[part II] A bloodstained music room_chapter 2

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SeongWu pulls in a chair and sits next to the bed.

A young girl covering herself with a white blanket and huddling herself in a corner. She looks around the room with frightened eyes.

This situation is actually quite familiar to SeongWu. Those who think they are haunting always has that terrify looks. He gives off a friendly smile and greets her.

"I'm Ong SeongWu, nice to meet you!"

"I said everything to the police."

She stays still in her position, even tries to avoid SeongWu in such an obvious way.

SeongWu still keep his smile.

"I'm not police officer. I'm a... psychiatrist."

"Psychiatrist? I don't need you!"

"The police said your statements are quite confuse, so they called me."

"Confuse? I already said it clear. It's all Mi Young's faults! SHE DID IT!! SHE KILLED SANG HOON!!! IT'S MI YOUNG!!!"

She suddenly goes crazy, jump off her bed and grabs SeongWu neck while yelling non-stop. The situation happened too fast, SeongWu almost fell down on the floor. Fortunately, Minhyun and other officers comes to stop her. Doctors rush in right after heard the yelling.

People said crazy people got crazy strength. It's true. She struggling, yelling, and even hitting everyone who get near her. It's takes 2 police officers to help the doctors hold her down. A doctor quickly gives her a big dose of tranquillizer. The medicine effects real fast and she fells asleep. Doctor checks her pulse and makes sure she already sleep.

Minhyun calms SeongWu down.

"Doctor said she went through a terrible shock and that effected her mental. Sorry for scaring you."

"It's ok. But what happened to her?"

Minhyun takes SeongWu to the end of the hallway, to a deserted corner near the exit stairs.


That girl is Han Young Hee, a vocal student at Korean national university of Art. It's not a surprise to SeongWu. Even though she's not in a good state now but he still can recognized her stand out appearance. A pretty face which is perfect fit for the spotlight on stage.

The victim was Kim Sang Hoon, her boyfriend and also a vocal student. Last night, Sang Hoon was found dead in the music room at the university and Young Hee was unconscious in there.

"Han Young Hee is the suspect?"

"No, the autospy shown that it was suicide, but..." - Minhyun's face suddenly looks kinda down - "The corpse was... really weird..."

"Weird? How?"

"You better see it yourself. The crime scene and also Kim Sang Hoon's corpse."

SeongWu has knows Minhyun for a long time. He knows if things didn't get serious. Minhyun wouldn't ask for his help.


Minhyun goes back to Young Hee's room, tells some officers to stay and watch over her. SeongWu stands outside. When he accidentally takes a glimpse, a black shadow slips through her bed and disappear real quick. SeongWu immediately knows there is something bad happening with her.



SeongWu drives to the university of art.

This is an infamous university in the country. Just looking at how good looking the students are is enough to know this is school for future artists. There many kind of visuals walking around the school yard. From those who beautiful to those who has strong and muscular appearance. However, when someone as handsome as the David statue but gives off some kind of sit and cute feeling like SeongWu walking beside someone who also very handsome and elegant like Minhyun, they both stand out even in the place filled with beautiful people.

SeongWu just looking around the school yard and Minhyun doesn't even care about those whisper around them and thousands of eyes are sticking on their faces. The only thing Minhyun focuses on for now is to make sure that SeongWu won't get lost.


The crime scene is an old music room with a piano which looks older than the room itself. After Yoon Mi Young killed herself in this room last year, rumour said that her spirit hauted this room since then. A lot of student doesn't want to walk pass this room or even go near it. Till the beginning of this year, the principal officially decided to stop using that room and sealed it.


The music room is on the 3rd floor. It was mean for vocal music department and modern dance department used together, that's why it's quite big with parquet floor and a mirror wall. There are two ceiling speakers and an air conditioner. In the middle of the room is a black grand piano. All of them are covered in dust.

Minhyun lift up the yellow tape and let SeongWu step in.

"Why did the piano still here? They not using it anymore?"

"Yoon Mi Young cut her wrist right on that piano. Because this room was soundproof and the door was closed shut, that's why no one noticed she was in here. When they found her, she was dead for hours.

"Kim Sang Hoon also killed himself in the same way?"

"No! He jumped to his death."


SeongWu looks around once more time. This room has no window, except a small air-window about 4-50cm width. It's only a little bit bigger for a size of human head. There are no way to jump through that.

"He tried to jumped." – Minhyun corrects his words while pointing to that small window – "Through that!"

"How could it be? Moreover, that window is too high. It's very close to the ceiling."

Minhyun let SeongWu has a closer look on the wall. There are some scratches below the window. SeongWu also realizes that those unknown black area around the window aren't dirts but dry blood.

"He crawled up to that window, but of course he couldn't fit. His rib got crushed while he was trying to put his body through that small hole. The crushed bones stabbed into his organ, especially his lungs, causing his death."

"How could he do it to himself? Could it be there was anyone who force him to do that and fabricated the crime scene?

"Of course we thought about that. But if you want to fake someone suicide, you just need to made they hang or poison themselves. Why would it have to be this complicated? Moreover, this is a very painful death, how can you force someone do this to themselves?"

SeongWu walks around the room, checks the piano and the window carefully.

"It's nothing."


"I can't feel anything here. It's nothing."

"So... this room is normal?"

"No, this is not normal at all."

There were two horrible death happened inside this room and yet there aren't any spirit or hatred or even a trace of animosity left. This is really strange.

"Han Young He and Kim Sang Hoon, what were their connection to Yoon Mi Young?"

"Han Young Hee and Yoon Mi Young was classmate since middle school. They took the entrance exam to this university together. Both of them are promising students and very famous in this school. Kim Sang Hoon used to be Yoon Mi Young's boyfriend, but then he changed to Han Young Hee. Maybe it was the reason their realtionship got worse."

"Was it also why she killed herself?"

"You really believed that Yoon Mi Young's spirit killed Kim Sang Hoon?"

"I'm not sure. I just want to collect more informations. The way Han Young Hee got so terrify isn't normal. She must knew something about Yoon Mi Young's suicide. Maybe... she even involved."

The sudden message comes to SeongWu's phone interrupt him.

"Go back yet? Miss you! (#'Д')"

SeongWu read the message, then looks at Minhyun awkwardly.

"Uhm... about Kim Sang Hoon's corpse..."

"You can comes to the morgue tonight. Just go home now! That guy definitely gonna call you right now!"

As Minhyun said, SeongWu's phone starts ringing. Daniel actually calling.

As Minhyun said, SeongWu's phone starts ringing. Daniel actually calling.

"Why didn't you reply my message?"

"I'll drops Minhyun at SMPA first and go back home."

"What? Hwang Minhyun again? Why?"


SeongWu hang up, but Daniel still calling non-stop. He has to turn off his ringtone and ignores all those phonecalls.

Till SeongWu takes Minhyun back to SMPA, there're already over 40 missed calls.




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