[part I] A sinful apartment_chapter 6

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Lee CEO doesn't welcome them like he used to be.

"What now?" – he ask.

"Mr. Lee, we just want to ask about... your driver."

"My driver? You mean Joo Sang Chul?"

"You said he used to take Seo Ji Yoo home everyday. Have you ever think that he might..."

"Impossible! Sang Chul already married. His son is studying abroad..."

Lee CEO stop for a moment, as if he suddenly think of something.

SeongWu's cellphone rings. Minhyun is calling.


"Where are you?"

"What's the matter?"

"I'm curious about the case so I did some research and found out something interresting."

According to Minhyun's voice, he must found out something important. SeongWu goes outside to ask for more details. Daniel want to follow but SeongWu want him to stay in case Lee CEO remember anything.

SeongWu goes to backdoor. There is a small valley behind the house which barely has any passengers, unlike the crowded street in front of the house.

"It's ok, you can talk now!"

"According to the investigation, Seo Ji Yoo jump off the building from the 10th floor, you know who lived there?"

"Joo Sang Chul, Lee CEO's driver."

"It wasn't him. It was his son! Joo Sang Chul and his wife divorced when his son was 1 year old. He lived with his mother since then. When he came to Seoul for his university, he lived in the apartment on the 10th floor. The police used to suspected him but he went out with his classmate. He had alibi so they couldn't do anything."

"What about Joo Sang Chul? Why didn't they investigate him?"

"Of course they did, but he also had alibi..."


Something hits SeongWu so hard that he lost concious and collapse immediately.



SeongWu wakes up in the middle of a dark empty basement. The only thing light up this place is a small light bulb on the ceiling. SeongWu sits on the floor, his hands are tied to main pillar. His head still dizzy after the last hit. It's takes him a while to get used to the dim light in the basement.

The driver Joo Sang Chul standing in front of him with his wrinkled crooked face.


"Wake up?" – he glances at SeongWu and then check up his cellphone – "Why he hasn't here yet?" – obviously that he is waiting for someone.

"It's you!" – SeongWu said – "You made Seo Ji Yoo pregnant and you killed her."

"You know nothing!"

He suddenly goes mad and kicks SeongWu's stomach. He grabs SeongWu's hairs, pulls his head up.

"It was her fault. That bitch kept telling my son to take responsibility for her child. My son just got involved..."

"You don't intend to kill one more person, do you?"

An arrogant young man walks in.

"Young master Jung Ho..."

Joo Sang Chul unintentionally calls out his name.

SeongWu looks at the the young man in front of him. He wearing pairs of jean with T-shirt. Just look at his untidy outfit is enough to know he just rushing from his house.

"You are Lee CEO's son?"

Lee Jung Ho smacks his tongue, then shows off his arrogant smile.

"You are not Seo Ji Yoo's cousin. She didn't have anything relatives young like you."

"What have you done with Seo Ji Yoo?"

"What have I done? Didn't you knew?"

He sits in front of SeongWu. The old driver steps back, stand behind him.

"I just want to played with her a little bit. At first, it was in my old man's car. Then, we had some funs at Sang Jin's apartment, then...." – he laugh, then points at Joo Sang Chul – "He also joined."


Lee Jung Ho shows SeongWu his cellphone. Let him see all of photos saved in the gallery. Countless naked photos of Seo Ji Yoo with Joo Sang Chul and a strange young man, maybe it's his son.

"I still keep some video clips, you wanna see? She struggled a lot so it got a little out of focus, but I still managed to got some good shot of her. With these thing and some threatening, she immediately knew her place and stayed quiet. Maybe she scared that her mother might got heart attack. I heard that her mother had serious heart disease."

Lee Jung Ho burst out of laugh.

"But her mother still died anyway. What an idiot bitch! Worry for a dying old woman and for what?!?"

SeongWu is really get mad right now. If he hasn't been tied up, he definitely beats that god-damned man to death.

