" – he point to a car but Daniel can see nothing.


"That child maybe Seo Ji Yoo's child. It very weak, can't even have a human form. It just there, next to the car. You didn't see it?"

"A pure soul like that is not something for eyes to see."

Daniel intent to get off the car but SeongWu stops him.

"Aren't you here to meet him?" – Daniel ask.

"Not in the broad daylight, not on this crowded street."

"Just talk to him inside of his house."

"Hey, wait! Niel! Niel!"

Daniel goes straight to the house without hesitation. He says something to the driver and then calls out to SeongWu.

"You guys are Seo Ji Yoos-ssi's cousins?" – the driver ask.

"Well, yeah..." – SeongWu glances at Daniel only to find he is giving off a satisfied smile.

"The CEO is inside. He doesn't any schedule today, maybe he can talk to you guys for a while."

The driver knock the door and nicely explain to his boss about SeongWu and Daniel. He invites them his house and his wife also bring them some tea.

"Ji Yoo never told me about her cousins." – Lee CEO said.

"We living abroad and just back in Korea recently." – SeongWu quickly make up some answers that sound logical. He doesn't want to lie but it's the only way he can ask about a secretary who died 3 years ago.

"Is that so? Then what do you want to ask?"

""Uhm... Seo... I mean, did Ji Yoo have any friend when she work for you? I just... want to invite them to her death anniversary."

"Friend? I don't recall she was close to anyone in the company. Ji Yoo was really good when it come to communicate with people, but it was nothing more than colleagues realtionship. She only care about her job. I believe she didn't have any actual friend."

"What about outside the company? Do you know about her other relationship outside of work?"

"I'm not sure about that, but my driver always picked her up to work and took her home after work. She never went anywhere after work, just went straight home."

SeongWu and Daniel look at each other, hesitates about who should talk first. Lee CEO notices their weird eyes contact.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you know Ji Yoo used to have an abortion?" – SeongWu decides he should ask about this.

"An abortion? Really?"

"It's not only need one or two hours to recover after an abortion. She need to rest. Did she ever ask for few days off?"

Lee CEO frowns in thinking. His face seem much older while he trying to think too hard.

"Actually... she used to took 3 days off. She said she need to attent her relative's funeral. It was 4 years ago, I think."

"You really don't know about her pregnancy?" – Daniel doesn't even care to hide his doubt.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Ji Yoo couldn't get pregnant by herself."

"You mean it was me? I can sue you for slander." – Lee CEO getting so angry that he even stand up from his chair – "Are you really Ji Yoo's cousins? If you talk about one more nonsense thing here, I will call a police to make things clear with you."



SeongWu stops Daniel before everything get worse. He looks around the house and then apologize to Lee CEO.

"Sorry, it's just an misunderstanding. I'm terribly sorry for that. We leaving right now."

SeongWu hurrily drags Daniel out of the house. He even apologize a few times before they leave.


They go back to their car, but Daniel still not sastified about what happened. His sulky face somehow look hilarious to SeongWu.

"It's not him!"


"There were nothing in his house."

"Didn't you say Seo Ji Yoo-s child was here?"




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