[part I] A sinful apartment _chapter 5

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"Ong SeongWu-ssi, didn't you said problems come from the 10th floor? Why do you need to check other floors?"

"Just to make sure."

SeongWu goes to the emergency exit. The whole 12 floors of stairs make he feel sick just by looking from below. Daniel whispering to his ear.

"Can you do it?"

"Of course I can, I'm stronger than you think."

SeongWu walk straight up to the stair. Daniel just silently follow him.

SeongWu walks throught floor to floor and check every corners around the emergency door. He even check the stair carefully. 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor,... SeongWu starting to feel dizzy. His step getting slower and slower and he finally give up at the 4th floor. Daniel haven't even drop a single sweat while SeongWu is too tired to stand.

"Aren't you strong?"

"It's because the stair is too high! Sit down!"

"Why? I'm not tired, I don't need to rest."

"Who told you to rest? Carry me!"

"You can just say it in the beginning." – Daniel said with a teasing smile on his face.

Daniel kneel down and let SeongWu get on his back.

"Hold on tight!"

SeongWu put his arms around Daniel's neck and purposely clasp his neck in his arms really tight. Daniel doesn't to look to know that SeongWu isn't happy with his teasing.

"Why do you want to check these emergency entrances?"

"Don't you feel strange? Even thought Seo Ji Yoo was found dead in front of the building, but normally, only those who suicide would haunt their dead place, those who were killed would haunt their killers."


"Seo Ji Yoo just wandering in this place and bother those who didn't involved with her death. Why? If someone dies because of her, it'll become her sin and she can never have her salvation."

"You're right!"

"So, I thought there must be someone locked her here, made her couldn't get out of this place whether she want to leave or not. "

"You mean the murderer after killed Seo Ji Yoo, they even locked her soul in here?"

"Maybe they used some kind of spell or amulet. This building used to be crowded so they couldn't put it randomly. I heard that people rarely used the emergency stairs in this building. Put the amulet here would be perfect. Besides, feng shui in this building wasn't good. It's too hermetic, like a prison more than house for living people. When a soul is trappe here, it won't be able to find a way out. Only one trap amulet is enough to keep Seo Ji Yoo's soul in this place."

"But she only appeared on the 10th floor, why didn't you check that first?"

"A..." - SeongWu just realize how fool he was. - "You're right..."

"You're really hopeless..."

"Then... the elevator..."

Daniel hold on to SeongWu's waist, doesn't let him get off his back.

"It's 7th floor already, stay still!"



Daniel drop SeongWu off at the emergency door of the 10th floor. They check carefully everywhere they think that can has an amulet but they can't find anything. SeongWu getting confuse and wondering if he was wrong.

"Maybe it wasn't here."

"But there's nowhere to... It's can't be... in those apartment..."

SeongWu finally understand what he has been missing. He runs to hall way which was already destroyed.

"Seo Ji Yoo!" - SeongWu calls out to her - "I know you're here! Come out!"


"Ji Yoo!"


"Seo Ji Yoo!!"

A black smoke rushes into his face. It's so surprise that SeongWu can't avoid. Everything in front of his eyes are covered in a pitch black smoke. Even though he still can hear Daniel's voice which calling his name, but SeongWu can't answer. He can't even make any sound and gradually losing the sense of his own body.



When the black smoke fades away, SeongWu find himself in a small simple apartment. Standing In front of him is the driver of Lee CEO. He staring right at SeongWu with furious eyes and angrily yell at him.

"There were others at that time, how could you know whose it was? And how dare you come all the way here?"

"What? It was because of you... because of you guys..."

The voice coming from SeongWu is indeed a female voice. Looking at the situation right now, SeongWu can be sure that this is Seo Ji Yoo's memory. She showing him the last thing she can recall.

Seo Ji Yoo keep telling the driver to take responsibility, but he just keep yelling at her, insulting her. SeongWu can feel her anger and writhe.

"If you insults me more, I'll sue you, all of you, and let the police investigate every dirty things you did to me, even forced me to have an abortion. I won't let my child die for nothing."

Seo Ji Yoo turn away, but right at that moment she get hit so hard in her head at make her staggered. But that's not enough, that man hit her one more time, even harder. She fell down on the floor. SeongWu can feel the terrible pain on his head and the blood running down on his face. He can even smell the stinky smell of blood flooding out on the floor.

Seo Ji Yoo trying to keep her breath. She staring right at the driver's panicking face. He drags her to a corner and clean all those blood on the floor. He goes outside, check if anyone around. When he comes back, his face shows a disgusting naughty smile.

"It's your bad day. Seem like no one here."

He drags her to the hallway. Ji Yoo try to call for help but her weak voice just disappear into the air of this empty hallway.

He opens the window, put her on the windowframe with half of her body hanging out of the window. He locks the door of his apartment, then goes back to Ji Yoo.

"This is all your fault. Don't blame me!"

Then, he pushes her out.



Daniel shakes SeongWu so hard to wake him up.

SeongWu gets up and suddenly hug Daniel tight. Those things he just saw are not only memories, but also the terrify feeling Seo Ji Yoo had been through.

"SeongWu, calm down!"

Daniel try to calm him down, but he still can feel SeongWu's body is shaking. Daniel gently rubs his back to warm him up, but SeongWu still covering in cold sweats.

"SeongWu, it's ok! I'm here!"

Daniel's fingers slip throught SeongWu's wet hairs, slowly caress him, make him return to his senses.

SeongWu's arms loosen a little bit. His breath gradually back to normal.

"Are you ok?"


"Do you want to take a rest?"

"It's fine! I'm fine!"

"You sure?"


SeongWu finally let go of Daniel.

Daniel still worry about him. His hands hold on SeongWu's face, wipe away sweats on his forehead.

"You looks pale. Are you really ok?"

"Yeah, it's just because I got a little shock. Don't worry."

"What did you see?"

Daniel easily notices the look on SeongWu's face suddenly change. He knows SeongWu doesn't want to talk about it. Daniel silently help him up.

SeongWu looks around.

"This place... I just saw this place..."

SeongWu goes to the apartment at the end of the hallway. Even though there're no furnitures inside, but he can still recognize this room. Moreover, the atmosphere in this apartment feel totally different from the outside. SeongWu finds a piece of stained paper sticking on the wall next to the entrance door. There're weird images and letters written on it.

"This is..." – SeongWu checking it for a while and still doesn't understand anything.

"An amulet." – Daniel said.

When Daniel's hand try to touch it, a small spark suddenly flashes on, pushes him back.

"An ancient spell to imprison souls."

"So that's why she was locked here."

Seo Ji Yoo's shadow appeare in the hallway. Her eyes wide open, staring at SeongWu. SeongWu can hear, but he can feel her pain.

"Don't you want to take it down?" – Daniel ask.

SeongWu hesitate for a while. In the end, he just leave without taking the amulet down.



"Why don't you take it down? Just let her leave this place and taker her revenge?"

"In the memory she shown me, she said "you guys"."

"You guys?"

"That driver guy killed her, but her animosity is not against him alone."

SeongWu starts his car, drive to Lee CEO's house.




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