Lee Jung Ho grabs SeongWu's chin. He looks at SeongWu's face with suspicious eyes.

"What a pretty face! It will be a waste if I just kill you."

"Young master, you..."

"You want to join this time?"

"I... don't have interesting in men."

"Then get out, if you change your mind, you can come in anytime."

Joo Sang Chul obeys everything Lee Jung Ho said. He goes out without saying a word.

"He also scared that if these photos get to public, his son will get in trouble." – he said to SeongWu.

"How could you... Don't you aware of karma?"

"Karma? If you have time to think about those shitty things, you better worry about yourself."

He stands up, unzips his jean and takes out that disgusting thing between his legs.

"Open your mouth! If you can satify me, I can tell Sang Chul to let you die less painful than that Seo Ji Yoo bitch."

SeongWu tries really hard but Lee Jung Ho grabs his hairs too tight, he can't even turn his head away. Lee Jung Ho keeps poking his d*ck into SeongWu's face. Even though SeongWu keeps his mouth shut, but that doesn't help him from the stinky smell which disgusted him so much that he want to vomit.


Joo Sang Chul screaming while his body is flying through the door, leaving a big hole on the old rusty door, as if he was thrown really hard. He rolls over the ground and completely senseless.

"What? Who's there?"

Lee Jung Ho get surprised by the shocking situation. He quickly do up his zip but Daniel already saw what he just did.

The only light bulb suddenly crashed. Everything becomes pitch-black. Lee Jung Ho starting to feel nervous.

"Who's there? Who are you? Do you come to help this guy?"

He keeps groping in the dark for nothing. Then, he remember that he still has his phone. He uses his phone as a flashlight to find way in the dark.

Suddenly, appearing in front of isn't the mystery attacker he looking for but a pale face, covering in blood.


He gets so shock that he fell on the floor. His hand grabs tightly on his phone, try to find light up anything he can.

A cold hand slides through Jung Ho's shoulder, slowly squeezing hiss neck. With Seo Ji Yoo's bloody face get so close, he still can not believe what happening. His body completely lost all strenght.

"Seo... Seo Ji Yoo? It's im... impossible. You're dead. You're already dead..."

Seo Ji Yoo do not say a word. Her eyes open widely. Her cold fingers tighten Lee Jung Ho's neck, slowly squeezing his life.

"Stop!" – SeongWu said.

Daniel unties SeongWu and helps him get up.

"Ji Yoo-ssi, if you kill him, it will become your sin. You won't be able to reincarnate anymore. He not worth it."

Seem like Seo Ji Yoo can understand what SeongWu said. Her finger loosen up. Lee Jung Ho quickly takes up chance and throw a wooden bead at her face. She just screams aloud and then disappeare.

Lee Jung Ho stands up with a relief smile on his face.

"As if a little ghost can do me any harms."

However, he can't be arrogant for long. Daniel comes rushing in front of him, grabs his neck and throws him into the wall.

Lee Jung Ho's back hit the wall so hard. He couching painfully.

He takes more beads from his pocket, continously throws at Daniel. He quickly avoids all of them. While Daniel focusing on those small bead, Lee Jung Ho throw a bigger one at him. Daniel doesn't avoid but catches it, crushes it into dust.

"This thing is too old-fashioned."

Daniel grabs on Lee Jung Ho neck, lifts he off the ground.

Lee Jung Ho tries hard to get away from Daniel. But the more he struggle, the more Daniel tighten his hand. Lee Jung Hoo getting harder and harder to breath.

"Seo Ji Yoo can't kill people, right?" – Daniel ask.


"But I can!"


Daniel smashes Lee Jung Ho into the wall, and even gives him a kick hard as hell. Lee Jung Ho's body like a broken dolls, motionless inside a huge broken hole on the concrete wall.

SeongWu checks on him. Lee Jung Ho is dead.

"Why did you do that? We can give him to Minhyun..."

Daniel pulls SeongWu close, holds him tight in his arms.

"I don't care what this guy did in the past..."


"But I won't forgive anyone dare to do you any harms"

Daniel's one hand hold on SeongWu's waist, the other hand stoking on SeongWu's tangled hairs. SeongWu knows how much Daniel care for him. He doesn't want to complain anything Daniel did. No matter what, Daniel just did it because of him.

"A!! GHOST!!!"

Joo Sang Chul finally back to his sense. Seo Ji Yoo is sitting on top of him. She looking down on him, with her long hairs covering his frightened face.

"Ji Yoo-ssi, your child still waiting for you." – SeongWu speak to her.

Seo Ji Yoo slowly stand up, look at SeongWu with surprising eyes. Joo Sang Chul get up and takes his chance to run away. Both SeongWu and Daniel aren't go after him. Even Seo Ji Yoo do not give him her attention anymore.

"Your child didn't blame you for what happened. It still want you to become its mother."


"Ji Yoo-ssi, do you want to be that child's mother?"


She doesn't answer, but SeongWu can hear a sound of her crying. A sad sound carrying a feeling of regret.

"Ji Yoo-ssi, go back to your house. Your child still there, waiting for you."

The crying gradually disappeare, along with Seo Ji Yoo's shadow.

"Can we go home now?" – Daniel ask, but he doesn't need SeongWu's answer and just carry him out.



SeongWu want to go to Lee CEO's house because his car is still there but Daniel do not allow and insist him to go home immediately to take care of his injury. In the end, they just takes a taxi and goes straight home.

After checking out, it turns out that SeongWu's injury isn't that bad. He just collapsed because of shock from a sudden attack. There is still a bruise mark left on his scruff.

"It's just a little bruise. It's no big deal."

SeongWu sit still in the bathtub, pouting and complaining while Daniel washing his hairs for him.

He gently massage SeongWu's head, carefully avoid the bruise area. After washing SeongWu's head, Daniel just stays in a small bathtub with him. SeongWu leans his back against Daniel's chest and let himself relax in a warm water.

"Your hand is ok?" – SeongWu ask while checking Daniel's palm. The hand which crushed that wooden bead is having a burning mark.

"What about the amulet? Did it hurt when you took it down to release Seo Ji Yoo?"

"It's ok now!"

Daniel hugs SeongWu tightly, leans his chean on his shoulder.

"Minhyun will take your car back here tomorrow morning."

"When did you contact him?"

"Before taking our bath."


After finish the bath, SeongWu just want to go to sleep, but a shadow appear outside of his window.

SeongWu open the window right away. There's Seo Ji Yoo, but with a completely different look. She is wearing a pure white dress with a peaceful smile on her face. She holding something on her hands like it's the most precious thing to her.

"Ji Yoo-ssi!"

She smiles and bows her head to SeongWu.

"In you next life, please take care of that child."

Seo Ji Yoo nods. Then, her body scattered into millions of light flecks and disappear into the night.



It's already midnight.

Daniel looks to the other side of the bed to make sure that SeongWu has been in deep sleep. He quietly left the bedroom.

He goes to the window in the living room. There're many blue flames floating outside.

"Hungry? Help me settle something down and their souls will be your rewards. You can devours them as you like."



Minhyun comes to SeongWu's house in the early morning. The first thing he ask is obvious.

"You done something with them, right?"

"What?" – SeongWu have no idea what's going on.

"The driver Joo Sang Chul had accident last night. He was driving too fast and crashed into a high tension pole. He exploded into pieces along with his car. And Lee CEO's eldest son, Lee Jung Ho jumped off the 10th floor of X apartment last night. They say it was suicide."

"Last night..." – SeongWu startled.

"The traffic department report Joo Sang Chul's dead to his family but his son already hang himself last night in Japan."

SeongWu and Minhyun looks at Daniel at once, but he just sitting there on the sofa, chewinng his jelly, as if nothing happened.

"What? I was with SeongWu the whole time. I didn't do anything." – Daniel said while putting another jelly in his mouth.




== END PART I ==

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